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毒砂的主微量元素组成可以用于判断元素的赋存状态,探讨元素在不同阶段的活化迁移行为.内蒙古浩尧尔忽洞金矿床是产自白云鄂博群黑色岩系中的一个超大型金矿,发育重要载金矿物毒砂和斜方砷铁矿.前人利用传统粉末溶样法对矿石进行同位素分析,探讨了成矿物质来源,但金的迁移富集机制尚未获得解决.为探讨该矿床金迁移富集过程,本文在矿相学的...  相似文献   
五河杂岩的变质岩石学及P-T条件分析钻孔的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
五河杂岩是华北克拉通东部陆块东南缘最重要的岩石单元。然而,直至今日,人们对于该组杂岩一直缺乏足够的研究,特别是对于其形成的变质条件分歧较大。本文通过对蒙城南ZK02钻孔中五河杂岩的构成和地质特征详细研究表明五河杂岩分为上、下两段。上段主要为一套由云母片岩、大理岩和花岗片麻岩组成的变质表壳岩系,下段为一套基性变质岩,主要岩性为斜长角闪岩、角闪岩、石榴斜长角闪岩和少量的混合岩。同时,针对下段特征岩石(石榴斜长角闪岩),进行了较为详细的岩相学和矿物化学分析,并应用不同的温压计进行P-T条件评价和比较,结合岩相学限定和前人的研究成果,认为五河杂岩的主体普遍经历了高压角闪岩相变质作用,其温压范围为:T=671 ℃~700 ℃和P=0.82~0.95 GPa,地温梯度约为25~28 ℃/km,与典型陆壳地温梯度类似。与同邻区主要岩石单元的变质级别相比,五河杂岩应当形成于板内变质环境,并不具备造山带变质特征。  相似文献   
1Introduction SomeSchiffbasecomplexesderivedfromaminoacidsareparticularlyactiveinbiologycatalysisandmaterial.Thestudyofthemisfocusofthestudyof coordinationchemistry.Recently,studiesofsuchmetalcomplexesofmono Schiffbaseshavebeenre ported(Fanetal.,2003a,b;L…  相似文献   
白石泉铜镍矿床位于中天山地块北缘,沙泉子深大断裂南侧。矿体产于同源同期侵入的中基性—超基性岩体内,其含矿岩石为单辉橄榄岩和斜长橄辉岩。铜镍矿化无论从时间上和空间上都与岩体的侵位密切相关,矿床成因类型为岩浆熔离型铜镍硫化物矿床。锆石SHRIMP微区原位U-Pb年代学研究表明,石英闪长岩的年龄为285±10Ma、辉长闪长岩年龄为284±9Ma和辉长岩年龄为284±8Ma。三者在测定误差范围内十分一致,表明该含矿杂岩体的侵位及矿化作用均发生于晚石炭世末—早二叠世初,成岩成矿的动力学背景为造山期后伸展构造环境。  相似文献   
通过研究氯化钠溶液中磷酸盐在4种固体粒子(针铁矿、δ-氧化锰、伊利石和高岭石)上的交换等温线及钙对上述交换等温线的影响,发现磷酸盐液-固界面作用的台阶型等温线(2个台阶),可用分级离子/配位子交换等温式定量描述。钙能够促进磷酸盐在针铁矿和δ-氧化锰上的交换作用,其机理是交换在固体粒子上的钙再结合溶液中的磷酸盐,形成表面无机三元络合物。  相似文献   
竹山下铀矿床是粤北下庄铀矿田内大型铀矿床之一,铀矿化类型为"交点"型和硅化带型。在详细的野外地质调查基础上,对竹山下铀矿床4种不同类型黄铁矿进行元素含量分析及硫同位素测试,结果表明:"交点"型矿石中黄铁矿相对富集Pb、 Cu、 Co、 As、 Ni、 Se、 Bi、 U、 Sb、 Zn等微量元素;"交点"型铀矿化形成于中深部高温环境,成矿热液具有地幔流体特征,成矿过程硫来源与该区花岗岩中黄铁矿的硫来源一致或者相似,花岗岩中的黄铁矿可能为该期成矿事件的产物;竹山下矿床在垂向上表现出越往深部硫逸度越低的特征;"交点"型和硅化带型中黄铁矿具有相似的微量元素配分曲线,表明二者具有相同的成矿热液来源,且与辉绿岩中黄铁矿配分曲线相似,表明该区成矿热液具有深源性。  相似文献   
A blueschist facies tectonic sliver, 9 km long and 1 km wide, crops out within the Miocene clastic rocks bounded by the strands of the North Anatolian Fault zone in southern Thrace, NW Turkey. Two types of blueschist facies rock assemblages occur in the sliver: (i) A serpentinite body with numerous dykes of incipient blueschist facies metadiabase (ii) a well‐foliated and thoroughly recrystallized rock assemblage consisting of blueschist, marble and metachert. Both are partially enveloped by an Upper Eocene wildflysch, which includes olistoliths of serpentinite–metadiabase, Upper Cretaceous and Palaeogene pelagic limestone, Upper Eocene reefal limestone, radiolarian chert, quartzite and minor greenschist. Field relations in combination with the bore core data suggest that the tectonic sliver forms a positive flower structure within the Miocene clastic rocks in a transpressional strike–slip setting, and represents an uplifted part of the pre‐Eocene basement. The blueschists are represented by lawsonite–glaucophane‐bearing assemblages equilibrated at 270–310 °C and ~0.8 GPa. The metadiabase dykes in the serpentinite, on the other hand, are represented by pumpellyite–glaucophane–lawsonite‐assemblages that most probably equilibrated below 290 °C and at 0.75 GPa. One metadiabase olistolith in the Upper Eocene flysch sequence contains the mineral assemblage epidote + pumpellyite + glaucophane, recording P–T conditions of 290–350 °C and 0.65–0.78 GPa, indicative of slightly lower depths and different thermal setting. Timing of the blueschist facies metamorphism is constrained to c. 86 Ma (Coniacian/Santonian) by Rb–Sr phengite–whole rock and incremental 40Ar–39Ar phengite dating on blueschists. The activity of the strike–slip fault post‐dates the blueschist facies metamorphism and exhumation, and is only responsible for the present outcrop pattern and post‐Miocene exhumation (~2 km). The high‐P/T metamorphic rocks of southern Thrace and the Biga Peninsula are located to the southeast of the Circum Rhodope Belt and indicate Late Cretaceous subduction and accretion under the northern continent, i.e. the Rhodope Massif, enveloped by the Circum Rhodope Belt. The Late Cretaceous is therefore a time of continued accretionary growth of this continental domain.  相似文献   
