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Batholith-sized bodies of crystal-rich magmatic ‘mush’are widely inferred to represent the hidden sources of manylarge-volume high-silica rhyolite eruptive units. Occasionallythese mush bodies are ejected along with their trapped interstitialliquid, forming the distinctive crystal-rich ignimbrites knownas ‘monotonous intermediates’. These ignimbritesare notable for their combination of high crystal contents (35–55%),dacitic bulk compositions with interstitial high-silica rhyoliticglass, and general lack of compositional zonation. The 5000km3 Fish Canyon Tuff is an archetypal eruption deposit of thistype, and is the largest known silicic eruption on Earth. Ejectafrom the Fish Canyon magmatic system are notable for the limitedcompositional variation that they define on the basis of whole-rockchemistry, whereas 45 vol. % crystals in a matrix of high-silicarhyolite glass together span a large range of mineral-scaleisotopic variability (microns to millimetres). Rb/Sr isotopicanalyses of single crystals (sanidine, plagioclase, biotite,hornblende, apatite, titanite) and sampling by micromillingof selected zones within glass plus sanidine and plagioclasecrystals document widespread isotopic disequilibrium at manyscales. High and variable 87Sr/86Sri values for euhedral biotitegrains cannot be explained by any model involving closed-systemradiogenic ingrowth, and they are difficult to rationalize unlessmuch of this radiogenic Sr has been introduced at a late stagevia assimilation of local Proterozoic crust. Hornblende is theonly phase that approaches isotopic equilibrium with the surroundingmelt, but the melt (glass) was isotopically heterogeneous atthe millimetre scale, and was therefore apparently contaminatedwith radiogenic Sr shortly prior to eruption. The other mineralphases (plagioclase, sanidine, titanite, and apatite) have significantlylower 87Sr/86Sri values than whole-rock values (as much as –0·0005).Such isotopic disequilibrium implies that feldspars, titaniteand apatite are antecrysts that crystallized from less radiogenicmelt compositions at earlier stages of magma evolution, whereashighly radiogenic biotite xenocrysts and the development ofisotopic heterogeneity in matrix melt glass appear to coincidewith the final stage of the evolution of the Fish Canyon magmabody in the upper crust. Integrated petrographic and geochemicalevidence is consistent with pre-eruptive thermal rejuvenationof a near-solidus mineral assemblage from 720 to 760°C (i.e.partial dissolution of feldspars + quartz while hornblende +titanite + biotite were crystallizing). Assimilation and blendingof phenocrysts, antecrysts and xenocrysts reflects chamber-wide,low Reynolds number convection that occurred within the last10 000 years before eruption. KEY WORDS: Fish Canyon Tuff; Rb–Sr isotopes; microsampling; magmatic processes; crystal mush  相似文献   
《China Geology》2018,1(2):225-235
For the first time, we present the rare earth element (REE) and sulfur isotopic composition of hydrothermal precipitates recovered from the Tangyin hydrothermal field (THF), Okinawa Trough at a water depth of 1206 m. The natural sulfur samples exhibit the lowest ΣREE concentrations (ΣREE= 0.65×10–6–4.580×10–6) followed by metal sulfides (ΣREE=1.71×10–6–11.63×10–6). By contrast, the natural sulfur-sediment samples have maximum ΣREE concentrations (ΣREE=11.54×10–6–33.06×10–6), significantly lower than those of the volcanic and sediment samples. Nevertheless, the δEu, δCe, (La/Yb)N, La/Sm, (Gd/Yb)N and normalized patterns of the natural sulfur and metal sulfide show the most similarity to the sediment. Most hydrothermal precipitate samples are characterized by enrichments of LREE (LREE/HREE=10.09–24.53) and slightly negative Eu anomalies or no anomaly (δEu=0.48–0.99), which are different from the hydrothermal fluid from sediment-free mid-oceanic ridges and back-arc basins, but