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This paper presents a new generalized effective stress model, referred to as MIT-S1, which is capable of predicting the rate independent, effective stress–strain–strength behaviour of uncemented soils over a wide range of confining pressures and densities. Freshly deposited sand specimens compressed from different initial formation densities approach a unique condition at high stress levels, referred to as the limiting compression curve (LCC), which is linear in a double logarithmic void ratio, e, mean effective stress space, p′. The model describes irrecoverable, plastic strains which develop throughout first loading using a simple four-parameter elasto-plastic model. The shear stiffness and strength properties of sands in the LCC regime can be normalized by the effective confining pressure and hence can be unified qualitatively, with the well-known behaviour of clays that are normally consolidated from a slurry condition along the virgin consolidation line (VCL). At lower confining pressures, the model characterizes the effects of formation density and fabric on the shear behaviour of sands through a number of key features: (a) void ratio is treated as a separate state variable in the incrementally linearized elasto-plastic formulation: (b) kinematic hardening describing the evolution of anisotropic stress–strain properties: (c) an aperture hardening function controls dilation as a function of ‘formation density’; and (d) the use of a single lemniscate-shaped yield surface with non-associated flow. These features enable the model to describe characteristic transitions from dilative to contractive shear response of sands as the confining pressure increases. This paper summarizes the procedures used to select input parameters for clays and sands, while a companion paper compares model predictions with measured data to illustrate the model capability for describing the shear behaviour of clays and sands. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
软粘土的各向异性和小应变条件下的本构模型(ASM) 总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7
以能量方程为基础推导出各向异性和小应变条件下弹塑性的本构方程,并将屈服面与修正桥模型和试验测得的屈服面进行了对比,表明新的屈服面比修正剑桥模型更接近试验结果,采用从初始应力到状态边界面的距离为参数的系数来修正硬化准则以模拟土体小应谱条件下的应力-应变特征。将新的本构模型编入有限元程序,对小应变试验进行了计算分析,计算结果表明,新的模型比修正剑桥模型能更好地反映土体的主要力学特性。 相似文献
JIN Yingyu BAI Yu College of Construction Engineering Jilin University Changchun China 《东北亚地学研究》2009,(4):236-240
By using numerical analysis methods to simulate the deep excavation, a lot of analyses are established on the basis of two-dimensional plane strain, ignoring the fact that foundation pit possesses three dimensions. For soil constitutive relation, people always take linear and nonlinear model, without considering the plastic behavior of soil. Using plastic-elastic hardening model to simulate constitutive relation of soil characteristics, the authors carried out mechanical analysis for pit excavation and support. The results show that the analysis for the stress state of pile anchor system is an effective way which provides theoretical basis for calculation of soil displacement. 相似文献
In this paper, there is presented an elastoplastic constitutive model to predict sandy soils behavior under monotonic and cyclic loadings. This model is based on an existing model (Cambou‐Jafari‐Sidoroff) that takes into account deviatoric and isotropic mechanisms of plasticity. The flow rule used in the deviatoric mechanism is non‐associated and a mixed hardening law controls the evolution of the yield surface. In this research the critical state surface and history surface, which separates the virgin and cyclic states in stress space, are defined. Kinematic hardening modulus and stress–dilatancy law for monotonic and cyclic loadings are effectively modified. With taking hardening modulus as a function of deviatoric and volumetric plastic strain and with defining the history surface and stress reversal, the model has the ability to predict the sandy soils' behavior. All of the model parameters have clear physical meanings and can be determined from usual laboratory tests. In order to validate the model, the results of homogeneous tests on Hostun and Toyoura sands are used. The results of validation show a good capability of the proposed model. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Liaoyi Fu;Jian Zhou;Xiaonan Gong;Panpan Guo; 《Geological Journal》2024,59(9):2459-2471
The purpose of this paper is to model the loading direction-dependent behaviours of inherently anisotropic intact clay by means of the hypoplastic framework. The basic hypoplastic model for clays proposed by Mašín (2013) is enhanced by incorporating a predefined anisotropic asymptotic state boundary surface formulation which is based on an anisotropic variable by projecting the microstructure tensor onto the normal of the spatially mobilized plane. The capability of the proposed hypoplastic model is first illustrated by simulations of intact Wenzhou soft clay under drained torsional shear tests using the hollow cylinder apparatus. The model is then used to predict undrained shear results on San Francisco Bay mud. Comparisons between the predicted and measured results demonstrate that the proposed hypoplastic model is capable of modelling the combined effect of the principal stress direction and intermediate principal stress on the stress-strain behaviour of natural soft clay with inherent anisotropy. 相似文献
超固结粘土的二元介质模型 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
为了分析超固结粘土边坡的变形和稳定的需要,在岩土破损力学的框架内建议了一个适用于这类土的二元介质模型。该模型考虑了土体内在的不均一性,把它看作由结构块和结构带组成的复合体,两者共同分担外荷载,模型包含10参数,并拟定了这些参数的测定方法。通过模拟三轴试验的计算表明,该模型可以反映London粘土的应力-应变特征。 相似文献
双曲线接触面本构模型能比较真实地模拟堆石材料与混凝土面板间的接触关系,扩展Lagrange乘子法能比较精确地计算接触面间接触状态。在吸取Clough双曲线接触面本构关系应用于无厚度的Goodman单元和有厚度的Desai薄层单元的成功经验的基础上,将Clough双曲线接触面模型引入扩展Lagrange乘子法进行摩擦接触问题的求解。介绍了基于扩展Lagrange乘子法的序列二次规划法(SQP)提法,详细推导了在扩展Lagrange算法的非线性接触计算中引入Clough双曲线接触面本构关系的数值列式和实施步骤。数值算例和工程实例的计算结果证明该方法是成功的,能够比较真实地模拟堆石-混凝土墙(混凝土面板)之间的接触状态。 相似文献
针对红板岩材料在岩土工程中所表现的大量模糊的和不确定的因素等特点,基于人工神经网络的学习能力,借助于室内岩石力学试验,进行了对该材料的力学本构特性进行了神经网络模拟研究,提出了隐式本构模型的思想和方法,并通过该方法对该岩石的流变试验结果进行学习,获得了以网络权值结构保存的力学特性知识,由此得到了表征红板岩应力应变本构关系的隐式本构模型。应用结果表明,该方法对岩土类材料本构关系的模拟研究具有很好的应用前景。 相似文献