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松辽盆地林甸断陷是由2个次级断陷构成的复合断陷。次级断陷由斜坡-断阶带、凹陷带、断隆带构成。盆地的次级构造单元控制了物源区、水系和沉积区的分布,控制了沉积体系的发育与类型。断阶带控制砂体的发育与展布,陡坡断阶带发育冲积扇-扇三角洲沉积体系,而缓坡断阶发育冲积扇-河流-三角洲沉积体系。断陷内部的断隆带起到分水岭的作用,两侧分别发育河流-三角洲体系。断裂的下降盘不仅可以作为沉积区,而且可以作为沉积物的通道,由此沉积物可以输送到沉积中心区域。由单断凹或双断凹控制的凹陷带发育细粒沉积,为滨湖沼泽和浅湖所占据,成为生油凹陷。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地西部石炭纪-二叠纪发育具有良好油气勘探前景的生物礁滩体。以柯坪小区苏巴什剖面中发育的康克林组为例,并结合麦盖提小区莎车县和什拉莆剖面、阿合奇小区阿克苏四石厂剖面,对生物礁滩体类型及特征做了深入的研究,在横向上对康克林组或相当于康克林组发育的礁滩体进行了详细的岩性、岩相对比研究,在此基础上建立了研究区礁滩发育的碳酸盐岩沉积模式。研究结果认为:(1)柯坪苏巴什剖面康克林组中发育的生物礁灰岩属于原生礁岩,为台地边缘和台内浅滩生物礁滩相带沉积,分布范围广阔;(2)塔西地区康克林组沉积早期与晚期具相异的沉积环境,区域相带的迁移特征反映了海平面升降变化和古地形对沉积格局的控制;(3)康克林组沉积期生物礁滩体在塔西地区广泛发育,横向上具良好的可对比性,是塔里木盆地西部重要的勘探目的层系之一。  相似文献   
在鄂尔多斯盆地东北部,延安组第V成因单元存在着多处铀异常,这对铀的后备战略基地建设有重要意义。从沉积学的角度重建了第V成因单元的沉积体系,识别出两种沉积体系,分别是位于研究区西北部的辫状河沉积体系和东南部的曲流河沉积体系。通过对铀异常信息的成功提取及平面编图,发现延安组中铀异常呈一个又一个具有自我中心的单元出现,且与曲流河沉积体系的关系密切:通常发育于河道分岔或转弯处;普遍发育于薄砂带(区),一般砂体厚度在30 m以下,含砂率小于40%;铀异常单元与厚煤层关系密切;主要赋存于粒度较细的岩性中,部分也富集于煤中,但铀异常最高值富集于中砂岩中。  相似文献   
猪毛菜在不同降水条件下的水分来源差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邢星  陈辉  陈同同  韩璐 《冰川冻土》2015,37(5):1396-1405
通过测定大柴旦与都兰地区猪毛菜木质部水分及其不同潜在水源的稳定性氢氧同位素值,利用多源线性混合模型分析不同水分来源对猪毛菜的贡献率.研究结果表明:大柴旦地区大气降水线为y=7.565x+4.796(R2=0.908),都兰地区大气降水线为y=6.005x-7.856(R2=0.7391),说明两个地区都存在较强的蒸发作用.但是,都兰地区较大柴旦风速大,温度高,雨水蒸发速度快,造成雨水δ18O偏高,形成比大柴旦地区斜率更小的当地大气降水线.大柴旦和都兰地区的猪毛菜,在两个样地的用水策略上存在显著差异.在降水较少的大柴旦地区,猪毛菜以土壤水为主要水源.在降水较多的都兰地区,则以降水为主要水源.就其对土壤水的使用情况来看,大柴旦的猪毛菜多利用深层土壤水,而都兰地区的猪毛菜却对表层土壤水利用比例较大.两地猪毛菜在生长季的不同时期都存在对利用水源的转换现象.为适应不同地区降水量的变化,猪毛菜根据不同水源调节利用比例.降水格局的改变将导致猪毛菜的水分利用策略发生适应性的变化.  相似文献   
南海晚新生代地层结构特征、沉积厚度及沉积模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综合地震、钻井及区域地质资料,通过分析地震相参数等,研究南海晚新生代(E3-Q)地层结构特征和沉积厚度变化,建立了晚新生代沉积模式,所取得的研究成果可为南海油气的进一步勘探开发提供有效的基础资料。  相似文献   
条形基础极限承载力数值分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩冬冬  贾敏才  刘开富  谢新宇 《岩土力学》2007,28(10):2209-2214
根据塑性力学滑移线理论,推导了条形地基在极限平衡状态下的平衡微分方程,然后利用有限差分法推出地基土在极限状态时的有限差分公式,结合边界条件编制出地基承载力计算程序,该程序求解条形地基极限状态下的滑移线区域及相应的地基极限承载力值时可以考虑基础埋深、地基土重度、土的内摩擦角、基础与地基摩擦等参数。利用程序,得到了土的内摩擦角与地基承载力系数N? 的对应表,并全面讨论了基础埋深、地基土重度、内摩擦角及基础与地基摩擦角等参数对地基承载力和滑移线形状的影响,得到了一些有意义的结论。  相似文献   
Load displacement analysis of drilled shafts can be accomplished by utilizing the “t-z” method, which models soil resistance along the length and tip of the drilled shaft as a series of springs. For non-linear soil springs, the governing differential equation that describes the soil-structure interaction may be discretized into a set of algebraic equations based upon finite difference methods. This system of algebraic equations may be solved to determine the load–displacement behavior of the drilled shaft when subjected to compression or pullout. By combining the finite difference method with Monte Carlo simulation techniques, a probabilistic load–displacement analysis can be conducted. The probabilistic analysis is advantageous compared to standard factor of safety design because uncertainties with the shaft–soil interface and tip properties can be independently quantified. This paper presents a reliability analysis of drilled shaft behavior by combining the finite difference technique for analyzing non-linear load–displacement behavior with Monte Carlo simulation method. As a result we develop probabilistic relationships for drilled shaft design for both total stress (undrained) and effective stress (drained) parameters. The results are presented in the form of factor of safety or resistance factors suitable for serviceability design of drilled shafts.  相似文献   
