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This paper contains the results of an extensive isotopic study of United States Geological Survey GSD‐1G and MPI‐DING reference glasses. Thirteen different laboratories were involved using high‐precision bulk (TIMS, MC‐ICP‐MS) and microanalytical (LA‐MC‐ICP‐MS, LA‐ICP‐MS) techniques. Detailed studies were performed to demonstrate the large‐scale and small‐scale homogeneity of the reference glasses. Together with previously published isotopic data from ten other laboratories, preliminary reference and information values as well as their uncertainties at the 95% confidence level were determined for H, O, Li, B, Si, Ca, Sr, Nd, Hf, Pb, Th and U isotopes using the recommendations of the International Association of Geoanalysts for certification of reference materials. Our results indicate that GSD‐1G and the MPI‐DING glasses are suitable reference materials for microanalytical and bulk analytical purposes.  相似文献   
A HF‐free sample preparation method was used to purify silicon in twelve geological RMs. Silicon isotope compositions were determined using a Neptune instrument multi‐collector‐ICP‐MS in high‐resolution mode, which allowed separation of the silicon isotope plateaus from their interferences. A 1 μg g‐1 Mg spike was added to each sample and standard solution for online mass bias drift correction. δ30Si and δ29Si values are expressed in per mil (‰), relative to the NIST SRM 8546 (NBS‐28) international isotopic RM. The total variation of δ30Si in the geological reference samples analysed in this study ranged from ‐0.13‰ to ‐0.29‰. Comparison with δ29Si values shows that these isotopic fractionations were mass dependent. IRMM‐17 yielded a δ30Si value of ‐1.41 ± 0.07‰ (2s, n = 12) in agreement with previous data. The long‐term reproducibility for natural samples obtained on BHVO‐2 yielded δ30Si = ‐0.27 ± 0.08‰ (2s, n = 42) on a 12 month time scale. An in‐house Si reference sample was produced to check for the long‐term reproducibility of a mono‐elemental sample solution; this yielded a comparable uncertainty of ± 0.07‰ (2s, n = 24) over 5 months.  相似文献   
We report on an improved method for determining trace element abundances in seawater and other natural waters. The analytical procedure involves co‐precipitation on iron hydroxides after addition of a Tm spike, and measurement by inductively coupled plasma‐sector field mass spectrometry (ICP‐SFMS). The validity of the method was assessed through a series of co‐precipitation experiments, using ultra‐diluted solutions of a certified rock reference material (BIR‐1). Results obtained for four natural water reference materials (NASS‐5, CASS‐4, SLEW‐3, SLRS‐4) are in agreement with published working values for rare earth elements, yttrium, vanadium and, when available, for hafnium, zirconium, thorium and scandium. A set of proposed values with uncertainties typically better than 8% RSD is proposed for Hf, Zr and Th.  相似文献   
The Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences recently prepared four certified reference materials for hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes in water, which are called ‘China Standard Water' (CSW)‐HO1–HO4 (hereafter referred to as HO1–HO4). These reference materials are intended for calibration purposes and provide reference values of their relative difference in 2H/1H and 18O/16O isotope‐amount ratios expressed in delta notation, normalised to the VSMOW–SLAP scale. The certified values of the reference materials were determined by an interlaboratory comparison of results from eleven participating laboratories. This paper describes in detail the production and certification procedure of the four reference materials. The first analytical data for the reference materials are also provided using a variety of analytical techniques, namely CO2–H2O equilibration and laser spectroscopy for δ18O and Cr reduction, as well as H2–H2O equilibration, laser spectroscopy, and high‐temperature conversion for δ2H. The reference values for materials HO1–HO4 and their associated uncertainties are assigned.  相似文献   
A 90,000-yr record of environmental change before 18,000 cal yr B.P. has been constructed using pollen analyses from a sediment core obtained from Salar de Uyuni (3653 m above sea level) on the Bolivian Altiplano. The sequence consists of alternating mud and salt, which reflect shifts between wet and dry periods. Low abundances of aquatic species between 108,000 and 50,000 yr ago (such as Myriophyllum and Isoëtes) and marked fluctuations in Pediastrum suggest generally dry conditions dominated by saltpans. Between 50,000 yr ago and 36,000 cal yr B.P., lacustrine sediments become increasingly dominant. The transition to the formation of paleolake “Minchin” begins with marked rises in Isoëtes and Myriophyllum, suggesting a lake of moderate depth. Similarly, between 36,000 and 26,000 cal yr B.P., the transition to paleolake Tauca is also initiated by rises in Isoëtes and Myriophyllum; the sustained presence of Isoëtes indicates the development of flooded littoral communities associated with a lake maintained at a higher water level. Polylepis tarapacana-dominated communities were probably an important component of the Altiplano terrestrial vegetation during much of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and previous wet phases.  相似文献   
