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塘坝子-葛仙山景点,地处举世瞩目的龙门山推覆-滑覆构造带上,已成为拟建中的“龙门山地质公园”的重要组成部分。其独特的石灰岩岩溶地貌和溶洞景观,是成都旅游区和彭县景区内宝贵的旅游景观配套资源,除旅游开发价值较高外,亦是离成都市区较近较理想的人防各战疏散基地,因而具有一定的资源综合开发潜力。对该景点的尽早开发,还可缓解邻区旅游热点的人满之患。  相似文献   
在分析确定白涧矿区水文地质边界条件的基础上,运用实测资料对Visu-almodflow模型进行识别和验证,同时修正了含水层的参数,修正后的模型较为可靠,可用于白涧矿区涌水量的预测。依据矿区奥灰含水层边界条件和渗透系数的不同,设计了-200m和-400m水平面不同边界及渗透系数三个方案对矿井的涌水量进行预测。结果表明:方案2的涌水量比较合理,能较真实的反映白涧铁矿矿体分布区水位疏降至-400m时的涌水量情况,预测其涌水量为7505m3/h。   相似文献   
在安徽巢湖177高地、无为白牡山等地中二叠统栖霞组顶部灰岩段和臭灰岩段发现大量遗迹化石Zoophycos cf.caudagalli。这些遗迹化石以系统觅食迹为主,指示水动力及波浪作用较弱、贫氧的深水沉积环境。在栖霞组的砾状灰岩中,发现部分Zoophycos穿插于灰岩砾石和基质之中,这揭示栖霞组石灰砾岩中的砾石并非成岩作用成因,而是碎屑流沉积形成,属于异地成因碳酸盐岩。综合巢湖地区栖霞组的地层和岩石地球化学特征以及Zoophycos的生活习性和分布特征,发现表明巢湖地区中二叠统栖霞组臭灰岩段和顶部灰岩段属于贫氧的碳酸盐台缘斜坡沉积。  相似文献   
Determination of the rate and total amount of limestone pavement surface lowering is a critical issue in developing models of regional landscape change in limestone terrain. Erratic‐capped pedestals have frequently been used for this purpose but problems concerning definition and measurement of pedestal height, and the absence of a secure timeframe for erratic emplacement, have resulted in conflicting interpretations. We have used cosmogenic (36Cl) to establish the emplacement age of erratic boulders and the total amount of pavement surface lowering at sites in northwest England. Since erratic emplacement at 17.9 ka the limestone pavement has been lowered by 22–45 cm (average: 33 ± 10 cm), assuming lowering was continuous. Although indicating some spatial heterogeneity, the results contrast with earlier reported values based on the measurement of pedestal heights and inferred age for deglaciation. We consider that changes in climate and the character and duration of regolith covers to have been important influences in promoting surface lowering. It is argued that nivation (chemical and mechanical snow‐related processes) associated with several cool/cold periods is likely to have played an important role in surface lowering. Complicating factors associated with surface lowering (thickness and longevity of snow and regolith covers) are identified but as yet cannot be quantified. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Carbonate concretions in the Lower Carboniferous Caton Shale Formation contain diagenetic pyrite, calcite and barite in the concretion matrix or in different generations of septarian fissures. Pyrite was formed by sulphate reduction throughout the sediment before concretionary growth, then continued to form mainly in the concretion centres. The septarian calcites show a continuous isotopic trend from δ13C=?28·7‰ PDB and δ18O=?1·6‰ PDB through to δ13C=?6·9‰ PDB and δ18O=?14·6‰ PDB. This trend arises from (1) a carbonate source initially from sulphate reduction, to which was added increasing contributions of methanogenic carbonate; and (2) burial/temperature effects or the addition of isotopically light oxygen from meteoric water. The concretionary matrix carbonates must have at least partially predated the earliest septarian cements, and thus used the same carbonate sources. Consequently, their isotopic composition (δ13C=?12·0 to ?10·1‰ PDB and δ18O=?5·7 to ?5·6‰ PDB) can only result from mixing a carbonate cement derived from sulphate reduction with cements containing increasing proportions of carbonate from methanogenesis and, directly or indirectly, also from skeletal carbonate. Concretionary growth was therefore pervasive, with cements being added progressively throughout the concretion body during growth. The concretions contain barite in the concretion matrix and in septarian fissures. Barite in the earlier matrix phase has an isotopic composition (δ34S=+24·8‰ CDT and δ18O=+16·4‰ SMOW), indicating formation from near‐surface, sulphate‐depleted porewaters. Barites in the later septarian phase have unusual isotopic compositions (δ34S=+6 to +11‰ CDT and δ18O=+8 to +11‰ SMOW), which require the late addition of isotopically light sulphate to the porewaters, either from anoxic sulphide oxidation (using ferric iron) or from sulphate dissolved in meteoric water. Carbon isotope and biomarker data indicate that oil trapped within septarian fissures was derived from the maturation of kerogen in the enclosing sediments.  相似文献   
