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高光谱遥感能提供数十至数百个窄波段的光谱信息,从而能够依据地物的诊断性光谱特征进行地物识别。然而,高光谱遥感在提供丰富光谱信息的同时,波段间的相关性和冗余性制约着高光谱遥感的应用。因此,特征参数选择是高光谱遥感分类中最关键的环节之一。首先讨论EO-1/Hyperion的传感器特征,并对其L1R数据进行辐射校正、去条纹、Smile效应纠正等预处理工作。其次利用从图像中提取的典型地物的光谱曲线,采用光谱重建理论获得用于逼近光谱曲线的基函数及其对应的光谱区间。然后采用逐步增加光谱区间,并调整波段中心位置和宽度的方法,得到稳定的光谱区间。最后将光谱区间内的几个原始高光谱波段合成一个宽的波段,得到几个较宽波段的仿真图像,并对其进行分类。结果表明,基于光谱重建的特征参数选择方法获得的分类,总体精度高达92%,充分说明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
To actually reflect the seismic temporal-spatial inhomogeneity of intra continental strong earthquakes of North China in seismic hazard analysis, several seismological and geological characteristics have been selected and quantized to describe the seismicity features in time and space of every magnitude interval with the thought of dividing the interesting magnitude range into several intervals and using of spatial probability distribution function. A component analysis method with orthogonal transformation is introduced to avoid the repeated use of the same element and the subjective effects in determining the annual earthquake occurrence rates of earthquake. By passing synthetic fuzzy judgement on the nonintercorrelated new characteristics, the annual occurrence rates of every magnitude interval of each potential source area are obtained associated with the adjustments of earthquake reducing process after the occurrence ofM>7 quake. An intensity map of the Beijing-Tianjin-Zhangjiakou area is calculated as an example which shows a close coincidence with the seismic temporal-spatial inhomogeneity of North China. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 496–504, 1991.  相似文献   
以某苯加氢精制工程为例,探讨了焦化行业环境风险评价方法;利用该项目所在地近3 a地面常规气象观测资料,分析了当地的污染气象特征;采用风险识别、源项分析、后果计算、风险评价等环境风险评价技术方法,筛选出主要风险因子并进行风险预测,采用多烟团模式并考虑气象因素进行风险计算。结果表明:污染事故发生后,苯类物质的地面浓度最大值为3 214 mg/m3,位于距离事故发生源WNW方向约50 m处超标1 339倍,由此可知近距离污染严重;高浓度污染物主要集中在污染源附近,随着距离的延长,污染物浓度不断向下风向扩散,超标范围在6 km内。利用简化分析法,定量给出此项工程的最大可信事故风险值为7.6×10-6/a,小于化工行业风险值8.33×10-5/a,此工程风险值水平与同行业比较在可接受的范围内。  相似文献   
南海中建南盆地速度资料分析与应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在大量速度谱解释的基础上,分别计算了南海中建南盆地的层速度、时深转换和砂岩百分含量,并对盆地5套地层的层速度平面图进行了分析。结果表明,中部坳陷的层速度最大,北部坳陷和南部坳陷次之,北部隆起的层速度最小,反映了地层的构造走势;利用砂岩百分含量资料进行岩性分析,发现西北部和西南部的砂岩百分含量大于75%,属于砂岩相沉积,推测盆地的物源主要来自西北和西南方向,为沉积相解释和油气资源评价提供了依据。  相似文献   
乘性区间线性系统鲁棒稳定性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究乘性区间线性系统的鲁棒稳定性分析问题.首先根据特征值判据,给出单乘性区间线性系统鲁棒稳定性的充分必要条件.对于多乘性区间线性系统,给出边界值矩阵的定义.然后利用Lyapunov稳定性理论,给出多乘性区间线性系统的鲁棒稳定性判据.最后,通过1个反例说明文中方法的有效性.  相似文献   
Recently, a special nonhomogeneous Poisson process known as the Weibull process has been proposed by C-H. Ho for fitting historical volcanic eruptions. Revisiting this model, we learn that it possesses some undesirable features which make it an unsatisfactory tool in this context. We then consider the entire question of a nonstationary model in the light of availability and completeness of data. In our view, a nonstationary model is unnecessary and perhaps undesirable. We propose the Weibull renewal process as an alternative to the simple (homogeneous) Poisson process. For a renewal process the interevent times are independent and distributed identically with distribution function F where, in the Weibull renewal process, F has the Weibull distribution, which has the exponential as a special situation. Testing for a Weibull distribution can be achieved by testing for exponentiality of the data under a simple transformation. Another alternative considered is the lognormal distribution for F. Whereas the homogeneous Poisson process represents purely random (memoryless) occurrences, the lognormal distribution corresponds to periodic behavior and the Weibull distribution encompasses both periodicity and clustering, which aids us in characterizing the volcano. Data from the same volcanoes considered by Ho were analyzed again and we determined there is no reason to reject the hypothesis of Weibull interevent times although the lognormal interevent times were not supported. Prediction intervals for the next event are compared with Ho's nonhomogeneous model and the Weibull renewal process seems to produce more plausible results.  相似文献   
