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Abstract Fluid inclusion studies of rocks from the late Archaean amphibolite-facies to granulite-facies transition zone of southern India provide support for the hypothesis that CO2,-rich H2O-poor fluids were a major factor in the origin of the high-grade terrain. Charnockites, closely associated leucogranites and quartzo-feldspathic veins contain vast numbers of large CO2-rich inclusions in planar arrays in quartz and feldspar, whereas amphibole-bearing gray gneisses of essentially the same compositions as adjacent charnockites in mixed-facies quarries contain no large fluid inclusions. Inclusions in the northernmost incipient charnockites, as at Kabbal, Karnataka, occasionally contain about 25 mol. % of immiscible H2O lining cavity walls, whereas inclusions from the charnockite massif terrane farther south do not have visibile H2O Microthermometry of CO2 inclusions shows that miscible CH4 and N2 must be small, probably less than 10mol.%combined. Densities of CO2 increase steadily from north to south across the transitional terrane. Entrapment pressures calculated from the CO2 equation of state range from 5 kbar in the north to 7.5 kbar in the south at the mineralogically inferred average metamorphic temperature of 750°C, in quantitative agreement with mineralogic geobarometry. This agreement leads to the inference that the fluid inclusions were trapped at or near peak metamorphic conditions. Calculations on the stability of the charnockite assemblage biotite-orthopyroxene-K-feldspar-quartz show that an associated fluid phase must have less than 0.35 H2O activity at the inferred P and T conditions, which agrees with the petrographic observations. High TiO2 content of biotite stabilizes it to lower H2O activities, and the steady increase of biotite TiO2 southward in the area suggests progressive decrease of aH2O with increasing grade. Oxygen fugacities calculated from orthopyroxene-magnetite-quartz are considerably higher than the graphite CO2-O2 buffer, which explains the absence of graphite in the charnockites. The present study quantifies the nature of the vapours in the southern India granulite metamorphism. It remains to be determined whether CO2-flushing of the crust can, by itself, create large terranes of largeion lithophile-depleted granulites, or whether removal of H2O-bearing anatectic melts is essential.  相似文献   
南岭成矿带是太平洋及印度洋板块对中国大陆板块联合作用的结果。囊括大量稀有-有色金属矿床的中心弧形构造-岩浆岩系正是这个“钳式”应力场作用的集中体现,“深部叠加-重熔”——以板块持续运动和相对高速率运动产生并贮集能量为前提,以俯冲板块不断带入新的挥发物质为条件,随着动力热和挥发组分的不断回流—汇集—贮集而使仰冲板块深部预热的原地或途中固化-半固化的先期熔融的岩浆岩发生了二次甚至多次的熔融作用。  相似文献   
印度与欧亚大陆碰撞构造变形数值分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
陈开平  马瑾 《地震地质》1995,17(3):277-284
在全面考虑了大陆构造变形三重非线性特征的基础上,用动态有限元法研究了藏东对印度与欧亚大陆碰撞作用的大变形响应。数值模拟结果显示了明显的纵向收缩变形,变形主轴多具有顺时针转动的趋势,但横向位移在总体上并不显著。其最大值正位于红河和鲜水河断裂之间,这一结果论证了印度板块对欧亚大陆的碰撞可能是川滇菱形块体向南东运动的动力来源。红河、鲜水河、昆仑及阿尔金活断层在碰撞作用下发生了顺时针的旋转变形;而且,计算结果模拟出了红河断裂由左旋变为右旋,另3条断裂始终左旋的运动特征  相似文献   
The wave disturbances in the troposphere over north and central India during winter when the subtropical westerlies prevail in the upper air over the area have been investigated by power-and cross-spectrum analysis. The power-spectrum study revealed the existence of basically two systems of periods 10.0–12.5 days and 4.5–5.5 days in the middle and upper troposphere. Both the long-and short-period systems have been found to be propagating eastwards at rates 5° and 10° long./day respectively. In both the cases lower temperatures are found to the east of the troughs. It is also noted that these systems build up the meridional temperature gradient and hence strengthen the upper tropospheric westerlies. Synoptic study of the transient systems is presented.  相似文献   
将中国沿海省区17个中心城市服务业水平分为全面发展型、发达型、次发达型和欠发达型。通过服务业以及服务业与城市之间的关系分析得出:发达型、次发达型服务业的人均服务产品占有量与增加值比重以及就业比重均呈正相关关系,且相关性随着服务业绝对水平的提高而增强;欠发达型服务业的人均服务产品占有量与增加值比重以及就业比重均呈负相关的关系;任何水平类型的服务业的增加值比重与就业比重之间都为正相关。服务业绝对水平与城市人均GDP、城市综合竞争力、城市规模之间都呈正相关;比重规模与城市经济水平之间无明显相关性。  相似文献   
