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马立元  尹航  陈纯芳  尹伟 《沉积学报》2015,33(2):416-425
通过对鄂尔多斯盆地红河油田中生界原油系统地采样和地球化学分析,研究了原油的族组成和生物标志化合物特征,在此基础上分析了油源。研究结果表明,红河油田中生界各油层组原油的地球化学特征相似,反映了这些油层组原油来自相同的油源。油源母质为混合型,水生生物和陆源高等植物对烃类生成均有贡献,且以陆源高等植物贡献较大。原油形成于还原-弱还原条件下的淡水或微咸水湖泊沉积环境。原油的成熟度一致,均为成熟原油。原油主要来源于该区延长组长7底部的油页岩。  相似文献   
孙伟  陈明  何江林  曹竣锋  王东 《沉积学报》2015,33(2):265-274
西藏羌塘盆地中生代发育广泛的海相碳酸盐地层,前人对该区地层的对比研究多局限于古生物地层学,本文尝试通过锶同位素地层学方法对上侏罗-下白垩统索瓦组地层进行全球对比。根据锶同位素地层学的基本原理,本文在对样品进行显微组构分析、阴极发光分析、Ca、Si、Sr和Mn等元素含量分析及评估其对同期海水代表性和样品溶解过程合理性的基础上,测试了羌塘盆地半岛湖地区上侏罗-下白垩统锶同位素组成,并建立了相应的演化曲线,进行了全球对比研究。结果表明,样品的锶同位素组成与前人已公布的同期海水锶同位素组成数据较为接近,其演化曲线与国际上已公布的锶同位素演化曲线有着较好的可对比性,晚侏罗-早白垩世时期全球海平面的变化和侵蚀作用的强弱是控制锶同位素演化曲线的主要因素。此外,通过对索瓦组海相碳酸盐锶同位素的研究,我们认为索瓦组的顶部可能延伸到早白垩世欧特里夫期,近而说明了羌塘盆地在早白垩世欧特里夫期还存在大规模的海相地层。  相似文献   
西秦岭温泉斑岩钼矿床岩浆-热液演化   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
邱昆峰  宋开瑞  宋耀辉 《岩石学报》2015,31(11):3391-3404
西秦岭北缘广泛出露印支期中酸性侵入岩和相关的斑岩-矽卡岩矿床。温泉矿床位于该矿带东段,是其内已探明规模最大的斑岩钼矿床。温泉矿床发育多阶段热液脉体,黄铁矿作为其中的贯通性金属硫化物,其化学组成蕴含着岩浆-热液演化及金属沉淀过程等诸多信息,对于斑岩系统模型的厘定具有重要意义。温泉矿床热液脉体时序为:钾长石-黑云母-石英脉(A脉)、石英-黄铜矿脉、石英-辉钼矿脉(B脉)和石英-绢云母-黄铁矿脉(D脉)。A脉是斑岩系统岩浆-热液演化的最早期脉体,主要矿物组合为钾长石+黑云母+石英+黄铁矿±磁铁矿±磷灰石±黄铜矿,代表了引起早期基性岩浆矿物被蚀变为黑云母的流体通道;B脉与钾长石化蚀变关系密切,围岩中斜长石斑晶大量被蚀变为钾长石;石英-辉钼矿脉切割所有早期黑云母化-钾化蚀变阶段的石英-硫化物网脉,并形成于所有斑岩侵位之后,少量黄铁矿和黄铜矿共生于辉钼矿裂隙及边部;D脉是斑岩系统岩浆-热液成矿作用的最晚期事件,其主要被黄铁矿和石英及少量黄铜矿填充,发育晚期的绢英岩化和泥化蚀变,长石多发生破坏性蚀变。四个阶段石英网脉中黄铁矿电子探针分析显示,A脉的黄铁矿中Cu、Mo和Au含量均较低,有少量的金属硫化物(黄铁矿+黄铜矿)沉淀,但通常不能形成规模矿体;石英-黄铜矿脉的黄铁矿中Cu含量明显较高,且多与高品位Cu矿体的空间产出位置相一致,可能是斑岩系统伴随钾化蚀变作用主要的铜沉淀阶段;B脉的黄铁矿中Mo含量明显较高,与高品位钼矿体空间产出关系密切,可能代表了斑岩系统钼成矿作用的主要阶段;D脉的黄铁矿中Au含量明显升高,可能代表了金在斑岩系统岩浆-热液成矿作用的最晚期事件中的沉淀。  相似文献   
钻井液的类型与性能对于提高极地冰层取心钻进的效率与保证钻孔稳定性具有重要的影响。在分析铠装电动机械钻具工作原理与钻井液循环方式的基础上,较为详细地分析了升降钻具的速度与钻井液粘度与密度之间的关系;分析了现有钻井液类型和所存在的问题;以二元脂肪酸二醇酯、低分子量饱和脂肪酸酯与甲基硅油的试验测试数据为基础,确定了可用于极地冰层取心钻进的钻井液类型及其性能要求。  相似文献   
Carbon isotopic composition of marine carbonates is a record for various important geological events in the process of earth development and evolution. The carbonates of Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic, as the transition from Paleozoic to Mesozoic-Cenozoic have very high 13C value. Taking this as the main point, and combined with the oxygen, strontium isotopic composition in carbonates, distribution of carbonate basin area through geologic time, the correlation of carbon isotopic composition of marine carbonates to sea level change, organic carbon burial flux, exchange of CO2 content in atmosphere and ocean, and long cycle evolution of the earth ecosystems were approached. The results are shown as follows: ①The interval of 13C >3‰ during Phanerozoic was concentrated in Carboniferous, Permian and the beginning of Triassic, but the beginning of Triassic was characterized by higher