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对直接溴化法合成六溴苯作了系统的研究,并对文献方法进行了一系列的改进。包括选择适当的摧化剂及其用量,使反应基本上在室温下进行;利用水汽蒸馏法驱除残余溴,可直接得到无色或近乎无色的纯净产物,而勿需进行还原脱溴,且得率较高。提出一种以溴化物形式回收副产物的方法。  相似文献   
用KCl、肾上腺素(EPI)、去甲肾上腺素(NE)、L—DOPA和GABA(γ-氨基丁酸)进行了不同浓度不同处理时间对硬壳蛤(Mercenaria mercenaria L )幼虫变态诱导实验。结果表明,KCl、肾上腺素、去甲肾上腺素和DDOPA对硬壳蛤幼虫的变态均有诱导作用,而GABA的诱导作用不显著。KCl的最佳诱导浓度随处理时间不同而有所不同。处理时间为1~24,48,72h时KCl的最佳诱导浓度分别为33.56,20.13~26.85,13.42mmol/L。肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素的诱导作用与浓度和处理时间均有关。肾上腺素的最佳处理浓度为100μmol/L,最佳处理时间均为8h,此时幼虫变态率提高最大,为36.97个百分点。当去甲肾上腺素的诱导浓度为100μmol/L,处理时间为8~16h时,幼虫变态率提高也较大,均大于18个百分点,死亡率增加,但均低于30个百分点,当去甲肾上腺素诱导浓度为500μmol/L时,虽然在8~16h的处理时间范围内,幼虫变态提高率也较大,均大于18个百分点,但当处理时间超过8h,在16~48h范围内,幼虫死亡率提高明显增大,均大于50个百分点。L-DOPA的适宜诱导浓度为10~50μmol/L,适宜处理时间为8~24h,此时幼虫变态率均提高30个百分点以上,最高可提高79.43个百分点。GABA的诱导作用较弱,最佳诱导浓度随处理时间的不同而有所不同,处理时间为24h和48h时,最佳诱导浓度为0.1μmol/L;处理时间为0.5~16h时,最佳诱导浓度为100μmol/L。  相似文献   
Marine manganese nodules and crusts, when processed, yield tailings which may be utilized for environmental and economic benefit. The key to the reasonable and effective utilization of these tailings lies in making a systematic appraisal of their composition and properties. This article gives an introduction to the investigation of manganese tailings properties. The tailings have a high iron and/or manganese content, high surface area, high porosity, and fine grain size. Some tailings have a high rare earth element content which is valuable. They may also have high SO3, arsenic, and uranium contents which are harmful. Depending on the process used to produce the tailings, there will likely be some differences in chemical composition, mineral assemblages, surface area and adsorption capability, pore diameter and volume, density and pH. In assigning potentially beneficial applications for these tailings, these differences should be taken into account to optimize utilization.  相似文献   
重矿物组合、含量变化和特征矿物的分布及变化规律是沿海泥沙来源和运移趋势判断的重要手段之一。通过对廉州湾南部海域海底表层沉积物的重矿物分析 ,发现该区重矿物分布以北海地角为界 ,其百分含量和特征矿物南北有别 ,可能分别代表不同的物质来源区。其中廉州湾北部南流江流域来沙是该区主要物源 ,运移趋势为自 NE向 SW;地角西南岸段、岭南侧海岸侵蚀及银滩来沙也为该区提供了部分物源 ,运移趋势为绕过冠头岭沿海岸向 N方向运移。由于缺乏北海陆域陆相地层重矿物含量等相关资料 ,暂未做物质来源区的具体判断  相似文献   
藻类功能食品的物质基础与研究开发现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对藻类功能食品的研究和开发现状作综述报道。涉及的主要内容有:作为功能食品物质基础的食物纤维、PUFA、维生素、矿物质和微量元素、氨基酸以及其它有生理活性的物质。  相似文献   
南极中山站大气气溶胶的化学组成及其来源的判别   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从1998年3月7日至1999年11月23日历时21个月,在南极中山站连续采集89个海洋气溶胶样品,本文提供全部样品的13种化学元素Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Fe、Al、Mn、Cr、V、K、Na、Ca、Mg含量的实测值.研究表明中山站气溶胶化学成份的含量具有季节性变化的特征.通过相关分析、因子分析、富集因子等方法判别不同时间段中山站气溶胶化学成份的来源。  相似文献   
Since the 1997 local ban on ocean dumping of dredged sediments, the States of New York and New Jersey have pursued a policy of environmentally sound solutions to the management of dredged material, including beneficial use of stabilized dredged material (SDM) in transportation applications. A pilot study was initiated in 1998 to evaluate the use of SDM in the construction of highway embankments. Utilizing 80,000 cubic yards of dredged material, two embankments were constructed from SDM on a commercial development area adjacent to the Harbor. Geotechnical properties and handling of SDM were evaluated both during and one year post - construction. This article presents the evaluation of the embankments themselves, including constructability and performance. The results demonstrate that SDM satisfies most of the geotechnical criteria for fill construction, except those for durability, requiring proper coverage and protection similar to that provided for fills constructed on cohesive soils. This same characteristic precludes long term stockpiling of SDM prior to final placement, limiting applications to those that have schedules overlapping with dredging projects. Increased costs for the use of SDM can be as high as $8 per cubic yard over traditional fills; however, this cost may be recouped through management fees collected from dredging projects.  相似文献   
A risk assessment of Tributyltin (TBT) in Tokyo Bay was conducted using the Margin of Exposure (MOE) method at the species level using the Japanese short-neck clam, Ruditapes philippinarum. The assessment endpoint was defined to protect R. philippinarum in Tokyo Bay from TBT (growth effects). A No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) for this species with respect to growth reduction induced by TBT was estimated from experimental results published in the scientific literature. Sources of TBT in this study were assumed to be commercial vessels in harbors and navigation routes. Concentrations of TBT in Tokyo Bay were estimated using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model, an ecosystem model and a chemical fate model. MOEs for this species were estimated for the years 1990, 2000, and 2007. Estimated MOEs for R. philippinarum for 1990, 2000, and 2007 were approximately 1–3, 10, and 100, respectively, indicating a declining temporal trend in the probability of adverse growth effects.A simplified software package called RAMTB was developed by incorporating the chemical fate model and the databases of seasonal flow fields and distributions of organic substances (phytoplankton and detritus) in Tokyo Bay, simulated by the hydrodynamic and ecological model, respectively.  相似文献   
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