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The cooling history of a quark star in the colour superconductive phase is investigated. Here we specifically focus on the two-flavour colour (2SC) phase where the novel process of photon generation via glueball (GLB) decay has already been investigated. The picture we present here can, in principle, be generalized to quark stars entering a superconductive phase where similar photon generation mechanisms are at play. As much as 1045–1047 erg of energy is provided by the GLB decay in the 2SC phase. The generated photons slowly diffuse out of the quark star, keeping it hot and radiating as a blackbody (with possibly a Wien spectrum in gamma-rays) for millions of years. We discuss hot radio-quiet isolated neutron stars in our picture (such as RX J185635–3754 and RX J0720.4–3125) and argue that their nearly blackbody spectra (with a few broad features) and their remarkably tiny hydrogen atmosphere are indications that these might be quark stars in the colour superconductive phase where some sort of photon generation mechanism (reminiscent of the GLB decay) has taken place. Fits to observed data of cooling compact stars favour models with superconductive gaps of  Δ2SC∼ 15–35 MeV  and densities  ρ2SC= (2.5–3.0) ×ρN  (ρN being the nuclear matter saturation density) for quark matter in the 2SC phase. If correct, our model combined with more observations of isolated compact stars could provide vital information to studies of quark matter and its exotic phases.  相似文献   
海湾扇贝和栉孔扇贝的组织病理学观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海湾扇贝和栉孔扇贝的外观症状主要是外套膜收缩、变色及鳃发黑。取外套膜、鳃、消化盲囊、直肠、性腺和闭壳肌等组织,切片,观察发现:在外套膜、鳃、消化盲囊、直肠和性腺的上皮细胞的胞质中有大量的黄褐色圆形小颗粒,病发严重的甚至发生组织糜烂,细胞变形、脱落。  相似文献   
On the basis of hydrographic data and current measurement (the mooring system, vessel-mounted ADCP and toward ADCP) data obtained in June 1999, the circulations in the southern Huang-hai Sea (HS) and northern East China Sea (ECS) are computed by using the modified inverse method. The Kuroshio flows northeastward through eastern part of the investigated region and has the main core at Section PN, a northward flow at the easternmost part of Section PN, a weaker anti-cyclonic eddy between these two northward flows, and a weak cyclonic eddy at the western part of Section PN. The above current structure is one type of the current structures at Section PN in ECS. The net northward volume transport (VT) of the Kuroshio and the offshore branch of Taiwan Warm Current (TWCOB) through Section PN is about 26.2×106m3/s in June 1999. The VT of the inshore branch of Taiwan Warm Current (TWCIB) through the investigated region is about 0.4×106m3/s. The Taiwan Warm Current (TWC) has much effect on the currents over the  相似文献   
