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The La Peña alkaline complex (LPC) of Miocene age (18–19 Ma) lies on the eastern front of the Precordillera (32°41ʹ34ʺS, 68°59ʹ48″W, 1400–2900 m a.s.l.), 30 km northwest of Mendoza city, Argentina. It is a subcircular massif of 19 km2 and 5 km in diameter, intruded in the metasedimentary sequence of the Villavicencio Formation of Silurian-Devonian age. It is the result of integration of multiple pulses derived from one or more deep magma chambers, which form a suite of silicate rocks grouped into: a clinopyroxenite body, a central syenite facies with a large breccia zone at the contact with the clinopyroxenite, bodies of malignite, trachyte and syenite porphyry necks, and a system of radial and annular dikes of different compositions. Its subcircular geometry and dike system distribution are frequent features of intraplate plutons or plutons emplaced in post-orogenic settings. These morphostructural features characterize numerous alkaline complexes worldwide and denote the importance of magmatic pressures that cause doming with radial and annular fracturing, in a brittle country rock. However, in the LPC, the attitude of the internal fabric of plutonic and subvolcanic units and the preferential layout of dikes match the NW–SE extensional fractures widely distributed in the host rock. This feature indicates a strong tectonic control linked to the structure that facilitate space for emplacement, corresponding to the brittle shear zone parallel to the N–S stratigraphy of the country rock. Shearing produced a system of discontinuities, with a K fractal fracture pattern, given by the combination of Riedel (R), anti-Riedel (R′), (P) and extensional (T) fracture systems, responsible for the control of melt migration by the opening of various fracture branches, but particularly through the NW–SE (T) fractures. Five different pulses would have ascent, (1) an initial one from which cumulate clinopyroxenite was formed, (2) a phase of mafic composition represented by dikes cross-cutting the clinopyroxenite, (3) a malignite facies that causes a small breccia in the clinopyroxenite, (4) a central syenite facies that develops breccias at the contact with the clinopyroxenite and, finally, (5) porphyry necks and a system of radial dikes intruding all units. At the moment of the emplacement different mechanisms would have acted, they summarized in: 1) opening of discontinuities synchronous to the magma circulation as the principal mechanism for formation of dikes and conduits; 2) stoping processes, that play an important role in the development of the breccia zone and enabling an efficient transference of material during the emplacement of the syenitic magma and 3) shear-related deformation (regional stress), affected the internal fabric of the facies, causing intracrystalline deformation and submagmatic flow, which is very evident in the central syenite intrusive. The kinematic analysis of shear planes allows proposing that emplacement of the LPC took place in a transtensive regime, which would have occurred in the back-arc of the Andes orogen, during a long period spanning from Miocene to the present, of the compressive deformation responsible, westward and at the same latitude, for the development of the Aconcagua fold and thrust belt.  相似文献   
