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阿伯德尔国家公园位于号称肯尼亚“水塔”的阿伯德尔山脉上,是肯尼亚重要的旅游景区和珍稀动植物保护区,开展该地生态环境质量评价对肯尼亚水资源保护与可持续发展具有重要的意义。本研究基于1987-2018年的Landsat系列遥感数据,通过计算综合遥感生态指数RSEI,结合趋势线分析法对阿伯德尔国家公园近32年间生态环境质量变化进行客观定量分析。研究结果显示:① 1987-2018年研究区RSEI均值从0.62下降到0.51,生态环境质量退化的区域面积为551.52 km 2,占总面积的71.85%,表明在气候变化和人类活动影响下,1987-2018年研究区的环境状况呈恶化趋势;②环境质量显著恶化的区域主要分布于亚高山植被区和东部低海拔森林覆盖区,亚高山地区植被生态系统结构单一,稳定性差,对气候变化和人类活动更为敏感;而东部区域存在过度开发,非法砍伐森林等现象,且旅游开发强度大,环境恶化与人类活动密切相关。  相似文献   
Dinoflagellate cysts in recent marine sediment from Guangxi, China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Total of 33 species of dinoflagellate cysts were discovered from surface sediment in the searegion of Guangxi, among them 12 cyst types (Diplopsalopsis sp.1, D. sp. 2, D. sp. 3, Cochlodinium sp., Protoperidinium sp. 1, P. sp. 2, P. compressum , Scrippsiella sp. 1, S. sp. 2, Alexandrium sp. 1, A. sp. 2, A. sp. 3) were first reported from the South China Sea. And one cyst type (Cochlodinium sp.) was first reported in the world. Scrippsiella trochoidea is the dominant species in this area, accounting for 45% of all the cysts. There are 2 cysts of toxic dinoflagellate (Alexandrium tamarensis and Gymnodinium catenatum). But there is no relationship between cyst number and grain size distribution.  相似文献   
From 1989 to 1992, systematic cetacean surveys were carried out twice weekly along a trans‐regional fixed transect in the Central Tyrrhenian Sea, utilising passenger ferries as research platforms. Using the same protocol and supervised by the same investigators, the research restarted in 2007, providing the opportunity to compare consistent data over a long 20‐year period. The monitored transect (Civitavecchia‐Golfo Aranci) runs along a strategic area just outside the southeastern border of the Pelagos Sanctuary. Over the last two decades, an increasing trend of temperature and salinity, in the deep and intermediate layers, has been documented in the region, as well as general changes over the Mediterranean basin. These changes, together with the increasing impact of some pressures (e.g. maritime traffic) may have led to changes in oceanographic and anthropogenic features and, subsequently, in cetacean presence and distribution. The research aimed to verify whether any changes occurred in the pattern of cetacean occurrence over the 20‐year period along the representative transect in the Central Tyrrhenian Sea. Data from 90 summer weekly runs undertaken in the 1990s were compared with data obtained from 95 runs undertaken in the 2000s. Each ferry run was considered an independent statistical unit: the encounter rate (ER = number of sightings per hour spent on effort) was calculated to compare relative abundance between periods, years and months. Spatial analysis was performed on geographical data using Kernel analysis to map the distribution of sightings. Logistic regression (GLM) was performed to compare habitat preference. Total encounter rate in the 1990s (ER = 0.59 ± CI 0.08) was significantly lower (P < 0.01) compared with the 2000s (ER = 0.94 ± CI 0.15). The same seven out of eight species known for their regular presence in the Mediterranean Sea were sighted in both the investigated periods. The most common species were striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba), fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) and common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Neither the pilot whale nor any other rare or occasional species were sighted during the 6 years of the study. Despite the time span, no dramatic changes were observed for any species, bar fin whale, in terms of distribution, relative abundance, group size or habitat preference. Sightings of fin whale have surprisingly increased (+300%, P< 0.001), and their spatial and temporal distribution and habitat preference showed a radical difference between the two periods. The 2000s surveys confirmed the existence of high density areas of cetaceans, especially of fin whale, and the consequent necessity of specific legislative acts for cetacean conservation.  相似文献   
地面加热对沙尘暴数值模拟结果的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
利用沙尘数值预报模式并针对2002年3月18—20日典型沙尘暴过程,模拟研究了地面热通量对沙尘暴的影响及其机制。结果发现,沙尘天气数值预报模式较准确地模拟了本次沙尘暴过程。模式对白天地面加热强度和夜间地面冷却强度均有一定程度的高估。地面热通量能够使沙尘暴明显增强,同时也通过导致地面风速、层结稳定度、地面摩擦速度产生明显的日变化,进而导致沙尘暴强度的日变化。地面热通量影响地面风速的方式是导致混合层形成,从而有利于产生高空动量下传。另外,沙尘暴发生时地面热通量主要影响地面和行星边界层中的天气要素,随时间推移地面热通量能够持续影响上升运动强度,且这一影响从边界层逐渐向上扩展到自由大气,并达到500 hPa以上。  相似文献   
