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激光雷达测量技术在地学中的若干应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马洪超 《地球科学》2011,36(2):347-354
对激光雷达测量技术在全球冰川监测、局部断裂带提取、滑坡监测和稳定性评价以及海岸线提取和海岸侵蚀等方面的应用做了较为全面的综述.作为一种新型的对地观测手段,激光雷达(含星载、机载、车载和地面)的应用已经从传统的测绘扩大到包括文物保护在内的诸多其他应用领域.所综述的激光雷达技术在地学研究中的4个应用方面,是传统地学研究中与全球变化和人居环境最为密切的方向.分析表明,激光雷达技术在这些研究方向中的应用大有作为.   相似文献   
基于2015年中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)卫星影像资料,结合实测悬浮体浓度数据及海表温度、风场、海表流场等资料,对浙闽近海表层悬浮体时空分布及控制因素进行了探讨。结果表明,浙闽近海表层悬浮体分布存在显著的季节性变化特征。研究区2~50 m等深线海域存在温度锋面,在一定程度上抑制了表层悬浮体向外海的输运。夏季的河流输沙有利于研究区北部近岸高浓度悬浮体分布,南风、西南风对表层悬浮体扩散起抑制作用;冬季在强烈东北季风作用下,再悬浮作用强烈,同时为表层悬浮体向南扩散提供了动力。本研究对完善东海内陆架泥质区沉积物输送机制具有一定的辅助作用。  相似文献   
Opal Lake, a cold, acid lake on the central volcanic plateau of the North Island, New Zealand, had an average pH of 4.3 and was highly eutrophic. The biota was less diverse than in neighbouring near‐neutral waters. Macrophytes were rare; phytoplankton were mainly represented by the Chlorophyceae, and there were only 4 zooplankton species. The mean standing crop of macroinvertebrates was 6240 per square metre; this was higher than in other eutrophic lakes in the region and comprised more than 98% chironomid larvae represented by 4 species. Molluscs were absent. The fauna was more diverse than in more acid lakes of the .central volcanic plateau.  相似文献   
选取2016年1—12月GPM(Global Precipitation Measurement)卫星的IMERG月尺度降水数据为研究对象,以同时期的气象站点实测降水数据为参考,利用相关系数、标准偏差、相对误差等多种统计分析指标对其在沿海地区估测能力进行评价。结果表明:IMERG月尺度降水量与站点实测降水数据相关性较好,IMERG估测的降水与气象站点实测降水量的时空变化规律也较为一致,但是量化到具体数值而言,其对山区、海岛站的估测能力不及地势平坦的区域;同时,选取降水个例对IMERG日尺度和半小时尺度降水数据的分析表明,日尺度IMERG估测的不同等级降水量也存在偏差,半小时尺度IMERG降水数据对海岛站的降水估测偏高。总体而言,IMERG降水数据对降水的时间变化规律和空间分布格局估测较为合理,但是对山区、海岛地区,其降水估测值还存在偏差,在今后应用中需结合地形特征加以合理利用。  相似文献   
Medium-temperature thermal waters in the Mura basin occur in hydrogeological systems different in age, burial depth, temperature, porosity and permeability, and the presence of free carbon dioxide which penetrates through the fractures from pre-Tertiary basement. The waters commonly belong to sodium-bicarbonate hydrogeochemical facies, but may have significantly different amounts of total dissolved solids, including trace elements. Thermal waters occurring in low-permeable, well-compacted and moderately fractured Tertiary sediments older than Upper Pliocene are the richest in trace elements, although their abundance may be very variable from one aquifer to another. The ratios of major alkaline and alkaline earth elements (Na, K, Ca) and trace elements (Li, Rb, Cs, Ba, Sr) commonly show relative enrichment in highly mineralised waters with respect to the waters with lower mineralisation. Rare earth elements (REEs) and Y show only minor fractionation in the highly mineralised waters, whereas in the waters with lower mineralisation strong fractionation of heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) over light rare earth elements (LREEs) occurs, along with a pronounced positive europium anomaly. Positive Th/U ratios are commonly observed, although both actinide elements occur in the range of some hundredths of ppb to some ppb. Trace elements were particularly useful in the study of well cycling in two hydraulically interconnected geothermal wells in the town of Murska Sobota, which produce a mixture of low- and high-mineralised waters.  相似文献   
中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis Osbeck,1765)为国家Ⅰ级重点野生保护动物,厦门湾作为其在中国的主要分布区之一,自20世纪80年代以来,海岸带开发活动和环境污染程度均不断加大,导致此海域中华白海豚的生存环境不断恶化,种群数量日趋减少,资源状况面临严重威胁。作者采用PSR(压力-状态-响应)模型框架,对厦门湾中华白海豚资源面临的主要环境压力、当前的资源状态以及采取的保护响应措施进行了一个较全面的评价,评价结果认为:围填海工程、船只交通、水下爆破作业和陆源排污等人类活动给厦门湾中华白海豚带来了生境缩小、身体伤害、环境污染和饵料短缺等严重影响,厦门市已采取的保护政策响应包括就地保护、迁地保护和公共管理等方面,目前种群资源数量稳定在80头左右并有潜力扩大。基于评价结果,作者提出了加强保护的建议和策略,可为厦门以外海区的中华白海豚保护工作提供参考。  相似文献   
中国沿海常见蓝子鱼形态比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
马强  刘静 《海洋科学》2006,30(9):16-22
对中国沿海常见蓝子鱼科鱼类的外部形态、呼吸器官、感觉器官、消化器官、骨骼系统等形态特征进行了比较研究。发现不同种蓝子鱼在体形、鳃耙、耳石、肝脏、牙齿、头骨等特征上存在一定差异,但是种间差异较小,从而推断本科鱼类分化较缓慢。  相似文献   
