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依据录井、测井、岩芯和孢粉化石分析等,认为牛庄洼陷发育于原沙三下亚段上下两套油页岩之中的砂体应属于沙三中亚段低位体系域,为水下冲积扇和深水浊积扇;并阐明了其沉积分布特征,且进一步运用层序地层学原理研究认为研究区低位域砂体沉积相组合-层序及体系域叠置模式为低水位深水浊积扇-湖平上升初期的低水位水下冲积扇-后期的湖侵水道。  相似文献   
The mechanical properties of shallow soils in deep water play an important role in drilling design and construction as well as later oil and gas development. Since it is difficult to collect soil samples from layers deeper than 10 m below the sea floor, the acquisition of shallow soil mechanics, based on the variation of drilling parameters in the deep-water drilling process, is not only economical but also reliable. In this article, we analyze the variation of subsea soil properties based on the variation of deep-water jet-drilling construction parameters, calculate the lateral friction resistance of conductor by use of weight-on-bit (WOB) and displacement parameters in the jetting process, and determine the drilled formation’s shear strength and internal friction angle in consideration of restored friction resistance. To verify the accuracy of the prediction-while-drilling model on seabed shallow soil mechanics, indoor unit and field simulation experiments were separately conducted. Moreover, the calculations from field application examples indicate that the prediction-while-drilling of deep-water seabed shallow soil mechanics achieves high conformity with the local practice results, which also indicates that this method could effectively guide field construction operations.  相似文献   
中国盆地动力学研究现状及展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
沉积盆地既是人类最重要的资源宝库,又包含了丰富的全球气候变化、流体流动和地球动力学等相关信息。人类社会对矿产资源和水资源的大量需求推动盆地分析领域的快速发展,地球科学家对沉积盆地开展了多年的系统性探索,在盆地形成和演化机制、沉积充填、盆地流体及相关资源的聚集过程等诸多方面的研究取得了一系列重要的进展和突破,形成了一门新兴的学科—盆地动力学。近年来,我国学者在大型叠合盆地和大陆边缘盆地的动力学过程、陆相盆地层序地层、深水沉积、源—汇系统等方向取得了显著成绩和突出进展。相关成果不仅有效地服务于能源、矿产、水资源等各类资源勘探,而且为地球动力学、重大构造事件、全球环境变迁及气候演变研究提供了丰富资料和详实证据。  相似文献   
陆相盆地深水环境是油页岩、暗色泥岩沉积区域,深水层序研究是勘探开发此类能源的基础工作.但深水沉积多为暗色泥岩沉积,很难准确划分多级层序.在松辽盆地3口全取心井、测井及测试资料分析基础上,发现在深水区域,油页岩层或生物富集层底界面、TOC、含油率、生烃潜量、氢指数、氢/氧指数突然增高点及沉积物密度突变小处、伽马测井坎值均...  相似文献   
位于现今大陆斜坡之上的长昌—鹤山凹陷是继中国南海北部白云和荔湾深水区油气勘探突破之后的又一个深水战略性勘探区块。根据地震反射上超、下超和顶超等典型反射终止关系、地震相组合以及旋回特征,将渐新统珠海组自下向上划分为ZHSQ1—ZHSQ6共6套三级层序,并在层序格架中,识别出陆架弱—中振幅高连续席状、陆架斜坡变振幅中连续S型—斜交前积楔形、盆地斜坡变振幅中连续丘形双向上超等6种地震相类型,其中大型斜交S型前积和陆坡丘形双向超覆地震反射分别代表陆架边缘三角洲和深水扇沉积。研究表明,随着构造活动、海平面等地质条件的变化,陆架边缘三角洲及深水扇发育特征发生了相应变化。在珠海组ZHSQ1和ZHSQ2沉积时期,断层继承性活动,陆架坡折类型为断控型,沉积体系以局限浅海和近源的三角洲沉积组合为特征。在珠海组ZHSQ3—ZHSQ6沉积时期,盆地进入拗陷阶段,陆架坡折类型为沉积型坡折;在古珠江稳定充裕的供源作用下,陆架坡折带不断向海迁移且范围逐渐变大;伴随着相对海平面下降,大套的前积体不断向前推进,最大前积距离近20,km,且前积角度不断增大;同期深水扇自下而上出现频率增高,且位置更靠近陆架边缘三角洲,规模变大。  相似文献   
深水沉积的动力学机制和响应   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
深水环境动力机制极为复杂,重力(流)机制类型多样且可能呈有序演化。底流包括温盐循环驱动的底流、风驱底流,以及顺峡谷上下运动的潮汐底流等;而内波可能也为重要的地质营力。在这些机制或孤立、或互动作用下,深水环境发育的沉积物类型、成因也极为复杂,它们具有重要的古气候、油气意义。  相似文献   
右江盆地晚古生代深水相地层沉积构造演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
陈丛林  史晓颖 《中国地质》2006,33(2):436-443
在对测自桂西地区的田林八渡、那坡坡荷、百色平圩、阳圩等地晚古生代的深水相沉积地层的沉积特征、玄武岩地球化学分析以及重要的构造地质事件研究的基础上.对右江盆地晚古生代盆地沉积演化做了阐述,提出了右江盆地自早泥盆世晚期开始出现大陆边缘裂离,先后经历了裂谷盆地形成阶段(早泥盆世晚期-中三叠世早期)、洋壳盆地形成阶段(晚泥盆世-早石炭世)、洋壳盆地强烈扩张阶段(晚石炭世-中二叠世)、洋壳盆地收缩阶段(晚二叠世-中三叠世早期)-洋盆封闭快速充填阶段(中三叠世晚期)的完整沉积盆地演化序列。  相似文献   
珠江深水扇系统沉积和周边重要地质事件   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
