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国家于1996年确定了全国35个贫困山区综合开发试点县,并建立了山区综合开发试点贷款这一新信贷种类.通过分析该工作在试点阶段遇到的一些问题和管理难点,提出了改进管理工作的指导思想和对策措施  相似文献   
地震勘探作技术为一种重要的勘探方法,可以经济、有效的发现资源和解决资源开采过程中遇到的构造、地层、岩性等问题。煤炭地震勘探发展过程中地震野外数据采集、地震数据处理和地震解释都取得了重大成就,目前煤炭地震勘探正进一步向高信噪比、高分辨率、高保真度、高清晰度、高精度、定量分析的方向发展,未来也必将在煤炭资源发现和矿井隐蔽致灾因素的探测中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   
青海湖热力状况的模拟与未来情景之研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
秦伯强  黄群 《湖泊科学》1998,10(3):25-31
运用基于湖泊热量收支与湍流扩散的湖泊热力学模型模拟了青海湖近30年来湖水热力状况,内容包括湖泊水面温度,温度沿深度的垂直分布,冬季结冰与融冰的起迄时间,冰盖厚度;积雪深度与天数等。在此基础上,运用4个GCMs模型输出的CO2倍增情景下该地区的气候状况,评价了湖泊热力状况在未来的可能变化情况。  相似文献   
西北地区矿产资源开发极大地促进了地区经济的发展,但是人为不合理地开发导致了严重的矿区环境地质问题。开发不同类型矿产导致不同的环境地质问题;而同一类型矿产因地域不同、开发方式不同以及不同企业开发导致的主要环境地质问题程度及差别较大;不同类型矿产开发所产生的环境地质问题具有明显的地域性特点。导致矿山生态环境恶化的主要因素有历史因素、政策因素、地方保护主义因素、经济技术因素和企业因素。  相似文献   
胶东地区是山东省金矿集中区,焦家成矿带为胶东地区7条金矿化带之一。赋存于该带的莱州市马塘金矿区-990 m标高以浅累计探明资源储量140 t。通过对其成矿地质背景、矿床地质特征及矿床成因、找矿标志、成矿规律的探讨,指出了马塘金矿深部-990 m标高以深的找矿远景,为进一步开展勘查工作提供了依据。  相似文献   
昆明滇池周围磷矿资源现状及开发前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
云南磷矿探明储量居全国首位,滇池周围保有储量占全省保有储量68.64%。磷化工与磷复肥基地和国内最大露采矿山,均在此区域内。"优矿低用"、矿山规模化小、国营矿山效益差,均是发展中要解决的问题。合理开采富矿、发展磷肥要"湿、热并举"、实施"矿电联营"、政府给予优惠政策,是云南磷矿业可持续发展的重要举措。  相似文献   
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) has emerged as an important carbon governance mechanism. However, forest governance is weak in most REDD+ countries, which undermines efforts to establish REDD+. This study analyses the factors that enable national REDD+ processes in the context of weak governance using a two-step ‘qualitative comparative analysis’ (QCA) of 12 REDD+ countries. Assuming that actor-related factors can be effective only if certain institutional preconditions are met, six factors were divided into two categories that were analysed separately: institutional setting (pressure from forest-resource shortage; forest legislation, policy, and governance; already initiated policy change) and the policy arena (national ownership; transformational coalitions; inclusiveness of the policy process). The factors were analysed to determine their role in efforts to establish comprehensive REDD+ policies that target transformational change. The results reveal path dependencies and institutional stickiness in all the study countries. Only countries already undertaking institutional change have been able to establish REDD+ policies in a relatively short period – but only in the presence of either high pressure from forest-resource shortages or key features of effective forest legislation, policy, and governance. Furthermore, where an enabling institutional setting is in place, the policy arena conditions of national ownership and transformational coalitions are crucial.Policy relevance Although the aim of REDD+ is to provide performance-based payments for emissions reductions, the outcomes in terms of actual emission reductions or co-benefits are not yet observable. Most REDD+ countries are still at the design and implementation stage for policies and measures. Indicators and criteria to measure progress in this phase are required to identify which factors enable or hinder countries' performance in delivering necessary policy change to provide targeted financial incentives to support countries' efforts. This study analyses the factors that shape national REDD+ processes in the context of weak governance using a two-step QCA of 12 REDD+ countries. The results show a set of enabling conditions and characteristics of the policy process under which REDD+ policies can be established. These findings may help guide other countries seeking to formulate REDD+ policies that are likely to deliver efficient, effective, and equitable outcomes.  相似文献   
The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities (CBDRC) captures the idea that it is the common responsibility of states to protect and restore the environment but that the levels and forms of states’ individual responsibilities may be differentiated according to their own national circumstances. This principle has shaped the evolution of the climate regime and has played an important role in promoting compromise and agreement. It is argued that some twenty years after the adoption of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the principle of CBDRC remains as relevant as ever. The practice of Parties under the regime and, most recently, the concerted efforts to shape and flesh out the meaning of the principle, underscore the central role that it plays. At the same time, the binary understanding of CBDRC in the Kyoto Protocol is being replaced with a more nuanced, multifaceted understanding. The evolving interpretation of CBDRC is considered, and its continued relevance as the nucleus of a global burden-sharing regime for addressing climate change is demonstrated.

