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国外关于年代际气候变率的研究   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
王绍武  朱锦红 《气象学报》1999,57(3):376-384
文中指出在气候变率与可预报性研究计划中,列出年代际气候变率及可预报性研究子计划充分显示出这个问题的重要性,回顾并总结了近年来年代际气候变率的研究成果,特别对全球气候变暖、海气相互作用、温盐环流、自然气候变率和ENSO的年代际变率的研究几个重点问题进行了讨论,最后对年代际气候变率研究今后的发展方向提出了看法。  相似文献   
龚志强  宋文玲  王东阡  赵玉衡 《气象》2017,43(10):1296-1301
2017年春季,全国平均降水量139.1 mm,接近常年同期。从空间分布看,我国降水总体呈“西多东少”的分布型。全国平均气温11.1℃,较常年同期偏高0.7℃,全国大部地区气温接近常年同期或偏高。太平洋年代际涛动处在正位相,春季赤道中东太平洋海温正常略偏暖是造成中国春季气温偏暖的重要气候背景。同时,500 hPa高度和距平场上,亚洲北部(30°N以北)整体呈纬向型环流,东亚大槽位置偏东,全国大部主要受高度场正距平控制,从而有利于春季气温整体以偏暖为主。另外,1月赤道中东太平洋为弱的冷海温,其两侧的副热带地区和西太平洋均为暖水控制的异常分布,有利于出现春季华南和东北降水偏少,西南降水偏多的第二模态分布型。东北大部、华南和江南等地受北风距平控制,水汽以距平辐散为主,降水偏少;西南地区为来自孟加拉湾的暖湿气流与高原外围偏北气流交汇区,水汽异常辐合造成该地区降水偏多。  相似文献   
国际耦合模式比较计划第五阶段(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5,简称CMIP5)多模式集合平均与过去2000年全球变化网络(Past Global Changes 2k Network,简称PAGES2k)代用记录重建的15世纪中叶全球温度年代际变化特征非常一致,规避了模式和气候代用记录由于各自的不确定性而导致两者的不匹配现象,为揭示自然因素主导气候变化的机理提供了完美时间窗口。而火山喷发作为15世纪中叶气候变化最主要的外强迫,其对区域气候变化在年代际尺度的影响仍不清楚。本文利用通用地球系统模式过去千年集合模拟(Community Earth System Model-Last Millennium Ensemble,简称CESM-LME),分析了15世纪中叶连续火山喷发对北半球"两极"(青藏高原和北极)温度、降水和水热组合年代际变化的影响。结果表明,15世纪中叶连续的火山喷发对青藏高原和北极夏季气候年代际变化的直接强迫作用,导致青藏高原和北极地区的温度和降水发生年代际尺度的下降和减少、水热组合趋于同向变化,而火山活动的间接作用可能通过影响气候系统内部变率北极涛动(Arctic Oscillation,简称AO)和大西洋经圈翻转环流(Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation,简称AMOC)来调控冬季温度和降水的变化。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The role of ocean dynamics in maintaining the Pacific Decadal Variability (PDV) was investigated based on simulation results from the Parallel Ocean Program (POP) ocean general circulation model developed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). A long-term control simulation of the LANL-POP model forced by a reconstructed coupled wind stress field over the period 1949-2001 showed that the ocean model not only simulates a reasonable climatology, but also produces a climate variability pattem very similar to observed PDV. In the Equatorial Pacific (EP) region, the decadal warming is confined in the thin surface layer. Beneath the surface, a strong compensating cooling, accompanied by a basin-wide-scale overturning circulation in opposition to the mean flow, occurs in the thermocline layer. In the North Pacific (NP) region, the decadal variability nonetheless exhibits a relatively monotonous pattern, characterized by the dominance of anomalous cooling and eastward flows. A term balance analysis of the perturbation heat budget equation was conducted to highlight the ocean's role in main- taining the PDV-like variability over the EP and NP regions. The analyses showed that strong oceanic adjustment must occur in the equatorial thermocline in association with the anomalous overturning circulation in order to maintain the PDV-like variability, including a flattening of the equatorial thermocline slpoe and an enhancement of the upper ocean's stratification (stability), as the climate shifts from a colder regime toward a warmer one. On the other hand, the oceanic response in the extratropical region seems to be confined to the surface layer, without much participation from the subsurface oceanic dynamics.  相似文献   
刘尉  罗晓玲  陈慧华  黄珍珠 《气象》2014,40(7):827-834
利用广东省86个气象台站近52年(1962—2013年)逐日降水量资料,统计了逐年各台站及全省开汛期(rain season onset date/RSOD),并对广东省开汛特征及其与前汛期降水的关系进行了分析。分析结果表明:(1)广东省开汛期多集中在3月下旬至4月中旬,最早和最迟开汛期相差94 d;(2)广东省东南大部、北部大部较中部大部和西南部开汛早,雷州半岛开汛最迟;(3)广东省开汛可分为突发型开汛和渐进型开汛两种类型;(4)广东省开汛期年(代)际变化特征明显,存在15~16 a的年代际振荡周期,1986年为年代振荡周期变化的转折点,前后分别存在8 a和5~6 a的年代振荡周期;(5)各台站开汛期与3月下旬及4月降水相关性最好,与5、6月及前汛期降水的相关性差;(6)广东开汛异常偏早(晚)年,其前冬500 hPa高度场存在明显差异。  相似文献   
有界赤道大洋波包解及其年际年代际变率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Linearized shallow water perturbation equations with approximation in an equatorial β plane are used to obtain the analytical solution of wave packet anomalies in the upper bounded equatorial ocean. The main results are as follows. The wave packet is a superposition of eastward travelling Kelvin waves and westward travelling Rossby waves with the slowest speed, and satisfies the boundary conditions of eastern and western coasts, respectively.The decay coefficient of this solution to the north and south sides of the equator is inversely proportional only to the phase velocity of Kelvin waves in the upper water. The oscillation frequency of the wave packet, which is also the natural frequency of the ocean, is proportional to its mode number and the phase velocity of Kelvin waves and is inversely proportional to the length of the equatorial ocean in the east-west direction. The flow anomalies of the wave packet of Mode 1 most of the time appear as zonal flows with the same direction. They reach the maximum at the center of the equatorial ocean and decay rapidly away from the equator, manifested as equatorially trapped waves. The flow anomalies of the wave packet of Mode 2 appear as the zonal flows with the same direction most of the