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将滇东北山原内会泽县土地按复合土地系统、土地系统、土地单元三级,划分为6个复合土地系统、20个土地系统和128个土地单元,分析了复合土地系统的自然特征.  相似文献   
土壤重金属(镉、铅、铜)化学形态的地理分异研究*   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
文章以我国9种主要类型土壤和同一地域的棕壤和四种褐土亚类以及红壤带中的非地带性土壤,如酸、中、石灰性紫色土,探讨了在不同自然地理条件下的土壤中,重金属Cd、Pb、Cu形态赋存状态及形态的分异特征,如土壤Pb的水溶态、交换态和弱结合态的相对百分含量随土壤地理带的分布,具南高北低、东高西低的分异规律。而同一地域各亚类的土壤间差异相对较微小。也探讨了土壤性质,如pH值、有机质与土壤重金属形态区域分异的关系,从而揭示了土壤重金属Pb等元素的形态在南北和东西方向土壤序列中的区域性分异规律。  相似文献   
The present study reports on population structure analysis of the marbled crabPachygrapsus marmoratus (Fabricius, 1787) from the Tunisian coast, an appropriate location to study biogeographical process...  相似文献   
福建南平花岗伟晶岩中的电气石研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电气石是南平伟晶岩和围岩中分布广泛的一种副矿物,根据化学成分,它们属于镁铁锂电气石亚族,其端员为铁(黑)电气石、镁电气石和锂电气石,其间还有一系列过渡矿物。南平伟晶岩中除未发现端员锂电气石外,其他端员及过渡系列电气石均十分发育,这在国内外同类伟晶岩中十分少见。不同成分电气石分布于不同类型伟晶岩及同一伟晶岩分异演化的不同阶段。本文在对电气石的化学成分、物理性质、产状等较详阐述基础上,对它们的演变规律及形成环境进行了讨论,这对于探讨南平伟晶岩的形成及寻找稀有金属伟晶岩有重要意义。  相似文献   
The small yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis) belongs to the family Sciaenidae, which is an offshore warm fish species and widely distributed in the western Pacific. In this study, the variation of genetic diversity and genetic differentiation among L. polyactis populations was analyzed by mitochondrial DNA control region. A total of 110 polymorphic sites were checked, which defined 134 haplotypes. High level of haplotype diversity (h=0.993±0.002) was detected in the examined range. Population genetic structure analyse (analysis of molecular variance, Fst) showed there were high gene flow among L. polyactis populations. The result showed that there were relatively high genetic diversity and low genetic differentiation among the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea populations, which can be attributed to diverse habitats, wide distribution range and high mutation rate of control region. Using phylogenetic methods, coalescent analyses (neutrality tests, mismatch distribution analysis, Bayesian skyline analyses) and molecular dating interpreted in conjunction with paleoclimatic and physiographic evidence, we inferred that the genetic make-up of extant populations of L. polyactis was shaped by Pleistocene environmental impacts on the historical demography of this species. Besides, relatively constant genetic diversity and larger effective population size were detected in recent L. polyactis population. The result showed that the fishing policy certainly, such as the summer closed fishing, played a role in protecting resources of L. polyactis. This study can offer a wealth of biological novelties which indicates genetic structure of L. polyactis population and provides the foundation for resources protection and policy setting.  相似文献   
本研究通过对线粒体控制区序列进行分析的技术手段,对中国宁德(ND)、厦门(XM)、漳浦(ZP)、南澳岛(NAD)、湛江(ZJ)、海口(HK)与北海(BH)的7个野生黄鳍棘鲷(Acanthopagrus latus)群体的遗传多样性和遗传分化进行比较分析。结果表明:中国东南沿海的野生黄鳍棘鲷群体呈现出中等以上的遗传多样性特征,48个黄鳍棘鲷样品的控制区序列长度为580 bp,单倍型数目为44个,总体的单倍型多样性指数(Hd)和核苷酸多样性指数(Pi)分别为0.996和0.017 30。7个野生黄鳍棘鲷群体间的遗传分化程度较低,各群体间的遗传距离为0.010 28~0.029 87。群体间的遗传分化系数(FST)为-0.068 41~0.545 86,北海群体和其他群体间存在一定程度的遗传分化。AMOVA分析显示群体内的遗传变异占比为83.34%,大部分遗传变异发生在组群内;但北海群体与其他6个群体分为两个组群后,组群间的遗传变异占比为42.66%,两个组群间存在较大程度的遗传变异。基于Kimrua距离法构建的系统进化树中显示北海群体聚为一个分支,另外6个群体聚为一支。基于TCS network构建的单倍型网络图中44个单倍型混杂在一起,未按照水系格局和地理距离进行分布,表明黄鳍棘鲷群体间未形成多个单系群。