frequency and larger fluctuations in 13C value during a short time, whereas the Carboniferous-Permian presented a continuously stable high 13C value, indicating a larger amount of organic carbon accumulation in this time interval. Relatively high 18O values during this time was also observed, showing a long time of glaciations and cold climate, which suggest a connection among rapid organic carbon burial, cold climate, as well as pCO2 and pO2 states of atmosphere. ②The over consumption of atmosphere CO2 by green plants during the time with high 13C of seawater forced CO2 being transferred from ocean to atmosphere for the balance, but the decrease in the seawater amount and water column pressure caused by the global cooling could weaken dissolution capacity of CO2 in seawater and carbon storage of marine carbonates, and also reduce the carbonate sedimentary rate and decrease the carbonate basin area globally from Devonian to Carboniferous and Permian. During the middle-late Permian carbonate was widely replaced by siliceous sediments even though in shallow carbonate platform, which resulted in the decrease of marine invertebrates, suggesting the Permian chert event should be global. ③The Phanerozoic 87Sr/86Sr trend of seawater showed a sharp fall in Permian and drop to a minimum at the end of the Permian, indicting input of strontium from the submarine hydrothermal systems (mantle flux). Such process should accompany with a supplement of CO2 from deep earth to atmosphere and ocean system, but the process associated with widespread volcanism and rises of earth’s surface temperature pricked up the mass extinction during the time of end Permian. ④Cold climate and increase of continental icecap volume, the amalgamation of northern Africa and Laurentia continentals were the main reasons responsible for the sea level drop, but the water consumption result from the significantly increased accumulation of organic carbon should also be one of the reasons for the sea level drop on the order of tens of meters. ⑤The mass extinction at the end Permian was an inevitable event in the process of earth system adjustment. It was difficult for marine invertebrates to survive because of the continuously rapid burial of organic carbon, and of the decrease of sea water amount and its dissolution ability to CO2. At last, at the end of Paleozoic, the supplement of CO2 to atmosphere and ocean by widely magma activities resulted in a high temperature of earth surface and intensified mass extinction.  相似文献   
孙旭东  吴冲龙  周霞  等 《江苏地质》2015,39(3):383-388
石油勘探是高风险行业,勘探地质研究业务需要复杂的逻辑思维,也需要创新性的抽象思维。“智慧油田”和“智能勘探”理论体系的提出,顺应了油气勘探的智能、快速和高效的需求。通过剖析油气勘探的信息支撑框架设计,提出了未来智能化勘探的4层设计概念,形成了层次之间的衔接和沟通的关键技术,并针对此理论体系探索了石油行业中石油地质勘探智能化信息框架实施策略。  相似文献   
