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The character of convergence along the Arabian–Iranian plate boundary changes radically eastward from the Zagros ranges to the Makran region. This appears to be due to collision of continental crust in the west, in contrast to subduction of oceanic crust in the east. The Makran subduction zone with a length of about 900 km display progressively older and highly deformed sedimentary units northward from the coast, together with an increase in elevation of the ranges. North of the Makran ranges are large subsiding basins, flanked to the north by active volcanoes. Based on 2D seismic reflection data obtained in this study, the main structural provinces and elements in the Gulf of Oman include: (i) the structural elements on the northeastern part of the Arabian Plate and, (ii) the Offshore Makran Accretionary Complex. Based on detailed analysis of these data on the northeastern part of the Arabian Plate five structural provinces and elements—the Musendam High, the Musendam Peneplain, the Musendam Slope, the Dibba Zone, and the Abyssal Plain have been identified. Further, the Offshore Makran Accretionary Complex shown is to consist Accretionary Prism and the For-Arc Basin, while the Accretionary Prism has been subdivided into the Accretionary Wedge and the Accreted/Colored Mélange. Lastly, it is important to note that the Makran subduction zone lacks the trench. The identification of these structural elements should help in better understanding the seismicity of the Makran region in general and the subduction zone in particular. The 1945 magnitude 8.1 tsunamigenic earthquake of the Makran and some other historical events are illustrative of the coastal region’s vulnerability to future tsunami in the area, and such data should be of value to the developing Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System.  相似文献   
针对目前单一工程物探方法调查浅部地质结构的局限性,提出采用弹性波法勘察中研究浅部地质结构的SH波反射勘察和多道瞬态面波法勘察这2种有效手段进行联合勘探,提高其可靠性和精度,并给出了3个实例,指出了在数据采集和处理时应注意的问题。  相似文献   
Carlin-style gold deposits are widely distributed in Southwestern Guizhou, China. Research has dominantly focused on deposit-scale geology and structural control of mineralization. The relationship between the gold deposits and regional structures, in particular their control on the formation and distribution of those deposits is less well understood. Here we use seismic survey and gravity data to reveal the basin-scale structure control of the gold deposits in central Southwestern Guizhou. The seismic reflection profiles show strong reflection horizons including Upper Permian coal measures, and Dongwu and Guangxi unconformities. The seismic data provide important evidence of the basinal structural style and the relationship between fault-related folding and the Carlin-style gold deposits. Regional gravity data also revealed several paleo-uplifts, which appear to control the distribution of Carlin-style gold deposits.The Carlin-style gold deposits are spatially and temporally associated with fault-related folds. Based on their location, we classify the gold deposits into two types, (1) low-angle thrust-controlled deposits; and (2) high-angle reverse fault-related deposits. In the low-angle thrust-controlled deposits, main thrusts are listric, strike NW-SE and dip southwest. These thrusts detach into coal measures, tuffs and volcanic rocks and are bedding-parallel in the vicinity of the Dongwu unconformity. Gold ore bodies are found in the thrusts and characterized by cutting-layer veins near the surface and bedding-parallel veins at depth. The high-angle reverse fault-related deposits are located in the hinge of northeast-southwest-striking fault-related folds, with high-angle reverse faults near the hinge of folds crosscutting the Upper Permian coal measures, volcanic rocks and Dongwu unconformity, and then into the limestone of Middle Permian Maokou Formation. Ore bodies are bedding-parallel in anticline culminations where interlayer fracture zones in Upper Permian coal measures and volcanic rocks are generated by high-angle reverse faulting.We consider that the formation of the gold deposits is part of the tectonic evolution in the area. The two sets of NW-SE- and NE-SW-striking fault-related folds were successively formed during the closure of eastern Tethys Ocean in Late Triassic, and major gold deposits formed in the fault-related folds. The Dongwu unconformity and faults provided conduits for ore fluid flow, and the coal measures and the tuffs of Dachang Member acted as detachment layers and hosts for ore deposition.  相似文献   
探地雷达共中心点(CMP)法仅用于局部速度测试,为使用宽角反射法进行剖面探测,可固定一个雷达天线而将另一个天线沿测线移动,从而获取整个地质界面的反射信号.本文提出宽角反射剖面探测方法,基于平直岩层界面导出其反射信号的关系式,并开发出解释软件,可精确计算岩层几何参数和层速度,从而进行地质分层.  相似文献   
The deep seismic reflection traverses across the Central Alps (NFP 20, ECORS-CROP) contain a new set of data on the lower crust which has been interpreted in different ways. One currently fashionable model depicts the European lower crust (ELC) as gently dipping below the Adriatic crust. However, this model requires that an observed sharp termination of the ELC under the internal border of the External Massifs is due to the non-transmission of organized seismic energy through the complex upper crust. This explanation is questioned as other reflections in this and similarly complex areas are recorded, and as the same sharp termination of the ELC under the internal border of the External Massifs is observed on all seismic lines for a length of 300 km. A tectonic — metamorphic cause appears to more satisfactorily explain the obeservations, and