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新型城镇化背景下,建设具有包容性和公平正义的城市,成为社会可持续发展的重要内容。交通相关的社会排斥研究主要包括理论研究、社会空间分析、交通与社会排斥的比较研究等,形成了基于空间和基于人群的2种研究范式。但关于不同地理环境和不同社会群体的交通与社会排斥研究,仍然缺乏对空间与行为互动的内在因果关系的有效论证,迫切需要从地理空间和不同社会群体的时空间行为入手,厘清交通与社会排斥的概念内涵和作用机理。论文梳理了交通与社会排斥的概念内涵、研究范式与测度方法,重点从时空间行为视角阐述了交通维度的社会排斥研究的内在逻辑和实证结果,并结合中国实际,试图构建时空间和行为互动的交通与社会排斥研究框架,为消除交通维度的社会排斥障碍、建构多尺度社会融合路径、建设更为包容和公平正义的城市提供实践基础和理论支持。 相似文献
机动交通快速发展背景下城市道路交通安全问题日益严峻,道路网络作为影响区域交通流与居民交通出行行为的关键因素,对区域交通事故的数量、类型和空间分布具有重要影响。论文从道路布局形式与几何拓扑特征2个方面归纳总结城市道路网络特征对交通事故的作用机理,并通过梳理道路网络与交通出行行为的关系分析其对交通事故的潜在影响。研究指出,格网型、平行曲线型、回路尽端型等道路网络布局形式以及中心性、连通性等道路网络拓扑指标,对交通事故的类型、频率和严重程度的影响存在差异性和空间尺度效应;合理的交叉口密度、路网密度、街区密度等道路网络几何特征对于提升交通安全水平具有重要作用。未来研究需要进一步运用复杂网络理论刻画道路网络的结构、功能等特征,在控制居住自选择效应的基础上,从交通出行行为视角深入分析复杂道路网络对交通事故的作用机制与非线性影响,同时考虑道路网络特征与建成环境的潜在交互作用。 相似文献
本文基于颗粒的质量守恒原理,考虑了沙粒的跃移、溅移和蠕移运动,建立了风成沙波纹的非线性积分微分演化方程,并进而通过尺度变换得到了近似的微分方程。数值求解该微分方程,得到了与野外观测相一致的沙波纹斑图,同时再现了沙波纹生成、合并的非线性行为,为进一步风成地貌形成演化的理论分析提供了一种可行的数学物理方法。 相似文献
The Callovo-Oxfordian claystone (COx) is considered as a potential geological formation to host an industrial radioactive waste repository in France. A detailed understanding of the thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) behavior of the COx is a key issue for design of different repository structures and the safety calculations of the project. More particularly, numerical modeling of induced fracture networks around drifts excavated at the main level of the Andra’s Meuse/Haut-Marne Underground Research Laboratory (M/HM URL) and short and long term behavior of the COx around these drifts are of great interest. Several constitutive models have been developed/used in the framework of the R&D and simulation programs of Andra. A model benchmark exercise has been launched since 2012 to provide an overall view of the developed models regarding the in situ observations. In this view, two series of test cases, respectively at material point scale and at drift excavation scale are defined. Different kinds of constitutive models based on the elasto-visco-plasticity concept, continuum damage mechanics, the rigid block spring method and two-scale computational homogenized model (CHM) are used within this exercise. The obtained results show that accounting for material anisotropy and strain localization treatment techniques can improve the obtained results when elasto-visco-plastic models are used. Damage mechanics based approaches and methods accounting for discontinuities through discrete elements provide also interesting insights especially when fracturing processes must be modeled. However, more efforts are necessary to improve the robustness of these kinds of approaches in the complex context of COx response to excavation works. 相似文献
珠江口硒的形态分布特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
硒属于硫族元素,在化学和生物化学性质上,硒与硫、碲相似.它和砷一样也是一种类金属物质.硒广泛存在于自然界中,岩石、土壤、沉积物、水体、生物体以及大气环境都含有不同程度的硒.硒是生物必需的一种微量元素,一方面表现出重要的生物功能,另一方面在较高浓度下也表现出毒性,摄入过多可导致动物和人硒中毒[1].在陆源硒向海洋的输送中河流占重要贡献,河流可能是溶解硒输入海洋的主要来源[2,3].河口区是陆地径流与海水相互混合的地带,其中发生的反应直接影响元素的入海通量,因此研究河口化学元素的行为对估计河流向海洋的输入及建立全球生物地球化学循环模型有十分重要的意义. 相似文献
Based on the full water-wave equation, a second-order analytic solution for nonlinear interaction of short edge waves on a constant plane sloping bottom is presented in this paper. For special case of slope angle b=p/2, this solution can be reduced to the same order solution of deep water gravity surface waves traveling along parallel coastline. Interactions between two edge waves including progressive, standing and partially reflected standing waves were also discussed. The unified analytic expressions with transfer functions for kinematic-dynamic elements of edge waves were also discussed. The random model of the unified wave motion processes for linear and nonlinear irregular edge waves is formulated, and the corresponding theoretical autocorrelation and spectral density functions of the first and second orders are derived. The boundary conditions for the determining determination of the parameters of short edge wave are suggested, that may be seen as one special simple edge wave excitation mechanism and an extension to the sea wave refraction theory. Finally some computation results are demonstrated. 相似文献
