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Understanding the variables regulating tile‐flow response to precipitation in the US Midwest is critical for water quality management. This study (1) investigates the relationship between precipitation characteristics, antecedent water table depth and tile‐flow response at a high temporal resolution during storms; and (2) determines the relative importance of macropore flow versus matrix flow in tile flow in a tile‐drained soya bean field in Indiana. In spring, although variations in antecedent water table depth imparted some variation in tile‐flow response to precipitation, bulk precipitation was the best predictor of mean tile flow, maximum tile flow, time to peak, and run‐off ratio. The contribution of macropore flow to total flow significantly increased with precipitation amount, and macropore flow represented between 11 and 50% of total drain flow, with peak contributions between 15 and 74% of flow. For large storms (>6 cm bulk precipitation), cations data indicated a dilution of groundwater with new water as discharge peaked. Although no clear dilution or concentration patterns for Mg2+ or K+ were observed for smaller tile flow generating events (<3 cm bulk precipitation), macropore flow still contributed between 11 and 17% of the total flow for these moderate size storms. Inter‐drain comparison stressed the need to use triplicate or duplicate tile drain experiments when investigating tile drainage impact on water and N losses at the plot scale. These results significantly increase our understanding of the hydrological functioning of tile‐drained fields in spring, when most N losses to streams occur in the US Midwest. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
对吐哈盆地丘东凝析气藏中侏罗统储层的流动单元的划分方法和参数选取进行探讨。针对丘东凝析低渗透气藏的储层和流体特点,纵向上对研究区中侏罗统地层进行小层精细划分,平面上应用SPSS统计分析软件对厚度、孔隙度、泥质含量、流动带指数等4个参数进行聚类分析和判别分析,将研究区中侏罗统储层砂体划分为4类流动单元。结果表明各流动单元的类型与储层物性、沉积微相具有很好的对应关系,能够客观地反映气藏储层的地质特征。虽然丘东凝析低渗透气藏中流动单元的划分和油藏中流动单元的划分没有太大差别,但是参数的选取却与油藏中的存在着明显的不同。 相似文献
为了确定淤泥质浅滩泥沙的临界起动切应力垂线剖面,采用音叉密度计在淤泥质连云港徐圩浅滩进行了定点密度垂线分布测量,并针对该海域的泥沙利用长水槽和环形槽开展了泥沙起动室内试验。淤泥密度现场结果表明,浅滩泥沙密度与深度满足对数型关系;室内试验得出密度1 050~1 400 kg/m3的泥沙临界起动切应力值为0.1~1.0 Pa,泥沙临界切应力与密度呈指数关系;进而确定了临界起动切应力与深度的关系即临界起动切应力剖面,该剖面关系式可供数学模型模拟淤泥质浅滩的泥沙起动过程参考。 相似文献
基于2019—2020年京津冀地区不同天气系统影响下的降水过程,采用交叉相关法和光流法对快速更新多尺度分析和预报综合集成系统(Rapid-refresh Multi-Scale Analysis and Prediction System-Integration,RMAPS_IN)的降水分析产品进行0~2 h临近外推预报的批量试验。结果表明:由交叉相关法和光流法计算的两种外推矢量在大小和方向上存在一定差异,直接差异与影响降水的天气系统位置有明显的对应关系,而方向差异受地理位置的影响更明显,台风类降水呈弧形带状分布,低槽冷锋类、低涡类、气旋类、暖切变线类等几类降水均呈西北大东南小的特点;预报效果方面,总体上交叉相关法优于光流法,尤其是预报时效超过30 min以后,各种降水类型的批量检验结果显示交叉相关法的预报评分优于光流法,且预报时效越长、优势越明显,但预报时效为10 min时,光流法在低涡类、台风类、暖切变线类的空报率上优于交叉相关法。此外,基于外推的临近预报方法对京津冀地区台风类降水的预报效果最好,其次为暖切变线类、低涡类、低槽冷锋类、气旋类。 相似文献
岩溶水流系统特征研究有助于地下水资源的合理评价和开发利用。借鉴水文学的研究方法,统计并量化了典型岩溶水流系统的空间特征以及其水文动态响应、温度场和电导率特征。划分了扇状、树枝状、平行状、梳状4种地下水系来综合反映岩溶水流系统的地表-地下岩溶特征,前两者主管道垂直于地层走向,构造裂隙起汇水作用,后两者主管道平行于地层走向,层面裂隙起汇水作用。黄陵穹隆西北翼、西翼和南翼以平行状和树枝状为主,东翼和北翼则以扇状水系和平行状水系为主。不同地下水系结构的形成及区域差异与含水系统和水系的空间关系和级次性密切相关,并表现出不同的动态特征。扇状和平行状岩溶水流系统对降雨响应最为敏感,而梳状水系岩溶水流系统响应和衰减过程最慢;基于岩溶地下水温度与出露高程和循环深度显著相关的关系建立了鄂西山区地下水温度线。这一基础性研究可为岩溶地下水流系统研究和当地工程实践提供一定的理论支持。 相似文献
本文以灯光密度表征建设用地产出效率,采取KDE、ESDA、SDE等方法对中国县域尺度2000-2015年建设用地产出效率的总体特征、时空演变以及方向分布进行分析,研究发现:① 夜间灯光总亮度与建设用地出产出存在较强的相关关系,说明可用灯光总亮度表征建设用地产出,以灯光密度反映建设用地产出效率具有一定的科学性。② 建设用地产出效率东高西低,持续上升;增长速度西高东低,中部居中,但区域间年均增长率最大相差0.56%,整体较为均衡。③ 虽然建设用地产出效率由2000年的0.008单位灯光/km2持续上升至2015年的0.025单位灯光/km2,但其核密度曲线始终处于中低水平且右侧区间不断扩大,说明中国建设用地产出效率总体水平较低,呈现出中低水平俱乐部收敛的特征。④ 建设用地产出效率的全局 Moran's I指数都大于0,建设用地产出效率存在正向空间分布特征,且其局部空间格局变化较小,存在稳中有动,强中有弱,弱中有强的特点。⑤ 方向分布上,建设用地产出效率的方位角始终在72.420o与81.066o之间,说明东北-西南方向为建设用地产出效率的主要方向,且标准差椭圆的主轴与辅轴标准差都有所增加,说明在建设用地产出效率的主要方向与次要方向上都发生了分散现象。 相似文献
