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地表-地下水系统水、热迁移转化与裸土蒸发机理研究对于水量平衡以及地表能量转化具有重要意义。以鄂尔多斯盆地风沙滩地区为研究区,基于原位蒸渗仪长期观测,结合数值模拟,选择2种地下水位初始埋深分别为80 cm(浅埋深)和290 cm(深埋深)的情景,研究了变饱和带水热迁移转化的动力学过程以及对裸土蒸发的影响。结果表明:变饱和带土壤水的运动规律受水头梯度和温度梯度的共同驱动,且在不同水位埋深条件下呈现不同的运动方式;浅埋深条件下,受水头梯度的作用,土壤的毛细上升高度能够到达地表,蒸发条件下土壤水在毛细力驱动下向上运移,土壤内部不存在零通量面,温度对水分运动的影响较小,发现当地下水位埋深小于毛细上升高度时,地下水在毛细力作用下直接贡献土壤蒸发;深埋深条件下,水头和温度是土壤水运动过程的关键因素,位于地表以下18 cm以浅土壤内部出现孤立的零通量面,阻止了土壤水的向上运移,导致蒸发量减小。当地下水位埋深大于毛细上升高度的1.6倍时,地下水不再直接参与土壤蒸发,但会间接地影响包气带的水分转化;因此模拟期间浅埋深的裸土累积蒸发量约为深埋深累积蒸发量的4倍。  相似文献   
During the highway construction, a large number of spoil areas will be generated while a large amount of waste slag and soil could not be rationally utilized. Besides, the vegetation recovery is slow in the spoil areas due to the soil depletion. Aiming at recycling the solid waste, the sieved engineering waste slag with local red clay and corn straw biochar was supplied to solve the problem of insufficient nutrients in engineering waste slag and soil. In addition, planting experiments of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and Amorpha fruticosa L. combined with physical and chemical experiments were carried out to prove the feasibility of the novel improved substrate for the reclamation of spoil areas. The results show that the substrate's improvement effect is mainly affected by the soil to slag ratio and the biochar content. The improvement effect of soil matrix in highway spoil area decreases with the increase of the waste slag content, especially when the soil-slag ratio is less than 3, and the promotion of plants is limited. On the contrary, the improvement effect is proportional to the biochar content (3%-8%). But it is noted that the Cu and Pb in the soil will exceed the clean limit corresponding to the Nemero soil pollution index level when the biochar content is 8%. Therefore, it is recommended that the soil-slag ratio should be ≥3, and the biochar content should reach 3%-5%. This research provides experimental basis and technical support for utilizing solid waste resources in the reclamation of highway spoil areas.  相似文献   
Numerous engineering cases have demonstrated that the expansive soil channel slope remains susceptible to damage with the implementation of a rigid or closed protective structure. It is common for the protective structure to experience bulging failure due to excessive swelling pressure. To investigate the swelling pressure properties of expansive soil, the constant volume test was employed to study the influence of water content and reserved expansion deformation on the characteristics of swelling pressure in strong expansive soils, and also to explore the evolution mechanism of the swelling pressure. The findings demonstrate that the swelling pressure-time curve can be classified into swelling pressure-time softening and swelling pressure-time stability type. The swelling pressure-time curve of the specimen