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成武县位于鲁西南黄河冲积平原区,水系发达,地表水资源丰富。为了分析地表水系对成武县土地利用时空变化和空间格局的影响,该文基于不同时期的遥感影像,结合实地调查和专家意见,提取区域土地利用现状图;运用DEM地表水文分析提取河流汇流累积量、水流长度、河流网络等,根据流量选取了河网。以河流为中心向两侧作缓冲区,与土地利用现状图进行空间分析,得到不同距离缓冲区内的土地利用结构。与全区域土地利用结构对比,分析不同时期在相同的缓冲区域内土地利用特征和变化,总结土地结构变化规律,结合100m,200m,300m,400m,500m,750m,1000m不同的缓冲区;通过对比各种土地利用类型在不同距离缓冲区的时空变化,从而分析水系因子对不同土地类型时空变化的影响。结果表明,不同距离缓冲区内土地利用结构不同,随着缓冲区范围的增加,耕地、建设用地、林地、园地呈现不同的变化趋势与特点,水系因子对成武县不同土地利用方式影响程度不同,水系因素对成武县土地利用空间分异有明显影响。  相似文献   
山地城市土地覆盖变化对地表温度的影响   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
彭征  廖和平  郭月婷  李清 《地理研究》2009,28(3):673-684
针对山地城市复杂的城市地貌和下垫面类型,本文使用TM、DEM、ETM+等遥感影像资料,提取了重庆市土地利用覆盖类型;借助TM、MSS等遥感数据的红外波段,反演出1988年和2000年的地表温度。分析了重庆市近十年的土地覆盖变化及其对地表温度的影响,结果表明,在1988~2000年间,研究区土地覆盖变化明显,特别是城市土地覆盖面积有显著增加。土地覆盖类型的变化会改变地表温度的空间分布,尤其是城市土地的扩展会提高地表温度。对山地、丘陵、平坝、陡坡四种耕地的地表温度进行了深入分析与研究,结果表明:山地城市土地覆盖变化引起了植被覆盖度的变化,而植被覆盖度的变化又相应地影响了地表温度的变化,植被覆盖度每下降10%,地表温度上升0.49K。  相似文献   
官厅水库近三十年的水质演变时序特征   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
基于过去的研究成果,综述了官厅水库近三十年来的水质演变过程,分阶段探讨了官厅水库水污染的来源和特征。与此同时,从污染物的角度探讨了官厅水库典型污染物的时空变化规律。研究结果表明,官厅水库的水质演变先后经历了四个阶段,依次为1972~1975年以有机毒物和重金属污染为特征的水体污染,1981~1992年以有机污染为主体的水体再污染,1992~1995年增加了大肠杆菌污染的水体复合污染,以及1996年至今以氮磷污染为明显特征的水体有机复合污染。从主要污染物的时间变化上看,库区COD和主要重金属含量均在缓慢上升,挥发酚的含量呈现波动趋势,氨氮和总磷的含量持续大幅度上升。污染物在库区的空间分布规律相似,入库处污染物浓度明显高于出库处的污染物浓度。  相似文献   
广东省新一轮土地利用总体规划的修编工作已基本完成,文中分析了新一轮土地利用总体规划的特点和规划实施存在的问题,提出新一轮规划实施管理的思路:严格落实规划的刚性要求,充分发挥规划的弹性空间,增强土地利用质量的管理.据此,对规划实施管理提出4点建议:(1)进一步落实规划编制规程的要求;(2)制定规划实施的弹性措施;(3)创新规划指标的调节机制;(4)建立省级建设项目用地统筹指标,以期更好地发挥土地利用总体规划的指导作用.  相似文献   
结合实际测量过程中出现的问题,对提高海洋测量成果质量的几个关键环节进行了思考,从标准规范、规章制度到人员素质等三个方面提出了相应的建议,对于提高技术人员的基本素质、严格执行标准规范和规章制度、全面提高测量成果质量具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
Reliable land cover land use (LCLU) information, and change over time, is important for Green House Gas (GHG) reporting for climate change documentation. Four different organizations have independently created LCLU maps from 2010 satellite imagery for Malawi for GHG reporting. This analysis compares the procedures and results for those four activities. Four different classification methods were employed; traditional visual interpretation, segmentation and visual labelling, digital clustering with visual identification and supervised signature extraction with application of a decision rule followed by analyst editing. One effort did not report classification accuracy and the other three had very similar and excellent overall thematic accuracies ranging from 85 to 89%. However, despite these high thematic accuracies there were very significant differences in results. National percentages for forest ranged from 18.2 to 28.7% and cropland from 40.5 to 53.7%. These significant differences are concerns for both remote-sensing scientists and decision-makers in Malawi.  相似文献   
DLG作为基础地理信息的核心数据,质量直接影响其在各个领域内的应用,为此,DLG质量检查尤为重要。基于现有检查软件的质检工作大多将检查和编辑分离成两个独立部分,使得错误信息的查看和修改不便。因此,基于ArcGIS Add-in研发了交互式DLG质量检查平台,将质检和编辑无缝衔接,实现随查随改的高效质量过程控制。  相似文献   
测绘产品质量的检查工作是一项重要的工作,本研究结合测绘产品质检具体工作要求,改变传统测绘仪器检定的工作方式,实现测绘检验资料、登记存档、记录计算及出示检验证书和报告等工作的一体化电脑管理,从而实现测绘质检工作电脑自动化、规范化、程序化、高效率的工作流程。  相似文献   
在当前数据质量评估指标(多路径效应、数据完整率、周跳以及信噪比等)基础上增加数据有效率指标,首次提出利用多指标综合评价方法对全球iGMAS、MGEX、IGS等观测站的GPS数据进行数据质量分析,建立了TOPSIS综合评价模型,并将该模型综合评价结果与各指标进行Pearson相关分析,综合评价结果与数据完整率和数据有效率指标呈强相关;并采用静态PPP结果与该综合评价结果进行相关分析,亦呈显著相关。  相似文献   
The Koshi River Basin is in the middle of the Himalayas, a tributary of the Ganges River and a very important cross-border watershed. Across the basin there are large changes in altitude, habitat complexity, ecosystem integrity, land cover diversity and regional difference and this area is sensitive to global climate change. Based on Landsat TM images, vegetation mapping, field investigations and 3S technology, we compiled high-precision land cover data for the Koshi River Basin and analyzed current land cover characteristics. We found that from source to downstream, land cover in the Koshi River Basin in 2010 was composed of water body (glacier), bare land, sparse vegetation, grassland, wetland, shrubland, forest, cropland, water body (river or lake) and built-up areas. Among them, grassland, forest, bare land and cropland are the main types, accounting for 25.83%, 21.19%, 19.31% and 15.09% of the basin’s area respectively. The composition and structure of the Koshi River Basin land cover types are different between southern and northern slopes. The north slope is dominated by grassland, bare land and glacier; forest, bare land and glacier are mainly found on northern slopes. Northern slopes contain nearly seven times more grassland than southern slopes; while 97.13% of forest is located on southern slopes. Grassland area on northern slope is 6.67 times than on southern slope. The vertical distribution of major land cover types has obvious zonal characteristics. Land cover types from low to high altitudes are cropland, forest, Shrubland and mixed cropland, grassland, sparse vegetation, bare land and water bodies. These results provide a scientific basis for the study of land use and cover change in a critical region and will inform ecosystem protection, sustainability and management in this and other alpine transboundary basins.  相似文献   
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