最近的研究发现了位于南海北部珠江口外白云凹陷陆坡深水区的珠江深水扇系统。珠江深水扇系统以珠江为沉积物源、以持续深沉降的白云凹陷为沉积古地理背景、以与全球海退型海平面相反的相对海侵型海平面变化的沉积层序构成了其发育演化的特殊性,并留下了控制沉积的周边重要事件的记录。23.8 Ma等界面沉积速率和岩石地球化学特征均有突变,反映出物源区的变化,可能折射出与青藏高原隆升、南海扩张有关的重要事件,使得古珠江骤然向西部高原拓展,甚至较今天的珠江流域范围还广阔;承载珠江深水扇系统的白云凹陷持续沉降形成了陆坡内盆地,导致21~10.5 Ma BP多个层序深水扇垂向叠置充填的特殊沉积建造;根据60多口井资料建立的相对海平面变化曲线,具有与全球海平面变化相一致的三级旋回和不一致的二级旋回。如果能对珠江深水扇系统实施综合大洋钻探获取更为全面和准确的资料,开展珠江深水扇沉积作用与白云凹陷沉降的深部机制、珠江流域演化、海侵型相对海平面变化的耦合性等研究,将有利于揭示南海扩张、边缘海沉积、海平面变化、中国西部高原隆升事件的相关联系和形成机制。  相似文献   
深水牵引流沉积的研究历程、现状与前景   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
深水牵引流沉积研究,是沉积学研究中一个较新的领域。在这个领域中,我国学者做出了应有的贡献,并且具有自己的特色和优势。目前研究的深水牵引流沉积,一是等深流沉积,二是内波、内潮汐沉积。等深流沉积研究开始于20世纪60年代,早期主要是对小规模的细粒薄层等深流沉积的研究,而现在已发展到对大规模等深流沉积体--等深岩丘的研究。内波内潮汐沉积研究始于20世纪90年代,也是从小规模内波、内潮汐沉积的鉴别开始,现在已达到研究深海大型沉积物波的阶段。今后等深流沉积研究的主攻方向,应是地层记录中的等深岩丘,并特别注意碎屑岩等深岩丘的发现和研究。内波、内潮汐沉积方面,最有矿产意义的当属由大型沉积物波构建的地质体。而首例地层记录中的大型沉积物波,已在塔里木盆地中部奥陶系中被鉴别出来,并具有含油气远景。从目前对内波、内潮汐的研究势头来看,我国很有希望在该领域继续保持国际领先地位。  相似文献   
In this study, we test various parameters in deep-sea sediments (bulk sediment parameters and changes in microfossil abundances and preservation character) which are generally accepted as indicators of calcium carbonate dissolution. We investigate sediment material from station GeoB 1710-3 in the northern Cape Basin (eastern South Atlantic), 280 km away from the Namibian coast, well outside today’s coastal upwelling. As northern Benguela upwelling cells were displaced westward and periodically preceded the core location during the past 245 kyr (Volbers et al., submitted), GeoB 1710-3 sediments reflect these changes in upwelling productivity. Results of the most commonly used calcium carbonate dissolution proxies do not only monitor dissolution within these calcareous sediments but also reflect changes in upwelling intensity. Accordingly, these conventional proxy parameters misrepresent, to some extent, the extent of calcium carbonate dissolution. These results were verified by an independent dissolution proxy, the Globigerina bulloides dissolution index (BDX′) (Volbers and Henrich, submitted). The BDX′ is based on scanning electronic microscope ultrastructural investigation of planktonic foraminiferal tests and indicates persistent good carbonate preservation throughout the past 245 kyr, with the exception of one pronounced dissolution event at early oxygen isotopic stage (OIS) 6.

The early OIS 6 is characterized by calcium carbonate contents, sand contents, and planktonic foraminiferal concentrations all at their lowest levels for the last 245 kyr. At the same time, the ratio of radiolarian to planktonic foraminiferal abundances and the ratio of benthic to planktonic foraminiferal tests are strongly increased, as are the rain ratio, the fragmentation index, and the BDX′. The sedimentary calcite lysocline rose above the core position and GeoB 1710-3 sediments were heavily altered, as attested to by the unusual accumulation of pellets, aggregates, sponge spicules, radiolaria, benthic foraminifera, and planktonic foraminiferal assemblages.

Solely the early OIS 6 dissolution event altered the coarse fraction intensely, and is therefore reflected by all conventional calcium carbonate preservation proxies and the BDX′. We attribute the more than 1000 m rise of the sedimentary calcite lysocline to the combination of two processes: (a) a prominent change in the deep-water mass distribution within the South Atlantic and (b) intense degradation of organic material within the sediment (preserved as maximum total organic carbon content) creating microenvironments favorable for calcium carbonate dissolution.  相似文献   

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