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Despite great achievements in the origins of domestic pigs made by the methods of zooarchaeology and molecular biology, how to scientifically distinguish the domesticated pigs from wild boars during the early stage of pig domestication is still poorly understood. Compared to wild boar’s diets which come from the natural environment, the diets of domestic pigs are more easily influenced by human feeding activities. Therefore, in principle, exploration of the dietary differences among pigs and under-standing the impact on pig diets fed by humans can have great potential to differentiate between wild boars and domesticated pigs. To reveal dietary differences among pigs and distinguish the domesticated pigs from wild boars based on comparison with the diets of humans and other animals, we analyzed the carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of human bones from Xiaojingshan Site and animal bones from Yuezhuang Site, both of which belong to Houli Culture in Shandong Province and date to about 8500-7500 years ago. The mean δ13C value ((−17.8 ± 0.3)‰) and δ15N value ((9.0±0.6)‰) in human collagen indicate that although millet agriculture began it was not the main subsistence strategy as millets are typical of C4 plants and that humans made a living mainly by gathering, hunting or raising some domesticated animals. The δ13C value (−16.1‰) and δ15N value (6.9‰) in the bovine suggest that C3 plants were dominant in its diet with some C4 plants complemented. The fish has lower δ13C value (−24.9‰) and higher δ15N value (8.8‰) than the bovine, which is the characteristic of the isotopic values from Eurasian freshwater fish. Based on the differences in carbon and nitrogen isotope values, the pigs can be divided into three groups. A group, composed of two pigs, has low δ13C values (−18.1‰, −20.0‰) and low δ15N values (4.7‰, 6.0‰). B group, only one pig, has the highest δ13C value (−10.6‰) and mediate δ15N value (6.4‰). As for the C group, also only one pig, low δ13C value (−19.0‰) and the highest δ15N value (9.1‰) are observed. Previous studies on the stable isotopes from modern or ancient wild boars’ bones have suggested that C3 plants are predominated in their diets and that their δ15N values are close to those in herbivores and far from those in carnivores. Based on the comparison with the isotope values from humans, the wild boars and the domestic pigs from Xipo Site in Henan 6000-5500 years ago and Kangjia Site in Shaanxi 4500-4000 years ago, we conclude that A pig group belongs to wild boars while B and C groups can be attributed to domesticated pigs. Supported by Max-Planck Society and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KJCX3.SYW.N12), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40702003) and President Funding of Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences  相似文献   
Seven distinct phases of Variscan two-mica granite are recognized in the Guarda-Sabugal area. They intruded the Cambrian schist-metagraywacke complex, crystallized in the middle crust, and are syn- to late-D3 (309.2 ± 1.8 Ma), late-D3 (304–300 Ma) and late- to post-D3 (299 ± 3 Ma; ID-TIMS ages on zircon and monazite). Two of the granites, G2 and G5, are close in age and have similar Sr, Nd and O isotope characteristics but contrasting whole rock and mineral features and formed by sequential increasing degree of partial melting of a common metasedimentary protolith. During sequential melting Ti, total Fe, Mg, Ca, Zr, Zn, Sr, Ba and REE contents and (La/Yb)N increase and Si and Rb contents decrease, plagioclase becomes richer in anorthite and biotite and muscovite richer in Ti and Mg. Each of these granites evolved subsequently by fractional crystallization of quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, biotite and ilmenite, defining separate series G2–G3–G7 and G5–G6 containing late Sn-bearing differentiates. Two other granites G1 and G4 represent distinct pulses of magma with individual fractionation trends for major and trace elements and distinct (87Sr/86Sr)300, ?Nd300 and δ18O values.  相似文献   
