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The determination of the drag and inertia coefficients, which enter into the wave force model given by Morison's equation, is particularly uncertain and difficult when a linear spectral model is used for ocean waves, and the structure is compliant and has nonlinear dynamic response. In this paper, a nonlinear System Identification method, called Reverse Multiple Inputs–Single Output (R–MISO) is applied to identify the hydrodynamic coefficients as well as the nonlinear stiffness parameter for a compliant single-degree-of-freedom system. Four different types of problems have been identified for use in various situations and the R–MISO has been applied to all of them. One of the problems requires iterative solution strategy to identify the parameters. The method has been found to be efficient in predicting the parameters with reasonable accuracy and has the potential for use in the laboratory experiments on compliant nonlinear offshore systems.  相似文献   
The raindrop impact and overland flow are two major factors causing soil detachment and particle transportation. In this study, the turbulent characteristics of the shallow rain‐impacted water flow were investigated using a 2‐D fibre‐optic laser Doppler velocimetry (FLDV) and an artificial rainfall simulator. The fluctuating turbulent shear stress was computed using digital data processing techniques. The experimental data showed that the Reynolds shear stress follows a probability distribution with heavy tails. The tail probability increases with an increase of rainfall intensity or raindrop diameter, and it decreases with an increase of Reynolds number. A modified empirical equation was derived using both the raindrop diameter and rainfall intensity as independent variables to provide a better prediction of the Darcy‐Weisbach friction coefficient f under rainfall conditions. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
克里金参数估值法及其在参数估计分析中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙强  薛雷  王媛媛 《岩土力学》2009,30(Z2):371-373
为考虑岩土介质参数的空间分布的结构性和随机性等不确定因素,引入了克里金参数估值法。采用变异函数描述参数在空间结构上的变化,建立其空间变异规律的数学模型,从而实现对岩土参数的估值。通过实例分析揭示了克里金估值法具有反映“过滤效应”和“集团效应”的优点,对不同位置的数据赋予不同的权重系数,能够有效地反映参数空间变异结构,有利于对参数的合理化分析  相似文献   
Diapycnal Mixing (DM) within the upper 2000m of the global ocean is calculated by a fine-scale parameterization using the multiyear-mean density gridded product that created by employing all the Argo float observations to date through the recently published equation of seawater TEOS-10. The geographic distribution of Argo-derived DM derived in this study is spatial-dependent and varies with latitude and depth. The magnitude and pattern of DM is favorably validated by comparisons with previous studies. Furthermore, the mixing coefficient tensor K is calculated and analyzed. Components of the tensor fitting for the geopotential coordinate models are also presented. It is found that the tensor components in horizontal direction, Kxx and Kyy, have similar magnitude and distribution pattern. In the vertical, Kzz is enhanced over regions with rough topography and strong wind (e.g., Westerly region), suggesting agreement with previous estimates. This work presents a scheme to estimate the DM and mixing coefficient tensor using Argo observations, and offers a useful Argo-based mixing product for the purpose of promoting the study and modeling of ocean circulation and other processes.  相似文献   
罗安达砂物理力学性质初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘争宏  廖燕宏  张玉守 《岩土力学》2010,31(Z1):121-126
在罗安达及其周边,浅部广泛分布有红色和黄色两种色调的粉砂层。结合实际工程,采用现场调查、室内试验、现场标贯试验和载荷试验等手段对该种砂土进行了分析,结果表明,罗安达砂层在自然状态下可直立,具湿陷性和浸水后力学性质明显变差等独特物理力学特性;湿陷性随孔隙比增大,含水率减小,试验压力增大,黏粒和粉粒含量增大而增强,重塑砂土也具有湿陷性;力学性质随含水率的变化可逆,当含水量增加后再减小,其力学性质可明显恢复。  相似文献   
反射系数K法在地质灾害评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈绍求 《物探与化探》1998,22(4):304-308316
应用电阻率测深法探测滑坡和塌陷,采用反射系数K法区分滑坡和塌陷的类型和性质,正确地评价地质灾害,为治理工作提供快速准确的地质依据。  相似文献   
利用THEMIS THC卫星观测数据统计分析近地等离子体片中磁场扰动和等离子体整体流的速度扰动的关系,研究Alfven波动的活动性.研究结果表明:1)等离子体整体流的速度扰动幅度依赖于平均速度的大小,速度扰动幅度随平均速度的增加而增加;2)速度扰动幅度与磁场扰动幅度存在较强的正相关性;3)磁场扰动幅度与AE指数密切相关,磁场扰动幅度随着AE指数增加而增加,而速度扰动幅度与AE指数之间没有明显的相关性;4)Alfven比与AE指数的相关系数较小,但能够看出Alfven比随着AE指数增加而减小的趋势;5)速度扰动幅度和磁场扰动幅度与尾向距离及距中性片距离的关系不明显.  相似文献   
An experimental study has been carried out to determine the partition coefficients of tungsten between aqueous fluids and granitic melts at 800 °C and 1.5 kb with natural granite as the starting material. The effects of the solutions on the partition coefficients of tungsten show a sequence of P > CO 3 2− > B > H2O. The effects are limited (generallyK D < 0.3) and the tungsten shows a preferential trend toward the melt over the aqueous fluid. The value ofK D increases with increasing concentration of phosphorus; theK D increases first and then reduces with the concentration of CO 3 2− when temperature decreases, theK D between the solution of CO 3 2− and the silicate melt increases, and that between the solution of B4O 7 2− and the silicate melt decreases. The partition coefficients of phosphorus and sodium between fluids and silicate melts have been calculated from the concentrations of the elements in the melts. TheK D value for phosphorus is 0.38 and that for sodium is 0.56. Evidence shows that the elements tend to become richer and richer in the melts.  相似文献   
论述了流量测井的基本理论,涡轮流量计的结构和响应特性,重点分析、讨论利用二次混合抽水二次降深所测得的流量测井曲线,求取含水层渗透系数和静止水位的方法,并以实例说明该方法的具体应用。  相似文献   
The effect of different planetary boundary-layer (PBL) parameterization schemes on the spatial distribution of atmospheric pollution over the complex topography of the greater Athens area is investigated. Four PBL schemes originally implemented in a numerical meteorological model and a fifth one simulating the urban effect are examined. Two different atmospheric conditions are analyzed; a typical summer and a typical winter pollution episode. The relative importance of chemical and physical processes of the pollution predictions is discussed using process analysis. It is revealed that, for primary pollutants, a local scheme seems more adequate to represent the maximum observed concentrations while, completely different in structure, a non-local scheme reproduces the mean observed values in the basin. Concerning secondary pollutants, peak concentration differences, due to the different PBL schemes, are smoothed out. Nevertheless, the PBL scheme selection shapes the horizontal and the vertical extension of maximum values. The non-local and semi non-local schemes are superior to the others, favouring strong vertical mixing and transport towards the surface. The stronger turbulence accommodated effectively by the semi non-local urban scheme enhances ozone production along the sea-breeze axis and preserves the high ozone concentrations during the nighttime hours in the urban core.  相似文献   
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