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The La Peña alkaline complex (LPC) of Miocene age (18–19 Ma) lies on the eastern front of the Precordillera (32°41ʹ34ʺS, 68°59ʹ48″W, 1400–2900 m a.s.l.), 30 km northwest of Mendoza city, Argentina. It is a subcircular massif of 19 km2 and 5 km in diameter, intruded in the metasedimentary sequence of the Villavicencio Formation of Silurian-Devonian age. It is the result of integration of multiple pulses derived from one or more deep magma chambers, which form a suite of silicate rocks grouped into: a clinopyroxenite body, a central syenite facies with a large breccia zone at the contact with the clinopyroxenite, bodies of malignite, trachyte and syenite porphyry necks, and a system of radial and annular dikes of different compositions. Its subcircular geometry and dike system distribution are frequent features of intraplate plutons or plutons emplaced in post-orogenic settings. These morphostructural features characterize numerous alkaline complexes worldwide and denote the importance of magmatic pressures that cause doming with radial and annular fracturing, in a brittle country rock. However, in the LPC, the attitude of the internal fabric of plutonic and subvolcanic units and the preferential layout of dikes match the NW–SE extensional fractures widely distributed in the host rock. This feature indicates a strong tectonic control linked to the structure that facilitate space for emplacement, corresponding to the brittle shear zone parallel to the N–S stratigraphy of the country rock. Shearing produced a system of discontinuities, with a K fractal fracture pattern, given by the combination of Riedel (R), anti-Riedel (R′), (P) and extensional (T) fracture systems, responsible for the control of melt migration by the opening of various fracture branches, but particularly through the NW–SE (T) fractures. Five different pulses would have ascent, (1) an initial one from which cumulate clinopyroxenite was formed, (2) a phase of mafic composition represented by dikes cross-cutting the clinopyroxenite, (3) a malignite facies that causes a small breccia in the clinopyroxenite, (4) a central syenite facies that develops breccias at the contact with the clinopyroxenite and, finally, (5) porphyry necks and a system of radial dikes intruding all units. At the moment of the emplacement different mechanisms would have acted, they summarized in: 1) opening of discontinuities synchronous to the magma circulation as the principal mechanism for formation of dikes and conduits; 2) stoping processes, that play an important role in the development