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In this paper, the formulations of the primitive equations for shallow water flow in various horizontal co-ordinate systems and the associated finite difference grid options used in shallow water flow modelling are reviewed. It is observed that horizontal co-ordinate transformations do not affect the chosen co-ordinate system and representation in the vertical, and are the same for the three- and two-dimensional cases. A systematic derivation of the equations in tensor notation is presented, resulting in a unified formulation for the shallow water equations that covers all orthogonal horizontal grid types of practical interest. This includes spherical curvilinear orthogonal co-ordinate systems on the globe. Computational efficiency can be achieved in a single computer code. Furthermore, a single numerical algorithmic code implementation satisfies. All co-ordinate system specific metrics are determined as part of a computer-aided model grid design, which supports all four orthogonal grid types. Existing intuitive grid design and visual interpretation is conserved by appropriate conformal mappings, which conserve spherical orthogonality in planar representation. A spherical curvilinear co-ordinate solution of wind driven steady channel flow applying a strongly distorted grid is shown to give good agreement with a regular spherical co-ordinate model approach and the solution based on a β-plane approximation. Especially designed spherical curvilinear boundary fitted model grids are shown for typhoon surge propagation in the South China Sea and for ocean-driven flows through Malacca Straits. By using spherical curvilinear grids the number of grid points in these single model grid applications is reduced by a factor of 50–100 in comparison with regular spherical grids that have the same horizontal resolution in the area of interest. The spherical curvilinear approach combines the advantages of the various grid approaches, while the overall computational effort remains acceptable for very large model domains.  相似文献   
As most air quality monitoring sites are in urban areas worldwide, machine learning models may produce substantial estimation bias in rural areas when deriving spatiotemporal distributions of air pollutants. The bias stems from the issue of dataset shift, as the density distributions of predictor variables differ greatly between urban and rural areas. We propose a data-augmentation approach based on the multiple imputation by chained equations (MICE-DA) to remedy the dataset shift problem. Compared with the benchmark models, MICE-DA exhibits superior predictive performance in deriving the spatiotemporal distributions of hourly PM2.5 in the megacity (Chengdu) at the foot of the Tibetan Plateau, especially for correcting the estimation bias, with the mean bias decreasing from –3.4 µg/m3 to –1.6 µg/m3. As a complement to the holdout validation, the semi-variance results show that MICE-DA decently preserves the spatial autocorrelation pattern of PM2.5 over the study area. The essence of MICE-DA is strengthening the correlation between PM2.5 and aerosol optical depth (AOD) during the data augmentation. Consequently, the importance of AOD is largely enhanced for predicting PM2.5, and the summed relative importance value of the two satellite-retrieved AOD variables increases from 5.5% to 18.4%. This study resolved the puzzle that AOD exhibited relatively lower importance in local or regional studies. The results of this study can advance the utilization of satellite remote sensing in modeling air quality while drawing more attention to the common dataset shift problem in data-driven environmental research.  相似文献   
The paper examines the axisymmetric problem of the indentation of a poroelastic halfspace that is reinforced with an inextensible permeable/impermeable membrane located at a finite depth by a rigid indenter. The constitutive behavior of the poroelastic halfspace is described by the three-dimensional theory of poroelasticity proposed by M.A. Biot. The contact conditions between the indenter and the poroelastic halfspace are varied to accommodate both adhesive/frictionless contact and impermeable/permeable conditions. The formulation of the mixed boundary value problems uses the stress function approaches applicable to semi-infinite domains. Successive applications of Laplace and Hankel integral transforms are used to reduce the mixed boundary value problems to sets of coupled Fredholm integral equations of the second kind. These integral equations are solved using numerical approaches, applicable both for the solution of the systems of coupled equations and for Laplace transform inversion, to examine the time-dependent displacement of the rigid indenter. The analytical-numerical estimates for the time-dependent displacements of the rigid indenter are compared with results obtained using a finite element approach.  相似文献   
