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李猛  王超  李荣社  彭岩 《地质通报》2015,34(08):1438-1446
祁连山西段吊大坂新元古代花岗质片麻岩出露于北大河岩群二云母片麻岩中。地球化学特征显示,吊大坂新元古代花岗质片麻岩主要为碱性、弱过铝质花岗岩(A/CNK=1.04~1.12)。岩石主体Rb含量较低,Sr和Ba含量高,K/Rb值介于179~225之间,说明吊大坂新元古代花岗质片麻岩不是高分异花岗岩,但明显的负Eu异常(Eu/Eu?=0.25~0.35),说明该岩浆经历了弱的分离结晶作用。在(Al2O3+TFeO+MgO+TiO2)-Al2O3/(TFeO+MgO+TiO2)图解中,未经历强烈分异的花岗质岩石样品点落入地壳杂砂岩或中性岩浆岩源区。未经历强烈分异的样品富集强不相容元素,并且在Y-Nb和(Y+Nb)-Rb图解中,主体落入板内花岗岩区域。吊大坂花岗质片麻岩LA-ICP-MS锆石206Pb/238U年龄为736±5Ma,该年龄被解释为花岗质片麻岩的形成时代,说明祁连山存在750~730Ma的岩浆作用记录,可能为新元古代晚期伸展背景下的产物。祁连山新元古代岩浆活动记录了新元古代早期汇聚、新元古代晚期伸展到裂解的长期演化过程。  相似文献   
In the Laouni region (Central Hoggar, Algeria), retrogression of high-grade orthopyroxene–cordierite-bearing rocks led to the crystallization of orthoamphibole and garnet, and at a later stage of chlorite, from the original paragenesis. Calculated phase diagrams show that this retrogression occurred at about 3  kbar with the simplest model involving hydration at 650–700°  C and at around 500°  C, with the rocks experiencing a H2O less than 1, except possibly in the last stages of chlorite crystallization. As the other rock types occurring in the same area as the orthopyroxene–cordierite rocks display similar features, it is concluded that regional hydration occurred, presumably related to the release of fluids during the crystallization of the Pan-African granitic and mafic magmas that are widespread in the Laouni area.  相似文献   
High in sodium and low in potassium (Na_2O/ K_2O>1), the charnockitic gneiss series in theSantunying- Taipingzhai area, eastern Hebei province, consists of hypersthene- quartz- diorite,hypersthene-granodiorite and hypersthene-plagioclase-granite. Geological, petrological and large ion lithophileelement(LILE), high field strength element (HFSE) and REE geochemical studies suggest that themedium-coarse-grained hypersthene-granodiorite is the product of crystallization of anatectic magmas of thesame composition. Under granulite facies conditions, the equilibrium crystallization differentiation of themagmas yielded the early crystallization phase-high-SiO_2, LILE-depleted, low-∑REE, positive Eu anomalyand REE- saturated hypersthene- plagioclase- granite. The residual phase, coarse- grained to pegmatitichypersthene- granodiorite, is marked by low SiO_2, LILE-enrichment, high ∑REE and REE-undersaturation.These rocks and hypersthene-quartz-diorite enclaves constitute the sodium-charnockitic gneiss series in easternHebei province. Model calculation for trace elements in the granitoids was applied. On the basis of a systematicgeological study, the equation for calculation was chosen, the source magma was determined and the partitioncoefficients were obtained. The resulting curves are entirely consistent with those observed in the patterns of ac-tual rocks. The study indicates that whole-rock REE patterns can not be used directly in the comparison of thesources and genesis of granitoids.  相似文献   
冀东钠质紫苏花岗片麻岩系地球化学特征及其成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王安建 《地质学报》1992,66(1):15-34
冀东三屯营-太平寨地区分布有一套含紫苏辉石、富钠贫钾、由紫苏石英闪长岩、不同粒级紫苏花岗闪长岩和紫苏斜长花岗岩组成的花岗片麻岩系。野外地质学、岩石学和岩石及单矿物常量元素、大离子亲石元素(LILE)、高场强元素(HFSE)、稀土元素(REE)研究表明:该区大面积分布的中粗粒紫苏花岗闪长岩是同成分重熔岩浆结晶的产物。它们在麻粒岩相条件下,通过平衡结晶分异作用形成一种以斜长石为主、高硅、LILE相对亏损、低稀土总量、具正铕异常的REE饱和型早期岩浆结晶相——紫苏斜长花岗岩;和具有粗粒-巨晶甚至伟晶结构、低硅LILE相对富集、高稀土总量的REE非饱和型残余岩浆结晶相——紫苏花岗闪长岩。它们与呈包体分布的紫苏石英闪长岩共同组成冀东地区的钠质紫苏花岗片麻岩系。本文使用了花岗质岩石微量元素模式计算方法,并在系统地质研究的前提下选择计算公式,确定母岩浆成分,求得分配系数。获得了与实际岩石图谱完全弥合的曲线。本研究的资料表明,不同类型花岗质岩石全岩REE分配模型不能简单地用于岩石物源及其成因机制的对比。  相似文献   