Kajan subvolcanic rocks in the Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic arc (UDMA), Central Iran, form a Late Miocene-Pliocene shallow-level intrusion. These subvolcanics correspond to a variety of intermediate and felsic rocks, comprising quartz diorite, quartz monzodiorite, tonalite and granite. These lithologies are medium-K calc-alkaline, with SiO2 (wt.%) varying from 52% (wt.%) to 75 (wt.%). The major element chemical data also show that MgO, CaO, TiO2, P2O5, MnO, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 define linear trends with negative slopes against SiO2, whilst Na2O and K2O are positively correlated with silica. Contents of incompatible trace elements (e.g. Ba, Rb, Nb, La and Zr) become higher with increasing SiO2, whereas Sr shows an opposite behaviour. Chondrite-normalized multi-element patterns show enrichment in LILE relative to HFSE and troughs in Nb, P and Ti. These observations are typical of subduction related magmas that formed in an active continental margin. The Kajan rocks show a strong affinity with calc-alkaline arc magmas, confirmed by REE fractionation (LaN/YbN = 4.5–6.4) with moderate HREE fractionation (SmN/YbN = 1.08–1.57). The negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* <1), the low to moderate Sr content (< 400 ppm) and the Dy/Yb values reflect plagioclase and hornblende (+- clinopyroxene) fractionation from a calc-alkaline melt Whole–rock Sr and Nd isotope analyses show that the 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios vary from 0.704432 to 0.705989, and the 143Nd/144Nd initial ratios go from 0.512722 to 0.512813. All the studied samples have similar Sr-Nd isotopes, indicating an origin from a similar source, with granite samples that has more radiogenic Sr and low radiogenic Nd isotopes, suggesting a minor interaction with upper crust during magma ascent. The Kajan subvolcanic rocks plot within the depleted mantle quadrant of the conventional Sr-Nd isotope diagram, a compositional region corresponding to mantle-derived igneous rocks.  相似文献   
 Volcan Popocatépetl is a Quaternary stratovolcano located 60 km southeast of Mexico City. The summit crater is the site of recent ash eruptions, excess degassing, and dacite dome growth. The modern cone comprises mainly pyroclastic flow deposits, airfall tephras, debris flows, and reworked deposits of andesitic composition; it is flanked by more mafic monogenetic vents. In least-degassed fallout tuffs and mafic scoria, transition metals are concentrated in phases formed before eruption, during eruption, and after eruption. Preeruptive minerals occur in both lavas and tephra, and include oxides and sulfides in glass and phenocrysts. The magmatic oxides consist of magnetite, ilmenite, and chromite; the sulfides consist of both (Fe,Ni)1-xS (MSS) and Cu–Fe sulfide (ISS). Syn- and posteruptive phases occur in vesicles in both lavas and tephra, and on surfaces of ash and along fractures. The mineral assemblages in lavas include Cu–Fe sulfide and Fe–Ti oxide in vesicles, and Fe sulfide and Cu–Fe sulfide in segregation vesicles. Assemblages in vesicles in scoria include Fe–Ti oxide and rare Fe–Cu–Sn sulfide. Vesicle fillings of Fe–Ti oxide, Ni-rich chromite, Fe sulfide, Cu sulfide, and barite are common to two pumice samples. The most coarse-grained of the vesicle fillings are Cu–Fe sulfide and Cu sulfide, which are as large as 50 μ in diameter. The youngest Plinian pumice also contains Zn(Fe) sulfide, as well as rare Ag–Cu sulfide, Ag–Fe sulfide, Ag bromide, Ag chloride, and Au–Cu telluride. The assemblage is similar to those typically observed in high-sulfidation epithermal mineralization. The fine-grained nature and abundance of syn- and/or posteruptive phases in porous rocks makes metals susceptible to mobilization by percolating fluids. The abundance of metal compounds in vesicles indicates that volatile exsolution prior to and/or during eruption played an important role in releasing metals to the atmosphere. Received: March 1997 · Accepted: 27 May 1997  相似文献   
