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三维地下水流中常规观测孔水位的形成机理及确定方法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
陈崇希 《地球科学》2003,28(5):483-491
对地下水三维流中常规观测孔中水位的传统计算方法提出质疑, 认为计算观测孔中水位的Hantush Бочевер方程是缺乏物理基础的纯数学方法.分析了形成观测孔中水位的机理, 提出三维地下水流中常规观测孔中只是孔口的流量为零, 而孔内却存在"抽水"和"注水"的井孔; 多层井(multilayerwell) 不一定要求"多层"的条件, 在均质单一含水层中的井孔可以具有多层井的基本特征; 混合井孔的水位并不"混合", 混合观测孔中存在符合机理的水头分布和流量分布规律等观点.普遍而言, 三维流中的观测孔不能用通常所说的线汇/线源刻画, 也不能用近几年提出的孔内为层流(线性流) 的假定来研究该问题, 然而可用笔者于1993年提出的"渗流-管流耦合模型"和"等效渗透系数"方便、有效地模拟.就说明性算例而言, Hantush Бочевер方程只能近似用于孔径大于0.2m且径距大于10~20m的条件.   相似文献   
利用1992~2001年Topex/Poseidon卫星高度计遥感资料分析了太平洋东南海域 (5°~55°S ,70°~110°W)海面高度的季节及年际变化特征。研究结果表明 ,海区海面高度的季节变化总体上受太阳辐射季节变化的影响 ,南半球夏季 (1~3月 )和秋季 (4~6月 )大致为正距平 ,而冬季 (7~9月 )和春季 (10~12月 )大致为负距平 ,1996~1998年除外 ;同时 ,受季节性风场、海区罗斯贝波等的影响 ,海面高度变化的区域特征性很强。海面高度的年际变化在低纬处和沿岸还受ElNino影响。  相似文献   
分析了1994年4月19~20日春季暴雨主要是由对流层中低层低涡和地面静止锋共同作用的结果,侧重于对低空急流的形成与变动和熵平衡方程的诊断分析,能量场与该次暴雨有很好的相关性  相似文献   
介绍了山东省冠县的水文地质条件和地下水资源开发利用现状,分析了由于过量开采浅层地下水而引发的水位下降及水质恶化等问题,提出了合理开发利用地下水的建议。  相似文献   
稻谷安全种植土壤重金属限值的基于置信区间评价法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘永生  李瑞敏 《地质通报》2006,25(5):616-620
由于现有国家土壤环境质量标准在应用于浙江土壤环境质量评价的过程中过于严格,在土壤环境质量评价过程中Ⅰ类土壤过少并与实际情况不符.本文以Cd元素为例提出基于土壤-籽实生态安全响应关系模型的土地生态安全性置信区间评价法,并应用于浙江省上虞市土地生态安全评价标准值的确定.通过描述具体的计算过程得出Cd的安全界限值、基本安全界限值和危险界限值分别为324μg/kg、563μg/kg和802μg/kg.得出的3个界限值比较符合浙江省上虞市的实际情况.  相似文献   
以定性与定量相结合的研究方法,对内蒙古准格尔旗晚石炭世—早二叠世早期的腕足类物种多样性、沉积环境进行了综合研究,指出本区海进序列的腕足类物种多样性远高于海退序列;规模较大、具有一定水深的海进序列是腕足类辐射、分异、物种多样性升高的重要环境体系;本区腕足类辐射起步于晚石炭世早期之初,物种多样性出现了3次峰值(晚石炭世早期之中期、晚石炭世早期之晚期、晚石炭世晚期之中期),其中晚石炭世早期之晚期是本区腕足类物种多样性的顶峰期。  相似文献   
Bed thickness data of two turbidite sections viz., Corbyn's Cove section, South Andaman and Kalipur section, North Andaman those belong to Oligocene Andaman Flysch Group, a forearc submarine fan system, were assessed for facies clustering employing Hurst statistics. Both the sections show Hurst phenomenon and reveal clustering in terms of thick and thin beds. Forcing behind event (bed) depositions in either of the studied sections was assessed statistically and inferred to be non-random and with cyclicities of irregular physical length. The inferred paleogeography through Hurst criteria though worked well for distal fan setting i.e., basin floor sheet sandstones of Corbyn's Cove section, its unequivocal application in proximal fan deposits remains to be tested. The mismatch in paleogeographic interpretation between Hurst test result (lobe-interlobe) and field observation (channel-levee) for the inner fan deposit is explained through differential facies stacking between fans grow in sea-level lowstand and highstand. Lower bed amalgamation, poor sand to mud ratio and subordinately present thick event deposits may be the result of active growth of Andaman Flysch fan in sea level highstand and expressed in lower Hurst K value for inner fan channel-levee association (Kalipur section) compared to many of the channel-levee deposits of lowstand fan systems observed world over.  相似文献   
遥感影像的IHS融合方法由于匹配误差导致光谱畸变和退化,而小波变换在变换域具有良好的分频特性,小波系数的统计特性反映了遥感影像的边缘、线和区域等显著特征。提出了基于小波统计特性的遥感影像的像素和特征联合最优融合方法,在IHS空间,对强度分量I的高频部分利用多分辨率小波融合方法进行影像的高频细节特征融合,低频部分选取光谱信息和空间分辨率评价指标作为融合权系数求优指标,进行像素级最优融合,实验结果证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
使用NCEP(1°×1°)每天4次的再分析资料对2006年4月9~10日发生在甘肃省河西走廊的一次强沙尘暴天气进行了诊断分析。结果表明:这次强沙尘暴天气有明显的干侵入特征,对流层中高层高位势涡度,干空气在西北气流引导下,沿等熵面入侵到边界层;干侵入使对流层低层产生高位涡扰动、锋面气旋环流加强、低空急流形成、边界层辐合增强,从而引发了这次强沙尘暴天气。  相似文献   
In this paper, statistics are taken on the co-seismic response of underground fluid in Yunnan to the Nepal MS8.1 earthquake, and the co-seismic response characteristics of the water level and water temperature are analyzed and summarized with the digital data. The results show that the Nepal MS8.1 earthquake had greater impact on the Yunnan region, and the macro and micro dynamics of fluids showed significant co-seismic response. The earthquake recording capacity of water level and temperature measurement is significantly higher than that of water radon and water quality to this large earthquake; the maximum amplitude and duration of co-seismic response of water level and water temperature vary greatly in different wells. The changing forms are dominated by fluctuation and step rise in water level, and a rising or falling restoration in water temperature. From the records of the main shock and the maximum strong aftershock,we can see that the greater magnitude of earthquake, the higher ratio of the occurrence of co-seismic response, and in the same well, the larger the response amplitude, as well as the longer the duration. The amplitude and duration of co-seismic response recorded by different instruments in a same well are different.Water temperature co-seismic response almost occurred in wells with water level response, indicating that the well water level and water temperature are closely related in co-seismic response, and the well water temperature seismic response was caused mainly by well water level seismic response.  相似文献   
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