奥陶系宝塔组灰岩的环境相、生态相与成岩相   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
晚奥陶世宝塔组灰岩在上、中、下扬子碳酸盐沉积区分布极为广泛,因其层面上注记着不规则状、类似鸡冠花的形态特征,因而素以加引号的“龟裂纹灰岩”称之,以此代表宝塔组灰岩特有的沉积构造,以致于两者为同一词。宝塔组灰岩是地质历史中仅有的、唯一的在层面上具有特殊网纹的形态组构,其他时代的灰岩均无此特点,因而它是地质历史中的“时髦相”。形成这一组构可能有三个因素:一是盆地的沉积-构造背景,华南晚奥陶世为前陆盆地,前隆的结果使建筑在克拉通上的碳酸盐大平台构造掀斜,成为浅海中的深水盆地,为低能、慢速沉积的灰泥岩、泥灰岩提供了宽大而平坦的构造-沉积环境空间;二是深水环境中的生态和生物遗迹,由游泳型角石和与之能抗衡的大型软体生物在软底上和沉积物内留下活动的印迹;三是灰泥和泥质物成岩压实作用,叠加在印痕上,因此,宝塔组灰岩“龟裂纹”组构的形成是构造-沉积环境相、生态相和成岩相的产物。  相似文献   
济南北部地热田地热地质特征浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
济南北部地热田地热资源类型属于层状裂隙岩溶型,热源是北部齐河-广饶断裂的沟通导热,盖层是第四系、新近系、石炭-二叠系、侏罗系.可利用的、具有开发价值的热储层为奥陶系灰岩热储,该热储层顶板埋深在700~2500m左右,热储层厚度由南向北逐渐增大,单井涌水量2000m3/d左右,孔口水温一般在38~57℃,地热田东部地热水矿化度1.4~3.5g/L左右,西部5.1~7.2g/L左右,地热水中富含氟、锶、偏硅酸等微量元素,具腐蚀性,结垢性弱,具较好的开发利用价值.经计算奥陶系热储层单井可采资源量为7.3×105m3/a,合理井间距为5000m.  相似文献   
北京周口店豹皮灰岩的变形特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周口店地区广泛分布的寒武纪地层府君山组底部灰岩因其具典型的豹斑状构造而被称为豹皮灰岩。本文主要以出露于周口店黄院地区的豹皮灰岩为研究对象。组成豹皮灰岩的物质成分有2种,一为白云质成分的豹斑,其余部分为泥灰质。在露头尺度上,豹皮灰岩中的豹斑发生了明显的旋转变形并具有一定的定向性,而泥灰质成分则具有清晰的韧性变形特征,为较典型的碳酸盐糜棱岩;在微观尺度上,构成豹斑的白云石矿物未发生韧性变形,而泥灰质成分中的方解石具有明显的细粒化、拉长和定向。豹皮灰岩变形发生时岩石所处的温度介于200~250℃之间。豹皮灰岩的形成经历了原岩形成和后期构造变形改造2个阶段,于寒武纪由沉积作用形成了岩石的物质组分和原生层状构造,在前印支期受水平剪切作用形成岩石的豹斑状构造。  相似文献   
淮北煤田太原组灰岩水年龄及同位素地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈松  桂和荣 《中国地质》2019,46(2):337-345
为了解淮北煤田太原组灰岩水年龄、水化学特征及演化,采集了淮北煤田29个矿井地下水样品进行水常规、氢氧同位素及~(14)C测试。利用传统图示及统计方法探讨了地下水化学特征及演化,约束了地下水年龄及径流特征。结果表明:淮北煤田太原组灰岩水年龄在2900~21910 a之间变化,不同矿区之间灰岩水化学特征有明显差异。闸河矿区以较低的TDS浓度、最小的地下水年龄和最高的δD和δ~(18)O值为特征,为淮北煤田太原组灰岩水主要的补给区;临涣矿区孙疃矿、宿县矿区桃园矿具有较大的地下水年龄、较高的TDS浓度和低的δD和δ~(18)O值,为主要排泄区。TDS浓度等值线图和地下水年龄等值线图呈现一致的演化规律,淮北煤田东北部闸河矿区为主要补给区。太原组灰岩水径流特征主要受构造背景的控制,地下水补给条件及水岩相互作用程度决定了水体中TDS浓度和氢氧同位素富集特征。  相似文献   
Granular carbonate deposits of Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene age, commonly referred to as ‘miliolite limestone’, occur in a linear belt, parallel to the southern coast of Saurashtra, India. In the present study area these carbonate deposits are found in select valleys between ridges and mounds of pyroclastic material present in the Deccan trap plateau. Two different depositional histories have been proposed for these sediments. The presence of marine bioclasts led to the postulation of a marine origin for these deposits. The second school of thought propounded redeposition of the coastal sediments by aeolian processes. Although a few features could not be explained by the proposed aeolian model, critical comparison of these two views favoured the aeolian origin. The mode of occurrence, lithological and structural attributes, and microscopic evidence presented here, also support a possible aeolian origin for these deposits. Experimental observation indicates that these carbonate aeolianites represent backflow deposits, which accumulated because of the flow separation caused by the presence of topographic highs. The conspicuous concave‐up geometry of the deposit conformed to the shape of the separation bulb. In view of the inferred depositional mechanism, the disposition of the deposits and the signature of the palaeoflow direction suggest that the carbonate particles were derived from the north‐western coast of Saurashtra by strong south‐easterly winds. Massive granular carbonates with outsized basement clasts appear to be the product of avalanching of granular material from the higher contours because of oversteepening of the primary deposit.  相似文献   
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