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We apply the process‐based, distributed TOPKAPI‐ETH glacio‐hydrological model to a glacierized catchment (19% glacierized) in the semiarid Andes of central Chile. The semiarid Andes provides vital freshwater resources to valleys in Chile and Argentina, but only few glacio‐hydrological modelling studies have been conducted, and its dominant hydrological processes remain poorly understood. The catchment contains two debris‐free glaciers reaching down to 3900 m asl (Bello and Yeso glaciers) and one debris‐covered avalanche‐fed glacier reaching to 3200 m asl (Piramide Glacier). Our main objective is to compare the mass balance and runoff contributions of both glacier types under current climatic conditions. We use a unique dataset of field measurements collected over two ablation seasons combined with the distributed TOPKAPI‐ETH model that includes physically oriented parameterizations of snow and ice ablation, gravitational distribution of snow, snow albedo evolution and the ablation of debris‐covered ice. Model outputs indicate that while the mass balance of Bello and Yeso glaciers is mostly explained by temperature gradients, the Piramide Glacier mass balance is governed by debris thickness and avalanches and has a clear non‐linear profile with elevation as a result. Despite the thermal insulation effect of the debris cover, the mass balance and contribution to runoff from debris‐free and debris‐covered glaciers are similar in magnitude, mainly because of elevation differences. However, runoff contributions are distinct in time and seasonality with ice melt starting approximately four weeks earlier from the debris‐covered glacier, what is of relevance for water resources management. At the catchment scale, snowmelt is the dominant contributor to runoff during both years. However, during the driest year of our simulations, ice melt contributes 42 ± 8% and 67 ± 6% of the annual and summer runoff, respectively. Sensitivity analyses show that runoff is most sensitive to temperature and precipitation gradients, melt factors and debris cover thickness. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In glacier‐fed rivers, melting of glacier ice sustains streamflow during the driest times of the year, especially during drought years. Anthropogenic and ecologic systems that rely on this glacial buffering of low flows are vulnerable to glacier recession as temperatures rise. We demonstrate the evolution of glacier melt contribution in watershed hydrology over the course of a 184‐year period from 1916 to 2099 through the application of a coupled hydrological and glacier dynamics model to the Hood River basin in Northwest Oregon, USA. We performed continuous simulations of glaciological processes (mass accumulation and ablation, lateral flow of ice and heat conduction through supra‐glacial debris), which are directly linked with seasonal snow dynamics as well as other key hydrologic processes (e.g. evapotranspiration and subsurface flow). Our simulations show that historically, the contribution of glacier melt to basin water supply was up to 79% at upland water management locations. We also show that supraglacial debris cover on the Hood River glaciers modulates the rate of glacier recession and progression of dry season flow at upland stream locations with debris‐covered glaciers. Our model results indicate that dry season (July to September) discharge sourced from glacier melt started to decline early in the 21st century following glacier recession that started early in the 20th century. Changes in climate over the course of the current century will lead to 14–63% (18–78%) reductions in dry season discharge across the basin for IPCC emission pathway RCP4.5 (RCP8.5). The largest losses will be at upland drainage locations of water diversions that were dominated historically by glacier melt and seasonal snowmelt. The contribution of glacier melt varies greatly not only in space but also in time. It displays a strong decadal scale fluctuations that are super‐imposed on the effects of a long‐term climatic warming trend. This decadal variability results in reversals in trends in glacier melt, which underscore the importance of long‐time series of glacio‐hydrologic analyses for evaluating the hydrological response to glacier recession. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
