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邦巴岩体位于拉萨地块西部革吉地区,由主体花岗岩、花岗闪长岩、闪长质包体及一系列近平行、南北向展布的花岗斑岩脉体组成。野外地质调查和LA-MC-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年表明,革吉地区白垩纪的两期岩浆活动分别发生在131~132Ma和127Ma。早期岩浆作用形成主体花岗岩、花岗闪长岩及闪长质包体,具有以下特征:(1)明显富集K、Cs等大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ti、Zr等高场强元素;(2)具有明显的负Eu异常(Eu/Eu*=0.49~0.61)及负Ce异常;(3)具负εHf(t)值(-3.2~-0.3)及古老的地壳模式年龄(1.210~1.399Ga);(4)初始Sr同位素比值为0.70424~0.71472,εHf(t)值为-5.70~-5.54。晚期岩浆作用形成花岗斑岩脉体,具有以下特征:(1)富集K、Cs等大离子亲石元素,强烈亏损Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素;(2)基本不具有负Eu异常或具有轻微的负Eu异常(Eu/Eu*=0.74~0.87);(3)具有更老的Hf同位素地壳模式年龄(1.226~1.576Ga)及更负的大范围变化的εHf(t)值(-6.1~-0.7)。晚期岩浆作用锆饱和温度(777~796℃)及轻稀土元素不饱和温度(794~812℃)均高于早期岩浆的锆饱和温度(661~762℃)及轻稀土元素不饱和温度(750~769℃)。上述特征表明,两期岩浆作用均为中拉萨地块古老基底部分与地幔物质混染部分熔融的产物,随着岩浆作用的持续进行,岩浆中的古老地壳组分增加,熔体温度也增加,可能与南向俯冲的班公-怒江洋壳回转驱动的地幔岩浆活动向北迁移有关。  相似文献   
Geological, geochronological, and isotope-geochemical studies of the metadolerites of the Angaul complex, widespread in the Urik-Iya graben of the southern Siberian craton, were carried out. The metadolerites forming separate conformal bodies (sills) among the metasandstones of the Ingash Formation were studied in detail. U-Pb zircon (SHRIMP) dating of metadolerites yielded an age of 1913 ± 24 Ma, and U-Pb baddeleyite (ID-TIMS) dating of these rocks yielded an age of 1914.0 ± 1.7 Ma. Thus, the date of 1914 ± 2 Ma can be taken as the most precise age estimate for the studied rocks. The metadolerites of the Angaul complex correspond in chemical composition to the normal-alkaline tholeiitic basalts. Metadolerites are differentiated rocks with mg# of 36 to 58. They show fractionated REE patterns: (La/Yb)n = 1.2-3.5. All metadolerites, independently of their mg# value, have low contents of Nb (1.6-10.2 ppm) and show well-pronounced negative Nb-Ta anomalies in multielement patterns (Nb/Nb* = 0.19-0.54). The metadolerites are characterized by positive εNd(T) values ranging from 0.4 to 5.2, which correlate well with their SiO2 content and mg# value. The isotope-geochemical parameters of the metadolerites of the Angaul complex indicate that fractional crystallization, along with the assimilation of the host rocks (AFC), might have been the main process during the formation of the most differentiated metadolerites. The geochemical characteristics of metadolerites with the maximum mg# values of 57-58 and εNd(T) = 5.2 suggest that the parental mantle source of the metadolerites resulted from mixing of predominant depleted mantle material with the subcontinental-lithosphere material. Intrusion of the dolerites of the Angaul complex, as well as the deposition of the sedimentary strata of the Ingash Group, took place at the Paleoproterozoic stage of intracontinental extension caused by the collapse of the orogen resulted from the collision of the Biryusa block with the Tunguska superterrane in the southern Siberian craton.  相似文献   
The Dabaoshan polymetallic deposit is a polygenetic composite ore deposit located at south of the Qinhang (Qinzhou-Hangzhou) Metallogenic Belt, which is composed mainly of SEDEX type Cu-Pb-Zn and porphyry-skarn type W-Mo orebodies. Systematic field study shows that the W-Mo mineralization exhibits as quartz-vein type and skarn type orebodies around the granodioritic porphyry, or superimposes on the SEDEX type Cu-Pb-Zn orebody, while the Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization occurs mainly in the Qiziqiao Formation as stratiform-substratiform type and breccia type orebodies with typical SEDEX-type characteristics. Re-Os dating of five molybdenite separates from porphyry-skarn type W-Mo orebodies yielded isochron ages of 163.6±1.0 Ma (MSWD=0.58), which represents the age of W-Mo mineralization. Re-Os dating of seven black carbonaceous mudstone samples from a Cu-Pb-Zn orebody yielded isochron age of 387.6±9.9 Ma (MSWD=56), which is interpreted to be the age of SEDEX-type Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization. These ages indicate that there are at least two stages of ore mineralization in the Dabaoshan polymetallic deposit. The W-Mo mineralization is related to the Yanshanian intermediated-acidic intrusions, while the stratiform-substratiform SEDEX-type Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization is associated with the Hercynian seafloor hydrothermal activities. © 2018, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