We analysed the stable isotopes (18O and 2H) of rainwater and drip water within a cave (Nerja Cave) located in the unsaturated zone of a carbonate aquifer. Rainfall is more abundant and presents lower isotopic content in winter, while the volume of drip water is greater and its isotopic content is lower in summer. The flow analysis of 18O through the unsaturated zone confirms the seasonal lag between rainfall and the appearance of drip water in the cave and reveals that the unsaturated zone of the aquifer, in the sector of the cave, behaves like an inertial system with a strong capability to modulate the input signal. To cite this article: F. Carrasco et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   
The Albian–Maastrichtian seismic horizon analysis in central Tunisia (Gafsa–Sidi Bouzid area) using the reflection seismic sections calibrated to the well data, shows buried structures with deposit distributions and sedimentation geometries varying from the depressive to uplifted zones. Pinch outs, unconformities and hiatuses recognized on the folded high structures are caused by reactivation of the bordering faults. The Turonian–Maastrichtian unconformities correspond to the palaeogeographic limits that outline the Kasserine Islets and correspond to the N120, N180 major wrench-salt-intruded corridors and associated N90, N60 strike-slip faults. Formation of the different structures and evolution of the basins and platforms were controlled by conjugate dextral and sinistral strike-slip movements. These structures allow new palaeogeographic limits of the Kasserine Islets to be identified. To cite this article: T. Zouaghi et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
A multi-dimensional cosmological model with space-time consisting of n(n ≥ 2) Einstein spaces Mi is investigated in the presence of a cosmological constant λ and a homogeneous minimally coupled free scalar field. A generalized de Sitter solution was found for λ > 0 and a Ricci-flat external space for the case of static internal spaces with fine tuning of parameters.  相似文献   
Iron Isotopic Compositions of Geological Reference Materials and Chondrites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High‐precision iron isotopic compositions for Fe‐bearing geological reference materials and chondrites with a wide range of matrices (e.g., silicates, oxides, organic‐bearing materials) are reported. This comprehensive data set should serve as a reference for iron isotopic studies across a range of geological and biological disciplines for both quality assurance and inter‐laboratory calibration. Where comparison is available, the iron isotopic compositions of most geological reference materials measured in this study were in agreement with previously published data within quoted uncertainties. Recommendations for the reporting of future iron isotopic data and associated uncertainties are also presented. Long‐term repeat analyses of all samples indicate that highly reproducible iron isotopic measurements are now obtainable (± 0.03‰ and ± 0.05‰ for δ56Fe and δ57Fe, respectively).  相似文献   
The low detection limits and multi‐element capability of inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (ICP‐MS) makes it an attractive option in a wide range of environmental, medical, biological, industrial and archaeological applications. Quadrupole ICP‐MS is used to determine element concentrations in a diverse range of sample types, often very different from the geological applications for which ICP‐MS was originally developed. Whilst modern instruments are robust and capable of a high degree of automation, it is essential that users of both instrumentation and data are aware of the strengths and limitations of the technique. Many people who are now involved with the operation and application of ICP‐MS instruments are not specialists in the field, as was usually the case amongst early operators. This back‐to‐basics review is aimed at the novice user and includes a guide to ICP‐MS instrumentation and performance. Whilst solids, liquids and gases can all be measured by ICP‐MS, discussion of sample introduction is limited to liquids. Requirements for producing good quality data, including aspects of sample preparation, calibration, and methods of interference limitation are also discussed.  相似文献   
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