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北京西山鹫峰地区氢氧稳定同位素特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以北京西山鹫峰低山区为研究对象,通过对降水、土壤水、泉水氢氧同位素的变化特征分析,研究低山区的降水-土壤水-泉水的转化关系。研究结果表明:该地区的雨季降水线与北京地区的地区降水线有明显区别,斜率和截距偏小;随降雨的进行氢氧同位素特征有时程变化和降雨量效应,而降雨的时程变化也对土壤水的同位素特征产生了影响;土壤水分同位素分布特征相对集中,蒸发线方程的斜率和截距相对于当地大气降水线和雨季降水线都偏小,栓皮栎混交林土壤水对于小雨量次降雨事件反应不敏感,而侧柏林的土壤水分运动较栓皮栎混交林快,说明林分类型和土壤特性对不同水体之间的转化有影响;泉水的同位素特征比较稳定,主要分布在地区降水线的右下方与雨季降水线的交点附近;不同水体中降雨的δD、δ18O变化范围较大,土壤水次之,泉水变化最小;而沿着大气降水-土壤水-地下水(泉水)这一水循环路径,水体中的δD、δ18O值总体上呈下降趋势。  相似文献   
史前时期动物驯养技术的跨大陆交流与传播是令人瞩目的 前沿课题.陕北地区位于欧亚草原早期青铜文化和中原地区古代文化交汇碰撞的前沿地带.贾大峁遗址位于陕西省横山县,年代为距今约4500~4300年的龙山早期.作为陕北地区目前发现的最早出现牛和羊的考古遗址之一,牛和羊是当地驯养抑或外来的,是值得我们探讨的问题.本文通过热电离...  相似文献   
对乔治王岛上白垩统半三角组火山岩样品进行了 Rb- Sr同位素等时线年龄测定 ,所获结果为 71 .3 3± 0 .3 Ma。通过 εND(T) - 14 7Sm/14 4Nd,14 3 Nd/14 4Nd- 87Sr/86 Sr,87Sr/86 Sr- Sr和 87Sr/86 Sr- K2 O/(K2 O+Na2 O)的相关性研究表明 ,该火山岩物质主要来自亏损地幔 (DMM)源区 ,基本上未受到地壳物质混染。其中 6个样品的平均 Sm- Nd模式年龄 (TNd DM)为 443 .3± 2 0 .6 Ma,可能反映了在研究地区的岩浆源区化学分异事件的时代。微量元素的特点表明 ,半三角组样品属典型的钙碱性火山岩系列 ,与长城站地区第三系火山岩相类似 ,同属于岛弧火山活动的产物。  相似文献   
The sulfur isotope record in late Archean and early Paleoproterozoic rocks is of considerable importance because it provides evidence for changes in early Earth atmospheric oxygen levels and potentially constrains the origin and relative impact of various microbial metabolisms during the transition from an anoxic to oxic atmosphere. Mass independently fractionated (MIF) sulfur isotopes reveal late Archean and early Paleoproterozoic sulfur sources in different pyrite morphologies in Western Australia's Hamersley Basin. Multiple sulfur isotope values in late Archean pyrite vary according to morphology. Fine grained pyrite has positive sulfur MIF, indicating a reduced elemental sulfur source, whereas pyrite nodules have negative sulfur MIF, potentially derived from soluble sulfate via microbial sulfate reduction. The Hamersley Basin δ34S–Δ33S record suggests that the extent of oxygenation of the surface ocean fluctuated through the Late Archean from at least 2.6 Ga, more than 150 million yr before the Great Oxidation Event. In the early Paleoproterozoic, there is less distinction between pyrite morphologies with respect to sulfur isotope fractionation, and pyrite from the Brockman Iron Formation trends toward modern sulfur isotope values. An important exception to this is the strong negative MIF recorded in layer parallel pyrite in Paleoproterozoic carbonate facies iron formation. This may suggest that deeper water hydrothermal environments remained anoxic while shallower water environments became more oxidised by the early Paleoproterozoic. The results of the current study indicate that sulfide paragenesis is highly significant when investigating Archean and early Paleoproterozoic multiple sulfur isotope compositions and sulfur sources.  相似文献   
Chemical heterogeneities in the Martian mantle are believed to result from the crystallization of a magma ocean in the first 100 million years of its history. Shergottite meteorites from Mars are thought to retain a compositional record of such early differentiation and the resulting mineralogy at different depths. The coupled 176Lu–176Hf and 147Sm–143Nd isotope systematics in 9 shergottites are used here to investigate these issues. Three compositional groups in the shergottites display distinct isotope systematics. One group, commonly termed as depleted, is characterized by positive 176Hfi from + 46.2 to + 50.4 and 143Ndi from + 36.2 to + 39.1. Another, termed as enriched, has negative 176Hfi = − 16.5 to − 13.2 and 143Ndi = − 7.0 to − 6.5. The third group is intermediate between the depleted and enriched groups with positive 176Hfi = + 30.0 to + 33.4 and 143Ndi = + 16.9. Together, they describe mixing curves between 176Hf/177Hf, 143Nd/144Nd, Lu/Hf, and Sm/Nd, implying that they sample two distinct sources in the Martian mantle. All shergottites are characterized by (Sm/Nd)source < (Sm/Nd)sample, but (Lu/Hf)source > (Lu/Hf)sample. This decoupling can be explained by two successive partial melting episodes in the depleted shergottite source and localized in the Martian upper mantle. The genesis of shergottites can be modeled using non-modal equilibrium partial melting in a source initially composed of 60% olivine, 21% clinopyroxene, 9% orthopyroxene, and 10% garnet, with degrees of partial melting of 8.8% and 3.9%, respectively, for the two successive events. The enriched end-member of the shergottite mixing curve is best modeled by late-stage quenched residual melt resulting from the crystallization of a magma ocean. The depleted shergottite source may be modeled as a mixture of cumulates and residual melt, as convection in the Martian magma ocean is expected to reduce the incompatible trace element heterogeneity in the final solidified layers. Consequently, equilibrium crystallization is preferred to model the crystallization of the Martian magma ocean. The models that best explain the shergottite data are those where the magma ocean is at a depth of at least 1350 km in Mars.  相似文献   