of the breccia zone and enabling an efficient transference of material during the emplacement of the syenitic magma and 3) shear-related deformation (regional stress), affected the internal fabric of the facies, causing intracrystalline deformation and submagmatic flow, which is very evident in the central syenite intrusive. The kinematic analysis of shear planes allows proposing that emplacement of the LPC took place in a transtensive regime, which would have occurred in the back-arc of the Andes orogen, during a long period spanning from Miocene to the present, of the compressive deformation responsible, westward and at the same latitude, for the development of the Aconcagua fold and thrust belt.  相似文献   
樊腊生  张伟  吴金生  赵远刚  庄生明 《探矿工程》2014,41(9):101-108,113
介绍了汶川地震断裂带科学钻探项目四号孔定向钻进的施工情况,包括定向钻孔的设计、造斜工具的选择、定向方法、钻孔轨迹控制以及无线随钻定向钻进施工、利用钻具组合进行定向钻进施工、侧钻绕障和定向钻进效果。  相似文献   
介绍了汶川地震断裂带科学钻探项目WFSD-4孔钻探施工概况及采用的关键技术,包括螺杆马达-液动锤-长半合管取心钻进技术、偏心扩孔取心技术、防冲蚀取心钻头技术、大斜度定向钻进技术、活动套管技术、新型钻井液体系和新型深孔取心钻机等。  相似文献   
通过大裂隙堵漏剂在神农架矿区复杂地层钻进的试验应用,论述了该堵漏剂堵漏性能参数及堵漏机理,总结了用该堵漏剂堵漏的操作方法;简述了野外施工试验的应用过程及应用效果。  相似文献   
招平断裂带是我国著名的金矿成矿带。断裂的空间展布形态特征对寻找断裂构造控矿型金矿床具有重要作用。通过断裂的遥感解译,研究了招平断裂带主断裂的走向、主断裂地表破碎带宽度以及主断裂起伏程度等成矿有利度指标,构建了基于断裂距离场的成矿有利度分析模型,并圈定研究区域成矿远景区11处,为区域地质、物化探等勘查工作提供了指导性意见。  相似文献   
安林地区的构造活动,对剖析太行山东麓构造岩浆带成生、演化具有一定的代表性。本区自燕山运动开始就受到了变质核杂岩和伸展拆离构造控制,区内主要构造有NNE向和NW向两组,其中NNE向构造在区内等间距形成了五条规模大的深断裂,均具高角度正断层性质。NW向构造形成了天喜镇-磊口北西向构造岩浆岩带,包括了塔山穹窿式背斜和白玉村-宝山墙状岩体,两组构造均对燕山晚期中-碱性岩浆上侵和安林式矽卡岩型铁矿的形成具重要控制作用。  相似文献   
攀天阁火山弧是江达―维西陆缘火山弧的二级构造单元,近年通过大量的野外地质调查和综合研究,发现铁铜铅锌金银等多个矿点,并初步认为攀天阁火山弧的成矿环境与多岛弧盆及次一级多个封闭或半封闭,并属于弧间盆地的弧内坳陷洼地的古地理构造有关。且弧内可能存在一个局部拉张环境下形成的小海盆,海盆于晚三叠世晚期关闭,结束了攀天阁火山弧的弧盆成矿演化阶段。剐抓瓜断裂可能是小海盆关闭的产物。燕山-喜马拉雅期大规模、大范围的构造叠加,使该区又进入陆内构造转换成矿演化阶段,多岛弧盆的古地理格局与大范围、多期次的成矿构造事件叠加,使弧内沿剐抓瓜断裂一带成为主要的矿集区,并且区域物化探综合异常与矿集区矿点叠合较好,关联性强。综合认识这些特点对攀天阁火山弧的弧内找矿工作具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
以粤港澳大湾区水路客运班线为数据来源,运用复杂网络分析方法,分析水路客运网络的基本特征,评估其小世界特性与无标度特征,分析各节点的重要性,测试其鲁棒性与脆弱性,结果发现:1)大湾区水路客运网络基本健全,节点之间能够自由流动,但网络的层级单一,可达性较低的节点占据多数;2)大湾区水路客运网络具有部分小世界网络特性和无标度特性,节点分布呈现马太效应;3)深圳蛇口港在复杂网络中的综合重要性最为突出,比较重要的节点还有香港中港码头、香港国际机场、珠海九州港、澳门外港;4)大湾区南部的水路客运网络相比北部发达,东部比西部发达,空间发展不均衡;5)大湾区水路客运网络具有鲁棒性,生存能力较强,但网络发育不够完善,稳定性较差,难以经受蓄意攻击。整体上,大湾区水路客运网络还有较大的优化提升空间,应加大核心节点保障能力,增强边缘节点的连通性,提升大湾区北部的水路客运能力。  相似文献   
王研 《东北测绘》2014,(1):153-154
随着扫描仪性能的不断提升和对环境适应性的增强,在许多常规测量无法完成的情况下,借助其非接触、远距离测量的特点,可以在特殊环境下完成许多常规测量无法完成的任务。  相似文献   
根据鲜水河断裂带上连续动态地壳形变台阵数据,首次揭示了中国大陆板内断层现今运动的短周期现象,包括蠕变阶、蠕变坡和脉动等,其持续时间为数分钟至数十小时。发现其空间分布与断层分段(闭锁或活动段)有关;其时间分布与强地震孕育过程有关。蠕变过程符合Lomniz提出的对数蠕变函数,可能是断层面不均匀结构中的局部流变行为。断层短周期事件对揭示断层不均匀结构和微破裂过程动力学有重要意义,并可能发展为一种新的地震前兆  相似文献   
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