The paper presents a semi-analytical method for predicting the flow rate hydrograph due to a hypothetical sudden and total dam failure in a natural valley. The method generalizes the approach proposed by Hunt for the dam-break problem in a rectangular frictionless sloping channel to a valley with a cross-section area expressed by a power-law function of water depth, in order to take into account the most common shapes of natural valleys. The parameters of the deriving model can be set by exploiting data usually available concerning the dam section geometry and the reservoir storage-depth curve. The application of the technique to three different reservoirs is discussed. The results show that the flow rate hydrographs obtained at the dam site agree with the ones calculated by means of a finite volume numerical code based on two-dimensional shallow water equations. The method requires moderate computational and data collecting effort, so it can be regarded as a useful alternative to other procedures commonly adopted in the practice. 相似文献
Jesús M. Castillo Pablo Leira-Doce Alfredo E. Rubio-Casal Enrique Figueroa 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2008,78(4):819-826
Spartina species are commonly used for salt marsh manipulative projects, where aboveground and belowground biomasses are functional traits that play important roles, showing high spatial and temporal variations. This work analyses variations in AGB and BGB of Spartina maritima and abiotic environmental parameters along a chronosequence of six marshes created from 1997 to 2003 with disparate sediment dynamics, and adjacent natural marshes and unvegetated tidal flats. S. maritima behaved as an autogenic engineer, as its colonization of bare sediments yielded abiotic environmental changes: specifically, bed level rise accompanied by higher oxygenation and salinity. These modifications of the environment were site-specific, depending mainly on sedimentary dynamics. At the same time, abiotic environmental changes determined biomass production rates of S. maritima that were higher in more-accreting marshes; however, AGB was kept constant from early in its development (2 years). The increase in BGB with elevation seemed to be related to the inhibition of subsurface tissue development in anoxic sediments. Biomass accumulation and production varied markedly, depending on the spatial scale, indicating the relevance of the plot size chosen for the analysis of biomass of cordgrasses. Our results show that managers of salt marshes should consider sedimentary dynamics carefully when setting realistic expectations for success criteria of created and restored wetlands. 相似文献
This paper reviews the data concerning the fracture network and the hydraulic characteristics of faults in an active zone of the Gulf of Corinth. Pressure gap measured through fault planes shows that in this area the active normal faults (Aigion, Helike) act, at least temporarily and locally, as transversal seal. The analysis of the carbonate cements in the fractures on both the hangingwall and the footwall of the faults also suggests that they have acted as local seals during the whole fault zone evolution. However, the pressure and the characteristics of the water samples measured in the wells indicate that meteoric water circulates from the highest part of the relief to the coast, which means it goes through the fault zones. Field quantitative analysis and core studies from the AIG-10 well have been performed to define both regional and fault-related fracture networks. Then laboratory thin section observations have been done to recognize the different fault rocks characterizing the fault zone components. These two kinds of approach give information on the permeability characteristics of the fault zone. To synthesize the data, a schematic conceptual 3D fluid flow modeling has been performed taking into account fault zone permeability architecture, sedimentation, fluid flow, fault vertical offset and meteoric water influx, as well as compaction water flow. This modeling allows us to fit all the data with a model where the fault segments act as a seal whereas the relays between these segments allow for the regional flow from the Peloponnese topographic highs to the coast. 相似文献