By applying the series expansion technique in the complex variable method established by Muskhelishvili, the plane elasticity problem for the stress and displacement field around a lined circular tunnel in conjunction with the consideration of misfit and interaction between the liner and the surrounding geomaterial is dealt with. The tunnel is assumed to be driven in a homogeneous and isotropic geomaterial. The coefficients in the Laurent series expansion of the stress functions are determined. The complex potentials in the liner and the surrounding geomaterial are explicitly derived, respectively. As an example, the case of a lined circular tunnel located in an isotropic initial stress field but subjected to uniform internal pressure is numerically considered. Numerical results indicate that the installation of tunnel liner can reduce the influences of the tunnel excavation on the in situ displacement and stress fields. However, the relative thickness and rigidity of the liner should be in an appropriate range. In addition, the effect of the tunnel excavation upon the displacement field is more significant than that upon the stress field. As far as the stress field in the surrounding geomaterial is concerned, when the ratio between the cover depth of tunnel and the tunnel radius is larger than 5, the results for the stress field in the paper are applicable. When the ratio between the tunnel depth and the tunnel radius is larger than 20, the results are applicable for the displacement field. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A recent island survey reveals that the Xuande Atoll and the Yongle Atoll in the Xisha Islands can be classified into one of two systems: the depleted atoll system and growth atoll system; the survey also indicates that the decreased area of several shoals is an unbearable burden for the Xisha Islands, of which the largest island area is 2.13 km2 and the minimum elevation is 1.4 m. According to a survey on the ecological characteristics of Halimeda in the Laolongtou breaker zone of Shidao Island in the Xisha Islands, the green and white living Halimeda are collected,the isotopic ages of 14 C contained in the Halimeda are shown to be 27 years and 55 years, respectively, and carbonate mainly occurs in five types, i.e., luster, segment, sand, sand grain, and marl in the formation. The Halimeda segments mainly provide the carbonate sediments of long-term biogenic deposits in the reef environment and the annual productivity per area is 60–100 g/m2; the characteristics of the microstructure of the Halimeda are analyzed, the aragonite raphide carbonate is deposited and enriched in the cortexes, medullas and cysts, and the Halimeda generally contain major elements such as C, O, Ca, Cl, Mg, K, Na, S and Al, and are rich in trace elements such as tellurium(Te), rhodium(Rh) and strontium. It is believed that the Halimeda grow slowly,including the biotic community of reef corals in the reef areas, thus they possess an environmental remediation capacity, but it takes much time to remedy the environment, and it is necessary to make the law to protect the diversity and vulnerability of the Xisha marine ecology, the ecology of the reef community and the island environment in a scientific way. As indicated in the survey, under the background of global warming and sea-level rise, the discovery of large amounts of Halimeda in the Laolongtou sea area is significant for the natural increase of the depleted atoll system of the Xuande Atoll, while the Halimeda segments represent the primary form of the fossil Halimeda, of which the species can be identified and preserved in great numbers under geological conditions. The Miocene was discovered in large amounts in the Xichen-1 well, therefore the study on the characteristics and mechanism of Halimeda carbonate sediments plays a pivotal role in the formation and construction of organic reefs in the South China Sea as well as oil and gas exploration.  相似文献   
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