A particular non-stromatolitic carbonate succession making up the third member of the Mesoproterozoic Gaoyuzhuang (高于庄) Formation might demonstrate that a stromatolite decline of the Mesoproterozoic occurring at ca. 1 450 Ma besides other three events of the Proterozoic,respectively,occurred at ca. 2 000 Ma,ca. 1 000 Ma,and ca. 675 Ma. The forming duration of this non-stromatolitic carbonate succession can be generally correlative to that of a similar depositional succession in North America,i.e. a non-stromatolitic carbonate succession made up by the Helena Formation of the Belt Supergroup,which suggests that the stromatolite decline occurring at ca. 1 450 Ma may be a global event. This information endows the non-stromatolitic carbonate succession making up the third member of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation in the Yanshan (燕山) area with important significance for the further understanding of Precambrian sedimentology. The Mesoproterozoic Gaoyuzhuang Formation in Yanshan area is a set of more than 1 000 m thick carbonate strata that can be divided into four members (or subformations). The first member (or the Guandi (官地) subformation) is marked by a set of stromatolitic dolomites overlying a set of transgressive sandstones; the second member (or the Sangshu'an (桑树鞍) subformation) is a set of manganese dolomites with a few stromatolites; the third member (or the Zhangjiayu (张家峪) subformation) is chiefly made up of leiolite and laminite limestones and is characterized by the development of molar-tooth structures in leiolite limestone; the fourth member (or the Huanxiusi (环秀寺) subformation) is composed of a set of dolomites of stromatolitic reefs or lithoherms. Sequence-stratigraphic divisions at two sections,i.e. the Jixian (蓟县) Section in Tianjin (天津) and the Qiangou (千沟) Section of Yanqing (延庆) County in Beijing (北京),demonstrate that a particularly non-stromatolitic succession making up the third member of the Mesoproterozoic Gaoyuzhuang Formation is developed in the Yanshan area of North China,in which lots of grotesque matground structures (wrinkle structures and palimpsest ripples) are developed in beds of leiolite limestone at the Qiangou Section and lots of molar-tooth structures are developed in beds of leiolite limestone at the Jixian Section. The time scale of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation is deduced as 200 Ma (from 1 600 Ma to 1 400 Ma). The duration of an obvious hiatus between the Gaoyuzhuang Formation and the underlying Dahongyu (大红峪) Formation is deduced as 50 Ma to 100 Ma,thus the forming duration of the GaoyuzhuangFormation is thought as 100 Ma (1 500 Ma to 1 400 Ma). Furthermore,the age of the subface of the third member of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation that is just in the mid position of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation can be deduced as about 1 450 Ma,which is the basis to infer a stromatolite decline of the Mesoproterozoic occurring at ca. 1 450 Ma. Importantly,several features of both the molar-tooth structure and the stromatolite,such as the particular forming environment,the important facies-indicative meaning,and the episodic distribution in the earth history,might express the evolutionary periodicity of the surface environment of the earth and can provide meaningful clues for the understanding of the Precambrian world,although their origin and forming mechanism is highly contentious. Therefore,like other three stromatolitic declines,respectively,occurring at ca. 675 Ma,ca. 1 000 Ma,and ca. 2 000 Ma,the identification of the stromatolite decline occurring at ca. 1 450 Ma during the Golden Age of stromatolites (2 800 Ma to 1 000 Ma) has important meaning for the further understanding of the evolving carbonate world of the Precambrian.  相似文献   
刘海利 《中国煤田地质》2007,19(1):17-18,32
研究区位于山西沁水煤田东南部,晋城矿区的东部边缘,面积96km^2.该区普遍发育石炭、二叠纪地层。区内有晋城煤业集团古书院、王台铺、凤凰山三对生产矿井。以勘探资料为基础,对该区9号煤层赋存规律、成煤古地理及其演化进行了分析研究,阐述了沉积环境对煤层厚度的控制作用。  相似文献   
结合波形互相关技术的双差算法在地震定位中的应用探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文致力于探讨在数字化地震监测大规模发展后,如何更好地将大量丰富的数字化波形信息应用到地震定位领域,从而更大程度地提高地震定位精度问题。笔者认为"结合波形互相关技术的双差定位算法"是一种比较有发展前景的方法,因此分别从基本理论、发展历程、台网实用化过程以及推广使用中可能存在的问题等角度进行分析,探讨该技术在地震定位领域中的发展方向及推广使用的可能性。  相似文献   
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