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Viscoelastic dampers, as supplementary energy dissipation devices, have been used in building structures under seismic excitation or wind loads. Different analytical models have been proposed to describe their dynamic force deformation characteristics. Among these analytical models, the fractional derivative models have attracted more attention as they can capture the frequency dependence of the material stiffness and damping properties observed from tests very well. In this paper, a Fourier-transform-based technique is presented to obtain the fractional unit impulse function and the response of structures with added viscoelastic dampers whose force-deformation relationship is described by a fractional derivative model. Then, a Duhamel integral-type expression is suggested for the response analysis of a fractional damped dynamic system subjected to deterministic or random excitation. Through numerical verification, it is shown that viscoelastic dampers are effective in reducing structural responses over a wide frequency range, and the proposed schemes can be used to accurately predict the stochastic seismic response of structures with added viscoelastic dampers described by a Kelvin model with fractional derivative.  相似文献   
机载LiDAR和高光谱融合实现温带天然林树种识别   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
将机载LiDAR(Light Detection and Ranging)与高光谱CASI(Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager)数据融合,充分利用垂直结构信息和光谱信息进行温带森林树种分类,并与仅用高光谱数据的分类结果相比较,评估融合数据的树种分类能力。结合样地实测数据,首先用LiDAR获得的3维垂直结构信息对CASI影像上的林间空隙进行掩膜,提取林木冠层子集;然后对冠层子集分层掩膜,利用光谱曲线的一阶微分及曲线匹配技术,实现各树种训练样本的自动提取;利用SVM分类器对两种数据分类并比较精度。结果表明,融合数据的树种分类总体精度和Kappa系数(83.88%,0.80)优于仅使用CASI数据(76.71%、0.71),优势树种的制图精度为78.43%—89.22%,用户精度为75.15%—95.65%,整体也优于仅使用CASI的制图精度(68.51%—84.69%)和用户精度(63.34%—95.45%)。结果表明,机载LiDAR与CASI基于像元的融合对温带森林树种识别的精度较仅高光谱数据有较大提高。  相似文献   
本次研究区域为赣粤交界处下庄铀矿田区,区内交点型铀矿严格受断裂构造与辉绿岩脉复合轨迹控制,铀矿几乎无磁性但辉绿岩脉磁性较强,研究任务是寻找地下隐伏辉绿岩脉。地面高精度磁测数据显示该区磁异常幅值常在正负几十纳特之间,通过ΔT平面等值线图难以判断辉绿岩脉分布,但其化极后0°方向水平一阶导数等值线图的正值与辉绿岩脉对应关系良好。  相似文献   
Based on an average‐derivative method and optimization techniques, a 27‐point scheme for a 3D frequency‐domain scalar wave equation is developed. Compared to the rotated‐coordinate approach, the average‐derivative optimal method is not only concise but also applies to equal and unequal directional sampling intervals. The resulting 27‐point scheme uses a 27‐point operator to approximate spatial derivatives and the mass acceleration term. The coefficients are determined by minimizing phase velocity dispersion errors and the resultant optimal coefficients depend on ratios of directional sampling intervals. Compared to the classical 7‐point scheme, the number of grid points per shortest wavelength is reduced from approximately 13 to approximately 4 by this 27‐point optimal scheme for equal directional sampling intervals and unequal directional sampling intervals as well. Two numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the theoretical analysis. The average‐derivative algorithm is also extended to a 3D frequency‐domain viscous scalar wave equation.  相似文献   
缪旭煌  陆大进 《江苏地质》2019,43(3):415-420
物探方法于已广泛应用地热能资源开发。太原南部地热开发方式是利用深部地热资源进行循环水供热,因田庄断裂垂向断距>1 500 m,是影响太原南部地热资源分布的重要因素,其下降盘含热层深度>4 000 m,开发成本极高,因此需要利用地球物理方法查明断层位置及走向。在城市进行物探工作,方法选择是需要考虑的关键因素之一,因此选取以重力为主、地震方法或CSAMT方法验证的方案。田庄断裂较为陡立,利用经2个已知孔剖面的重力水平一阶导数求取上断点位置,再利用剖面追踪布设方式确定断裂走向,结合CSAMT方法及已知钻孔资料综合拟合新生界覆盖层厚度。结果表明:田庄断裂由北东东向转北东向,田庄村东侧发现断裂错位,且方向发生改变;研究区东北—西南方向,沿田庄断裂覆盖层厚度逐渐增大。断裂位置及新生界厚度得到了西-GXWL探-1孔及后期施工钻孔的验证。  相似文献   
田乙  吴文兵  蒋国盛  梅国雄  徐宝军 《岩土力学》2019,(8):3054-3061,3070
采用分数阶Kelvin模型来描述饱和土体的流变特性,在连续排水边界条件下,利用Laplace变换推导出变换域内的饱和土体一维固结解析解,再通过Crump法对有效应力和固结沉降进行数值反演,得到了分数阶导数黏弹性饱和土体的一维固结半解析解。将连续排水边界退化到Terzaghi排水边界,退化后的结果与已有文献一致,验证了所得半解析解的可靠性。最后,基于所得解,分析了相关参数对土体固结的影响。结果表明,界面参数反映排水边界的透水性,从而影响土体中超孔隙水压力的消散速率;黏滞系数在固结后期对沉降发展影响较大,其值越大,沉降发展越慢;当阶次a不为零时,分数阶次越小,土体表现出的黏滞性越强,整体固结沉降发展越缓慢,次固结沉降发展也越缓慢。  相似文献   
This paper presents a semi-analytical solution to one-dimensional consolidation equation of fractional derivative Kelvin-Voigt viscoelastic saturated soils subjected to different time-dependent loadings. The theory of fractional calculus is first introduced to Kelvin-Voigt constitutive model to describe consolidation behavior of viscoelastic saturated soils. By applying Laplace transform upon the one-dimensional consolidation equation of saturated soils, the analytical solutions of effective stress and settlement in the Laplace transform domain are obtained. The present solutions are more general and have good agreements with available solutions from the literature, and are degenerated into ones for one-dimensional consolidation of elastic and viscoelastic saturated soils.  相似文献   