Here we present the first species-specific study of boron isotopes in the epibenthic foraminifer species Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi. Coretop samples from a water depth profile from 1000 to 4500 m on the northern flank of the Walvis Ridge are 4.4‰ lower than the values expected, based on calculations of the δ11Bborate of ambient seawater. Similar values for this foraminifer species are presented from ODP site 668B at the Sierra Leone Rise, in the equatorial Atlantic. The consistency between data of the same species suggests the offsets are primary, rather than diagenetic. Glacial C. wuellerstorfi from ODP 668B and Walvis Ridge have boron isotope compositions only slightly different to interglacial samples, that is no larger than + 0.10 pH units, or + 23 µmol kg− 1 in [CO32−] above the reconstructed glacial lysocline, and − 0.07 pH units, or − 14 µmol kg− 1 in [CO32−] below. We use these results to suggest that glacial deep water pH in the Atlantic was similar to interglacial pH. The new data resolve the inconsistency between the previously reported high bottom water pH and the lack of significant carbonate preservation of the glacial deep ocean.  相似文献   
In this paper the chemistry of major and trace elements and, for the first time, strontium isotopic ratios measured in running waters from the Arno River Basin (Tuscany, central-northern Italy) and thermal springs discharging in the same hydrographic system are presented and discussed. Classical graphical methods (e.g. mixing diagrams) have here been improved to identify, in a correct statistical sample space, extreme chemical compositions attributable to the action of geochemical processes and/or inherited from specific lithologies (namely contributions or components 1, 2 and 3) to be used in inverse modeling procedures, due to the absence of clear end-members. A linear least squares problem, with non-negativity constraints and distances, as required for compositional data (convex linear mixing) was solved by considering the contribution of the most discriminant variables given by the 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios and the concentration of Ca2+, Mg2+, Sr and Rb. Following such approach, it can be assumed (p < 0.05) that component 1, characterized by a Ca2+(Mg2+)– radiogenic-rich (87Sr/86Sr = 0.71274; Rb/Sr = 0.039), represents a dominant feature at basin scale, with a weight ranging from 69% to 100%. Much lower percentages are related to component 2, represented by a Ca2+(Mg2+)– facies with intermediate 87Sr/86Sr (0.70874) and low Rb/Sr (2.8 × 10−4) ratios and component 3, identified by Ca2+ facies with less radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr (0.70827) and low Mg2+/Ca2+ (0.011) ratios. These components are mainly dominated by the dissolution of evaporitic rocks and/or mixing with thermal waters in the southern part of the Arno River Basin and by dissolution of the carbonatic fraction, kinetically favored with respect to that of the silicatic minerals, in the upper reaches of the main course and its tributaries, respectively.  相似文献   
Runoff generation and dynamics is an important issue in watershed and water resource management, but the mechanism in large scale is unclear and site-dependent. For this reason, spatial variations of δD and δ18O of river water and their sources within large-area of the Heishui Valley of the upper Yangtze River in western China were investigated during the wet season. A total 117 river water samples were collected at 13 sampling sites located at the junction of the principal river course and its tributaries. The results showed no spatial variations of either δD or δ18O values existed among tributary sampling sites A, B, E, F, H and I during the wet season, and significantly spatial variation occurred between tributary sampling sites A, B, E, F, H, I and site K; which indicated different proportions of rain entering river water should lead to spatial variation of water isotopes. The hydrograph separation analysis, based on the isotope data of river water, meltwater and rain water samples, showed the contribution of snow and glacier meltwater varied from 63.8% to 92.6%, and that of rain varied from 7.4% to 36.2%; which meant that snow and glacier meltwater was the main supplying water source of baseflow in the Heishui Valley. And the roles of glacier and snow meltwater should be significantly noticed in water resource management in this alpine valley at the rim of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   
Stable nitrogen isotopes were used to assess the effects of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) upgrades on the utilisation of sewage-N by estuarine biota in Moreton Bay, Australia. We measured δ15N of filamentous algae, mangrove leaves and shore crabs at the Brisbane and Logan Rivers before and after scheduled WWTP upgrades, and at two reference rivers where WWTPs had been upgraded >4 years previously. The total N discharged into Brisbane River decreased by >80% after the upgrades had occurred, but N loads remained similar at Logan River despite the upgrade. In Brisbane River, δ15N values of algae and crabs decreased and were comparable to the reference rivers within 1-2 years but no changes occurred at Logan River. The δ15N of mangrove leaves remained elevated in all rivers, indicating that sewage-N remained a major source to mangroves either from residual WWTP discharges or from N accumulated in the sediments over many years.  相似文献   
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