Werasak Raongjant 《地震工程与工程振动(英文版)》2011,10(3):417-422
This paper describes a quasi-static test program featuring lateral cyclic loading on single piles in sandy soil. The tests were conducted on 18 aluminum model piles with different cross sections and lateral load eccentricity ratios, e/d, (e is the lateral load eccentricity and d is the diameter of pile) of 0, 4 and 8, embedded in sand with a relative density of 30% and 70%. The experimental results include lateral load-displacement hysteresis loops, skeleton curves and energy dissipation curves. Lateral capacity, ductility and energy dissipation capacity of single piles under seismic load were evaluated in detail. The lateral capacities and the energy dissipation capacity of piles in dense sand were much higher than in loose sand. When embedded in loose sand, the maximum lateral load and the maximum lateral displacement of piles increased as e/d increased. On the contrary, when embedded in dense sand, the maximum lateral load of piles decreased as e/d increased. Piles with a higher load eccentricity ratio experienced higher energy dissipation capacity than piles with e/d of 0 in both dense and loose sand. At a given level of displacement, piles with circular cross sections provided the best energy dissipation capacity in both loose and dense sand. 相似文献
基于性能的碳纤维抗震加固设计 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
本文探讨了基于性能的加固设计的基本思路和设计过程,并给出了一个基于性能的碳纤维加固设计的工程实例,采用pushover静力推覆分析的方法分析对比了结构加固前后的性能,表明原结构的抗震性能不足,经碳纤维加固后的结构抗震性能明显提高,满足8度抗震设防烈度要求。 相似文献
Abutment behavior significantly influences the seismic response of certain bridge structures. Specifically in the case of short bridges with relatively stiff superstructures typical of highway overpasses, embankment mobilization and inelastic behavior of the soil material under high shear deformation levels dominate the response of the bridge and its column bents. This paper investigates the sensitivity of bridge seismic response with respect to three different abutment modeling approaches. The abutment modeling approaches are based on three increasing levels of complexity that attempt to capture the critical components and modes of abutment response without the need to generate continuum models of the embankment, approach, and abutment foundations. Six existing reinforced concrete bridge structures, typical of Ordinary Bridges in California, are selected for the analysis. Nonlinear models of the bridges are developed in OpenSees. Three abutment model types of increasing complexity are developed for each bridge, denoted as roller, simplified, and spring abutments. The roller model contains only single-point constraints. The spring model contains discrete representations of backfill, bearing pad, shear key, and back wall behavior. The simplified model is a compromise between the efficient roller model and the comprehensive spring model. Modal, pushover, and nonlinear dynamic time history analyses are conducted for the six bridges using the three abutment models for each bridge. Comparisons of the analysis results show major differences in mode shapes and periods, ultimate base shear strength, as well as peak displacements of the column top obtained due to dynamic excitation. The adequacy of the three abutment models used in the study to realistically represent all major resistance mechanisms and components of the abutments, including an accurate estimation of their mass, stiffness, and nonlinear hysteretic behavior, is evaluated. Recommendations for abutment modeling are made. 相似文献