Normal faults on Malta were studied to analyse fault propagation and evolution in different carbonate facies. Deformation of carbonate facies is controlled by strength, particle size and pore structure. Different deformation styles influence the damage characteristics surrounding faults, and therefore the fault zone architecture. The carbonates were divided into grain- and micrite-dominated carbonate lithofacies. Stronger grain-dominated carbonates show localised deformation, whereas weaker micrite-dominated carbonates show distributed deformation. The weaker micrite-dominated carbonates overlie stronger grain-dominated carbonates, creating a mechanical stratigraphy. A different architecture of damage, the ‘Fracture Splay Zone’ (FSZ), is produced within micrite-dominated carbonates due to this mechanical stratigraphy. Strain accumulates at the point of juxtaposition between the stronger grain-dominated carbonates in the footwall block and the weaker micrite-dominated carbonates in the hanging wall block. New slip surfaces nucleate and grow from these points, developing an asymmetric fault damage zone segment. The development of more slip surfaces within a single fault zone forms a zone of intense deformation, bound between two slip surfaces within the micrite-dominated carbonate lithofacies (i.e., the FSZ). Rather than localisation onto a single slip surface, allowing formation of a continuous fault core, the deformation will be dispersed along several slip surfaces. The dispersed deformation can create a highly permeable zone, rather than a baffle/seal, in the micrite-dominated carbonate lithofacies. The formation of a Fracture Splay Zone will therefore affect the sealing potential of the fault zone. The FSZ, by contrast, is not observed in the majority of the grain-dominated carbonates.  相似文献   
A low-angle extensional fault system affecting the non metamorphic rocks of the carbonate dominated Tuscan succession is exposed in the Lima valley (Northern Apennines, Italy). This fault system affects the right-side-up limb of a kilometric-scale recumbent isoclinal anticline and is, in turn, affected by superimposed folding and late-tectonic high-angle extensional faulting.The architecture of the low-angle fault system has been investigated through detailed structural mapping and damage zone characterization. Pressure-depth conditions and paleofluid evolution of the fault system have been studied through microstructural, mineralogical, petrographic, fluid inclusion and stable isotope analyses. Our results show that the low-angle fault system was active during exhumation of the Tuscan succession at about 180°C and 5 km depth, with the involvement of low-salinity fluids. Within this temperature - depth framework, the fault zone architecture shows important differences related to the different lithologies involved in the fault system and to the role played by the fluids during deformation. In places, footwall overpressuring influenced active deformation mechanisms and favored shear strain localization.Our observations indicate that extensional structures affected the central sector of the Northern Apennines thrust wedge during the orogenic contractional history, modifying the fluid circulation through the upper crust and influencing its mechanical behavior.  相似文献   
蒋金泉  代进  王普  张林良 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z1):264-270
硬厚覆岩的破断与结构将发生显著的变化。针对汝箕沟煤矿二2煤层上覆厚层石英砂岩条件,采用现场实测、数值模拟、理论分析及现场试验等方法,研究了硬厚覆岩裂隙发育特征、破断运动、矿压显现特征及断顶控制技术,为硬厚覆岩工作面灾害防治提供了依据。研究表明,硬厚石英砂岩的微观结构致密完整,呈现大面积悬空、大步距破断运动,引起强烈的支架动载,甚至导致工作面风流逆转、沟通上部采空区隐形火区;硬厚岩层破断运移后产生明显的离层空间,并在开切眼上部和工作面上部及采空区中部形成覆岩主裂隙带,且发育高度大于经验计算数值,甚至与上方采空区沟通诱发灾害;实施开切眼深孔断顶爆破及降低工作面采高,有效缩短了硬厚岩层的初次破断步距,降低了支架动载及主裂隙带高度。  相似文献   
一种激光收敛测量方法及其精度评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合传统收敛测量和全站仪测量两种测量方法的优势,提出了一种新的收敛测量方法。传统收敛测量方法存在着操作要求高,施工干扰多,不易长期监测等缺点;全站仪测量方法由于采用间接测量策略,测点间的距离需要进行解算,施测精度较低。新方法延用了全站仪测量方法所采用的激光测距技术,同时也延用了传统收敛测量方法采用的直接测量距离策略。借助于目前市场上成熟的激光测距产品,研制和加工了新方法所需的测量装置。它由5个部分组成,依次为激光测距仪、测距仪底座、测量基点连杆、连接套筒、测量基座。按照一定的实施步骤,在程潮铁矿采空区的地面隧道进行了测量精度在现场工程环境下的试验评估。试验结果表明,新方法的成本低廉、操作简捷、稳定性好,施测精度可达到0.7 mm,有利于收敛监测在地下工程建设过程中的普及应用。  相似文献   
倪小东  赵帅龙  王媛 《岩土力学》2014,35(12):3627-3635
