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皖南山区典型顺层滑坡形成机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
皖南山区鸟雀坪滑坡是典型的顺层岩质滑坡,其变形破坏模式为滑移-弯曲,变形破坏过程可分为以下三个阶段:斜坡初始形成,表面卸荷回弹阶段、上部岩体滑移,下部岩体隆起弯曲阶段、滑面贯通—滑坡整体失稳破坏阶段。滑坡形成沿河长200m,纵向长700m,体积约200×104m3的滑坡堆积体,堵塞大源河并强迫河流发生改道。  相似文献   
Sediment accumulation downstream of hydraulic jumps can occur in many settings but the architectures of such deposits are poorly documented. Here, three flume runs were used to examine the influence of sediment grain size and transport rate on the characteristics of hydraulic‐jump unit bars. In one of these runs six hydraulic‐jump unit bars formed a hydraulic‐jump bar complex. In another, the same sediment was supplied more quickly and only two unit bars formed. In the third run with the same sediment supply rate, but different grain size, only one large unit bar formed. All unit bars developed in a similar way but their size and internal architecture differed; they all resulted from a reduction in sediment transport capacity at the transition from supercritical flow to subcritical flow in the hydraulic jump. After initial onset of sedimentation and unit bar formation, generation of subsequent unit bars may be: (i) related to small changes in sediment flux; and (ii) independent of changes in the hydraulic jump. Continued sedimentation caused changes from oscillating to weak hydraulic jumps and hydraulic‐jump unit bars formed in both circumstances. The flow of water and suspended sediment becomes shallower over the lee of the bar complex. This leads to flow acceleration and a return to supercritical flow conditions. In turn, a chain of such features can form and generate a chute and pool bed morphology. There is an inherent upper size limit to a hydraulic‐jump bar complex due to the changing flow conditions over the growing deposit as the water above it becomes shallower. There is also an amplitude minimum for the development of foresets and subsequent unit bar growth. Hydraulic‐jump unit bars have architectures that should be recognizable in the rock record and because their size is constrained by the flow conditions, their identification should be useful for interpreting palaeoenvironment.  相似文献   
刚性桩复合地基主要用来提高天然地基强度,调整并控制地基在受载条件下变形。对于不均匀地基中采用刚性桩复合地基调整地基变形有着十分重要的意义。碎石类土中不等厚软弱夹层造成的不均匀地基,采用常规施工工艺进行CFG桩复合地基施工不宜操作,因此改良成大直径刚性桩复合地基。现行规范对CFG桩直径范围值的界定使复合地基的单桩直径对此有所突破,本文工程案例成功地实施了该条件下的设计与施工,复合地基验收效果良好。  相似文献   
李斌  黄达  马文著 《岩土力学》2020,41(3):858-868
层理弱面对层状岩石的力学特性影响较显著,为了研究层理面特性对岩石断裂力学特性的影响,开展了具有不同层理方向的砂岩试样三点弯试验,探讨了砂岩断裂韧度及断裂模式的各向异性。之后基于有限元中的黏聚单元建立了数值模型,采用数值模拟方法研究了层理面强度对各层理角度试样断裂力学行为的影响规律。结果表明:层理方向影响下砂岩的断裂韧度及模式存在各向异性;同一层理方向试样的断裂韧度随层理面强度的增大而增大,且试样的层理面与加载方向夹角越小,断裂韧度受层理面强度变化影响越明显;试样的断裂模式不仅与层理面强度有关,还受层理倾角的控制,层理面与加载方向夹角θ=0o试样断裂模式基本不受层理面强度影响,θ=30o试样主要沿层理面张拉或剪切破坏,且沿层理面的破裂长度随层理面强度的降低逐渐增大;层理面强度较大时,θ=45o试样主要沿层理面张拉破坏,θ=60o~90o试样主要以贯穿层理的张拉破坏为主;层理面强度较小时,θ=45o~90o试样均以沿层理面的剪切破坏为主,其中θ=45o试样沿层理剪切长度最大。另外,通过数值模拟结果分析了层理面强度及方向对试样的起裂角及裂纹扩展路径产生的影响。该研究成果可作为层状岩石断裂力学...  相似文献   
