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Periodical algal blooms result in deposition and release of phosphorus (P) from the sediment into the water. Therefore, during seasonal changes when algal particles begin to settle to the bottom, understanding the behavior and distribution characteristics of the P in sediment is the most important key to manage the water quality of the Saemangeum Reservoir. In this study, the variation of water quality and sediment composition including chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and P was investigated to determine the interaction between water and sediment. The study focused primarily on algal particle sedimentation that affects the P release and mineralization of sediment. The Chl-a concentration in water showed a sharp decline in October when the algae began to die in the fall, and afterward the concentration of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total P (TP) in the sediment increased due to the sedimentation of decaying algal particles in November. During the same period of time, the readily bio-available P (RAP) in the sediment showed a drastic increase in the upper region where the Chl-a concentration of water was high. In sequence, the high RAP zone shifted from the upper region to the lower region in the early winter. The RAP shift was considered to be derived from the physical flow of the overlying water from which the decomposing algae settled on the surface of the sediment. The Saemangeum Reservoir was constructed recently; therefore, all the types of inorganic P fractions except soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) that exist on the bottom surface of the lake and the marsh's sediment layer were not sufficient to significantly influence the overlying water. On the other hand, the released P from the algae was distinct and sensitive to the seasonal change. In conclusion, the algal particle sedimentation was important to control eutrophication rather than P release from the mineralized inorganic P of the sediment surface layer in the Seamangeum Reservoir.  相似文献   
若干水华相关藻类对太湖水体异味物质贡献的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
太湖水体中嗅味物质2-甲基异莰醇(MIB)和土臭素(Geo)的出现与水华发生在时间上高度重叠,为探寻水华中常见藻类与嗅味的关系,本研究通过对实验室培养藻株和野外水样比较分析,探寻了部分藻株与太湖水体嗅味物质的关系.分析实验室培养的15株蓝藻(其中11株微囊藻)、4株绿藻和4株硅藻,仅硅藻培养物测定出了Geo,所有藻株均未检测出MIB;对太湖典型水样分析结果显示,水体中MIB与Geo的浓度与微囊藻细胞浓度无相关性;实验室模拟微囊藻水华腐败结果显示,无论是好氧还是厌氧条件下均未产生MIB和Geo;这些数据结果说明湖水中MIB和Geo与水华主要种群微囊藻无直接关系.在鱼腥藻水华中测出了高浓度的MIB,周年水样分析结果显示鱼腥藻细胞数与MIB浓度变化规律一致,因此鱼腥藻可能是MIB的重要来源.但实验室培养的Anabaena sp.PCC7120无论是在缺氮还是有氮培养条件下均不产MIB和Geo,说明嗅味物质的产生具有藻株特异性.  相似文献   
近年来水体富营养化呈扩张趋势,蓝藻水华不仅在太湖等大型湖泊频发,水面面积较小的天津于桥水库等也形势严峻,亟需加强卫星遥感监测.但是,以往在太湖等业务化使用非常成功的MODIS等卫星数据(约500 m),由于空间分辨率较低,难以满足小型水体的监测要求;而Landsat-8等空间分辨率较高的卫星数据(30 m),通常重返周期较长,无法满足水华高频监测需求.本文以天津市于桥水库(面积约80 km2)为研究区,针对常用的卫星数据,从空间、时间、光谱范围和数据可获取性共4个方面,评价不同卫星数据蓝藻水华监测能力和算法,同时对不同卫星监测结果一致性进行评估.结果表明:(1)筛选出国产HJ-1A\B CCD、GF-1 WFV和美国Landsat-8 OLI这3种卫星波段合适,空间分辨率较高,适用于桥水库蓝藻水华监测,但考虑到其重返周期较长,建议多星联合观测;(2)各个卫星监测结果与卫星影像目视解译结果基本一致,均方根误差和相对误差均分别控制在0.78 km2和4.9%以内;(3)不同卫星监测结果一致性良好,一致性精度达到99.5%;(4)根据历史影像结果,发现于桥水库2016年水质开始呈富营养化,藻华现象在夏、秋两季最为严重.研究表明,针对小型水面水体蓝藻水华监测,利用较高分辨率数据联合监测,是一种有效的替代策略,今后可在更多小型水域推广.  相似文献   
新安江水库(千岛湖)水质时空变化特征及保护策略   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
为探索新安江水库(千岛湖)水质的变化规律及其影响因素,利用2009-2010年的逐月水质监测数据,结合文献资料,对新安江水库水质时空变化进行了综合分析.结果表明:在时间分布上,透明度、总氮、总磷及叶绿素受水文季节变化过程、浮游生物生长及人类活动等的综合影响,具有明显的季节变化特征,特别是上游街口断面各指标季节差异显著.空间分布上,上游水质明显劣于下游水质,上游水域透明度低,氮、磷及叶绿素含量高,反映出外源供给和人类活动对新安江水库水质的决定性贡献,控制外源污染是新安江水库水质提升的关键.统计分析表明,新安江水库主要感官指标透明度主要受控于藻类生物量,而藻类生物量变化与氮、磷营养盐的含量关系密切.严格控制入库营养盐通量,控制浮游植物生物量的季节性异常增殖已成为解决新安江水库水环境问题的核心.另外,新安江水库经济鱼类赋存量与捕捞量对水质有一定影响,年度捕捞量与水体透明度具有反相关关系,不能排除鱼类密度过高导致的生态系统失调的可能.因此,要进一步开展渔业养殖的水质效应研究,加强渔业管理,确定科学合理养殖模式,保证新安江水库水质的改善.  相似文献   
