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通过孢粉组合分析, 结合河湖相地层岩性特征和古地磁及电子自旋共振(ESR)法年龄测定结果, 探讨了西藏札达盆地上新世—早更新世的古气候变迁与札达古湖泊演化的关系.研究表明, 札达盆地古湖泊演化可划分为早(湖泊形成期)、中(稳定发展期)、晚(湖泊消亡期)三期.早期(距今5.41~4.40 Ma), 札达盆地为温凉而干旱的疏林草原植被气候, 随后转变为温暖稍湿的森林草原植被气候, 最后转变为温暖潮湿的亚热带针阔叶混交林气候, 这一时期古湖开始形成; 中期(距今4.40~2.57 Ma), 古气候进入寒温期, 古植被表现为先由暖温带针阔叶混交林带向山地寒温带暗针叶林带过渡, 再由山地暖温带针阔叶混交林→山地寒温带暗针叶林交替出现的过程, 古湖泊进入发育期; 晚期(距今2.57~1.36 Ma), 湖区古气候环境进入寒冷期, 古植被为山地寒温带暗针叶林→山地暗针叶林向低矮灌木→干冷草原的变化, 古湖泊进入消亡阶段.古湖泊演化与古植被、古气候演变有很好的相关性, 高原隆升控制了古气候环境的变化, 进而影响湖泊水量的变化.   相似文献   
Well-preserved Ginkgo pollen organs are analyzed from the Middle Jurassic Xishanyao Formation of the Turpan–Hami Basin, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, northwestern China, and are described as a new species, Ginkgo hamiensis Z.X. Wang et B.N. Sun sp. nov. The immature male cones are cylindrical and catkin-like, with two longitudinal stripes on the stalk. The pollen sacs are shaped like a long oval with two pollen sacs fused together for each microsporophyll, and the microsporophyll tip is a triangular cystidium. The pollen grains are oblong or fusiform and monocolpate; both ends are blunt or sharp. By comparison with previously reported fossil records of Ginkgo plants, we determined that the current fossils are different from all other reported species; thus, the present fossil is referred to as a new species of Ginkgo. The reproductive organs of the Ginkgo fossils described herein can provide valuable information for the study of Ginkgo plants. Further, there are two probable evolutionary trends in the Ginkgo pollen cones. One trend is that the number of pollen sacs changed from three or four during the Jurassic and Cretaceous to two at the present day; the other is that the number of pollen sacs has remained two from the Middle Jurassic to the present day. In addition, the pollen cones described herein are similar to the pollen cones of the extant Ginkgo, which strongly indicates that the morphology of Ginkgo plants may have remained highly conserved over millions of years.  相似文献   
Role of solar activity on modern climate change, particularly in the decadal scale is an important scientific issue. This paper reviews the recent observation of decadal solar signal in earth’s climate, with focus on the mechanism of solar radiation, ultraviolet radiation and cosmic rays on climate system ,and its validation. The paper points out that the assessment of uncertainty in observations, amplification process of the climate system, as well as possible future impact of solar extreme events are challenges in the present study. Finally, the keys of breakthrough are pointed, to provide a reference for future research.  相似文献   
U‐Pb isotopic systems of zircons from the Boobina and Spinaway Porphyries from the Precambrian Pilbara Block of Western Australia indicate ages of 3307± 19 Ma and 2768 ± 16 Ma, respectively. The Boobina Porphyry intrudes upper members of the Archaean greenstones of the Warrawoona Group. The Spinaway Porphyry intrudes basal units of the unconformably overlying volcanics and sediments of the Mt Bruce Supergroup. The age of the Boobina Porphyry, together with previous zircon U‐Pb and whole rock Sm‐Nd age determinations on stratigraphically older units, indicate that early Archaean volcanism in the Pilbara took place between 3560 Ma and 3300 Ma. On the basis of the age determination of the Spinaway Porphyry, and the chronometric definition of 2500 Ma for the Archaean—Proterozoic boundary, by the International Subcommis‐sion on Precambrian Stratigraphy (James H. L. 1978, Precambrian Res. 7, 193–204), the lower units of the Mt Bruce Supergroup should now be assigned to the Archaean.  相似文献   