Policy relevance

The development of a common understanding of the principle of CBDRC is essential for the burden sharing and responsibilities under a future climate agreement. The CBDRC principle captures the idea that it is the common responsibility of states to protect and restore the environment, but that the levels and forms of states’ individual responsibilities may be differentiated according to their own national circumstances. This article informs the international climate change negotiations by considering the development of the principle of CBDRC under the UNFCCC over time. It is concluded that, although there has been a significant shift in how the principle is understood, it remains crucial to the integrity and stability of the climate regime.  相似文献   
南海北部是南海向陆地过渡的前锋关键地带和全球变化的敏感地区之一,受海平面变化的影响,该地区海平面标志物广泛发育,是开展过去海平面变化研究的理想区域。目前关于南海北部全新世海平面变化历史的认识依然存在一定分歧。基于此,通过新增6个珊瑚礁数据,并对南海北部已发表的海平面数据进行年代和高程校正,然后进行相互验证和可靠性分析。同时对监测记录较为连续的12个验潮站的现代海平面观测资料进行整理和进一步验证重建结果的可靠性。最后,根据汇编的679个校正和可靠性评估后的海平面数据,重建了南海北部全新世以来,尤其是最近2 000 a的海平面变化历史和变化特征。校正和评估后的数据显示:南海北部海平面从早全新世(8 211 ±128)cal a BP的−16.16 m快速上升到6 000~7 000 cal a BP的1.5 ~ 2.5 m,之后波动下降到现今海平面高度。其中在中全新世海平面保持高位震荡约2 600 a,而晚全新世南海北部过去2 000 a海平面整体呈现出阶段变化过程。首先,在公元0—350年呈下降趋势,然后在公元350—850年海平面快速上升,并在公元880年,海平面处于过去2 000 a的最高点(1.05±0.35)m,随后海平面继续下降至公元1850年的(−0.18±0.05) m。之后半个世纪保持水平窄幅波动,直到公元1897年(−0.19 ± 0.05)m后,海平面持续震荡逐渐上升至公元2020年的0.076 m。若以过去百年(公元1925—2020年)和40 a(公元1980—2020年)上升速度(分别为2.35 mm/a和3.55 mm/a)估算,公元2100年南海北部海平面将比现今海平面高0.19~0.28 m。因此,在南海北部沿海低洼地区开展大型工程建设时,需要考虑未来海平面上升因素带来的不利影响。此外,分析发现,基于不同海平面标志物和采用不同重建方法是南海北部全新世以来海平面重建结果区域差异的主要原因。总体上,南海北部中全新世以来海平面呈现出波动下降的趋势。尽管不同地区海平面在时间与高度上存有差异,但是南海北部地区与周边海岸的海平面记录一致,这说明中全新世南海北部高海平面与南海周边地区基本同步,极可能具有全球背景。  相似文献   
对广西山区夏凉气候资源的开发与利用进行了分析 ,提出发展喜凉蔬菜和建立猕猴桃产业 ,是发展山区经济的好路子  相似文献   
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