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《Geofísica Internacional》2014,53(3):221-239
This paper presents and discusses the use of neural networks to determine strong ground motion duration. Accelerometric data recorded in the Mexican cities of Puebla and Oaxaca are used to develop a neural model that predicts this duration in terms of the magnitude, epicenter distance, focal depth, soil characterization and azimuth. According to the above the neural model considers the effect of the seismogenic zone and the contribution of soil type to the duration of strong ground motion. The final scheme permits a direct estimation of the duration since it requires easy-to-obtain variables and does not have restrictive hypothesis. The results presented in this paper indicate that the soft computing alternative, via the neural model, is a reliable recording-based approach to explore and to quantify the effect of seismic and site conditions on duration estimation. An essential and significant aspect of this new model is that, while being extremely simple, it also provides estimates of strong ground motions duration with remarkable accuracy. Additional but important side benefits arising from the model’s simplicity are the natural separation of source, path, and site effects and the accompanying computational efficiency.  相似文献   
The Nevado de Toluca is a quiescent volcano located 20 km southwest of the City of Toluca and 70 km west of Mexico City. It has been quiescent since its last eruptive activity, dated at ∼ 3.3 ka BP. During the Pleistocene and Holocene, it experienced several eruptive phases, including five dome collapses with the emplacement of block-and-ash flows and four Plinian eruptions, including the 10.5 ka BP Plinian eruption that deposited more than 10 cm of sand-sized pumice in the area occupied today by Mexico City. A detailed geological map coupled with computer simulations (FLOW3D, TITAN2D, LAHARZ and HAZMAP softwares) were used to produce the volcanic hazard assessment. Based on the final hazard zonation the northern and eastern sectors of Nevado de Toluca would be affected by a greater number of phenomena in case of reappraisal activity. Block-and-ash flows will affect deep ravines up to a distance of 15 km and associated ash clouds could blanket the Toluca basin, whereas ash falls from Plinian events will have catastrophic effects for populated areas within a radius of 70 km, including the Mexico City Metropolitan area, inhabited by more than 20 million people. Independently of the activity of the volcano, lahars occur every year, affecting small villages settled down flow from main ravines.  相似文献   
Using energy and entropy constraints applicable to the Earth's core, the heat flow at the core–mantle boundary (CMB) needed to sustain a given total dissipation in the core can be computed. Reasonable estimates for the present Joule dissipation in the core gives a present heat flow of 6 to 10 TW at the CMB. Palaeointensity data acquired from rocks younger than 3.5 Ga provide support that the Joule dissipation in the core before inner core crystallization was between today's value and four times lower than today. Prior to inner core crystallization (around 1 Ga), the magnetic field was maintained by thermal convection driven by core cooling, and our calculations of the two extreme cases predict that the heat flow at the CMB at that time was either 14 to 24 TW in the case of constant dissipation, or essentially the same as today in the lower field intensity case.  相似文献   
The eighteenth century Carte de cabinet of count de Ferraris is the first large-scale (1:11?520) topographic map of the entire Belgian territory, making it a valuable source of historical information. In the past, a number of studies have tried to assess the geometric accuracy of this map, but they all suffer from restricted technical capabilities for computing and visualizing the distortions, and most of them only focus on a limited number of the 275 map sheets. This paper therefore seeks to provide the first systematic and in-depth investigation of the map’s local geometric accuracy. Recently, two Belgian government agencies georeferenced the Flemish and Walloon part of the Carte de cabinet with a high level of detail, using some 30,000 ground control points to link the old map to the modern topographic map of Belgium. These data sets represent a new and unprecedented potential source of accuracy information. However, the high number of control points and our desire to compute distortions in an exact, local, quantitative and continuous way meant prominent techniques for studying the geometric accuracy of old maps, such as displacement vectors, distortion grids, triangular nets and the popular MapAnalyst software, were unsuited for this task. To meet all our requirements a new technique called Differential Distortion Analysis, which is influenced by the treatment of distortions in map projection theory, was used instead. Its advantages, structure and application to the Carte de cabinet are discussed in detail. The new technique allows calculating and displaying the map’s local angular and surface distortions with a very high spatial resolution. Consequently, it was possible to identify trends in the obtained levels of accuracy and to relate these to historical facts about the Carte de cabinet’s production process. This has resulted in important new insights into the map’s geometric accuracy.  相似文献   
《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(3):282-293
Cartographic projects of national importance are often only reported on in local journals which are published in the language of the author or mapping organisation. Owing to this, important maps and map series often stay unknown outside their country of origin. A case in point is the important Carte d’Afrique on a scale of 1∶2?000?000 which, during the last decades of the nineteenth century, was compiled by the French army officer Captain Richard de Régnauld de Lannoy de Bissy. The map made an enormous contribution to the history of cartography of Africa with regard to not only the discovery and exploration of the continent, but also the expansion of colonial control and the political rivalry between European powers. It was an impressive project to be executed by one man and at the time guaranteed a prominent position for the author in geographic and cartographic circles worldwide. Although afterwards superceded by many more accurate maps, Lannoy de Bissy’s map to date remains a lasting witness to the mapping of the ‘dark continent’ and of the fragile, hesitating progress made during the search for geographical knowledge before the advent of aerial photography and satellite imagery.  相似文献   
A high-resolution multichannel seismic reflection river profiling campaign was completed in July 2002 in the southern Upper Rhine graben (URG), along the River Rhine. Preliminary results show apparent Quaternary vertical slip rates, on intra-graben faults that are relatively slow, of the order of a few thousandths to a few hundredths of mm/yr. Moreover, kinematical data from the Ludwigshafen area show decreasing vertical slip rates since the Middle Pleistocene and/or a migration of tectonic activity. While still preliminary, these data show inhomogeneous and relatively slow tectonic activity in the URG that could probably not alone have shaped the Quaternary graben morphology. To cite this article: G. Bertrand et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   
A method for the simultaneous determination of Cd with In, Tl and Bi by isotope dilution‐internal standardisation (ID‐IS) ICP‐QMS using the same aliquot for rare earth element and other trace element determinations was developed. Samples mixed with an enriched 149Sm spike were decomposed using a HF‐HClO4 mixture, which was evaporated and then diluted with HNO3. After determination of Sm by ID‐ICP‐QMS and Cd, In, Tl and Bi concentrations were determined using the 149Sm intensity as an internal standard. The interference of MoO+ on Cd+ was corrected using the MoO+/Mo+ ratio separately measured using a Mo standard solution, and the validity of the externally determined oxide‐forming ratio correction was evaluated. The MoO+/Mo+ ratios measured using the standard solution and samples were ~ 0.0002 and < 0.002, respectively. Detection limits for Cd, In, Tl and Bi in silicate samples were at levels of < 1 ng g?1 with a total uncertainty of < 7%. Cadmium in the carbonaceous chondrites, Orgueil (CI1), Murchison (CM2) and Allende (CV3) as well as Cd, In, Tl and Bi in the reference materials, JB‐2, JB‐3, JA‐1, JA‐2, JA‐3, JP‐1 (GSJ), BHVO‐1, AGV‐1, PCC‐1 and DTS‐1 (USGS) and NIST SRM 610, 612, 614 and 616 were determined to show the applicability of this method.  相似文献   