A revised age provided by conodonts from the Gilwern Oolite of the Clydach area of South Wales allows a clearer understanding of the palaeohydrology, palaeoclimatic history and diagenesis of previously correlated oolitic units. Earlier uncertainty over the apparent sub-regional differences in climate during the early Visean (Chadian—Arundian) lowstand is resolved. Previously a humid interval evidenced by prominent palaeo-epikarst capping the Gilwern Oolite along the northern outcrops of the South Wales synclinorium, was not recognized in what were regarded as correlative outcrops in the Chadian Gully Oolite in the southern part of the synclinorium. Conodont dating now shows that the Gilwern Oolite is much older (Courceyan) than the Chadian Gully Oolite, and during the prolonged exposure of the former there was an interval of weathering under a humid climate. This also explains the contrast between the diagenesis seen between the Gilwern and Gully oolites, which are no longer seen as correlatives.  相似文献   
随着灾害强度、频率以及承灾体暴露的增加,自然灾害造成的损失日益严重。资本存量作为承灾体的经济暴露指标之一,是灾害损失评估的前提和基础。针对目前中国缺乏省域尺度长时间序列的经济部门分类的资本存量数据基础,论文通过永续盘存法,建立了2003—2015年中国大陆31省17部门的资本存量数据库,并分析其时空特征。结果显示:① 全国总资本存量与灾害直接损失的年际变化均呈增加趋势。省域尺度上,通过相关性分析显示,在99%置信度水平上,两者呈显著正相关(r=0.3)。② 时间上,各省17部门资本存量基本也呈增加趋势,但增速不同。在各部门增速最快的省份中,黑龙江省的居民服务、修理和其他服务业增速最快,增长约454.3倍;其次是青海省的租赁和商务服务业(398.3倍)、江苏省的金融业(295.1倍)、安徽省的科学研究和技术服务业(125.1倍)等。③ 空间上,2015年各省17部门资本存量最多的前4个部门分别是房地产业,工业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业,水利、环境和公共设施管理业,占比均在60%以上;且这4个部门资本存量暴露最多的省份是江苏省和广东省。该结果有助于从时空角度了解各省各部门资本存量暴露情况,为各省灾害风险管理者的防灾减灾工作提供重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
Rates and processes of rock weathering, soil formation, and mountain erosion during the Quaternary were evaluated in an inland Antarctic cold desert. The fieldwork involved investigations of weathering features and soil profiles for different stages after deglaciation. Laboratory analyses addressed chemistry of rock coatings and soils, as well as 10Be and 26Al exposure ages of the bedrock. Less resistant gneiss bedrock exposed over 1 Ma shows stone pavements underlain by in situ produced silty soils thinner than 40 cm and rich in sulfates, which reflect the active layer thickness, the absence of cryoturbation, and the predominance of salt weathering. During the same exposure period, more resistant granite bedrock has undergone long-lasting cavernous weathering that produces rootless mushroom-like boulders with a strongly Fe-oxidized coating. The red coating protects the upper surface from weathering while very slow microcracking progresses by the growth of sulfates. Geomorphological evidence and cosmogenic exposure ages combine to provide contrasting average erosion rates. No erosion during the Quaternary is suggested by a striated roche moutonnée exposed more than 2 Ma ago. Differential erosion between granite and gneiss suggests a significant lowering rate of desert pavements in excess of 10 m Ma− 1. The landscape has been (on the whole) stable, but the erosion rate varies spatially according to microclimate, geology, and surface composition.  相似文献   
For more than hundred years it has been debated whether blockfields in mountain summit areas can be used to delimit the vertical extent of Pleistocene ice sheets. In this study the relationship between blockfields, developed in quartzites and sandstones on the Varanger Peninsula, northern Norway, and glacially derived features have been evaluated. Erratics and circular ablation moraines are superimposed on the blockfields and lateral meltwater channels are eroded into them. Glacial striations and other signs of glacial sculpturing are restricted to low-lying areas with channelled ice flow. Relative ages of the blockfields and the features in them are inferred, and the first measurements of in-situ produced cosmogenic nuclides from the Varanger Peninsula are reported. We conclude that the blockfields have survived underneath at least one thick, cold-based ice sheet. Thus, these blockfields cannot be used as indicators of ice-free conditions as previously suggested for southern Norway. Our results have implications for the potential for land surface preservation beneath ice sheets and for glacial reconstructions in northern Fennoscandia.  相似文献   