为了揭示发育薄弱区对管涌发展的影响机制,进行了管涌砂槽模型试验和颗粒流数值模拟,建立了3组模型,以研究孔隙通道的空间发育对颗粒运移过程的影响,分析了土体内部细颗粒运移引起管涌破坏的动态过程。根据数值模拟结果,分析了管涌发展过程中试样细观及流体的变化规律,并与砂槽模型试验结果进行了比较,模拟与模型试验结果较吻合。结果表明,薄弱区越发育,压力分布调整的趋势越强,颗粒运移的趋势相应增加,达到破坏需要的时间越短。数值模拟获得的临界水力梯度与室内试验以及理论分析结果均比较接近,证明了采用颗粒流程序研究管涌问题是合理的,对研究存在薄弱区的砂土管涌现象具有明显的优势和广阔的应用前景。所揭示的结果有益于管涌机制的更深入研究。  相似文献   
In this paper, we have analysed the major marine research strategies, programs and projects and the overall layout on marine research of the United Kingdom in recent years and found several characteristics: The United Kingdom increased emphasis on the national top-level design of marine research; The marine research infrastructures of the United Kingdom will be given long-term support in the future; Priority areas on marine research in the future will be determine and identified according to the national science and technology status and national needs of national economy; The United Kingdom will focus on ocean acidification, marine renewable energy development and coastal hazards research in the future. Then we gave out some recommendations on our courtry’ development on marine science and technology: Establishing a long-term national marine science and technology strategic plan; strengthening the investment in the important marine research infrastructure; setting several reasonable research priorities according to China’s national strategic needs.  相似文献   
张焱孙 《江苏地质》2014,38(4):682-686
介绍了江西会昌县周田镇地面塌陷灾害物探CSAMT法勘查技术、资料分析、勘查成果及验证情况。对了解塌陷区盖层有效厚度、塌落现状、塌陷区后续具体治理方案及决策有十分重要的意义,对在类似地电条件下地质灾害物探勘查方法的选择、资料解释等具一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
华北平原某集约化种植区地下水污染探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以华北平原某集约化种植区为典型研究区域,通过对采集的8个地下水样品及11个土壤样品分析,探讨集约化种植区地下水的污染程度,解析其污染影响机制。结果表明:该集约化种植地区土壤中残留物主要为有机氯农药,多环芳烃及邻苯二甲酸酯类有机化合物。地下水中硝酸盐含量显著增加;重金属中以Cr含量最高,但均未超标;地下水并未受到有机氯农药的污染,但仍显示有多氯联苯的输入;半挥发性有机物检出种类较多,其中残留农膜释放的邻苯二甲酸酯类有机化合物浓度最高;地下水已受到较为严重的污染。集约化种植区大量施用化肥、农药和覆盖农膜,污染负荷严重,灌溉频繁且量大,污染质运移驱动力大是地下水污染的根本原因;当地包气带中黏性土厚度不均以及井孔止水不严等因素也成为了地下水受到污染的直接原因。  相似文献   
The retreat of the Tethys Sea and the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau play the critical roles in driving Asian climatic changes during the Cenozoic. In the Pamir–Tien Shan convergence zone, over 3000 m of Cenozoic successions, consisting of marine deposits in the lower, continental clay and fine sand in the middle, and molasse in the upper part, record the evolution of the Tethys Sea, the Asian aridification, and the deformation of the Pamir. In this work, the existing biostratigraphic subdivisions and new electronic spinning resonance dating results were used to assign ages to formations within the Ulugqat section. Sedimentary facies analysis and multi-proxy indices were used to reconstruct the paleo-environmental evolution. The results show: (1) the Pamir–Tien Shan convergence zone has undergone progressive environmental changes from shallow marine before ∼34 Ma to arid land at ∼23 Ma and finally to inter-mountain basin by ∼5.3 Ma; (2) the overall increase in mean size of grains, decrease in redness, in magnetic susceptibility, and in proportion of the ultrafine component of the sediments studied revealed a long-term strengthening in potential energy to transporting medium, cooling, and enhanced continental aridity, respectively; (3) the easternmost edge of the Tethys Sea prevailed in the western Tarim Basin from late Cretaceous to early Cenozoic, and finally retreated from this region around the Eocene–Oligocene transition, which in turn strengthened the Asian aridification; (4) accumulation of molasse with an upper age of ∼1 Ma suggests that the deformation front of the Pamir migrated to this area at or before that time.  相似文献   
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