identical to the sulfides from the Jade hydrothermal field. The lower temperature and more oxidizing conditions produced by the mixing between seawater and hydrothermal fluids further attenuate the leaching ability of hydrothermal fluid, inducing lower REE concentrations for natural sulfur compared with metal sulfide; meanwhile, the negative Eu anomaly is also weakened or almost absent. The sulfur isotopic compositions of the natural sulfur (δ34S=3.20‰–5.01‰, mean 4.23‰) and metal sulfide samples (δ34S=0.82‰–0.89‰, mean 0.85‰) reveal that the sulfur of the chimney is sourced from magmatic degassing.  相似文献   
多龙矿集区位于班公湖_怒江成矿带西段、羌塘地块南缘的岩浆弧中。过去十多年来,西藏地勘局第五地质大队在多龙矿集区内已发现和评价了多不杂、波龙、地堡那木岗、拿若、荣那等5处大型、超大型铜金多金属矿床,目前已探明的铜资源量近1000万吨,金300余吨。区内以斑岩型铜金矿床为主,兼有斑岩_浅成低温热液型和斑岩_角砾岩型矿化组合。研究发现,矿区黄铁矿的δ34S值变化于-2.2‰~2.3‰之间,平均为0.2‰,峰值在-1‰~1‰之间,塔式效应明显,接近幔源硫,显示成矿物质来源于深部岩浆;成矿温度介于250~420℃之间,成矿深度1~5 km,成矿流体为残余岩浆流体,大气降水在成矿过程中的作用不明显。作者根据多年的勘查实践,总结出多龙矿集区斑岩型铜金矿最有效的找矿勘查方法技术组合是:地质+化探(水系沉积物)+物探(高精度磁测、激电中梯)+钻探。  相似文献   
Dolomitic concretions in diatomaceous hemipelagic sediments of the Miocene Pohang Basin in the southwestern East Sea (Sea of Japan) preserve distinct signals of two independent sedimentary processes, which controlled the extents of isotopic compositions. Variable δ18O (−9.1‰ to +0.7‰) and high δ13C (+3.1‰ to +17.9‰) values suggest that the concretions formed in the methanogenic zone with alteration of the residual mid-Miocene seawater by volcanogenic sediments. Remarkable δ18O and δ13C values show a strong linear relationship, indicating that distinctly independent depositional processes operated during the formation of the concretions. The degree of methanogenesis was enhanced during rapid hemipelagic sedimentation of organic-rich particles, resulting in higher δ13C values, and the effect of volcaniclastics was diluted, maintaining the original properties of ambient mid-Miocene seawater. In contrast, lower δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr values characterize the effect of volcaniclastic sediments that were transported by intermittent gravity flows and interacted with mid-Miocene seawater. The input of volcaniclastic sediment probably degraded the role of methanogenesis by lowering the contents of organic matter and thereby decreased the δ13C values within the concretions. Isotopic signals recorded within the concretions highlight understanding of the depositional environment and evolution of the pore-water chemistry.  相似文献   
夏广清 《地质找矿论丛》2006,21(10):144-148
哈巴特盖测区1/5万土壤地球化学测量发现了4个异常区,多元素组合异常多分布在黑云母二长花岗岩的内、外接触带上,土壤地球化学异常特征显示本区成矿是多期次的,多元素组合异常在露头矿和盲矿上方均有出现,且异常连续、浓集中心明显,异常的强度和规模大,呈带状、宽带状或面状产出。  相似文献   
黑河流域典型景观植被带陆面过程同步观测研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
为了解内陆河流域不同尺度内与水循环及生态过程有关的水分、热量分布规律,在黑河流域上中下游选取3个典型植被景观带建立观测场,并布设环境观测系统(ENVIS)进行环境要素的同步观测.结果表明,山区森林草地灌丛复合生态区陆面是冷性湿润的下垫面,中游绿洲荒漠接触带是干性、较湿润的下垫面,下游荒漠河岸林景观带是干热性的下垫面.  相似文献   
大别山超高压变质岩的退变质赤微构造:折返过程的启示   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
游振东  张泽明 《地质学报》2000,74(3):224-233
大别山超高压变质岩中发现了一系列退变质显微构造,其主要类型有:①由于出溶而产生的定一包裹物;②由于多型转变而产生的假像替代;③固→固反应产生的冠状体;④涉及流体的退变质反应产生的冠状体或后成合晶。借助显微构造关系,可以建立超高压变质岩的退变质演化阶段,从而构筑其PT演化趋势、识别出碰撞造山和超高压变质峰期之后的两阶段隆升历史;早期为“挤出”作用诱发的近等温减压退变质;晚期则是地壳伸展体制下的退变质  相似文献   
含氡地下水对某些地方病的防治作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨福山 《铀矿地质》1991,7(4):218-222
针对传统上游法尾矿库堆坝方法的缺陷与不足,提出了改进的上游法堆坝方法,即高浓缩分级尾矿上游法堆坝方法。基于尾矿库堆坝模型试验,以高浓缩尾矿堆存技术为指导,分别进行传统上游法和改进上游法的高浓缩尾矿堆坝模型试验,演绎尾矿库堆坝过程,测试并得出了堆坝过程中滩面尾矿沉积情况、尾矿颗粒分布规律及浸润线变化规律,并采用极限平衡法计算不同堆坝方式下坝体的最小安全系数。结果显示:高浓缩尾矿堆坝使沉积滩颗粒分布均匀,颗粒分级不明显,减少了互层和细泥夹层的出现,改善了坝体内部结构;改进上游法堆坝可以形成有利于排渗防洪的良好沉积滩滩型;稳定性分析结果表明,改进上游法堆坝方法可以使尾矿坝的稳定性提高19%~33%,研究成果可为新建尾矿库工程提供试验技术支撑。  相似文献   
浅论赣北九瑞铜金矿集区的资源潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
九瑞矿集区是长江中下游铜金成矿带的重要组成部分.数十年来,几代地质和矿山工作者为探明其矿产资源,作出了不懈的努力,取得了巨大成果.但近年来,随着勘探难度的加大,该区矿床勘查和研究处于"半停滞"状态.文章运用前人的科研资料,结合近期的工作成果,用"铜金矿集区"的概念和观点,阐述了矿集区的特征,总结了其控矿因素和成矿规律,分析了九瑞铜金矿集区的成矿系统和资源潜力.  相似文献   
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