In the Kolar Schist Belt well-preserved small-scale diastrophic structures suggest four phases of folding (F1 — F4). The near coaxial F1 andF 2folds are both isoclinal with long-drawn out limbs and sharp hinges. The axial planes of bothF 1andF 2folds are subvertical with N-S strikes; these control the linear outcrop pattern of the Schist belt. The later folds (F 3and F4) are important in small-to-intermediate scales only and are accommodation structures formed during the relaxation period of the early folding episodes. Mesoscopic shear zones, post-F2 but pre-F3 in age, are present in all the rock types in this area. The F1 and F2 folds and the mesoscopic shear zones were formed during a continuous E-W subhorizontal compression. Available geochemical and isotopic data show that the Kolar Schist Belt with ensimatic setting is bounded by two granitic terrains of contrasting evolutionary histories. This, together with E-W subhorizontal compression over a protracted period of time, strengthens the recent suggestions that the Kolar Schist Belt represents a suture. This belt then marks the site of a continent-continent collision event of late Archaean-early Proterozoic age.  相似文献   
Metapelites containing muscovite, cordierite, staurolite and biotite (Ms+Crd+St+Bt) are relatively rare but have been reported from a number of low-pressure (andalusite–sillimanite) regional metamorphic terranes. Paradoxically, they do not occur in contact aureoles formed at the same low pressures, raising the question as to whether they represent a stable association. A stable Ms+Crd+St+Bt assemblage implies a stable Ms+Bt+Qtz+Crd+St+Al2SiO5+Chl+H2O invariant point (IP1), the latter which has precluded construction of a petrogenetic grid for metapelites that reconciles natural phase relations at high and low pressure. Petrogenetic grids calculated from internally consistent thermodynamic databases do not provide a reliable means to evaluate the problem because the grid topology is sensitive to small changes in the thermodynamic data. Topological analysis of invariant point IP1 places strict limits on possible phase equilibria and mineral compositions for metamorphic field gradients at higher and lower pressure than the invariant point. These constraints are then compared with natural data from contact aureoles and reported Ms+Crd+St+Bt occurrences. We find that there are numerous topological, textural and compositional incongruities in reported natural assemblages that lead us to argue that Ms+Crd+St+Bt is either not a stable association or is restricted to such low pressures and Fe-rich compositions that it is rarely if ever developed in natural rocks. Instead, we argue that reported Ms+Crd+St+Bt assemblages are products of polymetamorphism, and, from their textures, are useful indicators of P–T  paths and tectonothermal processes at low pressure. A number of well-known Ms+Crd+St+Bt occurrences are discussed within this framework, including south-central Maine, the Pyrenees and especially SW Nova Scotia.  相似文献   
The Quanji Massif is located on the north side of the Qaidam Block and is interpreted as an ancient cratonic remnant that was detached from the Tarim Craton. There are regionally exposed granitic gneisses in the basement of the Quanji Massif whose protoliths were granitic intrusive rocks. Previous studies obtained intrusion ages for some of these granitic gneiss protoliths. The intrusion ages span a wide range from ~ 2.2 Ga to ~ 2.47 Ga. This study has determined the U-Pb zircon age of four granitic gneiss samples from the eastern, central and western parts of the Quanji Massif. CL images and trace elements show that the zircons from these four granitic gneisses have typical magmatic origins, and experienced different degrees of Pb loss due to strong metamorphism and deformation. LA-ICPMS zircon dating yields an upper intercept age of 2381 ± 41 (2σ) Ma from monzo-granitic gneiss in the Hudesheng area and 2392 ± 25 (2σ) Ma from granodioritic gneiss in the Mohe area, eastern Quanji Massif, and 2367 ± 12 (2σ) Ma from monzo-granitic gneiss in the Delingha area, central Quanji Massif, and 2372 ± 22 (2σ) Ma from monzo-granitic gneiss in the Quanjishan area, western Quanji Massif. These results reveal that the intrusive age of the protoliths of the widespread granitic gneisses in the Quanji Massif basement was restricted between 2.37 and 2.39 Ga, indicating regional granitic magmatism