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利用郑州市1951—2007年日平均气温资料,按照国家采暖规范从气候角度上确定了符合郑州特点的采暖初终日,较规定的初、终日(11月15日至次年3月15日)有明显推迟和提前的趋势,并分析了采暖期长度及采暖期的气候变化特征,结果表明:进7.90年代特别是21世纪初采暖期明显缩短,平均较80年代缩短了14d左右。在此基础上研究了近57a来采暖期气候条件的变化,并通过构建采暖强度、采暖指数指标,讨论这种变化对能源消耗和环境保护的影响,从科学角度提出节能的可能性。  相似文献   
多中心空间开发战略研究——以大郑州都市区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对比分析单中心、双中心和多中心3种典型的都市区空间开发模式发现,多中心、网络化的空间开发模式已成为全球许多都市区空间发展的核心理念。以大郑州都市区为例,结合其范围界定和空间开发的现状与问题,认为,应该采取多中心空间开发模式,突破行政区划限制,向北、向南和向东3个方向积极拓展发展空间,注重与东西两翼的协同发展,加强与开封、洛阳、许昌等周边城市的空间联系,将大郑州都市区打造成为中原经济区的核心增长极、中部崛起的引领者和全国区域性中心城市。  相似文献   
Natural piping doubles the dynamic contributing area on the upper Maesnant stream in mid-Wales, mainly through linking points well beyond the riparian zones of seepage to the stream. Both discharge and sediment transport rates in the major pipes are closely related to the size of shallow surface microtopographic hollows in which they lie, and which themselves are largely created by piping erosion. However, pipe dischrges are frequently generated by contributing areas larger than these surface depressions and some pipes run counter to the surface topography. The redistribution and acceleration of hillslope drainage processes by piping has implications for theories of hillslope development, especially through plan-form modifications, and also for channel discharge and erosion.  相似文献   
It is an effective way in realizing urban coordinated and sustainable development to establish a series of indicators and to evaluate urban environmental and socioeconomic development. According to the characteristics of Harbin City in Northeast China, an indicator system including five subsystems and 37 indicators was established for comprehensive evaluation on urban sustainable development. The development indexes of all urban subsystems and complex system were calculated quantitatively using the comprehensively integrated methods composed of Principle Component Analysis, Analytic Hierarchy Process and weighed index method, and then the comprehensive level of urban sustainable development and the degree of urban interior coordination were analyzed. The results indicated that 1) the overall urban development presented an uptrend, however, the interior development was not well balanced from 1996 to 2006; 2) the development in each subsystem presented a strong fluctuation; and 3) the development in resources subsystem showed a downtrend. Based on those results, the suggestions of urban sustainable development were put forward at the end.  相似文献   
Design spectrum (DS) model is typically specified in a seismic code of practice for structural design. In a region of low-to-moderate seismicity where seismic code does not exist, a DS model in a well established code of practice is usually adopted, while the suitability of such model has seldom been evaluated. In this article, the elastic DS models for reference (rock) site stipulated in six major codes of practice (AS1170.4–2007, EN1998-1:2004, GB50011–2010, IBC–2012, NBCC–2010 and NZS1170.5:2004) have been compared and scrutinized. Three cities of low-to-moderate seismicity, namely, Melbourne (Australia), Hong Kong (China) and Karlsruhe (Germany), have been selected for illustrative purposes. Particular emphasis has been put on the parameterization scheme for DS model. It is found that huge discrepancies (over 100%) exist among the models, especially at the long period range, due to differences in spectral shapes and the recommended corner periods, which would lead to undesirable effects on the use of the displacement-based seismic design approach. It is urged that the values of corner periods should be determined specifically and cautiously based on the regional seismicity pattern and local geological conditions.  相似文献   
An innovative approach is introduced for helping developing countries to make their development more sustainable, and also to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as a co-benefit. Such an approach is proposed as part of the multilateral framework on climate change. The concept of sustainable development policies and measures (SD-PAMs) is outlined, making clear that it is distinct from many other approaches in starting from development rather than explicit climate targets. The potential of SD-PAMs is illustrated with a case-study of energy efficiency in South Africa, drawing on energy modelling for the use of electricity in industry. The results show multiple benefits both for local sustainable development and for mitigating global climate change. The benefits of industrial energy efficiency in South Africa include significant reductions in local air pollutants; improved environmental health; creation of additional jobs; reduced electricity demand; and delays in new investments in electricity generation. The co-benefit of reducing GHG emissions could result in a reduction of as much as 5% of SA's total projected energy CO2 emissions by 2020. Institutional support and policy guidance is needed at both the international and national level to realize the potential of SD-PAMs. This analysis demonstrates that if countries begin to act early to move towards greater sustainability, they will also start to bend the curve of their emissions path.  相似文献   
陈志耕 《地球物理学报》1990,33(05):611-618
本文讨论了地球膨胀过程的初始半径R0、膨胀起始时间t0以及半径R、转动惯量I、地表重力加速度g和反映地球内部物质分布状态参数y等膨胀基本参数的平均变化率。研究结果表明,在地球的地质年龄之内,地球膨胀的初始半径R0>4619km,膨胀的起始时间t0>43.8×102Ma,膨胀过程中的地球半径R、物质分布状态参数y、转动惯量I、地表重力加速度g和表面积S随时间的平均变化率分别为:dR/dt=4×10-4m/a,dy/dt=-6.7×1012/a,dI/dt=8.49×1027kg·m~2/a,dg/dt=-1.23×10-10kg·s-2/a和ds/dt=6.41×104m2/a。地球膨胀过程中的半径平均增长率,是首次用天文学方法研究得出,且该值介于其他作者用古地磁、古地理等方法所求得的地球半径增长率若干数值之间。  相似文献   
太阳活动,大气臭氧和平流层温度相关分析研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
言穆弘  华贵义 《高原气象》1993,12(3):302-311
新世纪山东省城镇化可持续发展问题研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
王富喜  林炳耀 《地理科学》2005,25(3):263-267
新世纪的山东省城镇化必须尽快实现由外延式向内涵式发展模式的战略转变,走可持续发展之路。以城镇产业的发展和向高层次跃进为支撑,以完善和强化城市功能为核心,全面提高城镇发展质量;变农村工业化为城镇工业化,以工业和服务业的联动发展推动城镇化水平的提高;加快相关制度改革步伐;统筹规划、分区推进全省城镇化进程的对策。  相似文献   
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