石忆邵  范胤翡 《地理研究》2008,27(6):1427-1436
上海房地产市场在国家房产新政下出现了较大的转折,商务办公楼市场升温。本文从总体上分析了上海部分区域商务办公楼的平均租金差异,并选择商务办公楼比较集中的南京路、延安路和淮海路三条线路作为典型调查区段,共采集24个样本区域、66幢甲级商务办公楼、492个具体样本资料,运用多元线性回归分析方法,揭示了上海市商务办公楼租金差异与地理区位、服务设施、交通条件、平均层数、平均停车位及绿化景观6个影响因子的相互作用关系。回归分析结果表明:服务设施和停车位是影响上海市商务办公楼租金差异的主要因子;其次为绿化景观、地理区位和交通条件;而平均层数的影响甚微。最后针对上海商务办公楼多中心化趋势,就有关问题进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   
刘盛和  胡章  邓羽 《地理研究》2011,30(4):676-686
改革开放以来,我国流动人口增长迅猛,但目前我国还缺乏对流动人口进行快速动态监测的有效方法与方案,特别是未能考虑我国流动人口的区域差异性,这已成为各级政府在进行科学决策和及时行动时的主要制约因素之一.本文尝试提出一种基于区域差异的我国流动人口快速监测方法,旨在应用流动人口区域差异的知识来改正流动人口监测样点网络布局方案和...  相似文献   
以大鳞副泥鳅(Paramisgurnus dabryanus)新品系“赣红1号”为对象,探究了不同温度(20,23,26,29,32℃)对其受精卵孵化、仔鱼活力和性别分化的影响。结果显示,当温度在20~32℃范围内时,培育周期和孵化周期与温度均呈负相关关系,均随着温度的升高而缩短。培育周期在各温度组间差异显著(P<0.05),孵化周期在29和32℃组间差异不显著,其余各组间均具有显著差异(P<0.05)。随着温度的升高,孵化率先升高后降低,26℃时孵化率达到最高;畸形率呈现与孵化率相反的趋势,26℃时畸形率最低,且显著低于20、29和32℃组(P<0.05);仔鱼的不投饵存活系数(SAI)随着温度的升高而逐渐降低,各组间差异显著(P<0.05),23℃时SAI值为59.77,最大可存活时间为15日龄;此外,雄性率随温度的升高而增加,高温可促进个体趋向雄性发育。研究发现“赣红1号”受精卵孵化、仔鱼活力和性别分化均受到温度的重要影响,结合生产实际和试验数据,其孵化和仔鱼培育的适宜温度应保持在23~26℃。  相似文献   
北京市蔬菜和菜地土壤砷含量及其健康风险分析   总被引:55,自引:3,他引:55  
通过对北京市蔬菜和菜地土壤砷含量状况进行大规模调查,研究了蔬菜和土壤砷含量及其健康风险,并筛选出抗砷污染能力强的蔬菜品种。根据蔬菜的消费量并兼顾品种多样性的原则,在北京市规模化蔬菜栽培基地 (采集蔬菜及土壤样品) 和蔬菜批发市场 (蔬菜样品) 共采集93种蔬菜400多份蔬菜样品和39个土壤样品系统地分析其砷含量。研究发现:北京市菜地土壤砷含量范围和平均含量分别为4.44~25.3和9.40 mg/kg,明显超过北京市土壤砷背景值;北京市蔬菜砷含量最高达0.479 mg/kg,平均含量为0.028 mg/kg,均未超过《食品中砷限量卫生标准》(GB4810-94) 的限量值,但其中有2个蔬菜样品 (萝卜和大蒜) 砷含量超过WHO/FAO制订的限量标准。北京市蔬菜砷含量在东偏北方向 (偏转11o-30o) 存在明显的"U"型趋势分布。裸露地蔬菜砷含量显著高于设施蔬菜。油菜、萝卜、小白菜、大葱、芥菜、黄瓜、大白菜和甘蓝抗砷污染能力较弱,而辣椒、云架豆、冬瓜、茄子、菠菜、西红柿、芹菜等抗砷污染能力则较强。北京市居民从蔬菜中摄入砷平均值为0.016 mg/(人·d),蔬菜砷对北京市部分人群存在一定的健康风险。  相似文献   
Phase equilibria simulations were performed on naturally quenchedbasaltic glasses to determine crystallization conditions priorto eruption of magmas at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) east ofAscension Island (7–11°S). The results indicate thatmid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) magmas beneath different segmentsof the MAR have crystallized over a wide range of pressures(100–900 MPa). However, each segment seems to have a specificcrystallization history. Nearly isobaric crystallization conditions(100–300 MPa) were obtained for the geochemically enrichedMORB magmas of the central segments, whereas normal (N)-MORBmagmas of the bounding segments are characterized by polybariccrystallization conditions (200–900 MPa). In addition,our results demonstrate close to anhydrous crystallization conditionsof N-MORBs, whereas geochemically enriched MORBs were successfullymodeled in the presence of 0·4–1 wt% H2O in theparental melts. These estimates are in agreement with direct(Fourier transform IR) measurements of H2O abundances in basalticglasses and melt inclusions for selected samples. Water contentsdetermined in the parental melts are in the range 0·04–0·09and 0·30–0·55 wt% H2O for depleted and enrichedMORBs, respectively. Our results are in general agreement (within±200 MPa) with previous approaches used to evaluate pressureestimates in MORB. However, the determination of pre-eruptiveconditions of MORBs, including temperature and water contentin addition to pressure, requires the improvement of magma crystallizationmodels to simulate liquid lines of descent in the presence ofsmall amounts of water. KEY WORDS: MORB; Mid-Atlantic Ridge; depth of crystallization; water abundances; phase equilibria calculations; cotectic crystallization; pressure estimates; polybaric fractionation  相似文献   
徐少康 《盐湖研究》1996,4(2):64-69
通过钾盐矿床与晶间卤水分异特征及成因的分析对比,认为晶间卤水分异的过程也就是钾盐矿床形成的过程。胶结浸染状固体矿形成于晶间卤水分异初期的浓缩阶段,改造于分异后期的淡化阶段;晶间卤水矿和层状固体矿形成于淡化阶段。  相似文献   
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