In this paper, according to the synthetic gravity anomaly of a horizontally infinite cylindrical geologic body, gravity gradient in horizontal direction was calculated by potential field discrete cosine transformation in frequency domain. In the calculation, the minimum curvature method was used to extend edge lines. We found that the gravity gradient field from the potential field transformation was dependable by comparison with synthetic gravity gradient, except the data in the edges. Then, the accumulative horizontal gravity gradients before Lushan MS7.0 earthquake were calculated for the accumulative gravity anomaly from September 2010 to October 2012. In the north-south direction, gravity gradient in Daofu-Kangding-Shimian and Markang-Lixian-Lushan exhibited a positive high value, and the strike of the high value zone was in line with the strike of Xianshuihe Faults and Markang Faults. In the east-west direction, high value zone was not as obvious as that in the north-south direction. Gravity gradients in the direction along and vertical to the strike of Longmenshan Faults were calculated by the definition of directional derivative. In the along-strike direction, high gravity gradient values appeared in Markang-Lixian areas along Markang Faults and Daofu-Kangding-Shimian areas along Xianshuihe Faults, and extremum appeared in Kangding-Shimian and the area nearby Lixian. In the direction vertical to the strike of Longmenshan fault zone, high gravity gradient values appeared in Lixian-Lushan-Kangding-Shimian areas, and the extremum appeared in the area nearby Kangding. The results indicate that gravity gradient in the direction along and vertical to the strike of faults can better show the relative gravity change on the two sides of faults. Lushan MS7.0 earthquake is located at the transition zone between the two high value zones of gravity gradient. The total horizontal gravity gradient shows that the location and strike of the high value zone are basically consistent with regional faults, and the extremums of total horizontal gravity gradient appeared nearby Lixian, Kangding and Shimian.  相似文献   
分形方法是测度城市生长与形态演化的重要方法,然而其标度区范围的自然识别依然存在瓶颈。本文采用二阶导数识别半径法标度区界线,结合经典计盒法模型提出改进的双维分形标度律测算方法,以郑州市为案例区验证模型的精度与效度,综合解析郑州城市空间形态结构的生长演变特征。结果显示:① 利用二阶导数自动识别半径法标度区界线可显著提升分形模型拟合效果,拟合精度R2由0.920提升至0.996以上;② 郑州城市空间结构存有双标度现象,城市生长扩张并非标准环形波状推进,半径法模型仅在“城市中心边缘—建成区内侧”的环状范围拟合有效,城市结构可能存有自仿射生长或随机多分形特征;③ 1982—2020年郑州城市形态演化为明显的中心蔓延模式,职能用地的空间配置整体均匀程度偏高,功能分异程度较低,存有城市景观较紊乱,系统效率不高的隐患。本研究对半径法分形模型中拟合精度难以提升的应用瓶颈作出了突破性尝试,为城市生长模拟与城市空间结构演变分析提供了一种新方法,丰富了城市分形研究。  相似文献   
The survey has been carried out in the area of 0.23 km2 of the former military underground fuel base. The oil derivative products were observed in excavations and the laboratory tests confirmed the occurrence of hydrocarbons (>C12) in soils. The purpose of the survey was to determine the spatial extent of the contamination. The studied area is covered by postglacial sediments: sands, gravels and till. The first water table was observed at a depth of 10–12 m. The detailed electromagnetic measurements with Geonics EM31-MK2 conductivity meter were performed in the whole area of the former fuel base. Obtained results were elaborated statistically and the map of apparent electrical conductivity to a depth of 6 m was created. Many local low conductivity anomalies were observed. The measurements with Geonics EM34-3XL were performed along one A–A′ profile and 1D electromagnetic modelling along with this profile was calculated to obtain the electrical conductivity cross-section to a depth of 30 m. Two-dimensional electrical resistivity imaging measurements were carried out along the same profile and the resistivity cross-section to a depth of 20 m was performed. Both conducivity and resistivity cross-sections show anomalous zones. The zones correlate with oil contaminated zones very well.  相似文献   
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