The present study is an attempt to examine the variability of convective activity over the north Indian Ocean (Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea) on interannual and longer time scale and its association with the rainfall activity over the four different homogeneous regions of India (viz., northeast India, northwest India, central India and south peninsular India) during the monsoon season from June to September (JJAS) for the 26 year period (1979 to 2004). The monthly mean Outgoing Long-wave Radiation (OLR) data obtained from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) polar orbiting spacecraft are used in this study and the 26-year period has been divided into two periods of 13 years each with period-i from 1979 to 1991 and period -ii from 1992 to 2004. It is ascertained that the convective activity increases over the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal in the recent period (period -ii; 1992 to 2004) compared to that of the former period (period -i; 1979 to 1991) during JJAS and is associated with a significantly increasing trend (at 95% level) of convective activity over the north Bay of Bengal (NBAY). On a monthly scale, July and August also show increase in convective activity over the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal during the recent period and this is associated with slight changes in the monsoon activity cycle over India. The increase in convective activity particularly over the Arabian Sea during the recent period of June is basically associated with about three days early onset of the monsoon over Delhi and relatively faster progress of the monsoon northward from the southern tip of India. Over the homogeneous regions of India the correlation coefficient (CC) of OLR anomalies over the south Arabian Sea (SARA) is highly significant with the rainfall over central India, south peninsular India and northwest India, and for the north Arabian Sea (NARA), it is significant with northwest India rainfall and south peninsular rainfall. Similarly, the OLR anomalies over the south Bay of Bengal (SBAY) have significant CC with northwest India and south peninsular rainfall, whereas the most active convective region of the NBAY is not significantly correlated with rainfall over India. It is also found that the region over northeastern parts of India and its surroundings has a negative correlation with the OLR anomalies over the NARA and is associated with an anomalous sinking (rising) motion over the northeastern parts of India during the years of increase (decrease) of convective activity over the NARA.  相似文献   
We infer the groundwater-level anomalies associated with a hypothetical preslip prior to the anticipated M 8 Tokai earthquake, and evaluate the detectability of the anomalies using data from seven groundwater wells. We evaluate the detectability of the anomalies under the following assumptions: (1) an Mw 5.5–6.5 aseismic preslip event occurs at the plate boundary in and around the hypothetical focal zone of the Tokai earthquake; (2) the total amount of the strain step at each observation associated with the preslip can be calculated by tensile and shear faulting based on the dislocation model; (3) a normalized strain history associated with the preslip is defined from the results of numerical simulations based on rate- and state-dependent friction laws; and (4) the groundwater-level anomaly prior to the earthquake is proportional to the estimated history of the strain change associated with the preslip. We investigate the detection time of the anomaly at seven wells given an Mw 5.5, 6.0, or 6.5 aseismic preslip at one of the 272 grid points in and around the area of the hypothetical focal zone of the Tokai earthquake. As a result, over the time interval between 1 and 48 hours prior to the hypothetical Tokai earthquake, we are able to detect at each of the seven wells a hypothetical Mw 6.5 preslip at 10–86 of the 272 grid points, an Mw 6 preslip at 0–19 grid points, and an Mw 5.5 preslip at 0–5 grid points.  相似文献   
羌塘中部雀莫正长斑岩体特征及构造意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雀莫正长斑央全碱含量较高且K2O>Na2O,富集大离子亲石元素,轻重稀土元素比值较高,稀土元素配分曲线呈斜率较大的右倾式,副矿物组合为磷灰石-榍石-磁铁矿,时代属喜马拉雅期,构造上属造山晚期侵入体。  相似文献   
该文阐述了透视坐标系的概念 ,列举了多种透视坐标网中量化信息的图解实例 ,力求进一步丰富和提高专题地图图形可视化的表现能力。  相似文献   
通过长期的观测数据分析与土地利用现状的对比 ,研究四川盆地中部丘陵盐亭紫色土农业生态试验站集水区的土地利用变化及其环境效应。结果表明 ,截流村土地利用自 6 0年代以来发生了巨大变化 ,其中有林地增长约 30 % ,有林地分布在丘陵坡顶、陡坎和地边 ,与农田形成镶嵌格局 ,由此构成的农林复合系统有较好的水土保持能力 ,缓减了农村燃料、饲料、材料和肥料的不足 ,具有良好的生态、社会和经济效应 ,初步实现了生态系统的良性循环。  相似文献   
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