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综合运用岩心观察、薄片鉴定、物性分析、压汞分析及试油分析等技术方法,对华庆地区长63段低渗储层特征进行了系统研究,分析了低渗储层的成因,并探讨了优质储层的主控因素。结果表明,华庆地区长63段储层的厚层块状砂岩主要由具有液化流性质的砂质碎屑流沉积形成的相对较厚块状砂岩纵向叠置组成。岩石类型主要为长石砂岩,其次为岩屑长石砂岩;储层具有低孔特低孔-特低渗透超低渗透特征;储集空间主要包括粒间原生孔隙、次生溶蚀孔隙及晶间微孔隙,为小孔微细喉型孔隙结构。杂基含量高、成分成熟度和结构成熟度差是华庆地区长63低渗储层形成的主控因素,压实作用对其形成起到强化作用。沉积鼎盛时期水动力强的主力沉积期次,形成泥质含量较低的砂岩是优质储层形成的主控因素,而较大的储层厚度是优质储层形成的必要条件。  相似文献   
We present observational data for two long-period and three dynamically new comets observed at heliocentric distances between 5.8 to 14.0 AU. All of the comets exhibited activity beyond the distance at which water ice sublimation can be significant. We have conducted experiments on gas-laden amorphous ice samples and show that considerable gas emission occurs when the ice is heated below the temperature of the amorphous-crystalline ice phase transition (T∼137 K). We propose that annealing of amorphous water ice is the driver of activity in comets as they first enter the inner Solar System. Experimental data show that large grains can be ejected at low velocity during annealing and that the rate of brightening of the comet should decrease as the heliocentric distance decreases. These results are consistent with both historical observations of distant comet activity and with the data presented here. If observations of the onset of activity in a dynamically new comet are ever made, the distance at which this occurs would be a sensitive indicator of the temperature at which the comet had formed or represents the maximum temperature that it has experienced. New surveys such as Pan STARRS, may be able to detect these comets while they are still inactive.  相似文献   
东山下锰矿是舂陵水两岸风化淋滤型氧化锰矿的典型矿床之一,二叠系孤峰组硅质岩是锰矿的赋存层位,SN向挤压破碎带是矿区的导矿和容矿构造,矿区的地层、岩性、含锰建造、地质构造、气候和地貌等条件均对成矿十分有利,分析研究此类矿床成因进而寻找类似锰矿床对缺锰地区具重要意义.  相似文献   
危地马拉目前已成为仅次于缅甸的第二大翡翠原料供应地.这两个产地翡翠辨别的需求愈发迫切,且应用意义较大.采用显微镜观察、电子探针分析及背散射电子照相获得危地马拉蓝水料翡翠的矿物成分及结构构造特征,结合两产地翡翠产出的大地构造环境、自然地理环境、原石特征与矿物成分特征等进行对比分析.总体上,危地马拉翡翠次生原石有一定的磨圆...  相似文献   
The composition of quartz inclusions and trace elements in ore indicate that gold-bearing fluid in the Xiadian gold deposit,Shandong Province,stemmed from both mantle and magma,belonging to a composite origin.Based on theoretical analysis and high temperature and high pressure experimental studies,gold-bearing fluid initiative localization mechanism and the forming environment of ore-host rocks are discussed in the present paper.The composite fluid extracted gold from rocks because of its expanding and injecting forces and injecting forces and flew through ore-conducive structures,leading to the breakup of rocks.The generation of ore-host faults and the precipitation of gold-bearing fluid occurred almost simultaneously.This study provides fur-ther information about the relationships between gold ore veins and basic-ultrabasic vein rocks and intermediate vein rocks,the spatial distribution of gold ore veins and the rules governing the migration of ore fluids.  相似文献   
东营凹陷沙四段碳酸盐岩稀土元素地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
东营凹陷古近系沙河街组碳酸盐岩的成因一直存在湖相与海相之争。沙四段碳酸盐岩呈厚薄不等的夹层赋于陆相碎屑岩中。本文对研究区代表性碳酸盐岩样品稀土元素地球化学特征的分析表明:东营凹陷古近系沙四段碳酸盐岩的∑LREE > ∑MREE > ∑HREE,MREE相对于HREE富集;不具备Ce/Ce*负异常特征;Y/Ho值为25.5~34.1,La/La*值为0.99~1.21;Y/Ho-La/La*呈负相关关系。所有这些特征均与湖相成因碳酸盐岩一致,沙四段碳酸盐岩的形成应为湖相成因。  相似文献   
笔者在该文中着重表达了3方面研究成果:在陈述清水沟-白柳沟地区成矿地质背景基础上,描述了已知工业矿床的基本特征,并将其类比为两类矿床,其一为Zn-Pb-Cu型小铁山式矿床,以展布于郭密寺北火山穹隆北东和南西两侧的下柳沟、弯阳河、下沟及郭密寺矿床为代表;其二为Cu(-Zn)型白银厂式矿床,以出露在黑河古火山穹隆北翼近核部的香子沟矿床为实例。成矿前期、成矿时期,以及成矿后期地质条件的分析与概括表明,该地区与白银厂地区在海相火山岩的成岩环境─—裂谷岛弧、火山岩组合──双峰式、古火山机构类型──古火山穹隆,以及成矿机制──海底热液对流循环成矿等诸多方面都具相似性,是寻找铜多金属硫化物矿床的良好地段。提出了该区此类矿床的综合成矿模式,相信它在本地区扩大寻找小铁山式矿床和突破性寻找白银厂式矿床中具有重要指导意义和实际操作意义.  相似文献   
泗水县龙湾套地区发育大面积新太古代角闪辉长岩,为在该区寻找赋存在角闪辉长岩中的岩浆熔离型铜矿床,曾开展过普查工作,最终发现了一小型铜矿床。探讨该区角闪辉长岩岩石学特征,对在该区进一步寻找同类型铜矿床有重要意义。  相似文献   
石油地质理论的发展,推动勘探实践的进步,重大理论的突破,必将引起石油工业的飞跃。现代石油地质学是建立在纯有机成因之上,面对油气资源有可能"枯竭"的今天,已显得无能为力,而勘探实践也已提出了许多有机说无法解释的问题。无机成油说很早已有学者提出。它与有机成油学说不仅思维方式不同,而且对形成油气的时、空,油气源认识不同。无机成油说将引起油气勘探方法、思维方式的改进。树立油气生成多元论观点,将促进石油工业的发展。  相似文献   
铜陵中生代中酸性侵入岩特征及成因   总被引:50,自引:4,他引:50  
铜陵地区中酸性侵入岩可以划分为橄榄安粗岩系列和高钾钙碱性系列,橄榄安粗岩系列的岩石组合为辉石二长闪长岩+二长闪长岩+石英二长岩,这些岩石的里特曼指数大于4( 变化于4.2~5.8之间),岩石的稀土总量((REE) 变化于211×10-6~264×10-6 之间,且与金矿床关系较密切.高钾钙碱性系列侵入岩岩石组合为闪长岩+石英二长闪长岩+花岗闪长岩,岩石的里特曼指数小于4(1.8~3.2),ΣREE为130×10-6~188×10-6,与铜矿床关系较为密切.结合包体岩石学研究得出,橄榄安粗岩系列岩浆为幔源碱性基性岩浆分异的产物, 高钾钙碱性系列岩浆是分异的幔源岩浆和壳源酸性岩浆混合的产物.  相似文献   
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