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从患腹水病大口黑鲈(Micropterus salmoides)的头肾、脾脏、肝脏组织中分离到一株优势菌,生长出圆形、边缘整齐的灰白色黏液状菌落;染色镜检可见短粗、卵圆形、有荚膜的革兰氏阴性杆菌。结合形态、生理生化特征、16S rRNA基因序列分析鉴定为肺炎克雷伯菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae),MLST分析进一步确定其为ST-873型,与ST-65型聚为一支;该菌株携带aere、alls、wca和ybt四种毒力基因,具有溶血活性;人工感染大口黑鲈,发现患病鱼呈现腹水等与自然发病类似的症状,且病鱼内脏的分离菌株与攻毒菌株相同;经统计,其LD50为3.4×107 CFU/mL,具有中等生物被膜形成能力。耐药性分析结果显示,该菌株携带bla-shv、sul2、aadA和tetB四种耐药基因,对β-内酰胺类、氨基糖苷类、喹诺酮类、黏菌素类药物敏感,对四环素类、磺胺类、林可酰胺类、利福霉素类耐药;中药三七、款冬花对分离菌株有明显抑制作用。研究探明了大口黑鲈腹水病的主要病原,可为鱼源肺炎克雷伯菌的诊断和防治提供科学依据和数据参考。  相似文献   
成都地磁台距成灌高铁运行线路垂直距离约1.5 km,使用数字化磁通门磁力仪GM4,在轨道沿线不同距离处进行野外测试。测试结果表明,轨道交通的运行对周围地磁观测环境产生干扰,干扰距离约6 km,干扰主要来自轨道泄露电流及输电线路产生的磁场。  相似文献   
针对核电厂CAP1400核岛结构地震反应问题,构建了核岛屏蔽厂房和辅助厂房整体结构的3个分析模型:原型和1/16、1/40缩尺模型,并在AP000谱和RG1.60谱地震动输入下进行了有限元模拟对比分析,探讨了振动台试验模型缩尺处理的合理性和精确性。研究表明,基于缩尺模型得到的结构自振频率相对于原型结构模型有所降低,降低幅度在8.5%以内;结构模型的缩尺对结构反应峰值加速度和高频(大于3Hz)加速度反应谱的影响较为显著,但对较低频(小于3Hz)的加速度反应谱影响较小;模型缩尺对结构不同方向反应的影响中,刚度越大的方向其影响越大。进一步将结构模型数值模拟结果与1/16缩尺模型的振动台试验结果进行了比较分析,试验给出的结构自振频率远低于模型数值模拟结果,但原型和1/16缩尺模型数值模拟得到的结构反应均与试验结果较为接近。基于模型数值模拟和振动台试验研究,认为对于缩尺比1/16或更大的模型可以忽略模型的缩尺效应。  相似文献   
A new type of bracing system composed of friction energy dissipation devices for energy dissipation, pre‐pressed combination disc springs for self‐centering and tube members as guiding elements is developed and experimentally studied in this paper. The mechanics of this system are explained, the equations governing its hysteretic responses are outlined and large‐scale validation tests of two braces with different types of disc springs are conducted under the condition of low cyclic reversed loading. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed bracing system exhibits a stable and repeatable flag‐shaped hysteretic response with an excellent self‐centering capability and effective energy dissipation throughout the loading protocol. Furthermore, the maximum bearing force and stiffness are predicted well by the equations governing its mechanical behavior. Fatigue and destructive test results demonstrate that the proposed bracing system can maintain stable energy dissipation and self‐centering capabilities under large deformation cyclic loading even when the tube members exceed the elastic limit and that a larger bearing capacity is achieved by the system that has disc springs without a bearing surface. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
设计和研制一台大型智能控制压扭多轴加载试验机,形成一个集动静加载、扭剪、常规三轴等功能为一体的多功能土动力试验平台。该试验机具有如下特点:(1)试样尺寸大,高度可达600mm,且可根据试验需求更换大小不同的试样及相应传感器;(2)加载自由度多,可独立施加轴力、扭矩、内压、外压、孔压及相应的位移,实现5个不同物理量的独立控制,从而大大拓宽可施加的应力路径范围;(3)控制智能化,可先将拟进行的应力路径或应变路径写入程序中,试验过程中即可由计算机自动控制。测试结果表明,该试验机的控制精度能够满足土工材料试验的要求。  相似文献   
软土动力特性动三轴试验研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
许多学者对软土在动力作用下的变形特性进行了大量的研究,并提出了相应的经验公式,但其经验公式参数较多且试验复杂,不易被一般工程技术人员掌握运用。本文采用天津滨海地区软土为研究对象,进行钻探取样、波速测试、室内静力学和动三轴试验,获取该地区软土的静、动力学参数,并利用相对简单的模型对残余应变和软化指数随振次的变化规律采用最小二乘法进行拟合,取得很好的效果。成果表明,利用简单的模型对软土的动力特性进行区域性研究是可行的。该成果可为今后软土动力特性和软土震陷计算方法研究提供参考和基础性资料。  相似文献   
