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李承涛  苏小宁  孟国杰 《地震》2018,38(2):37-50
巴颜喀拉块体东北缘是构造变形和地震活动较强的区域, 2017年九寨沟MS7.0地震就发生在该区域内。 利用多尺度球面小波方法解算GPS应变率场, 分析巴颜喀拉块体东北缘2009年至2017年的应变率场分布特征, 该方法的优点是可以将GPS应变率场按照不同的空间尺度进行小波分解, 给出不同空间尺度的应变率场。 结果表明在2017年九寨沟地震之前, 震中附近应变积累显著, 虎牙断裂北延断裂的左旋走滑速率为3.0 mm/a, 拉张速率为3.1 mm/a, 表明该条断裂以左旋走滑为主兼有拉张特征, 与九寨沟地震的震源机制解一致。 除九寨沟震中附近外, 在岷县与漳县交界处、 理县和汶川、 青川等地区主应变率、 面应变率、 最大剪应变率也较大, 这可能与2013岷县漳县(MS6.6)、 2008年汶川(MS8.0)、 2014年理县(MS4.8)以及2014青川县(MS4.8)地震有关。  相似文献   
This study is devoted to a systematic analysis of the stress state of the eastern boundary area of Sichuan-Yunnan block based on focal mechanisms of 319 earthquakes with magnitudes between M3.0 and M6.9, occurring from January 2009 to May 2018. We firstly determined the mechanism solutions of 234 earthquakes by the CAP method, using the broadband waveforms recorded by Chinese regional permanent networks, and collected 85 centroid moment tensor solutions from the GCMT. Then we investigated the regional stress regime through a damp linear inversion. Our results show that:1)the focal mechanisms of moderate earthquakes are regionally specific with three principal types of focal mechanisms:the strike-slip faulting type, the thrust faulting type and the normal faulting type. The strike-slip faulting type is significant in the eastern boundary area of Sichuan-Yunnan block along the Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang Fault, the Daliangshan Fault, and the Zhaotong-Lianfeng Fault. The thrust faulting type and the combined thrust/strike-slip faulting type are significant along the Mabian-Yanjin Fault, Ebian-Yanfeng Fault and the eastern section of Lianfeng Fault; 2)The most robust feature of the regional stress regime is that, the azimuth of principal compressive stress axis rotates clockwise from NWW to NW along the eastern boundary of Sichuan-Yunnan Block, and the clockwise rotation angle is about 50 degrees. Meanwhile, the angels between the principal compressive axis and the trend of eastern boundary of Sichuan-Yunnan Block remain unchanged, which implies a stable coefficient of fault friction in the eastern boundary fault zone of Sichuan-Yunnan Block. The movement of the upper crust in the southeastern Tibetan plateau is a relatively rigid clockwise rotation. On the whole, the Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang Fault is a small arc on the earth, and its Euler pole axis is at(21°N, 88°E). The Daliangshan Fault is surrounded by the Anninghe-Zemuhe Fault, which formed a closed diamond shape. When the Sichuan-Yunnan block rotates clockwise, the Daliangshan Fault locates in the outer of the arc, while the Anninghe-Zemuhe Fault is in the inward of the arc, and from the mechanical point of view, left-lateral sliding movement is more likely to occur on the Daliangshan Fault. Our results can be the evidence for the study on the "cut-off" function of the Daliangshan Fault based on the stress field background; 3)The regional stress regime of the eastern boundary faults zone of the Sichuan-Yunnan Block is the same as the south section of the Dalianshan Fault, and the focal mechanism results also reveal that the Dalianshan Fault is keeping left-lateral strike-slip. There may be the same tectonic stress field that controls the earthquake activities in the southern section of Daliangshan Fault and Zhaotong-Lianfeng Fault. The regional stress regime of Zhaodong-Lianfeng Fault is also the same with the Sichuan-Yunnan Block, which implies that the control effect of the SE movement of the Sichuan-Yunnan block may extend to Weining.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization in China has severely disturbed the underlying surface and river systems. The stream structure parameters of Suzhou City were analysed to study the evolution and spatial differentiation of a water system undergoing urbanization. The influencing pattern of different urbanization processes on river system structure and hydrological processes was detected by statistical methods and simulation analysis. The results show that urban sprawl is influenced by both the natural environment and the social economy. At different stages of urbanization, the spatial urban expansion and the natural river characteristics influence the evolution of the river network: during rapid urbanization, the decline in surface water ratio and river density is more intense. The decrease of surface water ratio and river density in rapidly urbanized areas was greatest, followed by that in area urbanized in the 1980s, with few changes in the old town. Under high urbanization, river system indicators tend to stabilize. The rivers’ hydrological features were affected by urbanization, with water yield in the study area increasing from 0.81 to 0.95 m3/m2 (1991–2015). The same rainfall intensity results in higher flood levels and greater risk of flooding under rapid urbanization.  相似文献   
