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建筑垃圾是城市市政垃圾的重要组成部分,对其堆填处理可能造成场地及周围一定范围内的地下水污染。传统观念认为,建筑垃圾中多为惰性或无害成分,对地下水影响有限,缺乏关于建筑垃圾堆填对地下水水质造成影响的研究。选取2处建筑垃圾堆填场地,通过对场地周围地下水采样分析,得到场地周边地下水化学指标空间分布特征,并利用正定矩阵因子分解法(PMF)识别研究区地下水化学组分来源,从而定量评价建筑垃圾填埋对周边地下水水质变化的贡献。结果表明,建筑垃圾填埋会显著影响周边区域地下水组分的浓度和质量,尤其是TDS、TH、Ca2+、SO42-等组分显著受到影响,填埋时间越长、填埋体量越大,影响程度越深。两场地区域范围内Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+、SO42-和TDS 5个组分或指标的空间分布整体变化趋势较一致,均表现为垃圾填埋场附近沿地下水流下游方向的点位浓度较高,其他点位浓度较低,验证了建筑垃圾填埋对区域地下水质量的影响。PMF来源解析确定两场地周边地下水化学组分来源有建筑垃圾填埋、岩石风化溶解、水岩相互作用和农业活动,在场地一来源贡献占比分别为29.2%、21.6%、24.2%和15.1%,在场地二贡献占比分别为15.6%、23.2%、28.4%和18.2%。两场地周围地下水质量受人类活动影响程度较深,人为污染源正在成为地下水中离子组分的重要来源。  相似文献   
基于详细的统计数据,从时间、空间、结构等多个纬度,对中国探矿权及地质勘查投资情况进行了时间序列、因素相关性等对比分析和综合研究,为政府管理部门制定政策和规划提供参考依据。通过研究,揭示了影响探矿权及地质勘查投资的主要因素、底层逻辑和发展规律,并认为受国内外宏观经济增速放缓、地缘政治等因素影响,特别是国内相关产业政策、生态和环境保护压力,“十三五”期间中国探矿权数、地质勘查投入和新发现矿产地持续大幅度减少。“十三五”期间,新立探矿权同比减少52.1%,注销探矿权数是“十二五”期间的3.7倍多。油气矿产的探矿权登记面积和地质勘查投资分别占全国的96%和77.6%;非油气矿产探矿权数占全国的90%以上,有近60%的非油气探矿权在西部地区;非油气地质勘查投资中,水工环及科技等投资额占居半壁江山。预计中国在能源矿产、战略性矿产等勘查领域将增加勘查投入,地质勘查投资将于2024年后逐渐走出低谷。  相似文献   

高密度电法是一种适用性广泛的电阻率勘探方法,拥有多种电极排列装置选择。不同装置由于电极分布方式的差异,在针对不同地质目标和测区环境时往往表现出明显不同的探测能力。为探究各排列装置的特点及其适用情况,推导了2.5D电位的变分问题,采用Delaunay三角化算法实现了非结构化网格剖分,进而实现了有限元正演模拟。结合实践,对常见地质情况进行建模,分别使用温纳α、温纳β、施伦贝谢尔、偶极−偶极4种装置开展正反演对比研究。研究发现:(1) 在探测未知区域单个异常体时,温纳β、施伦贝谢尔2种排列的效果更好;(2) 在探测相邻较近的多个异常体时,应优先采用具有更高水平分辨率的施伦贝谢尔和偶极−偶极排列;(3) 对于低阻破碎带的勘探,温纳β和偶极−偶极排列更为适用;(4) 当地层具有较好分层界限时,4种排列均可体现良好的分层效果。因此,高密度电法勘探实践中应综合考虑不同排列装置的特点,根据具体情况选用合适的多种排列方式进行测量,并对采集数据进行综合对比分析,以获得更为准确的解释结果。

The extensive sea grass meadows in Torres Strait enable it to be a globally important habitat for the dugong, Dugong dugon, a marine mammal of cultural and dietary significance to Torres Strait Islanders and the basis for the substantial island-based fishery in the Torres Strait Protected Zone. Torres Strait sea grass communities are subjected to episodic diebacks which are now believed to be largely natural events. Information on dugong life history was obtained from specimens obtained from female dugongs as they were butchered for food by Indigenous hunters at two major dugong hunting communities in Torres Strait: Daru (9.04°S, 143.21°E) in 1978–1982 (a time of sea grass dieback and recovery) and Mabuiag Island (9.95°S, 142.15°E) in 1997–1999 (when sea grasses were abundant). Dugongs sampled in 1997–1999 had their first calf at younger ages (minimum of 6 cf. 10 years), and more frequently (interbirth interval based on all possible pregnancies 2.6±0.4 (S.E.) yr cf. 5.8±1.0 yr) than the dugongs sampled in 1978–1982. Pregnancy rates increased monotonically during 1978–1982, coincident with sea grass recovery. The age distribution of the female dugongs collected in 1997–1999 also suggested a low birth rate between 1973 and 1983 and/or or a high level of mortality for animals born during this period. These results add to the evidence from other regions that the life history and reproductive rate of female