For the study of the cross-shore wave-induced hydrodynamics in the swash zone, a numerical model is developed based on the one-dimensional non-linear shallow water (NSW) equations for prediction of hydrodynamic parameters in the swash zone. In order to evaluate the accuracy of the outputs of the numerical model, the model's predictions in terms of water surface elevations and cross-shore velocities, are compared to field data from full-scale experiments conducted on three sites with different beach slope; mild and steep, several bed particle sizes and under various incident wave conditions. The quantitative and qualitative comparison of the results of the numerical model and the full-scale data reveals that the model can generally predict many aspects of the flow in the surf and swash zone on both types of beach. The accuracy is adequate for application in a sediment transport study. Considering the time-history and probability distribution of water surface elevation, the model is generally more accurate on steep beaches than on the mild beach. The model can adequately simulate the dominant frequency across the beach and saturation of higher frequencies on both mild and steep beaches for various incident wave energy characteristics. With regard to the horizontal (cross-shore) velocity, the sawtooth shape of time-history and negative acceleration of water are well predicted by the model for both mild and steep beaches. Due to the uncertainties in maximum and minimum values of velocity data, clear judgement about the accuracy of the numerical model in this matter was not possible. However, the comparison of the minimum velocities (offshore direction) revealed that the application of friction factors below the range which is suggested by literature best match the data.  相似文献   
A mathematical model of general gas emitting systems is derived, and a sample of relevant mathematical results is offered. The present paper indicates that shallow subsurface gas sources in typical volcanic areas can be located if appropriate physico-chemical measurements are made on the Earths surface and put to use.  相似文献   
非粘性沙坝溃决数学模型及求解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑一维陡坡浅水方程与Exner方程耦合构建漫顶溃坝数学模型,利用Roe格式黎曼近似解法求解,并用预测-校正法处理源项保证水流、泥沙侵蚀输运和底床演变过程的计算稳定.模型实例计算结果表明,该方法能较好地计算非粘性模型沙坝漫顶溃决问题,可为溃坝数值计算提供新的思路.  相似文献   
海啸造成的灾害与损失并非都与淹没有关,特别是港口中海啸诱导的强流会对船只及海事设施产生重要的影响及损害.由于海啸流观测数据稀缺及海啸诱导涡流机制的不确定性,过去60年海啸科学主要集中于对海啸波特征及淹没过程的研究与分析,海啸流模拟及验证工作开展较少,导致对海啸流基本特征及其造成灾害现象的曲解.开展海啸诱导的涡流研究及预警服务显得尤为重要及紧迫.考虑快速海啸预警需要,综合对比海啸诱导涡流的物理框架及模型方法,探索兼顾效率与计算精度的海啸流模拟方法是本文的核心工作及出发点.通过分析浅层湍流相干结构(TCS)产生的主要物理耗散机制,确定了考虑2D水平耗散机制的非线性浅水方程可用于海啸涡流的模拟分析.基于高精、高分辨率有限体积模型Geoclaw建立了三个精细化的港口海啸流模型,模型分辨率为5m.利用基于海啸浮标反演的海啸源模型作为初始条件,模拟分析了日本东北地震海啸在远场的海啸波流特征.海啸波流特征模拟结果与观测吻合较好,结果可信.对比发现:波驱动的自由表面流,小的位相或波幅误差就会导致大的流速误差,流的模拟和预报相对波幅来说更具挑战性.研究了海啸波流能量在港池中的分布特征,得到:港池入口及防波堤两端常被强流控制,具有极高的危险性;相对于波幅的空间变化,海啸流具有更强的空间敏感性;所建立的高分辨率海啸模型模拟再现了日本海啸在近场的涡旋结构,给出了与观测基本一致的涡流特征.最后,引入海啸流危险等级标准,分析了港口海啸流危险性等级分布、船只疏散的安全深度及回港的时间周期.针对港口、海湾同时考虑海啸波流特征的海啸预警与评估对于港口应急管理者科学决策具有重要意义.  相似文献   
泥石流的二维数学模型   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
泥石流是在重力作用下,由砂粒石块和水等组成的固液混合物,是一种发生于山区的复杂的地质灾害现象。泥石流主要是由暴雨诱发引起的,它沿着复杂的三维地形高速流动,具有流体流动的特性。为了模拟泥石流的运动规律,预测降雨诱发的泥石流的到达距离和泛滥范围,减少和避免泥石流引起的灾害,把泥石和雨水组成的固液混合物假定为遵循均匀、连续、不可压缩的、非定常的牛顿流体运动规律。基于质量守恒方程和Naiver-stokes方程,采用深度积分方法,推导出了一个模拟泥石流运动的二维数学模型。所有方程式可用有限差分法来求解。结合GIS,该模型可用于预测泥石流的流动距离和泛滥范围,以及泛滥范围内的危险房屋和路段,也可以用于泥石流灾害的风险性分析。  相似文献   
为了研究Navier-Stokes方程相关的三维轴对称驻点流系统的解,给出了一个积分方程系统,扩展了它的用途.并通过研究该积分方程系统的性质,在更广的范围内,利用这个系统的解,得出了与Navier-Stokes方程相关的三维轴对称驻点流系统的相似解.同时还改进了一个相似解的不存在性结果.  相似文献   
In this paper, a hybrid finite volume-finite difference scheme is applied to study surf zone dynamics. The numerical model solves the 2DH extended Boussinesq equations proposed by Madsen and Sørensen (1992) where nonlinear and dispersive effects are both relevant whereas it solves NSWE equations where nonlinearity prevails. The shock-capturing features of the finite volume method allow an intrinsic representation of wave breaking and runup; therefore no empirical (calibration) parameters are necessary. Comparison with laboratory measurements demonstrates that the proposed model can accurately predict wave height decay and mean water level setup, for both regular and solitary wave breaking on a sloping beach. The model is also applied to reproduce two-dimensional wave transformation and breaking over a submerged circular shoal, showing good agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   
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