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The wave crest is an important factor for the design of both fixed and floating marine structures. Wave crest height is a dominant parameter in assessing the likelihood of wave-in-deck impact and resultant severe damage. Many empirical and theoretical distribution functions for wave crest heights have been proposed, but there is a lack of agreement between them. It is of significance to develop a better new nonlinear wave crest height distribution model. The progress in the research of wave crest heights is reviewed in this paper. Based on Stokes’ wave theory, an approximate nonlinear wave crest-height distribution formula with simple parameters is derived. Two sets of measured data are presented and compared with various theoretical distributions of wave crests obtained from nonlinear wave models and analysis of the comparison is given in detail. The new crest-height distribution model agrees well with observations. Also, the new theoretical distribution is more accurate than the other methods cited in this paper and has a greater range of applications.  相似文献   
On the contiguous territories of southeastern Russia and northeastern China, many gold-bearing areas are conjugate in space with the gradient zones of the gravity field. Large gold-ore districts, defining in many respects the metallogenic signature of the region, are located on the joints of differently oriented gradient zones. In the best-studied districts, the Precambrian protrusions, staged distribution of magmatic chambers ( by vertical) above the Mohorovicic discontinuity and restriction to the peripheral parts of intrusive massifs have been recognized. Different-type gold deposits in the studied ore-placer districts and nodes are often located on the areas of joint of the granitoid massifs and subvolcanic bodieswith depressions. Availability of areals of metasomatic alterations of rocks, placers, and ore occurrences of precious metals on such but poorly studied areas can serve as the basis for the revision and detailed forecasting-prospecting works to develop the mineral-raw material base of the region for precious metals.  相似文献   
The densities of 36 water samples from the Huanghe River estuary and Bohai Bay were determinedby a magnetic float densimcter under three temperatures from 15℃ to 25℃.All the measured densities ofsamples were greater than that of the values calculated from the International Equation of State of Seawater.The differences between the measured and calculated densities increased with the decrease of salinities.The dif-ferences appeared exponentially correlated with[Ca~(2+)]/s,[Mg~(2+)]/s and[SO_4~(2-)]/s,and had"s"type curverelationship with the alkalinity in all salinity range.But in the salinity ranging from 25.72 to 31.57,therelationships were all linear.The density difference can be estimated from the equation △ρ(10~3kg·m~(-3))=(-2.79+236.5([Ca~(2+)]/s)/(-9.7464×10~(-3)+[Ca~(2+)]/s).It was the high alkalinity and[Ca~(2+)]/s that resulted in the measured densi-ties of seawaters being higher than the calculated densities in the Huanghe estuary and Bohai Bay.  相似文献   
本文详细介绍自行设计的COSTAS环解调器的工作原理,环路参数选择以及实际工作效果。  相似文献   
地形变应变张量矩阵的不变量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在给出正交曲线坐标系的有关位移向量及其全微分、位移梯度矩阵、应变张量矩阵的普适表达式的基础上,又给出了任意两种正交曲线坐标系下的应变张量矩阵的普适转换表达式,并指出:由于该变换矩阵为正交矩阵,故应变张量矩阵为相似矩阵。并对应变张量矩阵的几何物理性质进行了分析,指出任何一种正交曲线坐标系的应变张量矩阵都具有唯一不变的主应变特征多项式,由该矩阵的主应变特征值方程皆可求得地壳质点处的主应变及其主方向,由主方向单位向量又可把该矩阵化为以主应变为对角元素的对角矩阵,该矩阵及其对角矩阵的迹皆为该质点处的体应变,该矩阵的行列式等于该质点处3个主应变的乘积,这些几何物理量皆为该质点处的地应变不变量。  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONWetlandsplayanimportant roleintheprocessofcar-bonstorage.Thetotalcarbonstoredindifferentkindsofwetlandsisabout15%-35%ofthetotalcarboninthegloballandsoils(POSTetal.,1982;GORHAM,1991).Inaddition,wetlandsaresignificantnaturalsources fortheatmospheric CH4 (MOORE,1994).It isestimatedthatabout110×1012gCH4 originates fromanaerobicdecompositioninthenaturalwetlands,CH4 emission fromthenaturalwetlandsis15%-30%oftheglobalCH4 emission andtheCH4 emission from thepeat land at hi…  相似文献   
同时采用4个台站的国际超导重力仪长期连续重力观测资料和国际地球自转服务中心提供的同步地球自转参数,研究了极移引起的地球重力场变化特征。利用自回归模型估计了各序列的功率谱密度和积谱密度,结果表明极移导致的重力效应的主要能量集中在Chandler摆动和周年项附近,叠积后实际重力观测与极移重力信号理论值之间的差异分别为0.4%和3.9%,说明超导重力仪可有效监测极移导致的重力变化。  相似文献   
在最小二乘平差准则基础上,把病态平差问题转化为无约束的二次规划问题,并利用优化理论分析病态对平差解的影响。通过共轭梯度搜索算法在可行域中寻找最优步长因子,自动寻找最速下降方向,并给出迭代初值的设置方法。分析近似计算中病态问题与局部最优解的关系,讨论局部最优解的快速迭代方法,并通过实例验证算法的有效性,计算迭代的速度。由于整个过程没有对法方程系数矩阵进行求逆计算,该算法可用于处理大规模系数矩阵高病态的平差问题。  相似文献   
???????????????????????????????????????????????????1999-2008????????????仯??????????????????????????????????????????????仯??????????????????????????в??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  相似文献   
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????桢????????????????????Tesseroid??????????????ù????????????????(ART)????????????????????????????????????????飬???????????????趨?????б???????  相似文献   
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