太龄雪  高原 《地震》2017,37(1):82-91
利用宁夏区域台网记录的2009年1月至2014年9月的近场小震波形资料, 使用剪切波分裂系统分析方法SAM方法, 对位于青藏高原东北缘的鄂尔多斯块体西侧进行了地壳各向异性研究, 共得到7个台站记录到的19条有效数据。 研究发现, 受复杂的局部构造、 应力场及断裂分布的影响, 研究区地壳各向异性在空间分布上呈现出分区性特点。 受区域构造应力场的控制, 台站的快剪切波偏振方向与区域构造应力的主压应力方向基本一致。 在构造上, 大致以中部的三关口—牛首山NNW向断裂为界, 可以分为南北两部分。 本研究显示, 以快剪切波偏振方向空间分布特征为划分依据, 大致以37°N为界划分南北部, 北部区域的快剪切波偏振方向为近N-S向, 与按构造划分的青藏高原东北缘—鄂尔多斯块体西侧北部区域主压应力场一致; 南部区域的快剪切波偏振方向为近E-W向, 同样与按构造划分的区域主压应力场一致。  相似文献   
Previous studies of push moraines have concluded that structural architecture is controlled by a combination of stress exerted by flowing ice and the rheology of the deforming sediment. However, the relationship between deformation processes and the thermal/hydrologic conditions within the sediment remains ambiguous. Using a combination of surface mapping, logging exposures and ground penetrating radar we examine the relationships between surface morphology, material properties and development of deformation structures in deeply frozen sediment that has been deformed by Joyce Glacier, a cold-based glacier in the McMurdo Dry Valleys. The structural architecture of the push moraines is characterized by a combination of brittle and ductile deformation structures that have produced a structurally complex pattern of thrust faults, low angle listric thrusts and recumbent folds that extend 400 m beyond the glacier margin. Deformation is ductile where the ice concentration exceeds c. 65% volume and predominantly brittle where the ice concentration is less than c. 65%. The change in rheology reflects transition in behaviour from the material having a predominantly frictional character when the ice is limited to pore spaces to a non-frictional character in which strength is primarily determined by the cohesive strength of the ice. This work shows that glaciotectonic deformation can occur in deeply frozen permafrost where there is no liquid pore water. We conclude that the presence of liquid porewater is not a necessary condition for the development of glaciotectonic deformation or for the formation of push moraines. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
无人机以机动灵活、作业周期短和成本低等优势被广泛应用于基础测绘等领域。然而无人机航摄系统采集像片通过传统方法需要密集分布控制点,导致作业成本增加及生产效率下降影响经济效益。为此,在考虑到航测相机曝光延迟的基础上提出基于GPS辅助空中三角测量的稀无地面控制点的无人机遥感影像高精度几何定位方法,并通过实际测试生产数字线划图(DLG)和数字正射影像图(DOM),可满足1∶1000地形图测绘的技术要求,其高效率、低成本的生产模式较常规方法更具有推广意义,尤其是在西部测图以及岛礁测量人烟稀少人员很难或无法到达且使用常规测量方法无法满足成图要求的区域。  相似文献   
针对地图上的兴趣点,提出了一种兼顾个体重要性和点群空间分布特征的选取方法。根据单个点的地理特征、地理意义来评估点的重要性程度;通过反复构造加权Voronoi图保持点群的空间分布特征,并在此基础上评估单个兴趣点的选取概率。最后,结合实际数据进行实验,实验表明该方法合理有效。  相似文献   
不同类型卫星影像区域网平差方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
传统卫星影像纠正常针对单景影像,且需要一定数量的外业控制点作为参考,严重制约了正射纠正效率。本文提出了一种卫星影像区域网平差方法,利用影像间的连接点进行RPC模型的前方交会,并用少量控制点进行仿射变换,实现了多轨多景卫星影像的区域网平差。经测试,本文方法可有效减少外业控制点,提高卫星影像正射纠正效率。  相似文献   
资源三号卫星影像无控制区域网平差   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
孙钰珊  张力  许彪  张勇 《遥感学报》2019,23(2):205-214
国产高分辨率光学卫星影像的无地面控制精准定位是实现境外大范围区域或大规模遥感应用和中小比例尺测图的前提。针对资源三号卫星(ZY-3)影像的几何特点,以航空摄影测量中约束问题最优化方法"交替趋近法"和基于RFM的最小二乘平差为基础,提出了一种易于并行化、高效的高分辨率光学卫星影像无控制联合区域网平差方法GISIBA(GCP-Independent Satellite Imagery Block Adjustment),通过构建"平均值"虚拟控制点来解决无控制区域网平差中的"秩亏"问题,便于分析无控制区域网平差结果与影像数据的覆盖次数及时相之间的关系。首先,交替趋近法被用来实现并行处理平台基础上的待平差未知数初值的解算、中等尺度以上粗差的自动检测与剔除,并根据计算结果赋予所有未知数一定的先验权值;然后,通过最小二乘法实现大型法方程矩阵的解算,获得满足高精度影像产品生产制作需求的高精度定向参数;最后,利用多组典型区域的ZY-3影像数据试验验证了该方法的精度和实际性能。结果表明,无控制区域网平差达到了优于6.0 m/5.0 m的平面/高程精度,所提方法为全球地理信息资源建设工程、国产光学卫星影像高精度影像产品生产提供了技术保障。  相似文献   
对已有的地图信息量测量法进行介绍,针对已有的专题信息量测量方法单方面关注符号类型数量或拓扑邻接性,缺乏对影响专题信息量主要因素的分析提取的问题,分析提出影响专题信息的主要因素——符号类型数量、混合度和每种类型占比,在此基础上提出基于拓扑中心符号的专题信息量测量法、基于全局的专题信息量测量法和基于特征的专题信息测量法。实验表明,以上改进方法对地图符号专题信息量的计算结果更加有效,能够更好地符合人的空间认知特性。  相似文献   
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