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Glaciation between northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere were synchronous, the ice age occurred not in high but in low value of the eccentricity of the earth's orbit. Such facts went against the precession principle of the astronomical theory of ice age. The inhomogeneous distribution of climate consisted with the inhomogeneous distribution of ocean and continent. The north/south antisymmetry may be attributed to southward deviation of the thermal center and northward deviation of the mass center within the mantle demonstrated by seismic tomography. The core - mantle angular momentum makes rotational energy into thermal energy and mantle plumes erupt in the ocean bottom. The earth's deformation by tidal force makes the eruption of mantle plumes strong. They are the reason that glaciation between the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere are synchronous and the ice age occurred in low value of the eccentricity of the earth' s orbit. The tectonic movement is playing a most important part in global climate change.  相似文献   
李猛  王超  李荣社  彭岩 《地质通报》2015,34(08):1438-1446
祁连山西段吊大坂新元古代花岗质片麻岩出露于北大河岩群二云母片麻岩中。地球化学特征显示,吊大坂新元古代花岗质片麻岩主要为碱性、弱过铝质花岗岩(A/CNK=1.04~1.12)。岩石主体Rb含量较低,Sr和Ba含量高,K/Rb值介于179~225之间,说明吊大坂新元古代花岗质片麻岩不是高分异花岗岩,但明显的负Eu异常(Eu/Eu?=0.25~0.35),说明该岩浆经历了弱的分离结晶作用。在(Al2O3+TFeO+MgO+TiO2)-Al2O3/(TFeO+MgO+TiO2)图解中,未经历强烈分异的花岗质岩石样品点落入地壳杂砂岩或中性岩浆岩源区。未经历强烈分异的样品富集强不相容元素,并且在Y-Nb和(Y+Nb)-Rb图解中,主体落入板内花岗岩区域。吊大坂花岗质片麻岩LA-ICP-MS锆石206Pb/238U年龄为736±5Ma,该年龄被解释为花岗质片麻岩的形成时代,说明祁连山存在750~730Ma的岩浆作用记录,可能为新元古代晚期伸展背景下的产物。祁连山新元古代岩浆活动记录了新元古代早期汇聚、新元古代晚期伸展到裂解的长期演化过程。  相似文献   
喀喇昆仑断裂系(KF)位于青藏高原西缘,具有右旋走滑性质,从帕米尔高原至尼泊尔西部延绵1 000多km。长期以来,对于喀喇昆仑断裂活动的起始时间、总位移量、在不同时间尺度上的滑移速率以及断层两端的精确位置等问题,都存在较大争议。为了更好的了解喀喇昆仑断裂现今的运动学特征及其与喜马拉雅—青藏高原陆内碰撞造山带的关系,确定喀喇昆仑断裂的滑移速率历史以及它随时间和/或空间的变化规律是极其重要的。目前研究表明,从现今的大地测量学尺度到几个百万年的地质学尺度,喀喇昆仑断裂走滑速率的变化范围为3~10 mm/yr。本论文对断裂各段的分布情况进行了详细描述,阐述了获得晚第四纪以来走滑速率的方法,回顾了喀喇昆仑断裂在大地测量学、晚第四纪以及地质学等不同时间尺度的走滑速率,并重点讨论了晚第四纪以来断裂的走滑速率。然后,确定了喀喇昆仑断裂北端的精确位置、讨论了其运动学意义和地震灾害效应。鉴于喀喇昆仑断裂具有长期的活动历史、规模巨大、运动速率较高,我们认为即使板块内部小尺度的似连续变形非常发育,板块模型依然可以很好的解释由于印度-亚洲板块碰撞造成的喜马拉雅北部的岩石圈变形。喀喇昆仑断裂、阿尔金断裂、昆仑断裂及龙木错—郭扎错断裂等青藏高原周缘的主要走滑断裂对青藏高原向东的挤出起着重要的调节作用。  相似文献   
李国玉  石波  吴玮  李峰  高乐 《测绘科学》2011,36(3):197-198,206
在室内定轨移动摄影测量系统中,自动化、智能化的控制系统是其稳定可靠工作的重要保障.该摄影测量系统需要对轨道上的移动平台和摄影测量机构进行远程操作,为了实现稳定、可靠的控制,设计研发以单片机为控制核心的遥控系统;摄影测量机构是由五台非量测数码相机拼接而成,为了实现五台相机同步摄影,设计完成相机同步曝光装置.实验表明该系统...  相似文献   
We constrain, in detail, fluctuations of two former ice caps in NW Scotland with multibeam seabed surveys, geomorphological mapping and cosmogenic 10Be isotope analyses. We map a continuous sequence of 40 recessional moraines stretching from ~10 km offshore to the Wester Ross mountains. Surface‐exposure ages from boulders on moraine ridges in Assynt and the Summer Isles region show that substantial, dynamic, ice caps existed in NW Scotland between 13 and 14 ka BP. We interpret this as strong evidence that large active glaciers probably survived throughout the Lateglacial Interstadial, and that during the Older Dryas period (ca. 14 ka BP) ice caps in NW Scotland were thicker and considerably more extensive than in the subsequent Younger Dryas Stadial. By inference, we suggest that Lateglacial ice‐cap oscillations in Scotland reflect the complex interplay between changing temperature and precipitation regimes during this climatically unstable period (ca. 15–11 ka BP). © Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) copyright 2008. Reproduced with the permission of NERC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Cosmogenic isotope (10Be and 26Al) surface exposure dating has been applied to valley‐axis and hillslope stone runs (relict periglacial block streams) and their source outcrops in the Falkland Islands, South Atlantic. The data indicate that stone runs are considerably older landforms than previously envisaged and afford no evidence that they are a product of the Last Glacial Maximum; the samples range in apparent 10Be age from 42k to 731k yr BP, but some of these are minima. The results indicate that valley‐axis stone runs may be up to 700–800k yr old, have simple exposure histories and are composite landforms that developed over several cold stages. Analyses of some hillslope and outcrop samples also demonstrate simple exposure histories with 10Be ages from 42k to 658k yr BP. In contrast, isotopic ratios from other hillslope and outcrop samples reveal they have had a complex exposure history involving periods of burial or shielding; the samples range in 10Be age from 59k to 569k yr BP and these are regarded as minimum age estimates. Larger stone runs may be older than smaller runs and there is a possibility that stone runs older than 800k yr exist in other parts of the Falklands. The assertion that glaciation in the Falklands was restricted to the highest uplands is supported by the data, and the potential for age determination of other boulder‐strewn and bedrock landforms, using cosmogenic isotope analysis, in order to extend the geochronology of Quaternary events and processes is noted. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A comprehensive study of a sandy aquifer of deltaic origin in southern Poland included water chemistry, isotopes, dissolved trace gases and transport modelling. Tritium, sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and freons (F‐11, F‐12 and F‐113) showed the presence of modern waters in the recharge areas and shallow confined parts of the aquifer. The presence of older Holocene waters farther from the recharge areas was indicated by lack of 3H, SF6 contents ≤0·02 fmol l−1 and relatively low 14C values. The discharge from the system is by upward seepage in the valley of a major river. Pre‐Holocene waters of a cooler climate, identified on the basis of δ18O, δ2H, 14C, Ne and Ar data, were found in some distant wells. Concentrations of N2, Ne and Ar determined by gas chromatography were used for calculating the noble gas temperatures, air excess needed for correction of SF6, and nitrogen content released by denitrification process. The time series of 3H content available for some wells supplied quantitative information on age distributions and the total mean ages of flow through the unsaturated and saturated zones. The derived 3H age distributions turned out to be very wide, with mean values in the range of about 30 to 160 years. For each well with determined 3H age, the SF6 data showed either a lower age range or the possibility of a lower age as expected due to shorter travel times of SF6 through the unsaturated zone, which most probably also resulted in different types of age distributions of these tracers. Freons appeared to be of little use for individual age determinations. A quantitative estimation of two‐component mixing from SF63H relations is not possible unless the travel time of 3H through the unsaturated zone is comparable to that of SF6. The ratio of integrals of the response function over the age range with tracer and the whole response function yields the ratio of water with tracer to total flow of water. That ratio is a tracer‐dependent function of time. Transport modelling of SF6 tracer done with MT3D code yielded initially large discrepancies between calculated and measured tracer concentrations. Some discrepancies remained even after calibration of the transport model