贵州东南部浊积岩中金矿的地质特征和成因   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
文章首次明确提出黔东南天柱县、锦屏县、黎平县以及相邻的湖南省靖县、会同县、洪江县存在浊积岩型金矿。研究发现,这些金矿均产在加里东皱褶带中,它们产于背斜的轴部,向两翼延伸,形成平行于地层的石英脉;另一种石英脉则充填于褶皱和剪切作用形成的剪切带或断裂带中。这些褶皱和断裂均呈北东方向。黔东南地区的浊积岩型金矿,均赋存于前震旦系下江群浊积岩中,产在板岩、凝灰岩或者在板岩和砂岩交界处。石英脉中金的富集与黄铁矿、毒砂、闪锌矿、方铅矿等密切相关。细脉比宽脉更富集金,断裂交叉处更富含金。石英脉两侧(尤其是顺层石英脉)的蚀变很弱,主要为硅化和绿泥石化。应用RB_SR方法测得石英脉的年龄为370~450Ma,成矿时代应在加里东期或期后。黔东南浊积岩金矿在品位(多数可见明金)、储量和产量方面均很有前景,研究它们具有十分重要的学术价值和经济意义。  相似文献   
Knowing the factors that influence landslide abundance and distribution is important to evaluate landslide susceptibility and hazard. Visual interpretation of aerial photographs (API) can be used to collect spatially distributed information on bedding attitude (BA), in an area. Where a map of the location of bedding traces (BTs), i.e. lines showing the intersection of bedding planes with the local topography, is available, the map can be used to obtain BA point data and to prepare maps showing morpho-structural domains. The possibility of using BA maps to investigate the influence of morpho-structural settings on landslide abundance is hampered by the lack of understanding of the influence of the length of the BTs, and of the parameters used to interpolate the BA data on the structural zonation. To investigate the problem, we used information on 207 BTs obtained through API in the Collazzone area, Central Italy, and we prepared 150 maps showing BA information. This was accomplished using 15 different values for the segmentation length of the BTs (S), and 10 different values for the tension parameter (T) used for the interpolation. We compare the results against previous results obtained for the same area adopting a heuristic approach to the segmentation of the same set of BTs. Next, we compare the geographical distribution of old deep-seated, deep-seated and shallow landslides in five morpho-structural domains in the study area, and we analyse the influence of the structural settings on the abundance of the different types of landslides.  相似文献   
在大量的野外地质调查工作基础之上,采用赤平投影法分析了沉积岩地区岩石高边坡的潜在破坏模式,并运用极限平衡法计算边坡在此潜在破坏模式下的稳定性,对安全储备较低的采石场边坡提出削坡方案,同时配合有限元法对边坡的稳定性进行了分析和评价,指出岩层层面是影响沉积岩地区高边坡稳定性的最不利结构面,是调查和研究的重点。  相似文献   
通过野外调研和资料分析,发现萍乐坳陷带西段存在一伸展构造体系,它由变质核杂岩、固态流变构造群落、浅层次的顺层正滑拆离断层以及晚期的重力滑脱构造体系组成。变质核杂岩外缘由以多条大环状分布外倾的花岗质糜棱岩带为代表的韧性剪切带组成,带中的矿物拉伸线理显示韧性剪切作用是沿隆起两翼近南北向进行的。顺层固态流变群落最突出的表现为浅变质岩中近水平的韧性剪切带。部分泥盆系-二叠系亦卷入顺层固态流变群落,表现为带内动力片岩及碳酸岩糜棱岩带。浅层次顺层正滑拆离断层多沿已存界面或岩性软弱面由南向北多层次滑移,并可分为后缘拉张、中部递进滑脱及前缘挤压三个构造分带。晚期重力滑脱体系主要发育于武功山北麓,由众多滑块组成。依据法国奥尔良大学所获变质核杂岩中糜棱岩同位素年龄可知,该伸展构造体系始于华力西晚期-印支期;依据卷入的地层,至少是燕山末期、甚至喜山期才结束.  相似文献   
赵玉琛 《地质科学》1988,(2):155-169
根据原始构造节理系统中节理间特殊的几何关系,本文提出一种数学分析方法及其电算程序,对其进行了研究。宁芜地区一些古火山构造用该法解析成功的实例,证明此种方法是可行的。  相似文献   
华北地台东缘早元古代隆—滑构造模式   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
刘永江  李三忠 《地质论评》1997,43(6):569-576
研究华北地台东部边缘早元古代拉伸构造及与变质核杂岩的比较,提出了隆-滑构造模式。它一般发生大规模收缩造山作用之前,由于区域拉伸作用,导致下地幔上隆,形成了岩浆隆起或基底隆起,使上覆盖层发生重力滑脱。该模式由核部隆起,上部盖层和其间的拆离韧性发带组成。  相似文献   
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