in the early Paleoproterozoic, perhaps related to the fragmentation stage of the Kenorland supercontinent. Geochemical results from the granodioritic gneiss from the Mohe area indicate that the protolith of this gneiss is characterized by adakitic rocks derived from partial melting of garnet-amphibolite beneath a thickened lower crust in a rifting regime after continent-continent collision and crustal thickening, genetically similar to the TTG gneisses in the North China Craton. This suggests that the Quanji Massif had a tectonic history similar to the Archean Central Orogenic Belt of North China Craton during the early Paleoproterozoic. We tentatively suggest that the Quanji Massif and the parental Tarim Craton and the North China Craton experienced rifting in the early Paleoproterozoic, after amalgamation at the end of the Archean. The Tarim Craton and North China Craton might have had close interaction from the late Neoarchean to the early Paleoproterozoic.  相似文献   
对河南桐柏地区麻粒岩及其周围以前被认为是片麻岩的岩石从野外特征、结构构造、矿物成分、化学成分及峰期变质条件上进行比较,认为它们均相同。似层状、透镜状麻粒岩间以前被认为是高度风化片麻岩的岩石仍是麻粒岩,这是后期应力作用产生差异变形、退变质及风化作用的结果。这种变化不能等同于麻粒岩退变质为片麻岩。因此,桐柏麻粒岩的北侧围岩是与其呈断层接触的大理岩,南侧围岩为郭庄组上段花岗质片麻岩,麻粒岩构成一个约0.5km~2.0km宽的变质带。这对探讨桐柏麻粒岩的形成和演化具有重要意义。  相似文献   
对于大别山高压一超高压变质带中大面积出露的云母片岩和片麻岩的变质条件和演化历史有不同的认识:如中低压绿帘角闪岩相,高压角闪岩相和超高压榴辉岩相。通过对大别山南部超高压榴辉岩区、高压榴辉岩区和宿松变质杂岩带中的云母片岩和片麻岩进行详细的岩相学及相平衡研究表明:它们的变质条件分别为610℃~690℃,1.2~1.4GPa;590~600℃、1.3~1.5GPa;520~590℃,0.9~1.4GPa,相当于高压绿帘角闪岩相、高压角闪岩相与榴辉岩相之间的过渡。依据超高压榴辉岩区绿帘石黑云片麻岩中的石榴石环带特征推测,它们很可能经过超高压变质阶段。现有矿物组合记录了抬升阶段的条件。但是高压榴辉岩区的石榴石绿帘石二云片麻岩和宿松变质杂岩带中石榴石云母片岩中的石榴石环带特征表明,其现有矿物组合记录了变质峰期条件,不应该经历更高压变质阶段。在KFMASH体系的PT视剖面图上计算多硅白云母Si含量等值线表明,在多数矿物组合中白云母的Si含量可作为地质压力计,但Si等值线的斜率受到矿物组合的控制。  相似文献   
Spinel–cordierite symplectites partially replacing andalusite occur in metapelitic rocks within the cores of several country rock diapirs that have ascended into the upper levels of layered mafic/ultramafic rocks in the Bushveld Complex. We investigate the petrogenesis of these symplectites in one of these diapirs, the Phepane dome. Petrographic evidence indicates that at conditions immediately below the solidus the rocks were characterized by a cordierite‐, biotite‐ and K‐feldspar‐rich matrix and 5–10 mm long andalusite porphyroblasts surrounded by biotite‐rich fringes. Phase relations in the MnNCKFMASHT model system constrain the near‐solidus prograde path to around 3 kbar and imply that andalusite persisted metastably into the sillimanite + melt field, where the fringing relationship between biotite and andalusite provided spatially restricted equilibrium domains with silica‐deficient effective bulk compositions that focused suprasolidus reaction. MnNCKFMASHT pseudosections that model these compositional domains suggest that volatile phase‐absent melting reactions consuming andalusite and biotite initially produced a moat of cordierite surrounding andalusite; reaction progressed until all quartz was consumed. Spinel is predicted to grow with cordierite at around 720 °C. Formation of the aluminous solid products was strongly controlled by the receding edge of andalusite grains, with symplectites forming at the andalusite‐cordierite moat interface. Decompression due to melt‐assisted diapiric rise of the floor rocks into the overlying mafic/ultramafic rocks occurred close to the thermal peak. Re‐crossing of the solidus at P = 1.5–2 kbar, T > 700 °C resulted in preservation of the symplectites. Two features of the silica‐deficient domains inhibited resorption of spinel. First, the cordierite moat armoured the symplectites from reaction with crystallizing melt in the outer part of the pseudomorphs. Second, an up‐T step in the solidus at low‐P, which may be in excess of 100 °C higher than the quartz‐saturated solidus, resulted in high‐T crystallization of melt on decompression. Even in metapelitic rocks where melt is retained, preservation of spinel is favoured by decompression.  相似文献   
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