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王延斌  韩德馨  姜亮  杨青  王拯 《地球化学》2000,29(2):167-174
利用飞行时间二次离子质谱仪(简称TOF-SIMS)对渤海湾地区C-P太原组和山西组煤中基质镜质体进行了对比研究,结果表明,在接收到的正二次离子中都含有一定的烯基和烷基碎片,这些脂族碎片离子的出现说明它们具有富氢及较好的生烃性质。同时,该仪器的实际应用结果表明,它对研究煤及源岩中有机显微组分的化学成分和结构具有独特的优势。  相似文献   
郯庐断裂中段新生代右行走滑位移   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据走滑拉分盆地中盆地沉降(或抬升)速率与边界断层走滑速率之间的数值关系,通过对夹在郯庐断裂中段两分支断层间的潍北凹陷沉积埋藏史的恢复,间接求取郯庐断裂中段新生代右行走滑位移。潍北凹陷内不同构造位置4口井的埋藏史恢复结果表明:凹陷新生代经历了古近纪早、中期的快速沉降,古近纪末-新近纪初的抬升剥蚀和中新世以来的缓慢沉降3个阶段;各阶段的平均沉降速率分别为0.142 9、-0.072 8、0.032 5 km/Ma。通过对太平洋板块与欧亚板块间俯冲速率和方向变化的分析推断,中新世中期(39.5 Ma)太平洋板块由北西向俯冲转而变成正西向俯冲所产生的西南向应力分量是导致新生代郯庐断裂开始右行走滑的主要因素,且走滑活动持续至今。根据走滑活动发生和持续的时间,结合各个时期内潍北凹陷的沉降和抬升速率,计算出郯庐断裂中段新生代右行走滑位移量为15 km左右。  相似文献   
沂源县鲁村煤矿-270m井底车场围岩为泥质粉砂岩,强度低,含粘土矿物,吸水膨胀,传统的支护方式难以保证巷道稳定,采用钢管混凝土支架进行支护试验。分析了-270m井底车场围岩地质特征,提出基于钢管混凝土支架的综合支护方案,最后通过理论验算证实钢管混凝土支架承载能力为U29型钢支架4倍,满足巷道支护要求。  相似文献   
宁波盆地地下揭示的一套包含暗色膏硝质泥岩、泥质白云岩在内的紫红、灰紫色泥岩、棕褐色砂砾岩、细砂岩和玻屑凝灰岩的地层,均称方岩组,内含膏盐并具油色显示。对其时代有早、晚白垩世和早第三纪之认识,笔者从70~90年代地质工作中所获化石分析认为,虽然宁波盆地这一层位含化石不丰,但从分布及数量上比较,相对占优势的应该是孢粉和植物化石,其时代意见也较为一致,指示为早白垩世。  相似文献   
芝罘群分布于烟台市区北部芝罘岛、崆峒岛、担子岛等岛屿上,自下而上划分为老爷山组、兵营组及东口组.东口组为新建岩石地层单位.该群岩石组合为白云母钾长片麻岩、含电气石钾长石英岩、钾长石英岩、镜铁矿钾长石英岩、石英岩、白云母石英片岩夹黑云片岩、透辉变粒岩及大理岩等.其原岩为富钾、铁、硼的长英质碎屑岩夹粘土岩及富镁碳酸盐岩.兵营组单颗粒锆石U-Pb年龄为2171Ma,其成岩时代属古元古代早期.芝罘群区域上可与辽东地区古元古代榆树砬子群对比.  相似文献   
南海1∶100万永暑礁幅海洋区域地质调查成果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1∶100万永暑礁幅海洋区域地质调查成果揭示了该区地壳的浅、中、深层地质特征。浅层主要研究海底地形、地貌、表层沉积物、矿产资源、潜在地质灾害等;中层主要研究新生代地层、断裂体系、岩浆岩、含油气盆地远景等;深层则研究磁性基底、深层断裂、莫霍面分布特征等。本成果在以下几方面有重要突破:①通过对比新生代以来的地层,确定各沉积盆地地层特征和相互关系,在此基础上预测油气资源前景;②分析表层沉积物类型,预测本区未来可能具有开发价值的固体矿产资源;③利用磁性基底和莫霍面数据分析本区地壳结构特征。  相似文献   
汪家寨煤矿是严重的煤与瓦斯突出矿井,依据矿区实际瓦斯地质资料,运用瓦斯地质理论和构造演化理论,研究了区域和井田构造控制特征。分析认为该矿主要以中小型突出、倾出为主,压出为辅;随煤层埋深的增加突出强度增大;C409煤突出最为严重;突出多发生在煤巷掘进面及断层影响带。分析了埋藏深度、顶底板岩性、煤厚及其变化、软分层、地质构造等因素对煤矿煤与瓦斯突出的影响,认为断层及其影响带、厚煤尤其是其增厚部位是煤与瓦斯突出的易发区域,因此断层构造和煤层厚度及其变化控制着该矿突出的发生和分布规律,为煤与瓦斯突出的主控因素。研究成果为矿井突出防治工作提供了理论指导。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地北部下二叠系下石盒子组为纵横向变化大,岩性、孔隙结构等复杂的河流相地层,很难用统一的计算公式来完成对孔隙度的计算。采用多元统计分析、散点图和孔隙度对比图来确定其孔隙度。运用上述方法,比较精确地确定鄂尔多斯盆地北部下二叠系下石盒子组的孔隙度,对鄂尔多斯盆地油气储量的估计,提供一个很好的基础资料。  相似文献   
新 疆 含 煤 地 层 具 有 地 层 倾 角 大 、煤 层 厚 度 较 大 、上 覆 第 四 系 厚 度 薄 等 特 点 ,适 宜 用 高 密 度 电 阻 率 法 追 踪 煤层 露 头 。新 疆 煤 田 地 质 局 物 测 队 使 用 复 合 对 称 四 极 剖 面 法 、联 合 剖 面 法 和 中 间 梯 度 法 等 方 法 ,在 拜 城 县 梅 斯 布 拉 克矿 区 探 测 煤 层 露 头 的 隐 伏 位 置 ,收 到 了 很 好 的 效 果 。  相似文献   
Tianshan is one of the longest and most active intracontinental orogenic belts in the world. Due to the collision between Indian and Eurasian plates since Cenozoic, the Tianshan has been suffering from intense compression, shortening and uplifting. With the continuous extension of deformation to the foreland direction, a series of active reverse fault fold belts have been formed. The Xihu anticline is the fourth row of active fold reverse fault zone on the leading edge of the north Tianshan foreland basin. For the north Tianshan Mountains, predecessors have carried out a lot of research on the activity of the second and third rows of the active fold-reverse faults, and achieved fruitful results. But there is no systematic study on the Quaternary activities of the Xihu anticline zone. How is the structural belt distributed in