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The amplitude-phase characteristics(APC)of surface air temperature(SAT)annual cycle(AC)in the Northern Hemisphere are analyzed.From meteorological observations for the 20th century and meteorological reanalyses for its second half,it is found that over land negative correlation of SAT ACamplitude with annual mean SAT dominates.Nevertheless,some exceptions exist.The positive correlationbetween these two variables is found over the two desert regions:in northern Africa and in Central America.Areas of positive correlations are also found for the northern Pacific and for the tropical Indian and PacificOceans.Southward of the characteristic annual mean snow-ice boundary (SIB) position,the shape ofthe SAT AC becomes more sinusoidal under climate warming.In contrast,northward of it,this shapebecomes less sinusoidal.The latter iS also found for the above-mentioned two desert regions.In theFar East(southward of about 50°N),the SAT AC shifts as a whole:here its spring and autumn phasesoccur earlier if the annual  相似文献   
概述了欧盟"气候行动与可再生能源综合计划"建议草案的出台背景、核心要点和主要内容,评价了各方反应及该建议草案的优点和缺点,分析了该建议草案与《京都议定书》第二承诺期气候谈判的联系及其对碳市场的影响。最后,针对中国参与清洁发展机制(CDM)活动,提出了个人的思考和建议。  相似文献   
我国西北地区气候变化与北极涛动的交叉小波分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用交叉小波方法分析了近56 a来我国西北地区气候变化与北极涛动指数(AOI)、欧亚纬向环流指数之间的联系,讨论了西北地区冬季气温和夏季降水变化与同期AOI之间的多时间尺度相关。结果表明,AOI、西北地区降水和气温变化都存在着不同尺度的周期振荡,西北地区降水与AOI之间存在准3 a尺度的显著共振周期,而AOI与西北地区气温变化的多时间尺度相关表现为准2a、3-5 a和8-11 a左右的显著相关振荡且以8-11 a共振周期的凝聚性最强;AO对西北地区气温变化的影响比对降水的影响更显著,与其年代际尺度的相互作用有关。当冬季北极涛动处于正相位时,欧亚纬向环流偏强,西北地区冬季气温偏高。夏季西北地区降水变化与前期北极涛动指数异常密切相关,这对于西北地区夏季降水变化预测具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   
气候系统中存在着各种各样的气候反馈机制,而气候模式对这些反馈机制描述的差异,正是造成不同模式对同一直接辐射强迫(如二氧化碳加倍)的响应不同的主要原因。因此,只有正确描述气候系统中的各种反馈作用,气候模式才可能用来对未来的气候变化进行预测。为此,本文首先介绍了气候系统及模式反馈机制分析研究时所常用的一些概念,如气候敏感性参数、云辐射强迫等,随后概述了气候模式反馈机制比较分析时常用的各种方法,并指出了这些方法各自的优缺点。而详细的有关气候系统及模式中反馈作用及其机制的分析则在文章的第II部分给出。  相似文献   
近百年来,全球气候正经历着一次以变暖为主要特征的显著变化,全球气候与环境的重大变化对中国的气候与环境演变也产生了重大影响。来自气候、环境、海洋和经济社会科学等领域的百余位专家和学者对中国气候与环境的演变及其对自然生态系统和社会经济部门的影响进行了评估,在此基础上,提出了适应和减缓气候变化的对策。本文主要阐述在全球气候变化背景下中国气候与环境的演变,并对未来气候变化的趋势做出了预测。  相似文献   
On the basis of the mean air temperature, precipitation, sunshine duration, and pan evaporation from 23 meteorological stations in the upper Yellow River Basin from 1960 to 2001, the feasibility of using hypothesis test techniques to detect the long-term trend for major climate variables has been investigated. Parametric tests are limited by the assumptions such as the normality and constant variance of the error terms. Nonparametric tests have not these additional assumptions and are better adapted to the trend test for hydro-meteorological time series. The possible trends of annual and monthly climatic time series are detected by using a non-parametric method and the abrupt changes have been examined in terms of 5-yr moving averaged seasonal and