dugongs are adversely affected by sea grass loss, the effect of which cannot be separated from a possible density-dependent response to changes in dugong population size. Many green turtles in Torres Strait were also in poor body condition coincident with the 1970s sea grass dieback. The impacts of future sea grass diebacks need to be anticipated when management options for the traditional Torres Strait fisheries for dugongs and green turtles are evaluated.  相似文献   
孙若昧  刘福田 《地球物理学报》1995,38(05):599-607,694
用1984-1991年发生在京津唐地区(37°-41°N,112.5°-120°E)的2505个地震的22234条P波到时进行的层析成像,揭示了地震活动性与速度图像间的联系:1.公元1000年以来该区强震震中在上地壳的投影大多分布在高速块体内或高速块体与低速块体相交地带,偏高速体的一侧.2.唐山地震和三河-平谷地震所处的构造背景相似,均未依傍大断层,处在介质速度变化剧烈部位.3.宁河与唐山、滦县分别位于规模大小、位置深浅不同的两个不同的高速块体处,可以解释唐山地震序列震源深度分布东北浅西南深的总体特征.4.唐山地震可能是由一条北西向的地下隐伏断层扩展的结果.  相似文献   
A profundal sediment core from Höllerer See frozen in situ was studied by means of diatom, microstratigraphical tape peel and pollen analyses. Varved sequences reflect eutrophication during mediaeval settlement and according to varve counts a recent eutrophic phase since the 1970's. Mesotrophication in-between coincides with regrowth of forests near the lake.
本文基于Vening Meinesz区域均衡模型,通过试验不同参数计算Vening Meinesz均衡补偿深度,将其与CRUST1.0模型给出的莫霍面深度进行拟合,得到适应于天山及邻区的平均补偿深度、"地区性指标"以及区域补偿半径.结合地球重力场模型EIGEN-6C4与地形数据,利用球冠体积分方法进行地形效应、沉积层效应计算和均衡校正,得到了研究区的Vening Meinesz均衡重力异常.结果显示天山及邻区的均衡重力异常幅值在-110~120 mGal之间,表明了天山及周边盆地岩石圈所处于的均衡状态,同时揭示了研究区的壳幔密度分布特征.天山、塔里木盆地、准噶尔盆地等块体的地壳垂向形变可能部分地由均衡调整引起,且均衡调整趋势与地面形变测量结果相契合.通过对均衡重力异常成因的解释,从地壳均衡角度分析了该地区复杂的构造背景及其新生代以来的演化历程.  相似文献   
位于中朝准地台的华北地区是由几个不同的断块组成的,重力异常场的分布具有很强的浅部效应、块状分布和深浅叠加场的特点。重力的高程效应很复杂,不同波长的起伏变化有不同的影响系数。本文对布格改正的有关问题进行了讨论,指出华北如区表浅层的密度值偏低(2520kg/m3),该区合理的布格改正公式为△g2=-0.0879H。将重力场的垂直导数和向上延拓结合起来,有利于揭示地壳上部构造特征。本文搜集整理了由第四系到寒武系的沉积层资料,给出了沉积层总厚度和视密度的分布。对深部重力异常的分析表明,华北沉积层的形成有深源性质,在均衡调节中起着一定的内载荷作用。  相似文献   
Performance based design of structure requires a reasonably accurate prediction of displacement or ductility demand. Generally, displacement demand of structure is estimated assuming fixity at base and considering base motion in one direction. In reality, ground motions occur in two orthogonal directions simultaneously resulting in bidirectional interaction in inelastic range, and soil–structure interaction (SSI) may change structural response too. Present study is an attempt to develop insight on the influence of bi-directional interaction and soil–pile raft–structure interaction for predicting the inelastic response of soil–pile raft–structure system in a more reasonably accurate manner. A recently developed hysteresis model capable to simulate biaxial interaction between deformations in two principal directions of any structural member under two orthogonal components of ground motion has been used. This study primarily shows that a considerable change may occur in inelastic demand of structures due to the combined effect of such phenomena.  相似文献   
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