This paper provides an incisive review of paleoclimate science and its relevance to natural-resource management within the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB). The drought of 1997–2010 focussed scientific, public and media attention on intrinsic climate variability and the confounding effect of human activity, especially in terms of water-resource management. Many policy and research reviews make statements about future planning with little consideration of climate change and without useful actionable knowledge. In order to understand future climate changes, modellers need, and demand, better paleoclimate data to constrain their model projections. Here, we present an insight into a number of existing long-term paleoclimate studies relevant to the MDB. Past records of climate, in response to orbital forcing (glacial–interglacial cycles) are found within, and immediately outside, the MDB. High-resolution temperature records, spanning the last 105 years, exist from floodplains and cave speleothems, as well as evidence from lakes and their associated lunettes. More recently, historical climate records show major changes in relation to El Niño–Southern Oscillation cycles and decadal shifts in rainfall regimes. A considerable body of research currently exists on the past climates of southeastern Australia but, this has not been collated and validated over large spatial scales. It is clear that a number of knowledge gaps still exist, and there is a pressing need for the establishment of new paleoclimatic research within the MDB catchment and within adjacent, sensitive catchments if past climate science is to fulfil its potential to provide policy-relevant information to natural-resource management into the future.  相似文献   
古新世—始新世最热事件(PETM, Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum)是发生在古新世—始新世交界时的一次全球性的气候突变事件。它造成了大洋环流模式的突然倒转和海水盐度、大气湿度的迅速上升。海洋表层生态系统和陆地生态系统生产力迅速上升,许多属种的植物、动物、微生物生活范围向高纬区扩大;大洋底栖微生物发生集群灭绝。现代哺乳动物的主要属种(灵长类、奇蹄类及偶蹄类)产生,哺乳动物演化进程发生重大改变。地球表层碳循环系统发生不同程度的碳同位素负偏移,全球碳循环系统发生大规模搅动。对于PETM的触发机制,主流的观点认为是海底天然气水合物突然释放造成巨量甲烷迅速进入表层系统引发的碳循环系统内部反馈。而对于甲烷释放的原因,又存在着减压释放和热释放两种解释;此外还有科学家用岩浆作用和地外星体撞击来解释PETM的发生。  相似文献   
于革 《地球科学进展》2007,22(4):369-375
早新生代是地质史上最后一个温室气候期,随后南极冰盖形成,地球进入到晚新生代冰期。温室气候的成因和冰期气候转型的机制一直是国际相关学界关注的问题。评述国际上对此开展的古气候模拟,反映了早新生代温室气候受到了海洋和大陆的地理位置、暖海洋温盐环流和海洋热输送、太阳辐射和大气CO2浓度变化的作用和影响。古气候模拟还反映了早新生代温室气候转向冰期气候,受到了大洋通道改变和高原构造隆起、大气成分变化以及海陆生态系相互的作用和反馈。这些古气候模拟试验锁定在气候变化的关键时段和重要驱动因子,对测试地球内外驱动力和地球各圈层反馈作用提供了重要的科学依据;温室气候以及趋向冰期气候的模拟研究对探讨气候变化内在机制、预测未来气候具有重要意义。   相似文献   
皖浙赣断裂带的界定及其基本特征   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以往文献中及众多研究者所指的“皖浙赣断裂带”实际上包括了不同时代形成的、方向有变化的多组规模巨大的区域性断裂带;最早的断裂带形成于新元古代,最晚的形成于晚中生代。在地壳演化过程中,随着构造应力场的变化,不同时代的断裂带方向变化较大,新元古代晋宁期为北东向,早古生代加里东期为近东西向—北东东向,晚中生代为北北东向;每一期断裂带都有它们自己的大地构造背景和指示意义。文中认为,不同阶段形成的断裂带不能混为一谈。新元古代晋宁期的北东向断裂带南段基本上以赣东北蛇绿混杂岩带为代表,向北东延至皖南伏川断裂带,具有板块(或地体)边界断裂的性质;加里东期以近东西向祁门—歙县断裂带为代表,其西段被后期牵引成北东向,造成两侧的变质基底特征明显不同;二者均不属于皖浙赣断裂带的组成部分。而通常意义上所指的具有区域控岩控矿作用的皖浙赣断裂带,是晚中生代北北东向的赣东北—五城—歙县—绩溪—宁国断裂带,控制了侏罗—白垩纪红色盆地及燕山期岩浆岩的形成和分布,是一条具有控矿作用的重要的构造岩浆岩带。  相似文献   
新近纪以来中国构造演化特征与天然气田的分布格局   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
王庭斌 《地学前缘》2004,11(4):403-416
中国地处三大板块间的三角地带 ,是世界上新近纪以来构造运动活跃地区之一 ,与油气成藏及保存条件相关的主要特征是 :(1)在西部 ,古老造山带的重新活跃 ,在其前缘形成前陆盆地及逆冲构造 ,新近纪以来的急剧沉降、快速沉积 ,促进了深部源岩有机质的演化进程 ,也为生物气藏的形成创造了有利的地质条件 ;(2 )多期次的构造热事件及高热流值促进了有机质的快速演化、成藏 ,以及异常高压及泥拱等特殊构造的形成 ;(3)多期次构造运动为油气的快速运聚、幕式充注成藏提供了优质输导系统 ,为超晚期快速成藏提供了储聚场所 ;(4 )大断裂、岩浆及深部热流体的活动 ,不仅促进有机成因油气藏的形成 ,也是无机成因气的主要释放和聚集时期。新近纪以来构造演化特征在西部影响最广泛 ,也最深刻 ,形成的前陆盆地是中国重要天然气聚集区之一 ,是这些盆地本部气藏最终形成、定型时期 ,并在造山带内形成了近百个小型断陷盆地 ,形成了新的油气勘探领域。在中部 ,是四川盆地所有气田最终的形成、定型时期 ;在鄂尔多斯盆地促进了靖边至乌审旗地区天然气进一步富集。在东部 ,渤海海域形成一批大中型油气田 ,促进了其他盆地 (坳陷 )不同成因气藏的形成 ;在近海海域 ,既促进了有机成因气藏快速形成 ,也促进了无机成因非烃气藏以及无?  相似文献   
肖序常  王军 《地质论评》2004,50(3):285-294
西昆仑-喀喇昆仑位于西藏高原西北,西构造结(Western Syntaxis)的东侧,是当前国际地学界关注的热点地区之一.本文不准备对该地区岩石圈结构、演化及其多重效应作全面论述,仅以近年青藏高原项目实施中涉及的几个较重要问题作探讨;经过对已获得的地震深探测和地质、地球化学资料的分析研究,提出青藏高原西北缘不存在塔里木向西昆仑山作长距离的"A型俯冲",晚新生代以来岩石圈"面对面水平挤压-拆沉作用"是形成西昆仑陆-陆碰撞造山带的主要原因.对众所关注的库地蛇绿岩形成时代,提出了新的SHRIMP-Ⅱ,U-Pb锆石测年年龄,上限为510±4Ma;对原特提斯大洋、康西瓦大型走滑断裂带的形成、演化作了探讨.  相似文献   
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