annual series by using moving T-test (MTT) method, Yamamoto method, and Mann-Kendall method. The results show that the annual mean temperature has increased by 0.8℃in the upper Yellow River Basin during the past 42 years. The warmest center was located in the northern part of the basin. The nonlinear tendency for annual precipitation was negative during the same period. The declining center for annual precipitation was located in the eastern part and the center of the basin. The variation of annual precipitation in the upper Yellow River Basin during the past 42 years exhibited an increasing tendency from 1972 to 1989 and a decreasing tendency from 1990 to 2001. The nonlinear tendencies for annual sunshine duration and pan evaporation were also negative. They have decreased by 125.6 h and 161.3 mm during the past 42 years, respectively. The test for abrupt changes by using MTT method shows that an abrupt wanning occurred in the late 1980s. An abrupt change of the annual mean precipitation occurred in the middle 1980s and an abrupt change of the mean sunshine duration took place in the early 1980s. For the annual mean pan evaporation, two abrupt changes took place in the 1980s and the early 1990s. The test results of the Yamamoto method show that the abrupt changes mostly occurred in the 1980s, and two acute abrupt changes were tested for the spring pan evaporation in 1981 and for the annual mean temperature in 1985. According to the Mann-Kendall method, the abrupt changes of the temperature mainly occurred in the 1990s, the pan evaporation abrupt changes mostly occurred in the 1960s, and the abrupt changes of the sunshine duration primarily took place in the 1980s. Although the results obtained by using three methods are different, it is undoubted that jumps have indeed occurred in the last four decades.  相似文献   
德国马普研究所海气耦合摸式ECHAM4/OPYC3对东亚地区2 m温度年循环的模拟尽管有一些偏差,但还是相当成功的.其模拟的东亚夏季风偏弱,而冬季风偏强,此偏差可能与2 m温度以及西太平洋副热带高压模拟偏差有关.该模式模拟的东亚季风区夏季降水量偏弱,这与上述夏季风环流的模拟结果是一致的.该模式较好地抓住了华北地区经向环流和降水量的年循环特征.利用最新的温室气体和SO2排放方案,即政府间气候变化委员会(IPCC)排放方案特别报告(SRES)的A2和B2方案,通过该模式111年的积分结果讨论了东亚季风气候在21世纪后30年中的变化,其主要结果为:全球变暖导致夏季海陆温差增大和冬季海陆温差减弱,进而使东亚季风环流在夏季加强,冬季减弱.长江流域和华北地区的夏季降水量显著增强,而后者的增强更为显著,使得东亚季风区的夏季多雨区向北延伸;东亚季风区9月份的降水量在两个方案中都显著增加,说明在全球变暖条件下东亚季风区的多雨季节将延迟一个月.  相似文献   
基于概率加权估计的中国极端气温时空分布模拟试验   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
引入一种计算简便、有效性高,并可代替极大似然法的优良参数估计方法--概率加权法(PWM),利用Gumbel分布对中国极端气温时空变化特征作"当前"与"未来"气候的模拟试验.结果表明,这种方法具有较高的拟合优度.利用适应性较强的Weibull分布拟合中国逐日高(低)气温的原始分布,在此基础上,借助于蒙特卡洛随机模拟产生未来平均气候情景下的极端高(低)气温统计概率特征.模拟试验表明,在未来气候条件下,若平均气温升高1.0℃,中国各大区域极端高(低)气温的概率有一定的变动规律可寻.  相似文献   
内陆干旱区生态环境系统与气候系统关系的分析评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对内陆干旱区生态环境系统的结构与功能、近期变化及其成因,生态环境系统与气候系统的关系,生态环境保护、治理、建设与经济社会协调发展的基本关系等进行综合分析和评估,论述了气象与生态环境工作之间的内在联系,为气象部门在拓展生态环境领域工作中进行顶层设计提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
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