with low water content is the swelling pressure-time softening type, and the softening level will be weakened with increasing reserved expansion deformation. Besides, the maximum swelling pressure Psmax decreases with increasing water content and reserved expansion deformation, especially for expansion ratio η from 24% to 37%. The reserved deformation has little effect on reducing Psmax when it is beyond 7% of the expansion rate. The specimen with low water content has a more homogeneous structure due to the significant expansion-filling effect, and the fracture and reorganization of the aggregates in the specimens with low water content cause the swelling pressure-time softening behavior. In addition, the proposed swelling pressure-time curve prediction model has a good prediction on the test results. If necessary, a deformation space of about 7% expansion rate is recommended to be reserved in the engineering to reduce the swelling pressure except for keeping a stable water content.  相似文献   
为了研究近代海相沉积软土的变形特征,本文对珠江三角洲河口地区的全新世海相沉积的软土进行了室内单轴压缩与不同围压下作用下的三轴固结不排水(CU)、不固结不排水(UU)的剪切试验。试验结果表明:原状土和重塑土样的孔隙比随压力的增大而下降,且与加压方式有密切关系,加压幅度越小,土的扰动破坏越小;原状土样固结系数随着压力增加而递减,整体近似符合指数函数分布,重塑土样固结系数随着压力增加逐渐增大,整体近似符合线性函数分布。在相同的固结压力下,原状土样的强度低于重塑土样的强度。土样的应力应变曲线为应变硬化型,且围压对重塑土的影响小于原状土。  相似文献   
森林经营措施对土壤的扰动和压实影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
根据森林经营措施对林地土壤的扰动和压实及其对树木生长和森林生产力的影响 ,指出森林经营措施对土壤造成的干扰是长期存在的 ,干扰强度越大 ,对林地生产力的影响越严重。从伐区作业、林地清理、整地、幼林抚育等方面提出减少土壤受扰动和压实的具体措施 ,为减少经营措施对林地生态系统的影响 ,从而改进传统的森林经营措施 ,实现森林可持续经营提供借鉴。  相似文献   
海积软土的工程地质研究现状   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王清  肖树芳 《世界地质》2000,19(3):253-257
我国沿海地区,广泛分布着性质极为软弱的近代沉积的欠固结软土。近年来,由于经济发展及对外开放的需要,巨型的工程建筑多修筑于软土地基之上,这样就带地多复杂的工程地质及岩土工程问题,同时也促进了软土和吹填土的开发和利用以及填海造陆工程的不断发展,就目前其研究现状进行了总结和介绍。  相似文献   
土壤侵蚀的中子活化示踪法研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
利用中子活化示踪法研究坡面土壤的侵蚀过程,发现坡面的相对侵蚀量从坡脚到坡顶随坡长的变化符合Weibull分布,其形状参数主要受降雨量、降雨历时和径流深度的影响,尺度参数主要与平均雨强、I30相关.坡面在侵蚀的同时也发生沉积,一般来说短历时高强度的降雨沉积量较小,而长历时低强度的降雨沉积量较大,某一部位侵蚀产沙的沉积量与其距离之间有y=axb的关系.坡面径流直接影响着坡面的输移比,当径流深和径流系数较高时,输移比接近于1,否则输移比降低.  相似文献   
吸附对土壤水环境中有机污染物生物降解过程的影响研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
刘凌  崔广柏 《水科学进展》2000,11(4):401-407
在土壤水环境系统中,吸附作用是影响有机污染物生物降解过程的主要制约因素。污染物的吸附性越强,则其存在于土壤水溶液的重量百分比就越小,生物降解可能性也就越低。本文建立了定量描述吸附作用对有机污染物在土壤颗粒内部传输过程影响的数学模型。通过模型计算发现,有机污染物的土壤-水吸附分配系数Kd越大,则其从土壤颗粒内部传输到外部水溶液的速率就越小,总的降解速率也就越低。  相似文献   
非均质土壤饱和稳定流中盐分运移的传递函数模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
任理  王济  秦耀东 《水科学进展》2000,11(4):392-400
对室内人工构造的两种非均质土柱,以传递函数模型作为模拟手段,研究了稳定流场中饱和非均质土壤盐分优先运移的随机特征。首先计算了模型参数μ和σ2,获得了氯离子在非均质土壤中迁移时间的概率密度函数,然后应用传递函数模型对土柱中氯离子的出流浓度动态进行了随机模拟,并对非均质土壤中氯离子的均值和中值迁移时间及相应的运移体积与可动体积进行了分析和讨论,还依据质量守衡原理获得了土壤溶液中氯离子平均驻留浓度的变化。  相似文献   
稀土元素因其用途广泛,已经得到了越来越多的关注,被应用于各个行业.研究表明,稀土元素对作物的光合作用、产量、抗逆、品质、发育和养分吸收等具有重要作用.作物中的稀土元素主要来自对土壤中稀土元素的吸收,因此,有效分解并快速测定土壤中的稀土元素,可以合理指导稀土元素的施用,对作物的生长和土壤的营养状况具有重要作用.本文比较了...  相似文献   
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