本文对采自南设得兰群岛的乔治王岛、纳尔逊岛、利文斯顿岛、欺骗岛和南极半岛的火山岩和火山灰进行了岩石化学和Sr、Nd同位素分析,Ar-Ar和K-Ar年龄测定。研究表明,南设得兰群岛火山岩属于玄武岩-安山岩-英安岩岩石组合,安们的Sr、Nd同位素比值非常接近,^87Sr/^86Sr比值普遍比较低,为0.703297-0.703507;^143Nd/^144Nd比值普遍比较高,为0.512835-0.513779,二者呈负相关,εNd-^87Sr/^86Sr相关图显示岩浆来源于亏损地幔。火山岩形成时代集中于96Ma、91Ma、78Ma、60Ma和35Ma等时段。35Ma之后,火山活动长时间消沉,直到晚中新世和第四纪才时有发生;这一漫长的历史时期,正是南极大陆冰盖逐渐形成之时。是气候变冷抑制了火山活动?还是火山活动的减弱和停止导致气候变冷?尚待进一步研究;但冷期火山活动减弱或停止,暧期火山活动活跃和增强,这一对应关系是存在的。火山作用的时空分布及岩石地球化学特征暗示,南设得兰群岛处于一个岛弧的地质环境,早期群岛基本上与南极半岛连在一起,在德雷克板块的俯冲下,群岛逐渐与半岛分离,形成布兰斯菲尔德海峡(裂谷),在弧后扩张和裂谷作用下产生新的火山活动。  相似文献   
Subaerial unconformities are used widely for palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographic reconstructions, sequence stratigraphy and petroleum reservoir assessments. Recognition and interpretation of these unconformities, particularly those with associated palaeosols, may be problematic in Lower and Middle Palaeozoic carbonate successions because of the collective effect of limited land plant development, superficial similarities between some pedogenic and marine features, and overprinting by later diagenesis. The isolated Judy Creek reef complex in the Lower Frasnian Swan Hills Formation in west‐central Alberta, Canada, contains two subaerial unconformities, R0.5 and R4, which formed as a consequence of relative sea‐level falls of at least regional scale. Deposits beneath these unconformities have distinctive palaeosol and palaeokarst features. The lower unconformity, R0.5, occurs at the top of a progradational reefal phase of stromatoporoid rudstones–floatstones and peloidal packstones–grainstones and has been recognized in at least one other isolated Swan Hills reef complex (Snipe Lake). Palaeosol–palaeokarst profiles beneath this unconformity extend as deep as ca 2 m below the unconformity. These profiles are characterized by the presence of small rhizoliths, laminar calcretes, ferroan dolomite glaebules, desiccation cracks, breccias, green shale and solution vugs. The upper unconformity, R4, occurs at the top of a backstepping phase of reef growth and has been correlated widely between isolated reefs and carbonate banks on both the western and eastern shelves of the Central Alberta Basin. Palaeosol–palaeokarst profiles, extending as deep as ca 9·5 m beneath the R4 unconformity, are distinguished by abundant, sub‐horizontal desiccation cracks filled with green shale, occurring in peloidal wackestones–packstones. Comparison of the R0.5 and R4 profiles indicates that the major intrinsic controls on the development and modification of the profiles are parent‐material lithology, particularly the prior degree of induration and particle size; the low topographic relief at the top of the reef interior; and limited vegetation of the exposed reef top due to unfavourable growth conditions and geographic isolation. In addition to climate, the major extrinsic controls are the extent of relative sea‐level fall, estimated to be 2·5 to 3 m and 13 to 14 m associated with the R0.5 and R4 unconformities, respectively, and the degree of shoreface erosion during the ensuing marine transgression, estimated to be up to 3 m. This study highlights the complex interplay of mainly physical and chemical processes influencing the formation of subaerial unconformities in carbonate environments during the Devonian, before major evolutionary innovations among vascular land plants led to more intense pedogenesis.  相似文献   
本文利用LA-ICP MS方法,对零星分布于郯庐断裂带张八岭隆起南段肥东-巢湖地区的一些花岗岩体进行了锆石U-Pb同位素年代学研究.结果表明,西徐村北岩体、尖山岩体、西花村岩体、永丰岩体和锦张村岩体的形成年龄分别为126.9 ±1.0Ma、114.8±1.3Ma、108.1 ±1.6Ma、103.0 ±0.9Ma和120.3 ±0.7Ma,这些花岗岩体均形成于早白垩世,但侵位时间有一定差异.与郯庐断裂带西侧的鲁西、徐淮、蚌埠地区同时代克拉通内部侵入岩相比,断裂带内岩浆活动持续的时间更长(~27Ma).这一结果不但指示郯庐断裂带上的岩浆活动是不均一的,各地岩浆在活动的强烈程度和时间特征上均有很大的差异,而且显示了断裂带内比克拉通内部岩浆活动结束时间较晚,暗示其下岩石圈可能有更为强烈的减薄程度和更长的减薄历史.  相似文献   
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