space?What are the geometric and kinematic characteristics?What are the fold types and growth mechanism?How does the deformation amount and characteristics of anticline change?In view of these problems, we chose Xihu anticline as the research object. Through the analysis of surface geology, topography and geomorphology and the interpretation of seismic reflection profile across the anticline, we studied the geometry, kinematic characteristics, fold type and growth mechanism of the structural belt, and calculated the shortening, uplift and interlayer strain of the anticline by area depth strain analysis.
In this paper, by interpreting the five seismic reflection profiles across the anticline belt, and combining the characteristics of surface geology and geomorphology, we studied the types, growth mechanism, geometry and kinematics characteristics, and deformation amount of the fold. The deformation length of Xihu anticline is more than 47km from west to east, in which the hidden length is more than 14km. The maximum deformation width of the exposed area is 8.5km. The Xihu anticline is characterized by small surface deformation, simple structural style and symmetrical occurrence. The interpretation of seismic reflection profile shows that the deep structural style of the anticline is relatively complex. In addition to the continuous development of a series of secondary faults in the interior of Xihu anticline, an anticline with small deformation amplitude(Xihubei anticline)is continuously developed in the north of Xihu anticline. The terrain high point of Xihu anticline is located about 12km west of Kuitun River. The deformation amplitude decreases rapidly to the east and decreases slowly to the west, which is consistent with the interpretation results of seismic reflection profile and the calculation results of shortening. The Xihu anticline is a detachment fold with the growth type of limb rotation. The deformation of Xihu anticline is calculated by area depth strain analysis method. The shortening of five seismic reflection sections A, B, C, D and E is(650±70) m, (1 070±70) m, (780±50) m, (200±40) m and(130±30) m, respectively. The shortening amount is the largest near the seismic reflection profile B of the anticline, and decreases gradually along the strike to the east and west ends of the anticline, with a more rapidly decrease to the east, which indicates that the topographic high point is also a structural high point. The excess area caused by the inflow of external material or outflow of internal matter is between -0.34km2 to 0.56km2. The average shortening of the Xihubei anticline is between(60±10) m and(130±40) m, and the excess area caused by the inflow of external material is between 0.50km2 and 0.74km2. The initial locations of the growth strata at the east part is about 1.9~2.0km underground, and the initial location of the growth strata at the west part is about 3.7km underground. We can see the strata overlying the Xihu anticline at 3.3km under ground, the strata above are basically not deformed, indicating that this section of the anticline is no longer active.  相似文献   
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