本研究可为中国东南沿海野生黄鳍棘鲷群体的种质资源利用和保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis is a commercially exploited alga. Its filaceous thallus can be divided into three parts, holdfast, middle segment and tip. The growth and branch forming trend and agar content of these three parts were analyzed, respectively, in this study. The results showed that the tip had the highest growth rate and branched most, although it was the last part with branch forming ability. The holdfast formed branches earliest but slowly. Holdfast had the highest agar content. We also assessed the difference in protoplast formation and regeneration among three parts. The middle segment displayed the shortest enzymolysis time and the highest protoplast yield; whereas the tip had the strongest vitality of protoplasts formation. Juvenile plants were only obtained from the protoplasts generated from the tip. These results suggested that the differentiation and function of G. lemaneiformis was different.  相似文献   
1960-2010年中国降水区域分异及年代际变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1960-2010年中国1840个台站年降水量数据,采用经验正交函数(EOF)和旋转经验正交函数分解方法(REOF)对降水进行分区,并对各区降水的变化特征进行了研究.结果表明:基于多站点资料结合REOF方法实现的降水分区与中国降水实际区域分异特征比较符合,并与中国气候区划相一致.中国各区降水变化特征分析表明,东部各区降水在20世纪70年代末、80年代末-90年代初和21世纪初发生雨带的南北移动过程,其中夏季雨带的移动主要受东亚夏季风和大气环流年代际变化的影响.西北地区降水以1985/1986年为突变年,西北西部地区降水由前期偏少转为偏多,主要与来自阿拉伯海和里海异常偏多的水汽输送有关;西北东部地区降水由前期偏多转为偏少,主要与季风的年代际减弱有关.东北地区降水在80年代初由前期接近正常转为偏多,90年代末降水由前期偏多转为偏少,主要与季风和西北太平洋水汽输送的年代际变化相关.西南部各区降水阶段性变化明显,2000年以前西南东北部地区降水与西部地区基本呈反向变化,主要受青藏高原地形、东亚季风和副热带高压等因素的影响,降水阶段性变化明显、成因复杂.  相似文献   
Planktonic copepod Calanus sinicus is the dominant meso-zooplankton in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. To better understand its population dynamics and phylogeographic patterns, 243 C. sinicus individuals were collected from seven locations across the shelf waters of China and its population genetics was studied by mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I(mtCOI) sequences analyses. Thirty-nine different sequences, or haplotypes, were detected with moderate haplotype diversity(h=0.749) and low nucleotide diversity(π=0.003) for all populations. The evolutionary divergence between geographic populations varied from 0.24% to 0.37%, indicative of very limited genetic differentiation. Visualized minimum spanning network(MSN) and phylogenetic analysis of all the detected haplotypes did not reveal any clear phylogeographic pattern. Furthermore, AMOVA data showed no significant spatial population differentiation existed among the individuals collected across China shelf waters. Pairwise FST values showed that population collected from northwest of the East China Sea(ECS) displayed a low difference to other populations. Mismatch distribution analyses and neutrality tests indicated that C. sinicus might undergo a demographic/population expansion. No significant population genetic structuring was detected, indicating an extensive gene flow among the C. sinicus populations. Our results provide molecular evidence for the hypothesis that C. sinicus in the northwestern South China Sea in winter is transported from the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea by the China Coastal Current during the northeast monsoon period.  相似文献   
文章以柴达木盆地西部尕斯库勒盐湖沉积物为研究对象,通过对钻孔沉积物和地表沉积物中铀和钍含量的研究,探讨了盐湖沉积物中铀和钍的地球化学特征。分析表明,钻孔沉积物中铀和钍之间存在明显的正相关关系。在横向上,随地表取样点逐渐远离湖表卤水,沉积物中铀和钍的含量先增高后又急剧降低,且受补给水铀含量影响大;在纵向上,同一个晶间卤水层或者碎屑物沉积层内铀含量垂直分异明显,铀含量随深度增加而递增。就沉积物中铀和钍的赋存形式而言,2/3的铀被黏土质点吸附,1/3的铀夹杂在盐类矿物中;而90%以上的钍被黏土质点吸附,10%以下的钍夹杂在盐类矿物中。干盐滩中毛细蒸发和淋滤等化学沉积分异作用造成盐湖沉积中心的沉积物铀含量相对较高。  相似文献   
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