time in half of the ocean, and are always 0 at the center of the entire ocean which indicates stagnation, while decaying away from the equator with the same speed as that of Mode 1. The spatial structure and oscillation period of the wave packet solution of Mode 1 and Mode 2 are consistent with the changing periods of the surface spatial field and time coefficient of the first and second modes of complex empirical orthogonal function(EOF)analysis of flow anomalies in the actual equatorial ocean. This indicates that the solution does exist in the real ocean, and that El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation(ENSO) and Indian Ocean dipole(IOD) are both related to Mode 2.After considering the Indonesian throughflow, we can obtain the length of bounded equatorial ocean by taking the sum of that of the tropical Indian Ocean and the tropical Pacific Ocean, thus this wave packet can also explain the decadal variability(about 20 a) of the equatorial Pacific and Indian Oceans.  相似文献   
近10年来,太平洋年代际振荡(PDo)因其对全球气候系统的深远影响而得到广泛的研究。PDo指的是在太平洋的气候变率中具有类似ENSo空间结构但周期为10-30年的一种振荡,当北太平洋中部海面温度异常增暖(冲却)时,热带太平洋中部和东部以及北美沿岸常同时伴随有同等幅度的异常冷却(增暖)。总体而言,有两类观点分别认为PDO起源于确定的海气耦合过程或起源于大气的随机强迫。确定性起源论强调,一个海气耦合系统内部的物理过程可以提供一个正反馈机制以增强一初始扰动,及一个负反馈机制以促使振荡位相发生逆转;海洋环流的动力演变过程决定了振荡的时间尺度。随机性起源论则强调,因为大气活动没有一个特定的时间尺度,其时间尺度谱实际上对应于白噪音谱,所以大气对海洋的强迫是随机的;而海洋常在低频谱段有最大的响应振幅,其对应的周期约为十几年或几十年。作试图系统性地理解PDO在观测、理论和数值方面的研究现状,从而为当前研究提供一个有用的背景性参考。  相似文献   
德雷克海峡上层海洋温度的年代际变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用经验模分解方法分析了德雷克海峡上层海洋温度的年代际变化特征.结果表明德雷克海峡上层海洋平均温度在1976-1986年以平均每年0.124 ℃的速度下降,而在1987-1998年以每年0.144 ℃的速度上升.与南方涛动指数的年代际时间尺度分量的相关性分析结果表明,热带太平洋海面气压场的变化对德雷克海峡上层海洋温度的年代际变化有一定影响.  相似文献   
Sea level observed by altimeter during the 1993–2007 period and the thermosteric sea level from 1945 through 2005 obtained by using the global ocean temperature data sets recently published are used to investigate the interannual and decadal variability of the sea level in the Japan/East Sea (JES) and its response to El Niño and Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Both the interannual variations of the sea level observed by altimeter and those of the thermosteric sea level obtained from reanalyzed data in the JES are closely related to ENSO. As a result, one important consequence is that the sea level trends are mainly caused by the thermal expansion in the JES. An ‘enigma’ is revealed that the correlation between the thermosteric sea level and ENSO during the PDO (Pacific Decadal Oscillation) warm phase (post mid-1970s) is inconsistent with that during the cold phase (pre mid-1970s) in the JES. The thermosteric sea level trends and the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) suggest a strong negative correlation during the period 1977–1998, whereas there appears a relatively weak positive correlation during the period 1945–1976 in the JES. Based on the SODA (Simple Oceanographic Data Assimilation) datasets, possible mechanisms of the interannual and decadal variability of the sea level in the JES are discussed. Comprehensive analysis reveals that the negative anomalies of SOI correspond to the positive anomalies of the southeast wind stress, the net advective heat flux and the sea level in the JES during the PDO warm phase. During the PDO cold phase, the negative anomalies of SOI correspond to the positive anomalies of the southwest wind stress, the negative anomalies of the net advective heat flux and the sea level in the JES.  相似文献   
Decadal circulation differences between more and less rainfall periods in the annually first rainy season of Guangxi and their association with sea surface temperature (SST) of the austral Indian Ocean are investigated by using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. The results are shown as follows. A pattern in which there is uniform change of the Guangxi precipitation shows a 20-year decadal oscillation and a 3-year interannual change. In contrast, a pattern of reversed-phase change between the north and the south of Guangxi has a 6-year interannual periodicity and quasi-biennial oscillation. In the period of more precipitation, the surface temperature in Eurasia is positively anomalous so as to lead to stronger low pressure systems on land and larger thermal contrast between land and ocean. Therefore, the air column is more unstable and ascending flows over Guangxi are intensified while the Hadley cell is weakened. Furthermore, the weaker western Pacific subtropical high and South Asia High, together with a stronger cross-equatorial flow, result in the transportation of more humidity and the appearance of more precipitation. The correlation analysis indicates that the Indian Ocean SST in Southern Hemisphere is closely associated with the variation of the seasonal precipitation of Guangxi on the decadal scale by influencing the Asian monsoon through the cross-equatorial flow.  相似文献   
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