Synoptic ship and satellite observations were performed of the Kuroshio warm-core ring (KWCR) 93A and its adjacent waters, off Sanriku, northwestern North Pacific, between early April and late June 1997. The temporal and spatial distribution of chlorophylla (Chl-a) and sea surface temperature in the study area were analyzed using data from ADEOS Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) and NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR). The objective of this study was to describe the temporal and spatial variability of the spring bloom and understand its relationship with the changes in the hydrographic structure of these waters in and around KWCR 93A. The maximum value of Chl-a concentration in the ring was less than 1 mg/m3 during April. The spring bloom in the ring occurred early in May and the relatively high maximum (>1.0 mg/m3) continued from early in May to mid-June. In late June, a ship-observed surface Chl-a concentration of less than 0.4 mg/m3 suggests that the spring bloom had already declined in and around KWCR 93A. Double spiral structures of warm and cold streamers appeared from late April to mid-May, which may have an influence on the occurrence of the spring bloom in and around the ring. In this episodic event, the warm streamer can maintain the available potential energy of the ring and the strength of upwelling around the ring. The cold streamer provided water with a high Chl-a concentration to the surface layer of the ring. In order to understand the temporal and spatial variability of Chl-a distribution in the ring, the behavior of the warm and cold streamers needs to be taken into consideration.  相似文献   
张运林  秦伯强  朱广伟 《湖泊科学》2020,32(5):1348-1359
过去40年,全球气候变暖、辐射变暗和变亮、风速减弱、气候异常波动等自然环境变化以及筑坝建闸、岸堤硬质化和调水引流等强烈人类活动势必会深刻改变太湖湖泊物理环境和过程,驱动湖泊生态系统演化.基于历史文献、档案数据以及气象水文和透明度等长期观测数据,本文系统梳理了太湖气温、水温、风速、水位和透明度等物理环境空间分布和长期变化特征,探讨了气温和风速、水位和透明度相互协同作用机制及其潜在生态环境意义.受全球变化和城市化等影响,过去40年太湖气温和水温呈现显著升高趋势,而近地面风速则表现为持续下降,湖泊增温和风速下降有利于藻类生长和蓝藻水华漂浮聚集,某种程度上增加了蓝藻水华出现频次和集聚的面积.为防洪和满足流域日益增长的水资源需求,闸坝管控和调水引流使太湖水位呈现缓慢增加趋势,而入湖污染物增加和富营养化则造成水体透明度逐渐下降,致使透明度与水位(水深)的比值明显降低,减少了湖底可利用光强,恶化水下光环境,在一定程度上驱动了太湖水生植被和草型生态系统退化.湖泊物理环境长期变化逐渐拓展了太湖藻型生境空间而压缩了草型生境空间,加剧了草型生态系统向藻型生态系统转化和增强了藻型生态系统的自我长期维持.太湖湖...  相似文献   
Western tropical Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea, and the equatorial Pacific are known as regions of intense bio-chemical-physical interactions: the Arabian Sea has the largest phytoplankton bloom with seasonal signal, while the equatorial Pacific bloom is perennial with quasi-permanent upwelling. Here, we studied three dimensional ocean thermodynamics comparing recent ocean observation with ocean general circulation model (OPYC) experiment combined with remotely sensed chlorophyll pigment concentrations from the Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS). Using solar radiation parameterization representing observations that a higher abundance of chlorophyll increases absorption of solar irradiance and heating rate in the upper ocean, we showed that the mixed layer thickness decreases more than they would be under clear water conditions. These changes in the model mixed layer were consistent with Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) observations during the 1994-1995 Arabian Sea experiment and epi-fluorescence microscopy (EFM) on samples collected during Equatorial Pacific Ocean Climate Study (EPOCS) in November, 1988. In the