王爱军  叶翔  陈坚 《海洋学报》2009,31(2):165-174
海岸盐沼对环境变化的响应非常敏感,是研究全球变化和人类活动对海岸带环境影响的典型区域之一。影响盐沼演化过程的一个非常重要的因素就是水体悬沙特性[1]。在沿岸水域环境中,有机和无机的细颗粒悬沙在物理和化学的作用下絮凝成大颗粒的絮凝体,其粒径和沉降速率通常是分散细颗粒悬沙的好几倍,因此絮凝过程基本上改变了细颗粒悬沙的水动力行为过程[2]。絮凝体因相对分散颗粒物有较高的沉降速率,水中的悬沙更容易沉降到滩面,控制着水体中的细颗粒物质的沉降通量[3]。  相似文献   
Morphodynamic modeling is employed in the present work to predict the long-term evolution (over the next 100 years) of typical sedimentary coasts in the western Russian Arctic. The studied objects are the coasts of Varandey (the Barents Sea), Baydaratskaya Bay and Harasavey (the Kara Sea). The model developed takes into account both the short-term processes (storm events) and long-term factors (for example, changes in sea level, inter-annual variations in gross sediment flux, lack or excess of sediment supply). Predicted and observed morphological changes in coastal profiles are shown to agree well for time scales ranging from weeks to decades. It is revealed that under given environmental conditions, the morphological evolution is strongly influenced by storm surges and associated wind-driven circulation. The water level gradient created by a surge generates a seaward flow at the bed. This outflow is shown to be an important destructive mechanism contributing to the erosion and recession of Arctic coasts. The rate of change is found to depend on both the exposure of the coast (relative to the direction of dominant winds) and its height above the sea. The open coast of Varandey is expected to retreat as much as 300–500 m over 100 years, while recession of the less exposed coasts of Baydaratskaya Bay would not exceed about 100 m/century. If long-term sediment losses are insignificant, the rate of erosion decays with time and the morphodynamic system may tend toward equilibrium. It is concluded that the expected relative sea-level rise (up to 1 m over the nearest 100 years) is non-crucial to the future coastal evolution if an erosion activity is already high enough.  相似文献   
Seasonal and inter-annual patterns of macroalgal abundance in a Tagus Estuary oyster reef are described. Macroalgal abundance was estimated as canopy percent cover by three permanent point intercept transects over a 7-year period. Four categories were defined, corresponding to bare substrate and three different macroalgal functional-form groups: (1) ULVA, foliose group, included Ulva spp.; (2) GRACIL, terete corticated macrophyte group, included only Gracilaria gracilis; and (3) FILAM, small (<10 cm) filamentous group, including eight species. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that: (1) ULVA were associated with long and hot days, being usually dominant during spring and especially summer; (2) FILAM were associated with mild temperatures and relatively long days, abundant in spring but showed frequent peaks in summer; and (3) GRACIL were also favoured by spring season, although associated to lower temperature and less daylight hours than FILAM. GRACIL and FILAM were present throughout the year. On the contrary, ULVA were absent or with low cover during colder periods. A negative correlation between GRACIL and FILAM seems to indicate competition between the two categories. The applied models explained 23.3% of the temporal variance in category abundance. Rainfall negatively affected macroalgal cover, as indicated by the positive correlation between rainfall and bare substrate. Our conclusions are in agreement with previous studies that consider algae as excellent environmental integrators, even on a small scale, due to a strong link between the macroalgal communities and relevant environmental variables. It is also relevant that this study used open-access databases of environmental variables, which open up new possibilities for mining existing data resources in new ways. Due to large inter-annual variability, long-term studies are essential to understand population dynamics in estuarine phytobenthic communities.  相似文献   
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