therefore an alternative model combining surface and deep geophysical data is proposed. It consists of three mutually largely decoupled tectonic levels. (1) The shallow obducted part or lid, bounded at its base by the combined Late Miocene Jura and Lombardic basal thrusts. Estimates of shortening based on balanced sections are at least about 100 km. (2) The intermediate level between the brittle-ductile transition and the top of the subducted mantle. It contains a stack of lower crust imbrications (with a minor admixture of upper mantle) accommodated by (inducted into) the ductile middle crust. Estimates of shortening based on area balancing are again of the order of slightly more than 100 km. (3) The subducted upper mantle, for which there are no reflection data.In the Central Alps the Late Miocene phase was dextrally transpressive, producing flower structures at the shallow level (External Massifs); the stacks of lower crust imbrications at the intermediate level may be the equivalent of the External Massifs at that level. Inverted flower structures of the subducted mantle are possible, but no detailed data are available.  相似文献   
Approximately 70 km of new decimeter-resolution seismic reflection profile data from Owasco Lake, New York define a middle Holocene (4600 14C yr B.P.) erosion surface in the north end of the lake at water depths as great as 26 m. Beneath the lake, post-glacial sediments are up to 9 m thick and represent about 10% of the total sediment fill. Early to middle Holocene sediments, 6 m thick, contain biogenic gas at the south end of the basin and a large (4 km×300 m×15 m) subaqueous slide deposit along the east-central portion of the lake. Late Holocene sediments are thinner or absent, particularly at the north end of the lake. The middle Holocene erosion surface may have been produced by a drop in lake level. Alternatively, it may represent a change in climate during the transition between the relatively warm Holocene hypsithermal and cool neoglacial. At this time (4600 14C yr B.P.) circulation in Owasco Lake appears to have evolved from sluggish to active. The increased circulation, which persists today, probably resulted from atmospheric cold fronts with strong southwesterly winds that piled up water at the north end of the lake. The increased water circulation may have been ultimately driven by decreasing insolation, which produced an increased pole-to-equator thermal gradient and, thus, stronger global winds that began at the transition between the hypsithermal and neoglacial.  相似文献   
论三维等时线叠加反偏移中的有关问题   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
利用几何射线理论和一种考虑了积分域边缘贡献的二维稳想法,研究了三维等时线叠加反偏移中的反偏移场,反偏移加权函及反偏移孔径。结果证明,在有限孔径条件下,反偏移场的结构比已发表的结果要复杂和多。即使在最简单的条件下,反偏移场也是由反偏移信号的反偏移噪声(孔径效应)叠加而成的。而且,反偏移场的结构强烈地依赖于反偏移孔径边缘的位置。为了消除孔径效应,应采用最佳反偏移孔径和针对有限孔径的加权函数。根据定义,最佳反偏移孔径为稳相点的第一和第二Fresnel区之和。在第一Fresnel区内,有限孔径和加权函数与文献中所给出的加权函数完全一致。而在第二Fresnel区内,有限孔径加权函数为常规的加权函数与一窗函数的乘积。在反偏移孔径的边缘上,有限孔径加权函恒取零值。  相似文献   
TST技术在岩溶地区隧道超前预报中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
肖启航  谢朝娟 《岩土力学》2012,33(5):1416-1420
顶效隧道位于岩溶发育地区,地质构造复杂,岩体破碎,对超前预报技术的要求高,风险较大。目前国内外应用的隧道超前预报技术多数都存在着技术缺陷,不能区分不同方向的地震回波,不能准确地确定掌子面前方围岩的波速,不能正确地进行纵横波分离等问题,影响到预报的可靠性和准确性。为了确保施工安全,减少和避免地质灾害发生,顶效隧道超前预报中采用了TST技术。应用结果表明,TST技术采用空间阵列系统和速度扫描技术有效地解决了掌子面前方围岩速度分布问题,提高了构造定位精度;应用二维方向滤波技术有效地消除了上下、左右的侧向回波和面波干扰,成功提取了前方回波用于超前预报,避免了虚报误报,解决了复杂地质条件下的超前预报问题。  相似文献   
安季 《吉林地质》2005,24(3):55-57,65
通过工程检测实例,结合有关规范以及省组织的专家组对桩基检测结果的验证,论述如何依据时域信号特征和频域信号特征,正确划分桩身完整性的类别。达到减少错判误判的目的。  相似文献   
Wencai Yang   《Tectonophysics》2003,369(3-4):219-230
Recent 24 s deep seismic reflection records revealed five flat reflectors in the lithospheric mantle in Eastern China. With increasing depth, they are named M1 to M5 and can be seen on both field single-shot and stacked records. Reflector M1 corresponds to the Moho discontinuity, whereas M5 may be the reflection from the bottom of the current lithosphere, which is about 78 km deep according to geothermal measurements. The other three reflectors seem peculiar and might result from interactions between the lithosphere and deeper mantle. Based on lithological and geochemical data, it is suggested that the lithosphere has been thinned from about 150 km to about 60 km in the Late Mesozoic, and then has been thickened to about 78 km during the Cenozoic. The thinning process produced a granulite layer in the old lower crust caused by magmatic underplating, whereas an eclogite layer formed beneath owing to the subduction of the Paleo-Tethys and Yangtze Craton during the Permian and Early Mesozoic. Reflector M2 at about 12 s two-way traveltime (TWT) might result from the Paleozoic Moho, which represents the boundary between the previous granulite and eclogite facies. Reflector M3 at about 14 s might correspond to the bottom of the eclogite layer, beneath which the old lithospheric mantle remained. The old and the newly developed mantle may have different compositions, resulting in reflector M4. The multi-layered mantle reflectors demonstrate a mantle structure that possibly correlates with the lithospheric thinning process that occurred in Eastern China during the Late Mesozoic. The discovery of multi-layered mantle reflectors in the studied areas indicates a high heterogeneity of the upper mantle. Reflection seismology with improved technology, together with velocity and resistivity imaging and rock-physics measurements, can provide more details of the heterogeneity and related dynamic processes that occurred in the lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   
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