本文对越南西北部Phan Si Pan地区变质地体中的一个Ngoi Chi片麻岩进行了锆石CL内部结构分析、LA-(MC)-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年和Hf同位素分析。CL图象和Th/U比值特征显示该片麻岩样品中的锆石主要为岩浆锆石,有少量窄的变质边。岩浆锆石的年龄为~2.9 Ga,表明该样品是越南西北部Phan Si Pan地区的基底岩石。它们的εHf(t)值为–4.70±0.92,二阶段Hf模式年龄为~3.5 Ga,表明其为更古老的(3.5 Ga)冥太古代地壳物质部分熔融作用形成。变质边部锆石给出了~1.8 Ga的年龄,表明变质作用发生在古元古代早期,Phan Si Pan地区在这一时期可能经历了一次重要的构造热事件。  相似文献   
结合逻辑回归方法和元胞自动机模型构建了逻辑回归CA模型,模型中的逻辑回归方法能够很方便地获取影响因子的权重,再设置起止条件等,便可以模拟出溢油的动态变化情况。把模型应用到Deep Spill项目的溢油模拟实验中,结果表明,从模型结果的形态看,模拟结果与检验结果吻合程度较高,能够很好地模拟出溢油扩散与漂移等重要的溢油特性。从统计分析中可知,模拟结果的总精度可达96.8%,Kappa系数达到0.834。  相似文献   
利用GIS技术进行油气长输管道完整性数据采集与维护是目前管道完整性管理的主流应用趋势.将油气管道设备相关的地理信息、图形信息以及维修维护信息进行一体化管理,强大的数据管理功能和空间分析功能有利于对整个管网进行全方位的监测、高效率的管理和及时的维护.本应用系统是提高长输管道管理技术水平的有效途径之一,这一技术的应用将使长输管道的工程建设、运行管理进入一个崭新的信息化时代.  相似文献   
The past several decades have witnessed a significant expansion of mining activities in the Athabasca oil sands region, raising concerns about their impact on the surrounding boreal forest ecosystem. To better understand the extent to which distal sites are impacted by oil sands-derived airborne contaminants, we examine sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface sediments and dated sediment cores from Saskatchewan lakes situated ∼100–220 km east–northeast of the main area of bitumen mining activities. The concentrations and fluxes of both parent and alkylated PAHs are low and show considerable variability over the past 70–100 years. Small yet discernible increases in PAH concentrations and fluxes occurred over the past 30 years, a trend which coincides with the rapid growth in bitumen production. However, several lines of evidence point to wildfires as the principal source of PAHs to these lakes: (1) the significant co-variations in most cores between retene (1-methyl-7-isopropyl phenanthrene) and other groups of parent and alkylated PAHs, (2) the similarity in compound specific δ13C signatures of the parent PAHs phenanthrene and pyrene in recently deposited surficial sediments and those corresponding to time intervals considerably pre-dating the large scale development of the oil sands and (3) the discernible up-core increases in the proportion of refractory carbon (i.e., char) in Rock-Eval 6 data. The collective evidence points to softwood combustion from boreal forest fires as the principal source of retene in sediments and the general increase in forest fire activity in this region over the past several decades as the source of refractory carbon. Mining activities associated with the Athabasca oil sands are thus not considered a major source of PAHs to these lakes.  相似文献   
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