有孔虫在海洋环境指示方面具有重要意义,对现代环境中有孔虫的分布及影响因素进行研究有助于利用有孔虫对地质历史时期的沉积环境进行还原。我国南海海域辽阔,南海有孔虫的相关研究很早便有报道。对我国南海北部海域表层沉积物中的底栖有孔虫分布特征进行了描述,研究区以玻璃质壳底栖有孔虫占主导,胶结壳其次,瓷质壳最少。根据底栖有孔虫的分布特征划分了4个底栖有孔虫组合,组合1为Heterolepa subpraecincta - Hanzawaia mantaensis - Rotalinoides gaimardii;组合2为Bulimina marginate - Lagena substriata;组合3为Elphidium advenum - Pararotalia nipponica;组合4 为Recurvoides contortus - Ammodisus cretaceous - Bulimina aculeata。对影响该区域底栖有孔虫分布的环境因素进行了探究,结果表明,温度、盐度、底质类型等对底栖有孔虫的分布均存在一定程度的影响,海流对研究区底栖有孔虫时空分布的影响值得进一步探究。  相似文献   
不透水面作为反应城市表征变化和区域城镇化的重要技术指标,其位置、图斑大小、空间分布等信息在地表水热循环和能量平衡等领域被广泛需求。传统方法大都基于单一时相信息提取不透水面,而忽略多时相所蕴含的丰富信息。因此,本文提出多时相信息融合的不透水面级联提取方法,利用Landsat-8 OLI遥感影像分析归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI)、改进的归一化水体指数(Modified Normalized Difference Water Index, MNDWI)和归一化建筑指数(Normalized Difference Building Index, NDBI)年内时序变化特点和典型地物间多时相波谱曲线的协同特征,并归纳不透水面多时相变化规律;再根据先验知识所获取的有效地表信息,进行多时相分级提取不透水面信息。此外,基于实地考察数据和同期2 m GF-1遥感影像屏幕数字化生成30 m不透水面图斑,进行精度验证、分析和对比单时相、四季相及多时相3种时序情况下的提取精度。结果表明:单时相提取不透水面总精度最低,四季相提取精度优于单时相,而多时相提取精度最高(精度可达93.66%,Kappa系数为0.81)。本方法在偏远城镇不透水面的有效识别中显露潜在优势,可为不透水面提取方法融合时序波谱特征提供新思路。  相似文献   
试论地貌学的新进展和趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地貌变化有内在的规律,对环境保育、资源利用和自然灾害防治有重要影响。作为交叉学科和地理学的重要分支学科,地貌学具有重要理论价值和实际意义。过去10多年来,随着遥感、地理信息技术和沉积物定年、地球物理和地球化学探测以及数值模拟等新技术和新方法的应用,地貌学家的研究视野和深度不断扩大与加深,在构造地貌、气候地貌和人类活动与地貌过程等传统领域有很多新进展,揭示了不同地貌单元的变化规律和机理,极大地推动了地貌学的发展。在新时代,除了继续加强传统地貌单元的深入研究外,地貌学的发展应与全球环境变化和未来地球等重大科学问题(计划)紧密结合;地貌学家要关心人类活动对地貌过程的影响及适应,并利用新技术开展地貌过程的定量重建和数值模拟。同时加强地理学专业学生的地质学基础学习、发展定量地貌学和行星地貌学、系统开展人类活动对地貌过程的影响和适应研究,是提升中国地貌学水平的途径,也可为推动国际地貌学发展做出贡献。  相似文献   
The Herbig Ae/Be stars are intermediate mass pre‐main sequence stars that bridge the gap between the low mass T Tauri stars and the Massive Young Stellar Objects. In this mass range, the acting star forming mechanism switches from magnetically controlled accretion to an as yet unknown mechanism, but which is likely to be direct disk accretion onto the star. We observed a large sample of Herbig Ae/Be stars with X‐shooter to address this issue from a multi‐wavelength perspective. It is the largest such study to date, not only because of the number of objects involved, but also because of the large wavelength coverage from the blue to the near‐infrared. This allows many accretion diagnostics to be studied simultaneously. By correlating the various properties with mass, temperature and age, we aim to determine where and whether the magnetically controlled mass accretion mechanism halts and the proposed direct disk accretion takes over. Here, we will give an overview of the background, present some observations and discuss our initial results. We will introduce a new accretion diagnostic for the research of Herbig Ae/Be stars, the HeI 1.083 μm line (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
P. MARSH  J. W. POMEROY 《水文研究》1996,10(10):1383-1400
Models of surface energy balance and snow metamorphism are utilized to predict the energy and meltwater fluxes at an Arctic site in the forest–tundra transition zone of north-western Canada. The surface energy balance during the melt period is modelled using an hourly bulk aerodynamic approach. Once a snowcover becomes patchy, advection from the bare patches to the snow-covered areas results in a large spatial variation in basin snowmelt. In order to illustrate the importance of small-scale, horizontal advection, a simple parameterization scheme using sensible heat fluxes from snow free areas was tested. This scheme estimates the maximum horizontal advection of sensible heat from the bare patches to the snow-covered areas. Calculated melt was routed through the measured snowcover in each landscape type using a variable flow path, meltwater percolation model. This allowed the determination of the spatial variability in the timing and magnitude of meltwater release for runoff. Model results indicate that the initial release of meltwater first occurred on the shallow upland tundra sites, but meltwater release did not occur until nearly two weeks later on the deep drift snowcovers. During these early periods of melt, not all meltwater is available for runoff. Instead, there is a period when some snowpacks are only partially contributing to runoff, and the spatial variation of runoff contribution corresponds to landscape type. Comparisons of melt with and without advection suggests that advection is an important process controlling the timing of basin snowmelt.  相似文献   
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