— Le système de piémont atlasique du Sud marocain, d’âge tertiaire, est constitué dans le secteur de Boudenib de deux unités distinctes. La llamada de Boudenib forme l’unité inférieure et se caractérise par d’importants encroûtements carbonatés, riches en dolomite et attapulgite. L’unité supérieure de la llamada du Cuir marque une reprise de l’érosion et le dépôt de matériaux relativement peu altérés.

Des silicifications affectent les différents faciès de l’unité inférieure, ainsi que les grès crétacés sous-jacents, et jalonnent une surface d’érosion intra-fonnationnelle. Ces silicifications sont précoces, puisque remaniées dans les dépôts ultérieurs. Les illuviations d’opale et les accumulations gramdaires intercalées entre les concrétionnements successifs de silice attestent d’environnements pédologiques. La silicification plus forte vers la partie supérieure des coupes, ainsi que l’association fréquente des faciés silicifiés avec des niveaux hioturhés et altérés sont également à rapporter à des dispositions pédologiques. Ce sont des silcréles pédogénétiques.

L’étude micrographique montre que la silicification procède par épigénie des argiles et des carbonates, ainsi que par des cristallisations dans les vides. C’est à partir des vides existants (fentes, bioturbations et porosité intergranulaire) que se développe la silicification, montrant ainsi le rôle primordial des circulations. En particulier, l’épigénie des carbonates par la silice semble limitée par la diffusion de la silice à partir des vides, où le renouvellement des solutions est assuré. Les séquences de cristallisation des différentes formes de silice (allant de l’opale vers les quartz automorphes) peuvent être interprétées en terme d’évolution du milieu au cours de la silicification. Au fur et à mesure que des dépôts de silice se font sur les parois des vides, les solutions nourricières sont isolées de la roche encaissante, elles se chargent alors moins en cations étrangers, et la cristallisation de plus grands cristaux peut intervenir.

Les silicifications se développent pendant une période de stabilité tectonique et s’installent dans un paysage de glacis et sous des climats chauds à saisons alternées. Leur reconnaissance à l’échelle régionale peut constituer un repère lithostratigraphique précieux.  相似文献   
The objective of our study is to exploit ultrasonic Doppler velocimetry (UDV) to analyze the velocity field within a steady flow on a porous sedimentary bottom. Velocities are measured for several sedimentary beds, as well within the fluid vein as within the sediment. Our results highlight an exponential distribution of the velocities inside the sediment and a discontinuity of the velocity at the interface water–sediment, between the velocity in the free flow and the velocity within the sediment. These results highlight the need to base the analysis of sedimentary transport on the reality of the physical processes at the interface water–sediment.  相似文献   
 The Cabo de Gata Níjar Natural Park in Spain presents certain unique characteristics which make it of great geological, ecological and environmental interest. As a prior step to the environmental study of the park and the impact produced by the mining activities carried out up until ten years ago, the mining and waste-tip areas were defined and a lithological discrimination carried out. For this purpose, various remote-sensing techniques were employed to create high-resolution image documents on which the geological and environmental mapping of the area would be based, with special attention being paid to the areas of former mining activity because of its implications for the local environment. The merging of remote-sensing images with different spatial/spectral resolutions has become a highly useful tool, due to their increasing availability. Such is the case of the SPOT panchromatic and Landsat Thematic Mapper multispectral images, which are two of the most commonly used images in geological and environmental studies based on remote sensing. Of the numerous techniques described for merging remote sensing image data, this paper analyses those based on Intensity-Hue-Saturation, Principal Component Analysis, Spherical Coordinates, High-Pass Filters and Colour Normalized transform, using SPOT panchromatic and Landsat TM data. The research goals were (1) to analyse and compare some of the most commonly used methods; (2) to select the most appropriate method for a detailed geological-environmental study, and (3) to apply the methodology to the Cabo de Gata-Níjar area, the site of one of the most distinctive natural parks in the country. Received: 29 November 1996 · Accepted: 29 July 1997  相似文献   
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