Arabian Sea, as the chlorophyll concentrations peak in October (3 mg/m3) after the summer plankton bloom induced by coastal upwelling, the chlorophyll induced biological heating enhanced the sea surface temperature (SST) by as much as 0.6‡C and sub-layer temperature decreases and sub-layer thickness increases. In the equatorial Pacific, modest concentrations of chlorophyll less than 0.3 mg/m3 is enough to introduce a meridional differential heating, which results in reducing the equatorial mixed layer thickness to more than 20 m. The anomalous meridional tilting of the mixed layer bottom enhances off equatorial westward geostrophic currents. Consequently, the equatorial undercurrent transports more water from west to east. We proposed that these numerical model experiments with use of satellite andin situ ocean observations are consistent under three dimensional ocean circulation theory combined with solar radiation transfer process.  相似文献   
A systematic study of the lipid composition of thirteen bacterial species and three Recent sediments (methanogenic sediment, cyanobacterial mat and evaporative gypsum crust) was undertaken in an attempt to recognize bacterial organic matter in sediments. A sequential method, which distinguishes between three different modes of occurrence of lipid moieties (free, OH- and H+-labile), was applied. The acid-labile fractions are discussed.The three main groups of bacteria, archaebacteria, gram-positive eubacteria and gram-negative eubacteria, are easily distinguished. Methanogenic and extremely halophilic archaebacteria are characterized by the presence of diphytanyl glyceryl ether and the absence of fatty acids. The gram-positive eubacteria contain primarily iso- and anteiso-branched fatty acids whereas the gram-negative bacteria and sediments are dominated by β- and α-hydroxy fatty acids. A wide variety of H+-labile hydroxy fatty acids was observed which included several, as yet unknown, structures.β-Hydroxy fatty acids in this H+-labile mode of occurrence are exclusively present in bacteria. Their distribution patterns in sediments are considered “fingerprints” of past and present bacterial populations. The specific differences in β -hydroxy fatty acid compositions observed in the different bacteria and the three sediments investigated, suggest that amide-linked β-hydroxy fatty acid patterns are useful as markers of bacterial populations and therefore of environmental conditions.  相似文献   
袁伟  柳广弟  袁红旗 《地质论评》2023,69(1):365-374
鄂尔多斯盆地上三叠统延长组长7段富有机质页岩是该盆地中生界含油系统的主力烃源岩,其有机质丰度高,类型好,具有巨大的生烃潜力。该套烃源岩中有机质的富集很大程度上取决于长7期的高古生产力及其提供的充足的有机质。长7期藻类勃发的存在已被多数学者所接受,但是目前还缺乏直观、有力的证据。笔者等通过薄片和扫描电镜观察、能谱分析,在长7段的脉状黄铁矿附近和碳酸盐结核中发现了属种单一、分布丰度高的藻类化石,它们呈现出近似球状的轮廓,在中部分布着一条裂缝。这些藻类化石的发现具有重要的地质意义,它为长7期的藻类勃发提供了很好的证据,也为该时期热液活动的重要作用提供了有力的支撑。  相似文献   
In a study on the diagenesis of carbohydrates in a recent stromatolitic deposit (Solar Lake, Sinai) monosaccharides are quantitated after mild acid hydrolysis and gas chromatographic analysis as alditol acetates. From the depth profiles of the individual monosaccharides relative to the total organic carbon three categories of carbohydrates can be distinguished. The behaviour of the various categories upon burial is discussed in terms of their potential to become a part of the organic matter that survives geological periods. The distribution patterns of especially the mono-O-methyl monosaccharides at various depths are characteristics for the bacterial communities present in the corresponding parts of the sediment column.  相似文献   
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