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In view of the situation of excavation of open coal mine for the underground water disaster,we should carry out simulation studies for the numerical value of the water lowering project and improve the accuracy and the level of the water lowering project.On the basis of the hydrological geological conditions of certain open mine digging,a more reasonable seepage numerical model was built according to MODFLOW.It was simulated in advance that the process of the confined water level descending with the time,and combining with the actual observations to test the correctness of the model.The calculation showed that the results coincided well with the results of actual measurement.Based on this,different water lowering numerical simulations were built for the open coal mine digging.It could be simulated and forecast that the changes of the groundwater level in drainage process within and outside the mine pit,and it was quantitatively assessed that the possible water lowering result of the opencast water drainage process,which provide an important basis for the actual water lowering project and the possible project disposal.  相似文献   
Steam mining method was injecting hot steam into the borehole to heat the hydrate strata at the same time of depressurization mining,which could promote further decomposition and expand mining areas of gas hydrate. Steam heat calculation would provide the basis for the design of heating device and the choice of the field test parameters. There were piping heat loss in the process of mining. The heat transfer of steam flowing in the pipe was steady,so the heat loss could be obtained easily by formula calculation. The power of stratum heating should be determined by numerical simulation for the process of heating was dynamic and the equations were usually nonlinear. The selected mining conditions were 500-millimeter mining radius,10 centigrade mining temperature and 180 centigrade steam temperature. Heat loss and best heating power,obtained by formula calculation and numerical simulation,were 21. 35 W/m and 20 kW.  相似文献   
渤海湾盆地济阳拗陷沙三段页岩气地质条件分析   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
沙河街组三段的湖相富有机质泥页岩是济阳拗陷常规油气的主力烃源岩,也是该拗陷页岩气勘探的重点研究层系.分析沙三段暗色泥页岩的地球化学指标、页岩储层特征、含气性等,探讨济阳拗陷沙河街组湖相泥页岩形成页岩气的地质条件.结果表明:沙河街组湖相泥页岩沉积厚度大,平均大于200m;有机碳含量高,干酪根类型好,以Ⅰ型为主,Ⅱ1和Ⅱ2为辅;成熟度以成熟—高熟为主,与美国产气页岩和中国南方上扬子地区海相富有机质页岩地球化学特征具有可比性.湖相泥页岩脆性矿物质量分数高,石英与碳酸盐岩所占比例大,黏土矿物质量分数为10%~30%,页岩储层裂缝类型多样.由于砂泥岩互层频繁,粉砂或砂质夹层孔隙可以有效改善页岩储层储集性能,为页岩气提供有效的储集空间.泥页岩层段气测显示异常,指示其良好的含气性.沙三段富有机质泥页岩是济阳拗陷页岩气勘探的优选层系,具有良好的页岩气勘探潜力.  相似文献   
通过采用地面物探、钻探和井下巷探、钻探相结合的综合勘探方法,对鲁村井田深部进行了补充勘探,并对井田以往地质资料进行了重新对比分析,发现该井田-400~-1 300 m的埋深范围内不但存在以往认为已被剥蚀缺失的太原组上部地层,还保存了较完整的山西组,尤其是在该段地层中新发现了5个局部可采煤层,为井田增加了资源储量、延长了服务年限。填补了沂源煤田太原组上部和山西组含煤地层资料的空白。  相似文献   
1IntroductionThe Arkhara-Boguchan brown coal mine is lo-cated in the western Arkhara depression,southeast-ern part of the Zea-Bureya Basin (Fig.1). Late Creta-ceous-Paleogene coal-bearing strata are well out-cropped at the Arkhara-Boguchan quarry. It contains four coal-bearing beds (in descending order): “Ve-likan”, “Promezhutochny”,“Dvoinoy”and “Nyzhny”, and composed of three sedimentary cycles (Fig.2). The lower cycle can be divided into two sub-cycles:the lowest sub-cycle is …  相似文献   
In recent years, many coal-producing countries have paid great attention to the land subsidence causedby coal cutting. In China, because of the dense population in coalfield areas, the land subsidence hazard is more seri-ous. After a brief analysis on the mechanism of land subsidence, this paper gives a comprehensive and systematical ac-count on all kinds of hazards caused by the land subsidence in China. The study shows that land subsidence has endan-gered land, buildings, traffic and communication lines, dykes and dams. It also causes damage to ecological and socialenvironment. In order to lessen the hazard of land subsidence, preventive measures should be taken to reduce the col-lapse amount, such as extraction with stowing, banded mining system, succession and coordination mining system, orhigh-pressure mudflow between rock strata. Measures of reinforcing or moving certain buildings should also be taken toreduce the destructive degree. In order to harness the subsidence land and bring them under control for fanning, mea-sures should be taken such as filling with spoil or fine breeze, excavating the deeper and covering the shallower land.  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONWetlandsplayanimportant roleintheprocessofcar-bonstorage.Thetotalcarbonstoredindifferentkindsofwetlandsisabout15%-35%ofthetotalcarboninthegloballandsoils(POSTetal.,1982;GORHAM,1991).Inaddition,wetlandsaresignificantnaturalsources fortheatmospheric CH4 (MOORE,1994).It isestimatedthatabout110×1012gCH4 originates fromanaerobicdecompositioninthenaturalwetlands,CH4 emission fromthenaturalwetlandsis15%-30%oftheglobalCH4 emission andtheCH4 emission from thepeat land at hi…  相似文献   
潍北凹陷是昌潍坳陷的次一级凹陷盆地,也是胜利油田外围常规油气开采区。潍北凹陷孔店组二段发育了较厚的暗色泥页岩,是页岩气形成最有利层段,也是常规油气的生烃母岩。利用昌页参1井数据,结合以往资料,对潍北凹陷孔店组二段岩性特征,有机地球化学特征、矿物组成、泥页岩含气性特征等进行分析研究,认为孔店组二段上亚段下部和中亚段下部具备页岩气资源勘查开发潜力。  相似文献   
济宁许厂煤矿伴生分散元素铼的富集成矿探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
铼是一种分散金属,目前尚没有在煤层中富集成矿的案例。该文依据山东省济宁煤田许厂煤矿16上、17煤层光谱分析成果,结合铼元素的性质、物质来源和石炭-二叠纪太原组的聚煤环境等因素进行综合分析,论证了其富集可能性。简要阐述了铼富集成矿的意义,建议煤田地质勘查工作中加强对煤中伴生铼元素的分析和研究。  相似文献   
伊昭井田位于伊犁盆地中西部,煤层资源储量36亿t。赋煤层位为侏罗世水西沟群西山窑组,共含煤12层,其中可采煤层6层,3号煤层和5号煤层为井田主采煤层。对各煤层特征进行了研究,总结了各煤层特征及赋存规律及各煤层煤质特征及工业利用方向。对指导伊犁盆地的煤炭勘查、开发利用及生产布局具有积极意义。  相似文献   
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