陈曦 《岩土力学》2023,(4):1075-1088
节理裂隙控制着岩石工程的剪切滑移稳定性。现有的节理峰值抗剪强度模型多为经验模型,且较少考虑粗糙节理峰值抗剪强度的采样点距效应及各向异性。采用3D打印技术制备了5组吻合的粗糙光敏树脂节理模具,利用水泥砂浆复制了25组相同壁面强度的人工粗糙节理,开展了5种法向应力水平下节理直剪试验。基于改进的接触面积比-视倾角门槛值关系,建立了仅含一个方向性粗糙度参数的三维粗糙节理峰值抗剪强度理论模型。该理论模型除粗糙度参数外无需拟合其他参数。对比分析发现,新模型比文献中的经验模型预测精度更高。新模型预测效果受采样点距影响较小,且能有效地反映节理峰值抗剪强度的各向异性。  相似文献   
Benthic foraminifera are one of the most commonly used indicators to infer paleodepth. The information on depth distribution of fossil benthic foraminifera is generally obtained from normal marine environments. However, a significant gap exists with respect to implications of benthic foraminiferal distributions in unique sedimentary successions, such as those deposited under upwelling regimes. In such settings, the paleobathymetric signal is somewhat obscured by the extreme food fluxes and oxygen depletion at the seafloor that cause changes in benthic foraminiferal assemblage composition. Nevertheless, the dynamics of upwelling systems, and as a result the sediment and organic matter accumulation, are known to be directly influenced by eustatic changes, making paleobathymetric reconstruction highly valuable for understanding these systems.The Upper Cretaceous high productivity marine succession of southern Israel, with its variable lithologies, provides a unique opportunity for addressing this issue. Through this succession, a significant turnover in the benthic foraminiferal assemblages is observed associated with a sharp change in lithology from phosphate (Phosphate Member) to organic rich carbonates (Oil Shale Member; OSM). Statistical nMDS analysis distinguished four groups of species indicative of distinct depth habitats: <200 m, 100–300 m, 300–500 m, and >500 m. Each one of these groups corresponds to different parts of the sequence. According to our analysis, the shift in the benthic foraminiferal assemblages is attributed to a distinct regional deepening from shelf environment (<200 m) in the Phosphate Member (upper Campanian) to upper bathyal (200–500 m) at the base of OSM (base Maastrichtian), and deeper to middle bathyal (>500 m) during the Maastrichtian. While taking into account other factors affecting benthic foraminiferal distribution, this study demonstrates that depth distribution models based on normal marine settings might also be applicable as proxies for paleobathymetry in high productivity environments.  相似文献   
Methods for assessing the accuracy of a digital elevation model (DEM) with emphasis on robust methods have been studied in this paper. Based on the squared DEM residual population generated by the bi-linear interpolation method, three average-error statistics including (a) mean, (b) median, and (c) M-estimator are thoroughly investigated for measuring the interpolated DEM accuracy. Correspondingly, their confidence intervals are also constructed for each average error statistic to further evaluate the DEM quality. The first method mainly utilizes the student distribution while the second and third are derived from the robust theories. These innovative robust methods possess the capability of counteracting the outlier effects or even the skew distributed residuals in DEM accuracy assessment. Experimental studies using Monte Carlo simulation have commendably investigated the asymptotic convergence behavior of confidence intervals constructed by these three methods with the increase of sample size. It is demonstrated that the robust methods can produce more reliable DEM accuracy assessment results compared with those by the classical t-distribution-based method. Consequently, these proposed robust methods are strongly recommended for assessing DEM accuracy, particularly for those cases where the DEM residual population is evidently non-normal or heavily contaminated with outliers.  相似文献   
采用奇异谱迭代的区间四分法进行GPS坐标时间序列的插补。该方法基于自适应滤波的方法,从不完整的坐标时间序列中提取主要的特征成分完成插值,是对奇异谱迭代插值算法的改进。将本文方法与拉格朗日插值法进行比较发现,本文方法不仅拥有更高的插值精度,而且解决了奇异谱迭代插值的效率问题,计算效率得到很大提高。  相似文献   
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