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运用最大熵原理从理论上推导了大坝监测数据的熵概率密度函数模型,在此基础上给出了大坝安全监控指标的计算方法。该方法直接根据样本的数字特征值进行推断,而不是先假设呈经典的概率分布,包含最少的主观假定,具有更充分的数学和物理意义,并且算法简单、便于应用。结合具体工程实例,并与传统方法进行对比分析,证实了该方法的有效性、可行性。 相似文献
高压喷射灌浆防渗技术是国内正在推广的一种新型防渗技术,适用范围较广.阜康市红山水库始建于70年代,当时未对坝基11.5~4.2 m厚漂卵砾石层进行防渗处理.本次除险加固对坝基采用了高压喷射灌浆防渗处理,经检测防渗质量满足相关规范要求.高压喷射灌浆技术在漂卵砾石层中的成功应用,对该项技术的推广具有参考价值. 相似文献
大坝的强震观测是传感器测量的结构在地震激励下实际的振动反应.基于强震观测进行混凝土拱坝模态参数识别,可为结构的抗震分析、健康诊断和震损评估等提供基础.本文基于Pacoima 拱坝的3次地震观测数据,分别采用“输入-输出”型和“仅考虑输出”型两类方法对大坝的模态参数进行了识别,并对不同地震记录下,不同方法的识别结果进行对比.同时,结合国内外不同学者通过数值计算、大坝原型动力试验和运行模态分析等方式得到的Pacoima拱坝模态参数识别的结果,分析了基于强震观测的模态识别结果与上述方式获得的模态参数的差异,并分析了差异产生的原因.相关的研究成果,可为后续的研究提供参考. 相似文献
震后低频泥石流发生概率增加、泥石流规模增大,导致拦挡坝阻灾能力变化,进而影响泥石流的危险性. 但鲜有研究揭示拦挡坝对泥石流危险性的影响. 同时,针对以形成条件为危险性评价指标的传统危险性评价方法无法度量泥石流的破坏力及强度等问题,提出增加泥石流动力学参数作为危险性评价指标,并采用改进的熵值法评估泥石流危险性. 通过计算不同重现期下锄头沟泥石流的动力参数、拦挡坝稳定系数. 定量分析拦挡坝与泥石流危险性之间的控制关系. 结果表明:增加动力特征参数的泥石流危险性评价方法能考虑其动力破坏、泥石流强度作用,结合改进的熵值法能够获取较为科学、合理的评价结果;若拦挡措施安全稳定,由于停淤作用使坝后冲出量减少,使100~10年一遇泥石流危险性降低12.27%~43.75%不等. 考虑拦挡坝抗灾能力进行泥石流危险性评价,能有效对防灾减灾决策、土地规划利用等资源的合理调配提供指导. 相似文献
堰塞湖库容、入库流量等外部动力条件对堰塞坝漫顶溃决过程具有重要影响。本文通过水槽试验, 系统研究了不同库容和入库流量条件下漫顶溃决各阶段冲蚀特性变化, 以揭示溃决历时和溃口峰值流量对外部动力条件的响应机制。研究结果表明: 库容和入库流量通过控制溃决初始阶段堰塞湖水位变化速率, 影响溯源冲刷效率, 对初始阶段溃决历时产生显著影响; 库容和入库流量通过控制溃口侧向侵蚀速率、影响加速冲蚀阶段溃口侧向展宽效率, 对溃决峰值流量产生影响; 加速冲蚀阶段溃口垂向侵蚀和侧向侵蚀对外部动力条件变化响应不一致, 垂向侵蚀过程受到显著抑制。研究成果有助于深入认识堰塞坝漫顶溃决机制, 并为相关防洪减灾工作提供参考。
本文探讨了筑坝堆石料的空间变异性对土石坝坝坡动力稳定性的影响。以新疆某在建高面板堆石坝为例,在蒙特卡洛法的框架下,采用基于局部平均细分法的随机有限元法模拟考虑筑坝堆石料空间变异性时土石坝的地震响应及坝坡滑移情况,通过对比随机有限元法和常规确定性有限元法的计算结果,提出:在地震动作用下,考虑筑坝材料空间变异性时,坝坡滑动体的数量、规模以及滑移量和滑动历时都有不同程度的增大,因而坝坡整体危险程度显著高于不考虑材料空间变异性的情况。坝坡各项动力安全性指标对筑坝材料空间变异性非常敏感;因而,考虑筑坝材料空间变异性时,各项安全性指标的离散性较大。 相似文献
Physical barriers are widely used to control seawater intrusion (SWI). Amongst different kinds of physical barriers, mixed physical barriers (MPBs) are shown to be an effective approach to prevent SWI. However, the system may hinder the discharge of fresh groundwater and the removal of residual saltwater trapped in the inland aquifers of MPBs. Herein, using the validated numerical model, for the first time, we investigated the dynamics of residual saltwater and groundwater discharge after the installation of MPBs. For examining the applicability of MPB and its response to structural variations and hydraulic gradient, the comparison with traditional physical barriers and sensitivity analysis was also carried out. The MPB increased the mixing area of freshwater and saltwater at the beginning of the removal process, resulting in the reduction of the saltwater wedge length (RL) by 74.6% and the removal of total salt mass (RM) by 62.6% within the 4% of the total removal time. Meanwhile, the groundwater discharge (Q') rose rapidly after a sharp decline from 100% to 40% in the first stage. As the residual saltwater wedge was retreated, the mixing intensity and removal efficiency decreased substantially in the second stage. Similarly, Q' raised with a declining rate at this stage. The removal efficiency was positively correlated with wall depth and hydraulic gradient and there were optimal distance of the middle spacing and height of lower dam to reach the highest efficiency. The groundwater discharge reduced monotonously with the increase of dam height and wall depth as well as the decrease of barrier spacing and hydraulic gradient. Under certain conditions, the efficiency of MPB in removing residual saltwater could be 40%–100% and 0%–56% higher than that of traditional subsurface dam and cutoff wall, respectively. The laboratory scale conclusions provide valuable physical insight for the real field applications regarding dynamic mechanism and regularity. These findings will always help decision makers choose proper engineering measures and protect groundwater resources in coastal areas. 相似文献