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The reservoir quality of Jurassic and Triassic fluvial and lacustrine-deltaic sandstones of the Yanchang Oil Field in the Ordos Basin is strongly influenced by the burial history and facies-related diagenetic events. The fluvial sandstones have a higher average porosity (14.8%) and a higher permeability (12.7×10?3 ?m2) than those of the deltaic sandstones (9.8% and 5.8 ×10?3 ?m2, respectively). The burial compaction, which resulted in 15% and 20% porosity loss for Jurassic and Triassic sandstones, respectively, is the main factor causing the loss of porosity both for the Jurassic and Triassic sandstones. Among the cements, carbonate is the main one that reduced the reservoir quality of the sandstones. The organic acidic fluid derived from organic matter in the source rocks, the inorganic fluid from rock-water reaction during the late diagenesis, and meteoric waters during the epidiagenesis resulted in the formation of dissolution porosity, which is the main reason for the enhancement of reservoir-quality.  相似文献   
根据野外实地考察,综合前人的工作资料,从地层结构、层位、沉积体系、岩性及形成砂岩型铀矿的条件出发,概括了公婆泉盆地中生代地层的主要特征;确定了目的层并浅要分析了砂岩型铀成矿条件,对下一步铀矿找矿工作具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
大张坨凝析气藏是在我国发现的高含量凝析气藏之—.开发中据相态特征及流体组份研究结果,适时调整开发方式.1994年开始试采,1995年初实施循环注气开发.该气藏的开发经历了衰竭试采循环注气2个开采过程,开发过程中定期取地层流体样品进行相态特征和流体组份研究,并注重其成果的应用,凝折油采出率29.0%,取得了较好的开发效果.证实了相态研究在凝析气藏循环注气开发全过程应用的重要性.  相似文献   
论上海软土地基⑦⑧⑨层压缩模量Es的定值问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
上海地区深部土层⑦⑧⑨层埋深在30~70m。对其压缩模量Es的定值问题,现行《上海市地基基础设计规范》(DGJ08 11 1999)(后文中简称《规范》)长期以来确定室内试验E0 1~0 2值为沉降计算值,导致沉降计算值与建(构)筑物实际沉降量之间相差2~8倍。为符合规范的变形要求,设计人员不得不采取桩加粗、加长、加密的办法,从而造成桩基投资的极大浪费。为了正确认识深部土层的Es值,上海岩土工程界进行了多种形式的试验研究。近年来,笔者结合上海高、大、深、重建(构)筑物的工程实践,深入进行上海深部⑦⑧⑨层压缩模量Es的试验研究,获得许多新的认识,对其定值问题作了研究,提出⑦⑧⑨层的建议值,供同行参考研讨。  相似文献   
2-D crustal velocity structure and vp/vs are obtained by processing and interpretation of S-wave data from Maqen-Jingbian deep seismic sounding(DSS)profile.The result shows that there exist obvious differences in 2-D S-wave velocity structure and vp/vs ratio structure along the profile.The S-wave velocities are low and vp/vs ration is high for the westem section of the profile and Haiyuan region,while they are normal for the middle and eastern sections.The changes in lithologic characters of two major anomalous zones are discussed according to lateral variation of S-wave velocity structure and vp/vs ratio structure.It is concluded that the development and occurrence of the Haiyuan strong earthquake is not only related to tectonic activities,but also to lithologic characters of the region.  相似文献   
分析了深厚表土层地面注浆加固过程中井壁的受力特点,介绍了金桥矿副井表土段地面注浆加固过程中井壁的应变观测结论,提出了深厚表土层井壁外注浆加固工程的井壁安全保证核心技术。  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments have been carried out to investigate the uptake of sulfur dioxide by water drops containing heavy metal ions where the metal ions serve as catalysts to oxidise the taken up S(IV) into S(VI). During the gas uptake the drops were freely suspended at their terminal velocity in the airstream of the Mainz vertical wind tunnel. Two series of experiments were carried out, one with large millimeter size water drops containing manganese or iron ions, and the other with small water drops containing manganese ions and having radii in hundreds of micron size range. The experimental results were compared against model computations using the Kronig–Brink model and the fully mixed model, modified for the case that heavy metal ions present in the liquid phase act as catalysts for the oxidising process. The results of the model calculations show that there are only small differences between the predicted gas uptake according to the two models. In addition it was found that the experimental obtained results from the uptake of SO2 by water drops containing heavy metal ions for both, large and small water drops did agree with the model results.  相似文献   
Thecrustalfluidevolutionandthecausesofearthquakes(Ⅲ)CHANG-FANGXU(徐常芳)InstituteofGeology,StateSeismologicalBureau,Beijing1000...  相似文献   
科学计算可视化技术的研究与应用   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
本文介绍了科学计算可视化技术的发展和应用情况,论述了这一新技术的特点及其在油气藏描述,工程设计CAD等学科的应用和发展趋势。阐述了目前国际国内计算机图形学领域具体的研究方向和方法及图形软件、图形硬件的发展概况。  相似文献   
1976年唐山地震前,在距震源很远的地区内都观测到一些前兆趋势变化,如重力、重力位二次徽商W△、水氧、地电阻率、水位和油井出油量等变化。作者认为这些变化不是由震源体直接引起的,而是在区域应力场的作用下,在某些活动断层附近,浅层岩,尤其是含水砂岩层和含油层受挤压出现的一些与地震有关的异常现象。其特征是:(1)异常范围大,可能在距震源很远的地方发生,但就同一种方法的多个观测点来说却又是局部的,即只有其中部分测点才能观测到异常,不少测点观测不到异常。(2)异常发生的时间大致相同。有些异常有同步变化的特征,如同时上升或同时下降。(3)临震前多数异常有恢复的趋势。这些特征与引起异常的机理有关。作者还从理论上计算了这种趋势异常量级,重力变化100×10-6cm/s2左右,重力位二次微商变化(1~2)×10-9/s2,地电阻率变化2%~3%,Rn变化7.4~11.1Bq/L,这样的变化量在活动断层附近的一些台站可能观测到。作者还研究了干旱降雨对某些前兆的影响,其影响量级可以被一些方法观测到,因此在确定是否是地震异常时,必须注意利用综合分析的方法排除干旱降雨的影响,减少异常的多解性。  相似文献   
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