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海岛旅游发展与生态环境协调是实现人海关系可持续发展的基础。选取中国12个海岛县(市、区)作为研究区,首先基于CSAED模型和PSR模型分别构建了旅游发展水平和生态环境质量评价指标体系,并借助BP神经网络模型测算其2018年旅游发展水平与生态环境质量,同时引入耦合协调模型对旅游发展与生态环境的协调程度进行定量评价,最后运用地理加权回归模型探究影响其协调发展的因素。结果表明:①我国12个海岛旅游发展与生态环境的协调程度整体上有待提升,多处于勉强协调状态。②我国12个海岛中75%的海岛旅游发展的速度还未超越生态环境的承载力,但其协调程度低,其不协调的发展状态将会导致旅游的发展超越生态环境的承载力。③旅游吸引力和生态脆弱压力对海岛旅游与生态环境的协调发展影响显著,旅游吸引力与协调程度呈负向影响,空间上旅游吸引力对协调程度的影响自南向北逐渐减弱;生态脆弱压力与耦合协调程度呈正向影响,空间上生态脆弱压力对协调程度的影响自南向北逐渐增强。  相似文献   
In this paper we explore the contours of a 'method' for postcolonial development geography, which makes it possible to imagine another 'world-picturing'. We suggest three steps towards such a method. First, we propose that a postcolonial method involves thinking about why we are doing research in the south in the first place; how we come to and produce our questions; and how we analyze and represent our findings based on our subject positionings. Second, that we need to recognize theorization as an inherent part of method, rethink how we currently theorize and reconfigure our methods of theorization to address wider political aims. Problematizing theorization helps challenge the universalism of Eurocentric theories, thus enabling development geography to move towards more decolonized versions and visions. Finally, that this must be accompanied by firmer recognition of our multiple investments – personal, institutional and geopolitical – and how they frame the possibilities for change. These are some possible steps that we think can reconfigure the 'scholarly track' that postcolonial development geographers traverse.  相似文献   
行星运行都具有一定的周期性.近百年历次大震是在行星20,59,237年会合及合成与月回归下降时段内发震的.文内把近百年强震与当年天文年历及各大行星运行数据绘制地心距视赤经天象图,及5大行星黄经位置天象图,经过验证得出结论.供长期地震预报参考.  相似文献   
Schmidt‐hammer exposure‐age dating (SHD) was applied to the problem of dating the diachronous surfaces of five distal river‐bank boulder ramparts deposited by snow avalanches plunging into the Jostedøla and Sprongdøla rivers in the Jostedalsbreen region of southern Norway. Approaches to local high‐precision linear age calibration, which controlled in different ways for boulder roundness, were developed. The mean age (SHDmean) and the maximum age (SHDmax) of surface boulders were estimated for whole ramparts, crests and distal fringes. Interpretation was further assisted by reference to R‐value distributions. SHDmean ages (with 95% confidence intervals) ranged from 520 ± 270 years to 5375 ± 965 years, whereas SHDmax ages (expected to be exceeded by <5% of surface boulders) ranged from 675 to 9065 years. SHD ages from the Jostedøla ramparts tended to be older than those associated with the Sprongdøla, rampart crests were younger than the respective distal fringes, and use of relatively rounded boulders yielded more consistent SHD ages than angular boulders. The SHDmean ages indicate differences in recent levels of snow‐avalanche activity between ramparts and provide insights into rampart dynamics as boulders are deposited on rampart crests and, in smaller numbers, on the distal fringes. SHDmax ages provide minimum age estimates of rampart age (i.e. the time elapsed since the ramparts began to form) and suggest that at least some of the ramparts have been developing since the early Holocene. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
分析了2003年10月25日甘肃省民乐-山丹6.1,5.8级地震的序列类型及地震学异常特征,其最大余震震级为Ms4.3,序列b值为0.69,h值为1.5;两次主要地震震级差为0.3级,释放的能量占整个序列能量的71.7%,序列判定为双震型。震前共出现了9项地震学参数异常,最为突出的是中等地震集中持续活动,为发震地点和震级提供了较好的短期判据。本次地震发生在甘肃省地震局圈定的2003年度祁连山中东段6级地震重点危险区边缘,震前作出了较好的短期预测。  相似文献   
中国地质科学50年的简要回顾   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在世界之效科学技术大发展的现阶段,中国地质科学必将发展,因为它具箅了社会需求、科学问题和社会基础技术三个科学发展的条件。由于中国地质学奠基者的远见卓识,中国地质学在本世纪20~30年代已建立了世界声誉。新中国建立后,50~70年代中国地质科学取得迅速工。自70年代珂至今的改革开放时期更取得了全面的发展。随着地球系统科学的新概念为广大地质学者所接受,地质学各分支学科必将走向互相交驻融合,形成综合的和  相似文献   
通过对汶川Ms8.0地震复发周期的时间和空间进行扫描,发现地震发生前,在时间上和空间上,地震复发周期均出现低值异常。因此,对地震发生的时间和地区进行异常判断,地震复发周期是一个可以参考利用的指标。  相似文献   
白银市秋旱特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李逢春 《干旱气象》2001,19(1):14-17
利用白银市 4站 1958~ 1996年的秋季降水资料 ,分析了秋旱特征及成因。结果表明 ,白银地区秋季降水量自南向北依次减少 ,且变率较大 ;80年代以来转入一个相对少雨时段 ,90年代秋旱加剧 ;存在 3、6、8年周期 ;秋旱年白银地区处于纬向环流弱脊前西北气流控制之中 ,且位势高度高 ,冷空气势力弱 ;秋旱与太平洋海温有较好的遥相关关系 ,厄尔尼诺出现年易发生秋旱  相似文献   
通过对胶东牟平—乳山热液脉状金,铅锌矿床成矿动力学控制规律的研究,说明了建立热液成矿反应体系的方法,并得出以下认识:(1)区域断裂构造活动,通过影响成矿反应体系的热力学性质和条件,控制元素的富集和分散。(2)热液成矿过程中容矿断裂活动可划分为两种作用方式:脆性破裂和韧—脆性张开,构成热液成矿的两种构造动力学环境。(3)热液成矿反应体系是一种开放的动态的热力学体系。断裂的脆性破裂阶段,使体系处于强烈的过饱和状态,矿质在远离平衡状态下快速结晶,加剧物质分异;在脆—韧性张开阶段,矿质在接近平衡态体系中缓慢晶出。(4)热液演化晚期,金在残余溶液中富集;当断裂再次发生构造脉动震颤时,早期形成的块状黄铁矿矿石碎裂,富金溶液充填其中,形成含裂隙金和晶隙金的富矿石。成矿体系热力学演化与构造动力学条件有利的匹配控制着富矿石的形成。  相似文献   
文章主要介绍应用 X射线荧光现场取样技术在新疆喀拉通克铜镍矿井下现场测定铜镍品位 ,快速评价矿石质量和降低工人劳动强度的方法和效率  相似文献   
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