The soil factor is crucial in controlling and properly modeling the initiation and development of ephemeral gullies (EGs). Usually, EG initiation has been related to various soil properties (i.e. sealing, critical shear stress, moisture, texture, etc.); meanwhile, the total growth of each EG (erosion rate) has been linked with proper soil erodibility. But, despite the studies to determine the influence of soil erodibility on (ephemeral) gully erosion, a universal approach is still lacking. This is due to the complex relationship and interactions between soil properties and the erosive process. A feasible soil characterization of EG erosion prediction on a large scale should be based on simple, quick and inexpensive tests to perform. The objective of this study was to identify and assess the soil properties – easily and quickly to determine – which best reflect soil erodibility on EG erosion. Forty‐nine different physical–chemical soil properties that may participate in establishing soil erodibility were determined on agricultural soils affected by the formation of EGs in Spain and Italy. Experiments were conducted in the laboratory and in the field (in the vicinity of the erosion paths). Because of its importance in controlling EG erosion, five variables related to antecedent moisture prior to the event that generated the gullies and two properties related to landscape topography were obtained for each situation. The most relevant variables were detected using multivariate analysis. The results defined 13 key variables: water content before the initiation of EGs, organic matter content, cation exchange capacity, relative sealing index, two granulometric and organic matter indices, seal permeability, aggregates stability (three index), crust penetration resistance, shear strength and an erodibility index obtained from the Jet Test erosion apparatus. The latter is proposed as a useful technique to evaluate and predict soil loss caused by EG erosion. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A M3. 4 seismic event occurred in the Punggye-ri nuclear test site,D. P. R Korea at 16∶29 p.m. on September 23,2017. We analyzed the waveforms of this event recorded by the China Earthquake Networks Center. In conclusion,this event is complex,including an explosion with a successive earthquake. Although the beginning of the event is an explosion,fault dislocation plays the main role in the event.  相似文献   
为了研究近代海相沉积软土的变形特征,本文对珠江三角洲河口地区的全新世海相沉积的软土进行了室内单轴压缩与不同围压下作用下的三轴固结不排水(CU)、不固结不排水(UU)的剪切试验。试验结果表明:原状土和重塑土样的孔隙比随压力的增大而下降,且与加压方式有密切关系,加压幅度越小,土的扰动破坏越小;原状土样固结系数随着压力增加而递减,整体近似符合指数函数分布,重塑土样固结系数随着压力增加逐渐增大,整体近似符合线性函数分布。在相同的固结压力下,原状土样的强度低于重塑土样的强度。土样的应力应变曲线为应变硬化型,且围压对重塑土的影响小于原状土。  相似文献   
传统路基动模量法大都进行单路基抗震性能分析,缺乏复合路基抗震性能分析,存在较高的偏差。对广州市轨道交通二十一号线工程路基抗震性进行测试,分析该地地质条件后,通过标准贯入实验法判断原始路基土质液化情况,使用瑞典条分法测试原始路基的抗震性能,判别出该路基液化土层滑动安全系数低、抗震稳定性差,应对其进行复合路基加固。通过圆弧滑动法对加固后的复合路基中碎石桩桩网结构路基以及CFG桩桩网结构路基进行抗震性测试。实验结果表明,所提方法抗干扰性能强且测试结果精度高。  相似文献   
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