利用常规高空地面、机场跑道自动观测系统(AWOS)、微波辐射计及FY4A新一代静止气象卫星等资料对2019年12月9~13日发生于北疆沿天山一带的一次持续性浓雾天气进行观测特征及演变分析,结果表明:(1)此次大雾天气过程是发生在500 hPa高空脊区控制,低层不断有暖平流东伸,地面位于蒙古冷高压后部均压场的大尺度环流背景下。(2)大雾发生前,地面明显升温有利于地表融雪、水汽蒸发,这为浓雾的形成和维持提供有利的水汽条件。浓雾维持期间,地面风速维持1 m.s-1左右的弱风场,温度露点差≤2℃,空气接近饱和,准噶尔盆地低洼地形均为浓雾维持提供有力环境条件。浓雾消散期间,风速增大,急剧降温,快速增湿,有利于雾滴凝结为米雪,使得浓雾消散。(3)Brunt-Vaisala(布伦特-维萨拉)指数能较好的反映浓雾期间边界层稳定度,并能提炼出相关稳定度阈值。浓雾期间相对湿度≥85%高度层主要集中在100米以下的贴地层,持续深厚的湿度层为浓雾形成和持续提供较好水汽条件,大雾期间强逆温层顶主要维持在600 m高度,当逆温层顶高度抬升时,有利于雾滴粒子、水汽粒子向上扩散,能见度好转。(4)FY4A卫星的多通道可见光及红外通道差图像能较好的监视白天及夜间大雾的形成、维持及生消变化,对于业务中短时临近预报有较好的帮助。  相似文献   
The equations of state for degenerate electron and neutron gases are studied in the presence of magnetic fields. After including quantum effects in the investigation of the structural properties of these systems, it is found that some hypermagnetized stars can be unstable according to the criterion of stability of pressures. Highly magnetized white dwarfs should collapse producing a supernova type Ia, while superstrong magnetized neutron stars cannot stand their own magnetic field and must implode, too. A comparison of our results with a set of the available observational data of some compact stars is also presented, and the agreement between this theory and observations is verified.  相似文献   
针对高分一号卫星(GF-1)的16 m宽覆盖相机数据,探讨了暗目标法的应用。首先,利用地面观测的植被光谱数据,结合模拟计算,发现利用红蓝波段线性关系能更好地去除地表影响,而利用反演的气溶胶光学厚度AOD进行大气校正能很好地去除伪暗目标;然后,以天津地区和北京地区为试验区进行了反演试验。结果表明,利用本算法能较好地观测气溶胶分布,与地面观测结果均有较好的相关性(R0.8),但反演结果整体偏高,可能是云像元的影响。误差分析表明,整景图像采用统一的观测天顶角会带来较大误差,最大误差为0.3;绝对辐射定标精度在3%以下,反演精度能控制在10%,城市型气溶胶会对反演带来较大误差。  相似文献   
砂土质隧道围岩内摩擦系数的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
砂土的内摩擦系数 与砂土质围岩稳定性有直接的关系。从影响砂土质围岩坑道稳定性因素及围岩稳定性分级的角度出发,探讨了与砂土质隧道围岩稳定性相关的内摩擦系数 的影响因素,发现砂土的细粒( 0.075 mm)含量对其有较显著的影响,二者呈负相关;砂土相对密实度 并非完全是越大而内摩擦系数 也越大,还与细粒含量及软硬状态有关;采用细粒含水率而不是砂土含水率的方法来评定潮湿砂土的 的影响是较为合理的方法,并总结了细粒含水率对 的影响规律。  相似文献   
以问题和需求为驱动的专题地质填图强调,针对某个主要地质体、沉积盆地、重要成矿带、地震带断裂系统等,采用现代化的技术手段开展针对性的专题调查和填图,以解决目标地质体结构、沉积盆地基底起伏、成矿地质体规模、断裂系统分布等重大问题.地球物理是专题填图不可缺少的手段之一,近10年发展起来的短周期密集台阵技术,因其布设灵活、应用...  相似文献   
金属装配式基础因施工方便与综合造价低而被越来越多地应用于风积沙地区输电线路基础工程。针对中密风积沙开展全模和半模抗拔模型试验,研究了不同深宽比下基础的上拔荷载-位移特性和抗拔破坏模式。结果表明,抗拔荷载-位移关系曲线随着基础深宽比λ变化而改变。当λ=1.0时,曲线呈缓变型;当λ=2.0~5.0时,曲线呈软化型。随着λ的增大,抗拔拔承载力随之增大。在加载过程中,地表以基础顶部为中心逐渐形成近似为圆形的隆起区域,隆起程度随着上拔位移增大而不断增加,最终形成整体破坏,此时滑动面贯穿地表;通过半模试验观测的上拔土体滑动面子午线可用直线方程近似描述,且抗拔角随着λ的增大而减小。根据上述试验结果,基于Veesaert滑动面摩擦强度理论和极限平衡原理,提出了金属装配式基础的抗拔承载力改进计算方法,计算结果相较于土重法和剪切法更接近试验值,且离散程度更小。  相似文献   
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