李长龙  王燕  高志海  孙斌 《地理学报》2022,77(11):2803-2816
干旱地区林草植被生长动态变化是研究荒漠化形成发展和演变过程的重要依据。本文基于改进方向性像元二分模型构建的2000—2020年中国荒漠化潜在发生范围区(PEDC)年植被覆盖度数据集,采用Sen+Mann-Kendall时间序列趋势变化检测方法,分析了2000—2020年PEDC,特别是林草覆盖区的植被生长状况时空变化特征。研究结果表明:① 2000—2020年,PEDC平均植被覆盖度为0.284,改进的植被覆盖度估算结果能够较好地反映研究区植被覆盖状况,估算精度为86.98%。PEDC植被生长状况不断趋好,其中干旱区表现最为突出,显著增加区域达到了48%,而亚湿润干旱区平均增长量最大为0.1。② 林草生态恢复工程措施效果显著,但植被恢复是个长期缓慢的过程,特别是林草面积的恢复。2000—2010年林草面积增加较少(0.002%);2010—2020年增加较多(0.371%)。③ 2000—2020年PEDC林地植被改善最明显,草地则较为稳定,植被覆盖度显著性增加区域分别为76.4%和71.8%。其中林地植被覆盖度在亚湿润干旱区增长量最大为0.15,而整个研究区草地增长了0.06。本文更深入地掌握PEDC林草覆盖区长时间序列植被生长状况,为进一步制定和实施各项生态工程提供重要信息参考。  相似文献   
塔里木沙漠公路沿线机械防沙体系效益分析   总被引:28,自引:12,他引:28  
野外实测和室内风洞实验的数据分析表明,塔里木沙漠公路沿线高立式沙障和半隐蔽式沙障发挥了较大的防沙效益,平沙地上高立式沙障的防护距离在18H左右。3种高立式沙障防沙效益各不相同,以芦苇栅栏最佳,抗紫外线尼龙网栏次之,白尼龙网栏最差。随设置路段、地貌部位、风沙活动强度不同,各种高立式沙障使用年限有差异。沙漠腹地半隐蔽式沙障的掩埋速度为2.0~14.4m·a-1左右,并随时间推移有一个加速的过程。  相似文献   

Entre Lorraine et Champagne, dans l’est du Bassin parisien, au contact des calcaires portlandiens du Barrois et des sables et argiles crétacés du Perthois, se développe un karst couvert. Le paysage de côtes est ici perturbé par une tectonique souple (synclinal de Treveray) et cassante (fossé d’effon-drement de la Marne) déterminant l’organisation spatiale des écoulements. En période d’étiage, les méthodes hydrologiques (profils hydrologiques lissés, traçages), permettent de montrer l’influence de cette tectonique d’ondulation et de basculement sur l’écoulement des rivières barroises (Saulx, Marne). Fractures et microfractures influencent la zone de transit vertical des eaux du karst (zone des puits) tandis que les failles compartimentent les aquifères (système du Rupt-du-Puits, 21 km de conduits, 13 km2). Les méthodes d’études hydrologiques, confirment le basculement de la région vers l’ouest déduit des comparaisons de nivellement. © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   
塔里木盆地西北缘柯坪地区油气前景   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
丰富的地面油气显示及奥陶系、志留系普遍含沥青的事实,表明本区曾有过大规模的油气运聚过程。柯坪断隆实际上是上新世库车期形成的逆掩推覆带,其下尚隐伏着与巴楚断隆连为一体的古隆起。地面油气显示并不能证明地下已无油气藏存在。推测上覆推覆带中有聚集油气的可能性,而下伏古隆起形成大油气田的可能性更大。  相似文献   
我国西北部地区被戈壁荒漠广泛覆盖,这一地带在地质上处于我国古亚洲成矿域及其两侧地区,成矿条件优越,进一步找矿勘探尤其是寻找隐伏矿的潜力巨大,是西部大开发的重要金属资源远景区。分析了查岗诺尔铁矿某矿体上方土壤覆盖层中不同深度、不同粒径中元素含量的分布规律,旨在为覆盖区地球化学找矿提供参考。在土壤剖面采集自地表至基岩5、15、30、45、60、75、90、105、120、135、150 cm处的土壤样品,共11件。研究发现,在粒径2.00 mm的粗颗粒中,元素可分为2类:As、Cu、Co、Fe、Zn为第一类;Sb、Sn、Ni为第二类。第一类总体表现为自底部至顶部元素含量呈逐渐增加的趋势,可能受后期作用影响较大;第二类表现为由底部至顶部,元素含量逐渐降低。在粒径2.00~0.850、0.850~0.425、0.425~0.250、0.250~0.180、0.180 mm较细颗粒中,As、Zn渐变模式与大于2.00 mm的粗颗粒表现一致,亦为从底部至顶部元素含量呈逐渐增加的趋势;而另一些元素Sb、Sn、Ni、Cu、Co、Fe表现为底部元素含量较高、顶部元素含量较低、中间振荡变化的复合型变化模式。这种复合型变化可能说明该地区土壤中主要元素含量受下部隐伏矿的影响显著,继承了下部基岩的特征,元素在成土过程中呈现逐步贫化的趋势,预示该地区在覆盖区隐伏矿找矿过程中,可以参考土壤层中元素含量递减区域的分布特征进行进一步勘探。  相似文献   
笔者在从事地质教学和地质录像过程中,于1988年在浅水沉积的砂岩底面发现了类似沟模、槽模现象,与国内沉积岩石学教科书引用的国外沟模、槽模实便有两点不同之处:①所见沟模是水流冲刷模而不是工具压刻模;②所见沟模、槽模下伏沉积物质是砂质的而不是泥质的。该现象的发现是对沟模、槽模现象的补充和完善,对探讨沟模槽模、的成因及填补国内沉积岩石学教科书缺少的国内沟模、槽模实例的空白很有意义。  相似文献   
王森 《地质与勘探》2017,53(3):425-435
内蒙古翁牛特旗草原、农田浅覆盖区位于华北板块北缘、大兴安岭铜多金属成矿带的南段,是少郎河铅锌矿集区的重要组成部分。本文在内蒙古中东部草原荒漠浅覆盖区1∶5万填图试点工作基础上,对少郎河地区铅锌多金属矿床进行了调查研究,并以小营子铅锌矿为典型矿床,探讨了控制区内铅锌多金属矿的主要地质要素。在典型矿床研究认识基础上,明确了区内控制铅锌矿的主要赋矿地层,探讨了小营子-敖包山一带铅锌矿的矿床成因,并建立了成矿模式。以模式找矿及就矿找矿理论为指导,以找矿预测为目的,利用综合填图方法,分析了小营子-敖包山一带的找矿潜力,并圈定了2处重点预测区。通过地质、物探及钻探综合研究,揭露了覆盖层下隐伏赋矿层的分布特征,扩大了找矿远景区的范围,认为翁牛特旗浅覆盖区具有寻找铅锌多金属矿的巨大潜力,并开展了找矿预测研究,试图为下一阶段找矿勘查提供重要的基础地质支撑。  相似文献   
THE EVOLUTION OF THE COVERED KARST AND TECTONIC UPLIFT OF HU'NAN, GUANGXI, GUANGZHOU, YUNNAN AND TIBETthedevelopmentprojectofNationalKeyFoundation (G 19980 40 80 0 ) ;theprojectofTibetPlateaure searchofChineseAcademy (K2 95 1 A1  相似文献   
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