with SF6. Simulation of tritium contents with a calibrated transport model yielded reasonable agreement with measured contents in some wells and indicated a need for further investigations, particularly in the eastern part of the aquifer. The existence of distinct hydrochemical zones is consistent with the tracer data; young waters with measurable 3H and SF6 contents are aerobic and of HCO3 Ca or HCO3 SO4 Ca types. Slightly elevated Na and Cl contents, as well as the highest concentrations of SO4 and NO3 within this zone are due to anthropogenic influences. Anaerobic conditions prevail in the far field, under the confining cover, where pre‐bomb era Holocene waters dominate. In that zone, dissolved oxygen, NO3 and U contents are reduced, and Fe, Mn and NH4 contents increase. In the third zone, early Holocene and glacial waters occur. They are of HCO3 Ca Na or HCO3 Na types, with TDS values higher than 1 g l−1 and Na content higher than 200 mg l−1, due to either small admixtures of ascending or diffusing older water or freshening of marine sediments, a process that is probably occurring till the present time. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Metre to tens‐of‐metre wide, steeply dipping, greenschist facies shear zones that cut blueschists and eclogites of the Combin and Zermatt–Saas Zones at Täschalp and in adjacent areas of the western Alps were sites of extensive recrystallization driven by fluid flow and deformation. RbSr data imply that these shear zones formed at 42–37 Ma with a systematic younging of structures northward toward, and into, the hangingwall of the Mischabel Structure. Shearing commenced at 400–475 °C and 400–500 MPa and continued as pressures and temperatures fell to 300–350 °C and 300–350 MPa. Individual shear zones were active for 2–3 Myr with later lower grade stages of shearing concentrated into narrow zones. Fluids that infiltrated the shear zones were water rich (XH2O > 0.9). Alteration zones around albite veins and at the margins of serpentinite bodies are penecontemporaneous with these shear zones and formed at approximately the same conditions. The eclogites were exhumed from c. 64 km at 44 Ma to 14–16 km at 42–41 Ma implying exhumation rates of 2–5 cm yr?1. Rapid exhumation was probably achieved by extension aided by buoyancy, following subduction of continental crust, and rapid erosion. The shear zones form part of a regional‐scale extensional system responsible for a significant portion of the exhumation of the subducted oceanic crust.  相似文献   
五台山蒋村地区四集庄组——对滹沱群时代的再限定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
滹沱群是华北最典型的古元古界地层之一,限定其时代对建立早期地层年代格架和探讨华北早前寒武纪地质演化过程意义重大。本文对五台山地区蒋村镇附近的滹沱群地层进行了详细研究,从与蒋村砾岩中石英斑岩砾石相同的基岩中选取了2件石英斑岩样品,并获得其锆石U-Pb年龄结果分别为(2166±17)Ma和(2138±17)Ma。据此,限定蒋村地区碎屑沉积岩时代应小于2138 Ma。结合四集庄组底部发育厚层的砾岩和区域内2.2~2.1 Ga岩浆事件,我们进一步认为滹沱群底界年龄为~2.2 Ga。由于滹沱群豆村亚群和东冶亚群经历了同期褶皱变形作用,而侵入于蒋村四集庄组未变形正长花岗岩脉的锆石U-Pb年龄结果为(1816±18)Ma。因此,本文限定豆村亚群、东冶亚群的时代为2.2~1.82 Ga。石英斑岩中锆石Lu-Hf同位素分析结果为176Lu/177Hf为0.000717~0.002239,176Hf/177Hf为0.281399~0.281563,其176Hf/177Hfi为0.281315~0.281496和εHf(t)为–3.37~4.11,变化范围较大,初步认为其源自于新太古代早期上地壳的部分熔融并有地幔物质添加。  相似文献   
青藏高原羌塘中部中—上奥陶统达瓦山组的建立及意义   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
解超明  李才  范建军  王明  刘一鸣  张红雨 《地质通报》2015,34(10):1812-1820
首次在藏北羌塘中部达瓦山地区识别出一套复理石沉积,厚度大于3000m,未见顶底,岩石组合以变质砂岩、杂砂岩和千枚岩为主,夹双峰式火山岩,火山岩岩性为流纹岩和玄武岩。用LA-ICP-MS同位素测定技术对流纹岩夹层中的锆石进行了U-Pb同位素测定,获得锆石的年龄为454.0±2.0Ma和458.3±1.8Ma,时代为中晚奥陶世达瑞威尔—桑比期,代表了达瓦山组的主体形成时代。在剖面测制和区域对比的基础上建立了中—上奥陶统达瓦山组,代表冈瓦纳大陆北缘中—晚奥陶世裂谷型深水-半深水复理石沉积。中—上奥陶统达瓦山组的发现和建立完善了该区中晚奥陶世的地层系统,进一步确定该区中—晚奥陶世洋盆的存在,对冈瓦纳大陆北缘中—晚奥陶世岩相古地理研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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